Anime and Manga Thread Vol. 1: Visions of a God

[quote name='pete5883']Fansubbers are the worst. Their annoying awful transliteration made me stay away for good. I think I watched the 1st ep of NOIR fansubbed, and they used something ridiculous like "Mirireru" for Mireille. "Raito" in Death Note is the other example I can think of.[/QUOTE]

You must watch crappy fansubs then, haha. The Death Note ones I watched all had the names right. It's always a good idea to research the groups you get your releases from beforehand. Otherwise, you might end up with crap. Some fansubbers really do suck. When they get it right, though, it's really good.

Another point I forgot to mention is that some stuff is not ever going to get licensed in the US, or at least not anytime soon. So there's really no way to see it unless you get the fansubs (ie. Nodame Cantabile, Lovely Complex, etc.).

Honestly though, some of you guys don't get them enough credit. It's not like they're not the devil or something, sheesh.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']I love how you manage to pull the most random, retarded shit out of your ass when faced with reasonable discussion. Is it necessary to be *this* inflammatory? Is this what Elfen Lied does to people? Would you like a pacifier?[/QUOTE]

Reasonable? I haven't seen anything even approaching logic from you and your circle-jerk of animu pals. O_0 All I'm getting is "Well sometimes some groups get names wrong or something. And it's not the fault of the licensors that they have shitty video quality - good video quality is NOT a plus!"

I'm also being quite serious. I have to watch Utena at double speed or I start to space out and count the little bumps in the ceiling. I've also been watching Bleach and falling asleep during the action scenes. Maybe it's just a natural reaction that I have to fail.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']Another point I forgot to mention is that some stuff is not ever going to get licensed in the US, or at least not anytime soon. So there's really no way to see it unless you get the fansubs (ie. Nodame Cantabile, Lovely Complex, etc.).

Honestly though, some of you guys don't get them enough credit. It's not like they're not the devil or something, sheesh.[/QUOTE]

I don't dislike fansubs! I very much enjoy them! The only point I disagreed with throughout this whole thing is that fansubs are a superior product to licensed releases, which is almost *always* false. There are so many great shows out there that never get licensed, so yes, thank god fansubs are an option.

[quote name='DarkSageRK']Reasonable? I haven't seen anything even approaching logic from you and your circle-jerk of animu pals. O_0 All I'm getting is "Well sometimes some groups get names wrong or something. And it's not the fault of the licensors that they have shitty video quality - good video quality is NOT a plus!"

I'm also being quite serious. I have to watch Utena at double speed or I start to space out and count the little bumps in the ceiling. I've also been watching Bleach and falling asleep during the action scenes. Maybe it's just a natural reaction that I have to fail.[/QUOTE]

Your lack of basic reading comprehension is nobody's fault but your own, kiddo. You just keep setting up those straw men and knocking 'em down, since it seems to be all that you're capable of. When you're able to form a coherent argument, devoid of your precious straw men, hyperbole, and nonsense, we can continue. Until then, you're done.

And it doesn't bother me that you don't care for Utena, just as it shouldn't bother you that I don't care for Elfen Lied (which, again, is some seriously terrible, shitty-ass garbage ;)). At least we can agree that Bleach sucks, I guess? The beauty of anime is that there's a show for every audience, no matter how high or low-brow one's tastes might be.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Noir wasn't set in France. It was set in blah-land from what I could tell by the scenery. But how do you expect anyone to know French names? It's not like someone watches the show and goes "Oh! I want to get her name super, super perfect so I'm going to look at this French baby name registry!" I mean, seriously, get off it. The pros have scripts to translate off of. They don't even have to think.[/quote]
I don't really care whether they have to think or not, or how it's so hard to get it right, I want it right. If it makes you feel any better, I don't like that Viz calls Death Note's character "Ryuzaki" when "Luxaky" makes a lot more sense.

And generally inferior? Cuz I hope you realize you're calling tons of native Japs inferior. I guess you wouldn't get it, though. You must think of all fansubbers as some bored white, American guy sitting in his basement, tossing back a couple beers and chugging out something ready for release in two hours. ur smrt.
To be fair, this description is probably perfectly accurate for the creators of the fansubs I was actually watching.

And what exactly makes the pros better? All I'm getting is "BAAWWW the names aren't perfect and I think the Japanese don't know their own language. ;_;" Have you seen the pros' scripts? They have those guys translating for Crunchyroll and they're fucking terrible. Watch Shangri-La sometime and tell me it's good. Seriously, try it.
Right here you're doing exactly what you are accusing me of doing - saying you've seen the worst, therefore all of them are bad. Only difference is which side we're talking about.

On the subject of Bee Train series's: why do they have such such hideous backgrounds? It's like their trademark.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']I don't dislike fansubs! I very much enjoy them! The only point I disagreed with throughout this whole thing is that fansubs are a superior product to licensed releases, which is almost *always* false. There are so many great shows out there that never get licensed, so yes, thank god fansubs are an option.[/quote]
Oh, well at least you're not against them, haha. I guess I got the wrong impression.

Random Question: Is it okay to watch Macross Frontier without having seen the other Macross series? I don't know how related they are...
[quote name='PrarieD0G']Random Question: Is it okay to watch Macross Frontier without having seen the other Macross series? I don't know how related they are...[/QUOTE]

Yes, you'll be okay. It's technically a sequel, set in the same universe as the rest of the Macross franchise, but functions just fine on its own.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']^I think you mean overzealous nerds.

And yeah, I guess that makes me one of them, haha.[/QUOTE]

I just think its stupid to argue over a preference. I was not really referring to you.
i like the pretty lights...........i can understand why someone would get mad at shitty subbing it can ruin a good anime or anything that needs subs but most sites that have anime for dl tend to pick the better translators. id go with a shitty sub over a dub anyday.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']Beck is a perfect example of how much win a dub can be.[/QUOTE]

Exactly what I think of every time I hear the whole "All dubs suck!" shtick. So~ much better than the original Japanese version!
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']I will never, ever understand this attitude. #-o[/QUOTE]

i started watching anime and at the time it was all dubs and that was fine until i actually got my hands on subbed anime. its cool to hear the real voices of the characters and often times you see where the dubbed translation of what someone says is diff and off from what you get with the sub. though i still prefer the dub voices in dbz over the original ones i cringe at the dub voices in naruto and bleach. not knocking anyone who likes dubs if you do you do but i prefer subs.
Most of my anime watching is done at work so I end up watching dubs as reading the subtitles would distract me too much from working. When I watch anime at home, its usuay subbed.

In most of my experiences of watching both the subbed & dubbed version of a series, I will prefer the subbed version as it seems like its harder to remember a specific japanese person's voice compared to the dubs that usually all are done by the same group. You have no idea how hugely dissapointed I was to watch Code Geass dubbed and to hear that no-talent Johnny Yong Bosch play Lelouche.

Speaking of terrible VA's

That was more painful than hearing Steven Jay Blum do the same voice for 5 characters in the first 30 min of Arkham Asylum... barely...
[quote name='Bezerker']You have no idea how hugely dissapointed I was to watch Code Geass dubbed and to hear that no-talent Johnny Yong Bosch play Lelouche.[/QUOTE]

Not a Bosch fan, I take it? I usually enjoy the work he does, including his Lelouche. But he's a bit cold in person, sadly.

Oh, good news for Razzuel - I'll be starting Kurau either this evening or tomorrow afternoon.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Not a Bosch fan, I take it? I usually enjoy the work he does, including his Lelouche. But he's a bit cold in person, sadly.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I like Johnny Yong Bosch as well. So far my favorite performance of his was as Clair Leonelli in Heat Guy J.

[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Oh, good news for Razzuel - I'll be starting Kurau either this evening or tomorrow afternoon.[/QUOTE]


Finally, I will be able to talk about Kurau with someone else. I was so happy when people were buying it during Right Stuf's Sensational Savings sale, but then I never heard anything after that, so I got a bit disappointed. However, maybe everyone else who has Kurau can start watching it as well? Or maybe that's asking for too much?
[quote name='Razzuel']Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, I will be able to talk about Kurau with someone else. I was so happy when people were buying it during Right Stuf's Sensational Savings sale, but then I never heard anything after that, so I got a bit disappointed. However, maybe everyone else who has Kurau can start watching it as well? Or maybe that's asking for too much?[/QUOTE]

Haha, I'm happy this pleases you so much. Hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as you do. I watched the first two episodes fansubbed wa~y back when it first aired in Japan, and liked what I saw, at least. Anyways, pay back the favor by watching Utena sometime. I can even hook you up with the newly-remastered version. :D
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Haha, I'm happy this pleases you so much. Hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as you do. I watched the first two episodes fansubbed wa~y back when it first aired in Japan, and liked what I saw, at least. Anyways, pay back the favor by watching Utena sometime. I can even hook you up with the newly-remastered version. :D[/QUOTE]

I have Utena mentally written down as something that I need to watch ever since you first made it clear that it is your favorite. That sounds nice to watch a remastered version of the show, but I am afraid that obtaining media for free is not a part of my philosophy. There are multiple ways I could go about this like buying the licensed DVDs of Utena that were released over here, but that will cost me a lot of money it seems, which I could deal with. I guess another option would be for you to hook me up with that remastered version, and then I end up importing the Blu-ray from Japan—my only problem with this route is that I will have a Blu-ray that I can't really do anything with.

Is there a signifigant difference in quality between the North American DVDs and the Japanese Blu-ray? I mean if the DVDs are fine, then I have no problem collecting all three collections one at a time.
[quote name='Razzuel']I have Utena mentally written down as something that I need to watch ever since you first made it clear that it is your favorite. That sounds nice to watch a remastered version of the show, but I am afraid that obtaining media for free is not a part of my philosophy. There are multiple ways I could go about this like buying the licensed DVDs of Utena that were released over here, but that will cost me a lot of money it seems, which I could deal with. I guess another option would be for you to hook me up with that remastered version, and then I end up importing the Blu-ray from Japan—my only problem with this route is that I will have a Blu-ray that I can't really do anything with.

Is there a signifigant difference in quality between the North American DVDs and the Japanese Blu-ray? I mean if the DVDs are fine, then I have no problem collecting all three collections one at a time.[/QUOTE]

It's actually not on Blu-ray yet, but a remaster along the same lines as Evangelion Platinum, with redrawn frames, cleaned up colors, and some jitter removed. Though supposedly when it was remastered, they also raised it to HD resolution, so a Blu-ray may be possible in the future. It looks *damn* good when compared to the old DVDs (especially the two DVDs that Central Mark Media shoved the first 13 episodes on, where they used VHS masters, ugh), and has a handful of added footage, too. Since Utena is out of print and bloody expensive now, what I'd probably do is download the remastered version, see if you enjoy it or not, and then decide whether it'd be worth the purchase after that.

Anyways, I'll send a torrent link your way, and you can decide from there.
[quote name='Razzuel']So, can you tell us the question you sent them?[/QUOTE]

It was about why anime is considered nerdier than reading manga in Japan.
I actually got the idea from this thread a while ago, heh. I'm surprised they actually picked it. :p

I found out that my school actually has an anime club, and I went to the first meeting tonight. Some odd people there, haha, not that it surprised me. They seem to be a pretty fun bunch though. A good majority of them were either Computer Science or Computer Engineering majors (like me). Go figure. XP
[quote name='PrarieD0G']It was about why anime is considered nerdier than reading manga in Japan.
I actually got the idea from this thread a while ago, heh. I'm surprised they actually picked it. :p[/QUOTE]

Somebody sent that question in to Anime News Network's "Hey Answerman!" column a couple weeks ago, too, I noticed. The answer given was basically exactly what I explained in this thread. Heh.
so all watching Hajime no Ippo does is make me CRAVE an MMA-equivalent. MMA is so much more dynamic and varied than boxing there'd be much more variety to the fighters rather than "he has a strong hook" or something. : \

otherwise it's a fun show.
Hahahaha. I just watched the first episode of Full Metal Panic Fumoffu. It's basically all the ridiculous stuff from the original series—which I loved—but even more hyperbolic. It's brilliant; pure brilliance.
[quote name='Liquid 2']"Even more hyperbolic"?


Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous.

Well, I finished Full Metal Panic, Fumoffu, and The Second Raid. Full Metal Panic was pretty good. The comedy was great because Kaname and Sousuke have great chemistry. The weakest parts of Full Metal Panic were the serious parts. I thought the episodes that takes place in Helmajistan were the weakest; mostly because the other members in Sousuke's squad were complete assholes.

Fumoffu focuses on the exaggerated and hilarious bits from the first season; however, Fumoffu does it even better and in every episode. It is definitely the funniest anime I have ever seen, and perhaps one of the funniest things I have ever seen. The first season made me crave more of the craziness that happens at Jindai High School and Fumoffu delivered on that.

The Second Raid is my favorite of the three. It's basically what I wanted out of the first season. It still contains the humor from the first season, which I love. Now, the real improvement is that all of the serious stuff is done much much better than in the first season. Also, The Second Raid doesn't hold back, which is something I enjoyed. There are a lot of intense scenes; some of which even made me uncomfortable or wince.

Damn, I want more Full Metal Panic.

Oh, I started Utena, Kirin. I'll try and keep you updated as I progress.
[quote name='Razzuel']Well, I finished Full Metal Panic, Fumoffu, and The Second Raid. Full Metal Panic was pretty good. The comedy was great because Kaname and Sousuke have great chemistry. The weakest parts of Full Metal Panic were the serious parts. I thought the episodes that takes place in Helmajistan were the weakest; mostly because the other members in Sousuke's squad were complete assholes.

Fumoffu focuses on the exaggerated and hilarious bits from the first season; however, Fumoffu does it even better and in every episode. It is definitely the funniest anime I have ever seen, and perhaps one of the funniest things I have ever seen. The first season made me crave more of the craziness that happens at Jindai High School and Fumoffu delivered on that.

The Second Raid is my favorite of the three. It's basically what I wanted out of the first season. It still contains the humor from the first season, which I love. Now, the real improvement is that all of the serious stuff is done much much better than in the first season. Also, The Second Raid doesn't hold back, which is something I enjoyed. There are a lot of intense scenes; some of which even made me uncomfortable or wince.

Damn, I want more Full Metal Panic.[/QUOTE]

Holy crap, I almost entirely agree with *all* of this! :shock:
[quote name='Liquid 2']Are you fucking with me?[/QUOTE]

No. The humorous situations were already hyperbolic in the first season; most of which has to deal with the way Sousuke acts in a high school setting. Fumoffu is even crazier and even funnier, so it should logically follow that it is "even more hyperbolic."
It took a little longer than expected, but i finished Now and Then, Here and There. The first half honestly wasn't that good. It certainly wasn't bad, and there were some great action and drama scenes in there, but for the most part i just couldn't get into the world. The main character had no purpose for what he was doing, the setting was unexplained, and it all seemed pointless.

Once the setting is really setup and shit hits the fan, the show becomes and amazing, and the last couple episodes made me fall in love with the show. The ending was, in one of friends words, "something you'd never expect to happen, but absolutely epic".

I plan on finishing up Princess Tutu relatively soon, and then it's time to move on. I'm thinking Pumpkin Scissors, FLAG, or Trigun.
I just got finished catching up with Kanamemo; I have now watched episode eight and nine. These two episodes had less Haruka antics than what the previous episodes had, but in its place were some heartwarming and cute moments. There was a look into Saki's soft side, which was nice since she always puts on that harsh manager front. Episode nine was great in that it got back to having the usual load of humor that episode eight lacked, but it still had some heartwarming moments with Mika.

Kanamemo continues to be a lot fun.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Razzuel, can you tell me the difference between hyperbole and hyperbolic?[/QUOTE]

The former—hyperbole—is a noun and the latter—hyperbolic—is the adjective form of said noun.
[quote name='the_punisher']I plan on finishing up Princess Tutu relatively soon, and then it's time to move on. I'm thinking Pumpkin Scissors, FLAG, or Trigun.[/QUOTE]

FLAG!! Those other two suck.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']FLAG!! Those other two suck.[/QUOTE]

Says you....


I finished Princess Tutu today, and i can proudly say that it was excellent. The story is almost flawless, and while there are some parts that either drag on to much or are a little too cute (or gay) for their own good, as a show, it was amazing. KL, you were actually right :applause:.
I finally got Dojin Work Volume 3 in the mail from Right Stuf yesterday. I probably should of went to bed when I had the chance, but I decided that I would rather read the manga. Volume 3 has the most divergence from the anime thus far; the basic plot threads are still there, but there are some differences in what happens during those events. For example: in the anime the group of characters stay at the beach for a couple days, but in the manga they only go to the beach for one day.

Volume 3 has more perverted situations than the previous volumes; however, I should clarify that I find Dojin Work's perverted humour to be intelligent rather than shallow and/or stupid.

Hopefully volume 4 doesn't take too long to arrive because Dojin Work is excellent.
So apparently ADV Films is shutting down, as reported here:

Granted, the writing was on the wall for the last year or two now, but it's still sad news. Definitely the end of an era, and a continued reminder of the ailing North American anime market.

Also, for the love of god, buy Princess Tutu *NOW*, before it disappears forever! Of all the shows in ADV's catalog, I can't imagine another company picking that one up. Sadness.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']So apparently ADV Films is shutting down, as reported here:

Granted, the writing was on the wall for the last year or two now, but it's still sad news. Definitely the end of an era, and a continued reminder of the ailing North American anime market.

Also, for the love of god, buy Princess Tutu *NOW*, before it disappears forever! Of all the shows in ADV's catalog, I can't imagine another company picking that one up. Sadness.[/QUOTE]

I saw this too. It's always sad to see more anime studios shutting down, and i feel like at this rate, they'll soon be gone forever (FUNimation and Viz seem to be some of the only main companies still doing ok).

Also, as KL said, BUY IT NOW.
I see that Funimation's doing the quick sub stream thing, like Viz before it, for One Piece, but isn't that way ahead of fansubbers like K-F (I forget their full name)?
bread's done