AMC's The Walking Dead - S3 2nd half starts 02/10/13 9PM ET

[quote name='Scorch']
Zombie Shane wasn't in the comics.. at least, not that I can remember.

I'm pretty sure that
Rick digs up Shane's corpse later on after Carl killed him. Seeing him turned verifies that everyone turns regardless of walker bites. So they pretty much abridged that fact discovery to a 10 minute span with Randall and Shane.
so i take it all the zombies were waiting for the pistol to go off before they start the race lol. and lori is bipolar and carl is a damn jinx. man i cant wait for many of them to die. how the fuck did that one guy not turn?
Just watched the latest two episodes, boy this show has alot of inconsistencies but I do still enjoy it. Looking forward to the finale.
what was up with the log pile before that person got attacked by the zombie ... camera like pans to that log pile like the zombie is hiding behind it or something
[quote name='lokizz']so i take it all the zombies were waiting for the pistol to go off before they start the race lol. and lori is bipolar and carl is a damn jinx. man i cant wait for many of them to die. how the fuck did that one guy not turn?[/QUOTE]

Which guy?
[quote name='renique46']Which guy?[/QUOTE]

shane snapped the prisoners neck but unless he bashed his brains somehow too he should have come back.they made a point to point out those 2 security guards at the school were reanimated but had no bites or scratches.
[quote name='lokizz']shane snapped the prisoners neck but unless he bashed his brains somehow too he should have come back.they made a point to point out those 2 security guards at the school were reanimated but had no bites or scratches.[/QUOTE]

lol who do you think the zombie was that daryl and glenn killed lol
[quote name='renique46']lol who do you think the zombie was that daryl and glenn killed lol[/QUOTE]

you sure ? it didnt look anything like him guess ill have to watch that again.
[quote name='drktrpr1']Dear Jesus. Best ending of any episode?

We finally got a true Rick and Shane rumble! And now Shane is dead/turned/dead. I was a bit distracted during the show so I TOTALLY missed it, but why did Shane turn?

And Carl pulling a gun on Rick, but it really on walker/Shane? Good stuff. I was like "Damn Carl, you really learned from Shane," but was he really aiming at walker/Shane at first?

I'm glad they finally fortified the barn. Maybe it was too little too late, but it seems like the fanboys were clamoring for that. Though fortunately for the plot moving forward, it looks like the attack next week will push the crew off the farm. I hope Herschel and Maggie are with them when they go.

Not sure what the comics say about how the group leaves the farm, but I've been a fan ever since I accidentally caught the pilot on Halloween a year or two ago.

Shane turned, because in the comic they come to realize that everyone is pretty much infected with the virus to the extent that when you die, you come back as a zombie. They kind of touched on it not too long ago when they happened upon the hanging zombie in the woods that was flailing about. He killed himself, but still came back as a zombie.
[quote name='jaso']
Shane turned, because in the comic they come to realize that everyone is pretty much infected with the virus to the extent that when you die, you come back as a zombie. They kind of touched on it not too long ago when they happened upon the hanging zombie in the woods that was flailing about. He killed himself, but still came back as a zombie.
It was also something they were wondering from the two zombies they ran into at the school because neither one had bite marks, though they still had turned into zombie.

Had Daryl not shot Dale in the head to put him out of his misery, he would have turned as well. Problem is, they would have assumed any contact, bite, scratch or otherwise, would have transferred the virus. The hanging zombie was the one that sent them over the edge to think that everyone turns into a zombie when they die, save being shot in the head.
The swamp around the farm is drying out. Any zombie that can smell the fresh meat of all the steer that got loose. Like a giant dinner bell at a free buffet.
Reading what dmlopr just said: yeah, they sorta covered their bases if you think about it.

Maybe that's what the "magic barrier" was: a perimeter of swampland the zombies couldn't travel through on the forested side of the property, and the formerly intact fence on the open side that Hershel's own cows were breaking through at various points. Seems like most of the time they encounterd a zombie in the woods, it was on the other side of water/mud.
(Not specifically directed at crunchb3rry. Didn't want him to think it was because of the timing of our posts...but we all know what the general tone of this thread is)

Yeah, I gotta say, if you're going to bitch and whine about the "plot holes", at least fucking pay attention. I'm tired of hearing about "convenient herds", "magical fences, and "gunshot zombie calls". Whether or not you deem it "plausible", the show has plainly stated or shown that:

A) Zombies do roam in herds. As road3283 mentioned, the first episode from this season shows that. If you don't accept it as "realistic", then explain to us how zombies "realistically" roam.

B) Fences have been mentioned/shown SEVERAL times this season. Last week's episode even had specific dialogue with Herschel stating "A dozen steer broke through the fence...been wrangling the runaways all morning." Before Dale is killed, he comes upon one of the steer. Gee...I wonder if the walker got in the same way the steer got out? Amazing! But yeah, don't let an explanation get in the way of your pissing and moaning.

C) In this very episode, Herschel and Maggie talk about the swamp hardening, the creek drying up, and having 50 head of cattle on the farm being like ringing a dinner bell for the zombies. This is even shown in the previous episode with the walker that Carl stumbles upon that is momentarily stuck in the mud. When those barriers are gone, the farm becomes much more vulnerable.

Acknowledge them or not, these are explanations that have been given for the things that are happening. The plot is by no means perfect. But anybody who doesn't have the attention span to pick up on these factors has no right to bitch about anything. That's like a person complaining that the judicial system is "stupid" because they aren't educated enough to understand how it works. You're just making yourself look ignorant.
what i dont care for is you really have no idea how much time has past between each show.. has it been a week a month. 6 months ect ect ect since they been on that farm.

Something tells me the are going to make a stand in the basement since they said they are going to be moving food and water down into the basement to last a few days in case something happens .. so you got to wonder if someone saw all of those zombies just walking around ...

ALSO whos gun did that kid take.. and i think i was someone who isnt part of the group cause if it was the one person why wouldnt he say..

who the hell took my gun and it always shows him with a crossbow ....

and wouldnt it look stupid to the group if if that outsider group is the ones that save them from the zombies in the opening of season 3.. ( i say it shows them locked in the basement at the end of season 2 )
[quote name='lokizz']you sure ? it didnt look anything like him guess ill have to watch that again.[/QUOTE]

It really didn't look like him to me either. But it was the clothes. It was like his clothes got zombified too, lol. They got all washed out like 80s jeans when they were darker before.

[quote name='slidecage']what i dont care for is you really have no idea how much time has past between each show.. has it been a week a month. 6 months ect ect ect since they been on that farm.[/QUOTE]

They occasionally just imply season changes. It was summer, then Rick says they need to start preparing for Winter, and last episode Shane's leading Randall off through the woods in Fall. It's been a couple months at least.
[quote name='slidecage']what i dont care for is you really have no idea how much time has past between each show.. has it been a week a month. 6 months ect ect ect since they been on that farm.

Something tells me the are going to make a stand in the basement since they said they are going to be moving food and water down into the basement to last a few days in case something happens .. so you got to wonder if someone saw all of those zombies just walking around ...

ALSO whos gun did that kid take.. and i think i was someone who isnt part of the group cause if it was the one person why wouldnt he say..

who the hell took my gun and it always shows him with a crossbow ....

and wouldnt it look stupid to the group if if that outsider group is the ones that save them from the zombies in the opening of season 3.. ( i say it shows them locked in the basement at the end of season 2 )[/QUOTE]

Art of trolling. That is beautiful
I really don't find too many plot holes in the show. The zombie horde thing is just a zombie horde is close by and heard it. Zombie herds have been in the comic and I think other more recent zombie literature (World War Z - I believe).

As for not being a lot of Zombies around, I think it is because they are in rural Georgia. I was out in South Dakota a year ago - would be a good place to get away. Towns of 500 people and then a hundred miles of nothing.

The only thing that kind of bothered me was the cutting of their hand with the knife. That just seems like a bad idea with all the risk of infection and lack of antibiotics. The second thing that seemed kind of funny was Shane was planning on killing Rick within eye sight of the farm house. Why not do it in the woods.

I feel a little bad that Shane's character got killed off. I thought they were opening it up for maybe some development with him. Rick and Randall saved him in the bus, Lori had a heart to heart kind of thing with him, Andrea was his buddy and taught her how to shoot, etc. Instead he just tries to kill Rick like the comic. I feel it was kind of a waste to develop him that much more and have him just go the same way as he did 5 minutes into the comic.

Randall had kind of a shitty existence going on. He gets impaled, almost killed by zombies and Shanes, helps save Shane only to get tortured in the barn and have his neck broken.

I kind of wish that Randall never told the rape story. It just being a different group made it seem so much better. Maybe they are just like Rick and his group, just equally desperate, etc. The two guys in the bar weren't much different than Rick. Rick begged and pleaded with Herschel to stay saying he couldn't go back out there, and when the other guy did the same thing Rick gave him the cold shoulder. The rape story just takes away from it for me.

Also like how T-dawg was like "Governor called and you got your pardon" or something when going to free Randall.
I don't think anyone has a problem with the magical zombie fence at least i know i don't. What i don't understand however is they make it always known to us that gunshots attract walkers yet they kill dale, nada happens, carl shoots shane = shit hits the fan!. Don't know how just not liking certain plot holes or bad scenes in need of a rewrite automatically translate to hating the show. If people really think that then perhaps their reading comprehension needs to be looked into.

[quote name='Dokstarr']Also like how T-dawg was like "Governor called and you got your pardon" or something when going to free Randall.[/QUOTE]

OH HELL NAW i've been waiting for him to say that and t dawg doesn't disappoint
Actually, I've been waiting for T-Dawg to say ANYTHING. Kinda thought he was being brought back into the loop when they were moving into the house. Nope..."Hey, black guy, carry this tupperware inside, and don't be leaving no Soul Glow stains on my couch!"
Wow, so all momentum that I thought they were building from the last 2 episodes was completely crushed in this shitty McShitty episode. What the hell did I just watch.

I think it was crunchberry who talked about having to buy into the campiness of the show. This show is basically a C horror movie with a high budget but the same writers who think the creative process starts by getting wasted because thats how Hendrix used to do it.

Keeping with traditional the first 30 min were pretty pointless in every way including a yet another forced scene with blonde haired lady. I dont think there has ever been a actor who has had more screen time with less substance than her. Although she did say she thought that Rick should stop leaving which was pretty good.

Glen and Daryl so you track down a guy who is severely injured and may have a are carrying a long range crossbow yet you hide behind a tree until the thing jumps on Glen before doing anything. Waaaa? Then I couldnt help but laugh when Daryl announced that, "he died of a broken neck" Redneck medical school.

Which leads me to this....these zombies are taking the perk dead silence too the extreme. (see what I did there?) They are shuffling through the woods....yet they keep sneaking up on people like psycho mantis. Zombie folklore as taught me zombies in numbers with small spaces is the thing that is scary, not lone zombies in the middle of wide open fields. But I guess if they magically appear behind you with no sound that would be scary.

So this fence thing.....ok...fine they have a fence that keep out zombies for infinity, I can only imagine the dying breath of a solider at the government compound in the first season...."maybe....maybe we should have closed the fence." There would be a lot more humans around if a wooden fence is all you need to keep them at bay.

Carl just appearing out of field is embarrassing, added with the fact that a 10 year old who just the night before couldnt figure out how to kill a walker stuck in mud is now Captain Price and can curve a bullet around his father like that kid for WANTED. Lastly, I dont know why this show loves anticlimactic scenes. So you build up Shane and Rick this entire time just to judo stab him within 5 seconds? Lame. Lame. Lame.

I am looking forward to next weeks episode as it seems like shit is final hitting the fan and things are going to happen. Time to actually see the survival section of this post world story.
[quote name='slidecage']what i dont care for is you really have no idea how much time has past between each show.. has it been a week a month. 6 months ect ect ect since they been on that farm.

Something tells me the are going to make a stand in the basement since they said they are going to be moving food and water down into the basement to last a few days in case something happens .. so you got to wonder if someone saw all of those zombies just walking around ...

ALSO whos gun did that kid take.. and i think i was someone who isnt part of the group cause if it was the one person why wouldnt he say..

who the hell took my gun and it always shows him with a crossbow ....

and wouldnt it look stupid to the group if if that outsider group is the ones that save them from the zombies in the opening of season 3.. ( i say it shows them locked in the basement at the end of season 2 )[/QUOTE]

he took daryls gun ( hillbilly with a crossbow fetish) and yeah it kind of annoyed me too that of all people he wouldnt notice a gun missing especially if its his. that guy would make a decent ghost rider as well have him and the guy from supernatural jensen eckles be the riders.
[quote name='renique46']I don't think anyone has a problem with the magical zombie fence at least i know i don't. What i don't understand however is they make it always known to us that gunshots attract walkers yet they kill dale, nada happens, carl shoots shane = shit hits the fan!. Don't know how just not liking certain plot holes or bad scenes in need of a rewrite automatically translate to hating the show. If people really think that then perhaps their reading comprehension needs to be looked into.

OH HELL NAW i've been waiting for him to say that and t dawg doesn't disappoint[/QUOTE]

i kinda dont like the zombie fence especially if that fence they were pulling on during the beginning of the show is the fence in question. that shit is short and youd assume any number of zombies could easily stumble over it but that said if the fence is far enough away from the main house a zombie may just walk on by and not pay it any mind.

but the cows and the shooting id assume there be plenty attracted to it since in the comics didnt they say a gunshot could be heard for a mile or so?
[quote name='lokizz']he keeps the show from seeming racist ? that way they can say hey weve got an asian and a black guy and were killing off plenty of white people so dont call us racist later. this show needs captain rhodes.[/QUOTE]

I also think I read somewhere that the writers and producers simply just like the actor who plays T-Dog, and that's kind of been the reason he's made it this far in the show. If so, good for him - people skills really will get you everywhere in this life. Even through the zombie apocalypse.
The Governor is going to be the show's Rhodes.

Daryl probably didn't notice the gun missing because it's likely Merle's. And he keeps Merle's stuff in his saddlebag more for a sentimental purpose, like he's hoping they'll find him again and is just safeguarding his stuff. He wouldn't notice it missing. I'm pretty sure even the bike is Merle's.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']I could have sworn Daryl did say something about his gun missing.[/QUOTE]

He did. T-Dog gave him Dale's gun and he said something like "I wish I knew where the hell mine went."

Just watched the episode and thought it was a great one. One of the best in the series so far.
heres an interesting question since a number of us dont seem to like the people cast in certain roles id be curious to know if you could recast said main roles who would you have picked?
The next ep looks like total carnage. Like one big hourlong zombie fight. Can't wait. Also glad Game Of Thrones is back a few weeks after. There's just so little I care to watch on TV anymore.
[quote name='slidecage']what was up with the log pile before that person got attacked by the zombie ... camera like pans to that log pile like the zombie is hiding behind it or something[/QUOTE]That wasn't a log pile it was a tree. And Shane looked around, stepped behind the tree out of camera view and snapped Randall's neck. Clearly not a zombie attack. Did you not see that Shane was "the person who got attacked by the zombie" in your scene description?

[quote name='lokizz']you sure ? it didnt look anything like him guess ill have to watch that again.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='crunchb3rry']It really didn't look like him to me either. But it was the clothes. It was like his clothes got zombified too, lol. They got all washed out like 80s jeans when they were darker before...[/QUOTE]Very sure it was him. I thought it was obvious. They were clearly at his death scene after Darryl tracked Shane's true path. He looked a little different because of the darkness of the scene and the blue tint the flashlight had "washed him out" some. The whole point of them figuring out how he died was because of who he was. They discuss his death in the talking dead, maybe some of you should be watching that show too in order to get the full benefit of the show.

[quote name='slidecage']what i dont care for is you really have no idea how much time has past between each show.. Something tells me the are going to make a stand in the basement since they said they are going to be moving food and water down into the basement to last a few days in case something happens .. ALSO whos gun did that kid take..[/QUOTE]I agree with the point on the passage of time, they reference it occasionally, but at this point it's an estimate like crunchberry points out. I doubt the basement thing as (MINOR SPOILER ABOUT WHEN THEY MAY OR MAY NOT LEAVE THE FARM)
I'm pretty sure showrunners have said they leave the farm at the end of the season
although maybe some make a last stand there. As for the gun:
[quote name='lokizz']he took daryls gun ( hillbilly with a crossbow fetish) and yeah it kind of annoyed me too that of all people he wouldnt notice a gun missing especially if its his.[/QUOTE]When they head off after Randall, TDog gives Darryl a revolver to which Darryl replies, "Dale's gun? Wish I could find mine." Subtle and not some hissyfit questioning everybody, but effective for those paying attention.

[quote name='renique46']Well that didnt take long LOL i knew other people were thinking the same thing[/QUOTE]Awesome video. I was thinking the exact same thing when I watched this scene.

[quote name='dmlopr']The swamp around the farm is drying out. Any zombie that can smell the fresh meat of all the steer that got loose. Like a giant dinner bell at a free buffet.[/QUOTE]That's the explanation for the herd getting in I guess, which was the part that bugged me. I guess the herd just moved in that day or during the night AFTER Dale died through the drying swampland or through a broken fence or both and before they patched up the fence. How they got there could definitely be better explained.

[quote name='crunchb3rry']Reading what dmlopr just said: yeah, they sorta covered their bases if you think about it.

Maybe that's what the "magic barrier" was: a perimeter of swampland the zombies couldn't travel through on the forested side of the property, and the formerly intact fence on the open side that Hershel's own cows were breaking through at various points. Seems like most of the time they encounterd a zombie in the woods, it was on the other side of water/mud.[/QUOTE]Glad to see you're finally onboard with the fence/swamp keeping them out.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']
Yeah, I gotta say, if you're going to bitch and whine about the "plot holes", at least fucking pay attention. I'm tired of hearing about "convenient herds", "magical fences, and "gunshot zombie calls". Whether or not you deem it "plausible", the show has plainly stated or shown that:

A) Zombies do roam in herds. As road3283 mentioned, the first episode from this season shows that. If you don't accept it as "realistic", then explain to us how zombies "realistically" roam.

B) Fences have been mentioned/shown SEVERAL times this season. Last week's episode even had specific dialogue with Herschel stating "A dozen steer broke through the fence...been wrangling the runaways all morning." Before Dale is killed, he comes upon one of the steer. Gee...I wonder if the walker got in the same way the steer got out? Amazing! But yeah, don't let an explanation get in the way of your pissing and moaning.

C) In this very episode, Herschel and Maggie talk about the swamp hardening, the creek drying up, and having 50 head of cattle on the farm being like ringing a dinner bell for the zombies. This is even shown in the previous episode with the walker that Carl stumbles upon that is momentarily stuck in the mud. When those barriers are gone, the farm becomes much more vulnerable.

Acknowledge them or not, these are explanations that have been given for the things that are happening. The plot is by no means perfect. But anybody who doesn't have the attention span to pick up on these factors has no right to bitch about anything. That's like a person complaining that the judicial system is "stupid" because they aren't educated enough to understand how it works. You're just making yourself look ignorant.[/QUOTE]Amen, brother. I think a lot of people are facebooking or pron surfing while watching and they're missing the little details.

[quote name='renique46']I don't think anyone has a problem with the magical zombie fence at least i know i don't. What i don't understand however is they make it always known to us that gunshots attract walkers yet they kill dale, nada happens, carl shoots shane = shit hits the fan!...[/QUOTE]I said it once already, but I'll say it again: I guess the herd just moved in that day or during the night AFTER Dale died through the drying swampland or through a broken fence or both and before they patched up the fence. How they got there could definitely be better explained. I guess we should realize they just got there because Darryl, Shane, Sophie's mom, just about everyone has wandered through the forest and not encountered a herd of zombies so they must have just gotten there. Not a real stretch, but maybe they should have shown something of it.

[quote name='Soodmeg']
Glen and Daryl so you track down a guy who is severely injured and may have a are carrying a long range crossbow yet you hide behind a tree until the thing jumps on Glen before doing anything. Waaaa? Then I couldnt help but laugh when Daryl announced that, "he died of a broken neck" Redneck medical school.

Which leads me to this....these zombies are taking the perk dead silence too the extreme. (see what I did there?) They are shuffling through the woods....yet they keep sneaking up on people like psycho mantis. Zombie folklore as taught me zombies in numbers with small spaces is the thing that is scary, not lone zombies in the middle of wide open fields. But I guess if they magically appear behind you with no sound that would be scary.

So this fence thing.....ok...fine they have a fence that keep out zombies for infinity, I can only imagine the dying breath of a solider at the government compound in the first season...."maybe....maybe we should have closed the fence." There would be a lot more humans around if a wooden fence is all you need to keep them at bay.

Carl just appearing out of field is embarrassing, added with the fact that a 10 year old who just the night before couldnt figure out how to kill a walker stuck in mud is now Captain Price and can curve a bullet around his father like that kid for WANTED. Lastly, I dont know why this show loves anticlimactic scenes. So you build up Shane and Rick this entire time just to judo stab him within 5 seconds? Lame. Lame. Lame.

I am looking forward to next weeks episode as it seems like shit is final hitting the fan and things are going to happen. Time to actually see the survival section of this post world story.[/QUOTE]Darryl should have switched to his knife instead of trying to shoot Zombrandall at close range. Bad writing, but maybe not because it seems they didn't realize he was a zombie in the darkness when they ducked out of sight so as not to get shot by the gun you mentioned and they wouldn't expect a person with a gun to run up on them. Second, it would be pretty easy to tell it was a broken neck, no medical school required. Totally agree about the silence of the zombies and a lone zombie in a field isn't the point of zombies. Back to fences, right off Hershel's perimeter fences are NOT wooden and are about five feet high with two strands of barbed wire running across the top. Second, have you noticed in a lot of zombie movies there is a fence keeping them out at some point in time until one of the humans does something stupid (this is usually the problem)which lets them in or the zombies stumble upon a weak spot and breach it? On to Carl, who had wandered off a billion times the last two episodes. He's a pain in the ass kid who sneaks out routinely and is too curious for his own good, he has binoculars and could easily still see them from the house or he could have been wandering about and heard the shot. But I do agree about the masterful killshot, I mean wow, that's some first shot.

[quote name='lokizz']i kinda dont like the zombie fence especially if that fence they were pulling on during the beginning of the show is the fence in question. that shit is short and youd assume any number of zombies could easily stumble over it but that said if the fence is far enough away from the main house a zombie may just walk on by and not pay it any mind.

but the cows and the shooting id assume there be plenty attracted to it since in the comics didnt they say a gunshot could be heard for a mile or so?[/QUOTE]How close did you look at that fence? Shane was tugging just below the top at his own shoulder level making the fence about five foot tall. It is kept tight when maintained and it has two rows of barbed wire on top. Honestly, most small farmers couldn't afford fencing that good for such long stretches. THAT should be a plothole to bitch about. Maybe Herschel was growing weed in his backwoods areas to afford the fence, which by the way would do a great job keeping out shuffling, stumbling zombies unless they were about ten feet tall and then they could "stumble" over it. Now I'm sure a mass of zombies could push it down if they were after something and piled on, but that hasn't happened. Like you suggested these fences are far away from the house, although not livestock and now that the swampy areas are drying out more zombies could be coming in see or hear the livestock and attack. Herschel should have moved livestock into an inner area away from the outer fences. Truth be told like any farm, Herschel's has a series of fenced in areas for moving livestock and the like and most would give zombies trouble unless provoked. Also, as for the gunshot question, it depends on the caliber and type of gun (rifle or pistol) as far as how far away a gunshot could be heard. A powerful rifle shot can be heard for a couple miles in a field especially one with mountains around it to reflect the sound. Believe it or not the woods will actually help dampen the sound some and so it wouldn't travel as far, but not a monumental difference. Keep in mind Herschel has miles of farmland so if all zombies were kept out by the "magical" five foot barbed wire topped fences then you could target practice all you want and not worry about attracting zombies. Even then it's not like they know exactly where the shot came from and how to traverse the landscape (fences, creeks, etc) in the exact right path to eat the shooter.
[quote name='dmaul1114']He did. T-Dog gave him Dale's gun and he said something like "I wish I knew where the hell mine went."

Just watched the episode and thought it was a great one. One of the best in the series so far.[/QUOTE]

Really? I thought the last episode was pretty weak. Can't wait for the next one though.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Just watched the episode and thought it was a great one. One of the best in the series so far.[/QUOTE]I really like this episode as well. For the most part it kept things moving at an appropriate pace.

[quote name='crunchb3rry']The next ep looks like total carnage. Like one big hourlong zombie fight. Can't wait. Also glad Game Of Thrones is back a few weeks after. There's just so little I care to watch on TV anymore.[/QUOTE]Yeah, this last episode of the season should really blow off some steam. Kirkman seems to think it will be a bunch of wild chaos. He also says that
what Jenner whispered to Rick will be revealed and there will be changes.

[quote name='Strell']Begin watching this episode
See Office Space homage
Decide to watch Office Space instead[/QUOTE]It's really an unfair comparison, I mean it's OFFICE SPACE! Where's my stapler?

Talking about the hanging walker earlier as proof of becoming a zombie without a bite, didn't he leave a note he had been bitten? Then some walkers ate up his legs before he changed. Or was that the guy in the tent who had blown his brains out? I thought walkers were only attracted to live wriggling meat? Anyways...
The CDC guy probably just told him
they were all infected from the start. Which might explain why he said all he said to Carl, or that Shane was right and he didn't really go all out protecting them all, because he knows they're all fucked anyway.
[quote name='jdawgg76']
Yeah, this last episode of the season should really blow off some steam. Kirkman seems to think it will be a bunch of wild chaos. He also says that
what Jenner whispered to Rick will be revealed and there will be changes.

Flashback to Jenner, whispering in Rick's ear:
Lori is pregnant with zombaby twins. You gonna take that shit?
[quote name='crunchb3rry']The CDC guy probably just told him
they were all infected from the start. Which might explain why he said all he said to Carl, or that Shane was right and he didn't really go all out protecting them all, because he knows they're all fucked anyway.
[/QUOTE]Most likely, but. . .

[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']Flashback to Jenner, whispering in Rick's ear:
Lori is pregnant with zombaby twins. You gonna take that shit?
[/QUOTE]This is very possible :D
Hmm interesting i wonder if people will get excited :)

don't click further if you don't want to be spoiled
Supposedly Andrea might bite the dust until she gets saved by
Michonne with samurai swords :)
I wonder why they killed off 2 people now instead of the next episode? Does that mean everyone survives the next episode? They are down to only a few people who dont suck so I wonder who going to get it.
I think the showrunners wanted the deaths of Dale and Shane to have more meaning and impact. The symbolism and themes they strove for would really be lost in the chaos of a mass zombie attack.

The way I see it, there's no way a mass zombie attack would leave no deaths. Rick, Carl, Andrea, Darryl and Glenn are probably the safest. I could see Lori dying to push Carl down the dark side, but it probably won't happen here. Besides Herschel and Glenn's chick, the farm people are probably zombie fodder, although maybe beth could survive to commit suicide or she'll do something dumb and get herself and maybe others eaten. I can see Herschel "going down with the ship" like a non-italian sea captain. Problem is it's too easy from a writer's standpoint to kill off all lesser characters like the mostly unseen farm people or characters who no longer "serve a purpose" like Herschel or Sophia's mom, plus you always need some lesser characters. They're filler or red shirts when needed. T-dog could go either way. He'll probably finally get to do something heroic. . . by sacrificing himself. Problem with TDog is he can handle himself, but he's not good enough to go out where the action is which means he's always gotten "watch the house duty" with Andrea. I definitely think the (human) herd will get thinned (by the zombie herd) in anticipation of introducing new characters in the third season. Hopefully, Merle and the guy with his son will return (played by the actor from Jericho) as I got hyped when I saw those actors in the very first episode.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I wonder why they killed off 2 people now instead of the next episode? Does that mean everyone survives the next episode? They are down to only a few people who dont suck so I wonder who going to get it.[/QUOTE]

Jimmy and Patricia LOL
herschels daughter will die or better yet she will just let them kill her, maybe the mom chick will die to. hopefully they will whittle them down to rick , glenn, maggie, carl and daryl and i guess andrea.
bread's done