AMC's The Walking Dead - S3 2nd half starts 02/10/13 9PM ET

i say they will skip the prison and go straight to the governors town being there would be pretty intense and itd make for a cool escape moment thus skipping the prison and maybe finding the place theyre at now in the comics.

obviously damn near all the prison stuff wont happen on tv for a few reasons the major one being many of the characters pivotal to that storyline dont exist aside from patricia and they wont show kids being killed on tv. add to that if they cant show more than a few zombies each episode they will never have the proper amount of zombies to pull that whole bit off without it looking like shit.

i say they will skip the prison and go straight to the governors place which like i said makes for an interesting story especially if shanes still alive when they get there then you could have him turn on rick to get lori and set him up to do the
zombie fights
along with anyone else whose been in his way or he doesnt like. hell maybe they could even meet
there considering how badass she is maybe shes like the governors pet fighter.

they could be caught looting from a store near the governors town which i believe happened or they ran into each other.
I only watched the first episode since hiatus, but I assume this will be the hunters storyline based on the dialogue in the bar. This is a big comic spoiler and possibly show spoiler
The guy mentioned something about eating the other guy when they were talking with Rick, Glenn, and Hershel.
I would think that is the storyline they would follow as well as ramp up trouble between the Rick and Shane factions. I would think
the prison
will be what they find at the end of the season as a cliffhanger and continue to be the setting for season 3. these are just guesses and I think I have 2 episodes to watch.
One of the best episodes since the pilot. Loved every single moment. Really gonna be interested to see what plot point is gonna come out of those two zombies who werent bitten. Even though they believe its scratches, might mean that if you die normally will you still turn into a zombie?
[quote name='TheRock88']One of the best episodes since the pilot. Loved every single moment. Really gonna be interested to see what plot point is gonna come out of those two zombies who werent bitten. Even though they believe its scratches, might mean that if you die normally will you still turn into a zombie?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that is what happens in the comics. I actually just got to that part last night. Rick goes back and digs up Shane from where the buried him, and he is in fact now a zombie, so he kills him again.
[quote name='TheRock88']One of the best episodes since the pilot. Loved every single moment. Really gonna be interested to see what plot point is gonna come out of those two zombies who werent bitten. Even though they believe its scratches, might mean that if you die normally will you still turn into a zombie?[/QUOTE]

What about all those people they found in the cars on the freeway? They didn't turn into zombies.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']
Yeah, that is what happens in the comics. I actually just got to that part last night. Rick goes back and digs up Shane from where the buried him, and he is in fact now a zombie, so he kills him again.

It also gave me my favorite line from the comic:
"And I ain't gonna bury you again, you some of a bitch."
Thank you, Rick. For suggesting you all start using knives to cut down the noise and save ammo.

Wish they kept Andrea younger like in the comics, so she wouldn't be such an asshole. That lady is a kooz.
I enjoyed the episode, but sometimes you just want to reach through the TV and strangle the retarded characters/actors... LOL

From compairing comic scenes to TV show scenes, we have to agree that the story/plots are way off, right?
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Thank you, Rick. For suggesting you all start using knives to cut down the noise and save ammo.

Wish they kept Andrea younger like in the comics, so she wouldn't be such an asshole. That lady is a kooz.[/QUOTE]

Give me a break. Thank you? Thank you for suggesting we get closer to diseased infested zombies who, as we just learned, can infect people through scratches and, as we've known, through blood contact so we can stab them only to get covered in aforementioned blood? Yeah, not lets slice our hands open so we can further insure we get infect through physical contact.

This show is legit retarded.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Thank you, Rick. For suggesting you all start using knives to cut down the noise and save ammo.

Wish they kept Andrea younger like in the comics, so she wouldn't be such an asshole. That lady is a kooz.[/QUOTE]

i actually clapped when he said that because it was way past time for someone to suggest it. and yeah andrea should have been younger.

wow walking dead world record 2 good episodes in a row and for once i actually find myself liking andrea with the way she told lori the truth about herself.
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[quote name='Temporaryscars']Give me a break. Thank you? Thank you for suggesting we get closer to diseased infested zombies who, as we just learned, can infect people through scratches and, as we've known, through blood contact so we can stab them only to get covered in aforementioned blood? Yeah, not lets slice our hands open so we can further insure we get infect through physical contact.

This show is legit retarded.[/QUOTE]

Good point, but in my eyes, being quiet and skillful with a knife > guns a blazin' attracting all the walkers in the surrounding area.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Give me a break. Thank you? Thank you for suggesting we get closer to diseased infested zombies who, as we just learned, can infect people through scratches and, as we've known, through blood contact so we can stab them only to get covered in aforementioned blood? Yeah, not lets slice our hands open so we can further insure we get infect through physical contact.

This show is legit retarded.[/QUOTE]

its all about destroying the brain so theres plenty of ways you could do that and avoid blood getting on you .in the comics they used hatchets swords and i think knives on stick bats ect to kill zombies and crowbars which makes sense. unless theyre fresher kills i would assume most zombies blood would be coagulated so less chance of it spurting all over you but you did raise a good point.

shane cut himself with the same knife hed stabbed a walker in the head with earlier so could he be infected?
[quote name='lokizz']shane cut himself with the same knife hed stabbed a walker in the head with earlier so could he be infected?[/QUOTE]


I believe in the comic after Tyreese's (I think that was his name) daughter and boyfriend die and comeback they realize that everyone is already infected. I always just thought of it as the scratches and bites by the Walkers are extremely dirty and filled with nasty bacteria that causes a horrible infection and death (like a komodo dragon).

They could go either way with the knife I guess. I like the using the knives, but don't like them cutting themselves. Aside from the whole zombies, infection, and all the rest that is probably a bad idea in a world with no more medicine and hospitals. Everyone keep cutting yourselves with our dirty knives that we use everything for.
I just remembered that one plot point of whatever the scientist guy said to Rick at the end of Season 1 that they made a point to hide from the audience. Did they just ignore that?
[quote name='Reo 15x']I just remembered that one plot point of whatever the scientist guy said to Rick at the end of Season 1 that they made a point to hide from the audience. Did they just ignore that?[/QUOTE]

The speculation is that this secret will be revealed before the end of this season, and that it is probably the notion that everyone is already infected and will rise as a zombie regardless of the circumstances of their death.
[quote name='Kreutz']The speculation is that this secret will be revealed before the end of this season, and that it is probably the notion that everyone is already infected and will rise as a zombie regardless of the circumstances of their death.[/QUOTE]

Is that the case in the comics? And if that is the case on the show, what would Rick have to lose by sharing that with the group?
[quote name='drktrpr1']Is that the case in the comics? And if that is the case on the show, what would Rick have to lose by sharing that with the group?[/QUOTE]

So not to make anyone panic? Take Andrea for example at the end of season 1. She's on the verge of taking her own life and had nothing to live for. Why not add extra fuel to the fire and tell her "oh if you die you'll rise up and become a walker just like everyone else did".
Blah, I liked the last episode but I cant shake the feeling of self contained episodes and that I am a starving man that was just given a burger out of the trash. Further the plot please, you have been avoiding it for a long time now.

But I liked a lot of stuff in this episode, they acknowledge the lack of ammo, fuel etc etc and the fact that they shouldnt shoot everything around them. Although the cutting of yourself ESPECIALLY ON YOUR HAND is fucking retarded. You use your hand for everything...they would mean you couldnt touch ANYTHING in the world that was previously touched by an infected. It again shows that the writing is extremely narrow minded and they only write for that episode with no long term connections.

I have to admit though I fast forward through all of the drama crap....what I could figure out was depressed girl wanted to kill herself..people try to talk her out of it. No thank you.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Give me a break. Thank you? Thank you for suggesting we get closer to diseased infested zombies who, as we just learned, can infect people through scratches and, as we've known, through blood contact so we can stab them only to get covered in aforementioned blood? Yeah, not lets slice our hands open so we can further insure we get infect through physical contact.

This show is legit retarded.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly what dmaul was talking about. People bitch incessantly that they don't "follow the rules" that guns attract walkers or that their ammo should be in limited supply. Then, they finally address that point, and people bitch that it's "legit retarded". The only thing retarded in this thread are the couch directors who need to nitpick every little aspect and can't just fucking be entertained by the subject matter.
[quote name='drktrpr1']Is that the case in the comics? And if that is the case on the show, what would Rick have to lose by sharing that with the group?[/QUOTE]

no in the comics they still dont know the one guy who said he knew anything was
lying and just pretending to know shit so the group he was with would protect him.
The sister wanting to kill herself was just an adaptation of
Tyrese's daughter and her boyfriend from the comics. The whole "suicide pact" thing.
. Indicating those three characters will probably not be on the show.

The fact that they did that just seems to prove all the more that the show is doing its own thing (like Dexter) and just drags it out with adapted minor plots from the comics and saves the major plots as finale material to pour gas on the fire when viewers start getting bored (like how everybody is wanting the farm arch to end).
[quote name='crunchb3rry']The sister wanting to kill herself was just an adaptation of
Tyrese's daughter and her boyfriend from the comics. The whole "suicide pact" thing.
. Indicating those three characters will probably not be on the show.

The fact that they did that just seems to prove all the more that the show is doing its own thing (like Dexter) and just drags it out with adapted minor plots from the comics and saves the major plots as finale material to pour gas on the fire when viewers start getting bored (like how everybody is wanting the farm arch to end).[/QUOTE]

I agree with this. They really seem to be doing their own thing which makes it even stranger that they flounder around for some time before reaching for that lifeline of a comic related plot.
A comic is a storyboard. I don't understand why they feel the need to reinvent the wheel. SIN CITY is probably the closest to an exact comic adaptation and it was great. I understand some stuff doesn't translate form the comic (and TV is different from movies), but they have a decent guideline to use.

I'm caught up BTW...watched 2 episodes last night. I still think this is the hunters storyline from the comics.
From IGN:

We're fully in the "Glen Mazzara era" of the series now – the current Walking Dead showrunner recently clarified in an interview with Vulture that Frank Darabont was involved in the series, in some capacity, up through the episode "Secrets" – basically everything until the midseason finale, "Pretty Much Dead Already." Mazzara also noted that Darabont was the one more into a slow burn style of storytelling and, for instance, did not want Lori admitting to her affair with Shane yet in "Secrets" – which I think would have been maddening to have kept unrevealed any longer.

That's not to say it's as easy as saying "Darabont was the problem", as we'll probably never know the full story and Darabont is obviously an extremely talented man. But Mazzara did say he felt the show was moving too slowly in the first half of the season, and I think we're seeing his resolve to move things along more quickly now, in a gratifying way.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']The sister wanting to kill herself was just an adaptation of
Tyrese's daughter and her boyfriend from the comics. The whole "suicide pact" thing.
. Indicating those three characters will probably not be on the show.

The fact that they did that just seems to prove all the more that the show is doing its own thing (like Dexter) and just drags it out with adapted minor plots from the comics and saves the major plots as finale material to pour gas on the fire when viewers start getting bored (like how everybody is wanting the farm arch to end).[/QUOTE]

Yea, I caught on to that too. I guess some characters simply won't be involved. However if they decide to never introduce Michonne to the series, it's going to piss off alot of people.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']The sister wanting to kill herself was just an adaptation of
Tyrese's daughter and her boyfriend from the comics. The whole "suicide pact" thing.
. Indicating those three characters will probably not be on the show.

also tried to kill herself in the comics
and later succeeded

[quote name='Soodmeg']So what ever happened to the rednecks brother?[/QUOTE]

Myrle? I would think he would be the governor, but it sounds like someone else was cast.
[quote name='slowdive21']Carol
also tried to kill herself in the comics
and later succeeded

Myrle? I would think he would be the governor, but it sounds like someone else was cast.[/QUOTE]

One of the show creators said they were considering that, but it would have been way too predictable. From the looks of things expected from comic fans, he was right.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']Yea, I caught on to that too. I guess some characters simply won't be involved. However if they decide to never introduce Michonne to the series, it's going to piss off alot of people.[/QUOTE]

She will be on the show. Darabont declared her to be his favorite character, and I read something about him wanting to wait until the right time to bring her on. Said it before, I'll say it again: hire Gina Torres. She's perfect for it. But I imagine it'll be like not casting Nathan Fillion as Drake in the Uncharted movie...they'll fuck it up somehow. It's not that I'm a hardcore Firefly fan, I just think those are two roles perfectly suited for those two people who happen to have been on the same show.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']This is exactly what dmaul was talking about. People bitch incessantly that they don't "follow the rules" that guns attract walkers or that their ammo should be in limited supply. Then, they finally address that point, and people bitch that it's "legit retarded". The only thing retarded in this thread are the couch directors who need to nitpick every little aspect and can't just fucking be entertained by the subject matter.[/QUOTE]

This pretty much sums up my thoughts as well. Season 1 people bitched about the effects when the zombies were killed, yet they wanted a lot more zombie killing. This season people are bitching about lack of zombie killing, when characters have to kill a bunch of zombies people bitch about said characters wasting their ammo. As with every single show there are things that you can nitpick about this one.

It just seems that there are a lot of people that keep watching the show just so they can continue to complain about the most recent episode.
A friend at work and I had a good laugh about the last episode. We both thought it was cool they wrote in the part about last winter's "big snow storm." In Atlanta sometimes there is snow even in the 4 to 6 inches range, but rarely. Last year, there was a storm which dropped five or so inches. Usually in Atlanta the day after a snow storm pops right back into the 50s and at least all the snow on roads melts away. Last year it stayed below freezing and the snow and ice stayed for a whole week with most everything being shut down from monday to thursday. Atlanta and the surrounding area just isn't prepared for such an occurrence (mainly due to cost and the fact said situation rarely happens). Being from the north I found it funny and took great pleasure in my commute with little to no traffic and had fun powersliding my subaru thru empty interstates.

The story starts right, but veers off a little and then hilariously way off base. First he said his cousin or whatever sat in his car 24 hours eating the cake he was taking to GA Tech. Who sits in a car in below freezing temps 24 hours? Once a few inches of snow covers the road here, people begin abandoning their cars on the roads and interstates and GET HOTEL ROOMS. Then he actually states that maybe they'll get another such snow and it'll affect the zombies and they try to find some SNOWMOBILES(!!!!) and scavenge supplies. There is probably not a snowmobile in the state of Georgia. Most years you would have ZERO chance of using one so why own one. Whatever snow Atlanta gets you travel by car or four wheeler in it. Not to mention they have travelled SOUTH of Atlanta towards Fort Benning. Hell, in Virginia we got so much snow one year that I only went to school four days the entire month of January, still no snowmobiles around there, maybe nearby NC or WV at the ski slopes.

We just thought it was funny how the writers seemed to do well at first integrating the city and then totally botched it.
To be fair to the show creators, Kirkman's source material had quite a bit of snow when it started. In the comics they go to a gated community and the sign out front is covered in snow so they can't see it says "Don't stay here, there be zombies and shit!" Yeah, people die...
[quote name='crunchb3rry']To be fair to the show creators, Kirkman's source material had quite a bit of snow when it started. In the comics they go to a gated community and the sign out front is covered in snow so they can't see it says "Don't stay here, there be zombies and shit!" Yeah, people die...[/QUOTE]Did the graphic novel also start in Georgia/the Atlanta area? I mean most winters there's only a dusting up to an inch or two as far as snow in the winter and sometimes there's an additional inch or two snowfall once or twice, but for the most part that's it. Now the mountains of north georgia near the tennessee border gets a little bit more.

Still funny either way as somebody is a little off. Almost as bad as the snowmobiles comment was this week's Justified when Boyd said "Appalachia" with a hard a on the third syllable. Basic rule of thumb is outsiders use the hard a while those actually from the Applalachians use a soft a. And Boyd is definitely homegrown. Funny they made that slip up in an episode where carpetbaggers are discussed.
It started outside Atlanta, but Rick was found in Atlanta by Glenn, like in the show. The camp is clearly within walking distance of the city limits, and shortly after Rick arrives there's snow all over. Before, during, and after Hershel's farm.

I think the show just didn't have it in the budget to film in snow, so they started it around summer, and only now just had Rick reference that fall was coming up. My guess is (comic
they're saving the prison as the "cold weather" portion of the show, so they'll be indoors most of the time.
) Consistent snow too, not a storm that melts the next day. So yeah, Kirkman kinda goofed on that.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']My friend's family started watching this and now her 1 year old daughter learned to say zombie and goes around the house acting like one.[/QUOTE]

1 year old.... watching this show, with gore etc.

This is what is wrong with most parents today.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']It started outside Atlanta, but Rick was found in Atlanta by Glenn, like in the show. The camp is clearly within walking distance of the city limits, and shortly after Rick arrives there's snow all over. Before, during, and after Hershel's farm.

I think the show just didn't have it in the budget to film in snow, so they started it around summer, and only now just had Rick reference that fall was coming up. My guess is (comic
they're saving the prison as the "cold weather" portion of the show, so they'll be indoors most of the time.
) Consistent snow too, not a storm that melts the next day. So yeah, Kirkman kinda goofed on that.[/QUOTE]Maybe Kirkman just wrote it as a snowy winter, which could happen every once in a while I guess. More unbelievable things could be made up like zombie apocolypses. He should write in tornados like we're having now.

Might have been budget, or timing and logistics considering when the show was to air and the fact that they shoot in and around Atlanta. Can't do fake snow in 100 degree heat and everybody's sweating like crazy. That summer there was a stretch of a month or so where the temperature never dropped below 90! Not the high temperature, the temperature period. Talk about brutal.

[quote name='AvidWriter']1 year old.... watching this show, with gore etc.

This is what is wrong with most parents today.[/QUOTE]I remember seeing really little kids at the movies to see Blair Witch Project which turned out to be not be as bad as I thought it would be since most bad stuff happens off camera. A pair of kids threw up from motion sickness though.

Then there were the parents who brought their little kids to see Jurassic Park. Oops. Bunch of kids were screaming and left, but one little kid really freaked out when the T-rex chomped down on that one dude. He was bawling and screaming and the mother was trying to comfort him. The dad got pissed we were laughing at them. He didn't get less pissed when I told him we were laughing at their parental stupidity and not the poor kid's reaction.
Yeah, last summer here in ATL was fucking brutal. Over 100 days of 90 degree plus highs, plus those days you mention where it never cooled off.

Worried this summer will be awful as well since we've had pretty much no winter this year. Not so much as a flurry and only a couple of days where the highs were lower than 40.
At least my gas bill has been much better than normal this winter. I guess partially cause I've got a new heat/AC system. My AC went out this past summer in a brutal stretch and I just replaced the heating unit at the same time. It was amazing how little a bunch of fans would help in that heat. The air blowing on you was miserably hot. Only my industrial fan felt cool in the slightest. We had to stay in a hotel until it was fixed.

I think about that kind of stuff when watching this show from the standpoint of camping in the unrelenting heat and how it must suck sometimes for the actors shooting some scenes all day in it. They mention the heat alot on Talking Dead when discussing shooting scenes like Darryl when fell down the hillside and Glenn in the well.
I finally got to see last weeks... I thought, FINALLY! SOME COMMON fuckING SENSE! SAVE AMMO! GET GAS! WHAT A CONCEPT! Then it reverted to being even more Asine... :sigh:
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']Dude, just imagine the global cooling with a zombie apocalypse. No more carbon emissions! Huge winters are totally logical.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but the story Rick told was pre-apocalypse. There's no logic in this argument, it's simply a minor "WTF?" kind of plothole. From my standpoint, I'm from Michigan where it snows in April. Never been anywhere else but Ohio, so I didn't even notice it until it was brought up here.

Really, none of the plot holes from the show bothers me (magic invisible zombie fence around the farm, etc.). I'm more concerned with what the initial complaint was about the show last season: I don't "care" about any of the characters. Any one of them could die and it wouldn't phase me. Daryl's the only interesting one since the "Crazy Shane" stuff began to wear thin. Reminds me of the Dawn of the Dead remake, where that asshole security guard became the coolest character in the movie and you just forgot about everyone else.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Yeah, but the story Rick told was pre-apocalypse. There's no logic in this argument, it's simply a minor "WTF?" kind of plothole. From my standpoint, I'm from Michigan where it snows in April. Never been anywhere else but Ohio, so I didn't even notice it until it was brought up here.

Really, none of the plot holes from the show bothers me (magic invisible zombie fence around the farm, etc.). I'm more concerned with what the initial complaint was about the show last season: I don't "care" about any of the characters. Any one of them could die and it wouldn't phase me. Daryl's the only interesting one since the "Crazy Shane" stuff began to wear thin. Reminds me of the Dawn of the Dead remake, where that asshole security guard became the coolest character in the movie and you just forgot about everyone else.[/QUOTE]

lol i wondered if anyone else felt like that i was so pissed he died at the end i especially hated the nurse chick and the girl who ran out after the dog. its weird how in so many shows and movies these days the people you should hate tend to be the ones you connect with the most where all the good people are so stupid or annoying you could care less.
bread's done