Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

Heh, so my friend's birthday is on Black Friday and they work on it so I decided to give them their gift a week early. I got them Sankarea and Robotic;notes since I got the LE and had a dupe now. We watched first few episodes of Sankarea and yeeeeeeeeah. Totally weird and really messed up but it had a lot of amusing moments too. I did mention to them that it was the edited version but the only thing that seems to be censored is gore and (i'm guessing) some nudity. At least the cover art and box are nice and everything quality wise seems top notch. 

And before you ask why I went the cheap route for a gift with this year it's because I was unemployed until yesterday. Something is better than nothing, right? lol

Anyway, I'll probably watch Ninja Scroll tonight. 

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Heh, so my friend's birthday is on Black Friday and they work on it so I decided to give them their gift a week early. I got them Sankarea and Robotic;notes since I got the LE and had a dupe now. We watched first few episodes of Sankarea and yeeeeeeeeah. Totally weird and really messed up but it had a lot of amusing moments too. I did mention them that it was the edited version but the only thing that seems to be censored is gore and (i'm guessing) some nudity. At least the cover art and box are nice and everything quality wise seems top notch.

And before you ask while I went the cheap route for a gift with this year it's because I was unemployed until yesterday. Something is better than nothing, right? lol

Anyway, I'll probably watch Ninja Scroll tonight.
if you liked Sankkarea, you should def watch pupa.

I watched Ninja Scroll last night. I thought it was awesome. Didn't really like the 4:3 aspect ratio but considering it's two decades old now, I guess that's how movies were then in Japan. Felt good to watch an anime movie that wasn't a spinoff of an anime as those are typically crap. I guess I'll start Elfen Lied and see what the craziness is all about. 

I also added a lot of new animes to my CR queue that everyone is raving over in the deals thread and a few that I randomly picked out. Guess I'll comment on them once I start a few. 

What's everyone else watching? 

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Well, here goes. The simulcasts I'm currently watching are One Piece, Yowapeda, SAOII, Log Horizon, Akame ga Kill, Parasyte, Your Lie in April, Ace of Diamond, Detective Connan and Inou Battle.

Older anime I'm catching up with are Rurouni Kenshin and Kaiji.

And anime in my backlog that I started but haven't watched in maybe a month or two are Slam Dunk, SKET Dance, Cross x Game and Space Dandy.

I finished Non Non Biyori, One Week Friends, Nobunaga Concerto and the first season of Kaiji. I dropped Flower of Evil after 5 episodes since I couldn't stand any of the characters. And dropped Terraforners due the heavy censorship and I really didn't find it that interesting after 4 episodes.

Anyways that's been my anime viewing schedule for the last few months. I've been busy.

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^ Nice.

Are you watching the old Kenshin dub on Crunchyroll? I randomly saw it was on there and dubbed a few months ago. Although I stopped with Kenshin after the Shishio fight many many years ago. 

How is Akame ga Kill? I saw it was most "popular" CR show last night and I haven't heard many people talk about it. Or if someone has, I didn't read or remember your post. :lol:

^ Nice.

Are you watching the old Kenshin dub on Crunchyroll? I randomly saw it was on there and dubbed a few months ago. Although I stopped with Kenshin after the Shishio fight many many years ago.

How is Akame ga Kill? I saw it was most "popular" CR show last night and I haven't heard many people talk about it. Or if someone has, I didn't read or remember your post. :lol:
Akame is a lot like Another, just a different genre.

You watch it for the random violence (though akame also has action/fight scnees), and try not to pay to much attention to the story, all the while you try to guess who will be the next to suffer the fate of the death flag.

Personally I am enjoying it, but you have to look past the stupid to really enjoy it (just like with Another, though this is more enjoyable than Another by quite a bit for me)

I knew shit got real in Another
once that girl fell down the stairs onto a god damn umbrella.
But thanks for your input, guys. I'll add it to my queue. 

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I'm watching subbed with Kenshin . Now I'm not one of those that turn their noses to andything dubbed but I figured since the anime is obviously heavy  in Japanese culture I didn't want anything lost in translation. Is the dub on CR any good? I'm having no problems with sub thus far. Kenshin's voice was a little annoying at first.

Akame is fun. As mentioned above the story takes a back set. It has it's share of goofy moments mixed well with some shocking and dramatic ones.

As for Another it had such a tremendous build up to the ultimate mystery of Class 3-3. I was expecting it to be more creepy but ultimately it was the anime form of Final Destination. The final wrap up to the mystery was a little disappointing. I enjoyed it but wanting to know the ending is what really kept me going.

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I'm watching subbed with Kenshin . Now I'm not one of those that turn their noses to andything dubbed but I figured since the anime is obviously heavy in Japanese culture I didn't want anything lost in translation. Is the dub on CR any good?

Akame is fun. As mentioned above the story takes a back set. It has it's share of goofy moments mixed well with some shocking and dramatic ones.
Short answer to your kenshin dub question... No it is not.

long answer, it's like a 10-15 year old dub. For the time it was release it was good enough, but it is not consistent between all characters.... to be fair I feel the same is true for the japanese version though as I hate the acting of a number of characters in the subbed versions as well (the one that gets my most hate is Kenshin himself (though that is more of a case of me not liking the voice in general and not a case of the acting... plenty of characters had terrible acting in both versions though)... thus why I watched the dub because I didn't mind the dub's voice for kenshin). Thus it's just a big mixed bag either way for me and in general I wish just a new series would be made.

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Just finished up Madoka Magica and its Rebellion movie. It turned out better than I expected. I picked it out of boredom and I'm glad I did. Its not your average anime.

^ Nice.

Are you watching the old Kenshin dub on Crunchyroll? I randomly saw it was on there and dubbed a few months ago. Although I stopped with Kenshin after the Shishio fight many many years ago.

How is Akame ga Kill? I saw it was most "popular" CR show last night and I haven't heard many people talk about it. Or if someone has, I didn't read or remember your post. :lol:
the closer anime i can think of that is similar akame ga kill, is basically attack on titan, but with lots of humor/jokes

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Just finished up Madoka Magica and its Rebellion movie. It turned out better than I expected. I picked it out of boredom and I'm glad I did. Its not your average anime.
if you like madoka magic, you should check out Selector Infected WIXOSS, it is basically a mix of madoka magica, and yu-gi-oh

It's a good way to avoid hearing "Oro?" every 5 minutes though.

It does help with that, plus in general I feel the voice for the dub actually fits the character design and character... unlike the japanese version which feels like one of the odd ball one piece characters where you have a voice that doesn't remotely fit the character for the sake of humor :/

It's the same issue I have with DBZ... the voice actress for goku did a fine job when goku was a little kid.... using basically that same voice for a grown man though is just terrible @____@

Rurouni Kenshin actually had two dubs, the Bang Zoom dub and a newer dub done by Sony. The Bang Zoom dub was the dub that Toonami had aired and is the one CR has. It's not great and yes, it hasn't aged well, but it's acceptable. The Sony dub on the other hand is just awful. That version used to be on Hulu but it has since disappeared.

As for the sub, I have to agree that Kenshin's VA probably shouldn't be a female but you get used to it after a while. Same with DBZ, I know some people absolutely loathe the Japanese version because of Goku's VA.

Just finished up Madoka Magica and its Rebellion movie. It turned out better than I expected. I picked it out of boredom and I'm glad I did. Its not your average anime.
I've only seen the anime but how are the movies? I heard mixed reactions of them since they made a ton of movies. Is one good and are the others bad?

I liked Kenshin's dub overall. Rather liked Richard Hayworth's take on Kenshin.

Only anime I have watched recently have been Build Fighters Try and Kämpher. Kämpher was decent, but the yuri got pretty thick in the middle and I wish there were more Red and Blue Kämpher to further the plot instead of just the main characters.
I liked Kenshin's dub overall. Rather liked Richard Hayworth's take on Kenshin.

Only anime I have watched recently have been Build Fighters Try and Kämpher. Kämpher was decent, but the yuri got pretty thick in the middle and I wish there were more Red and Blue Kämpher to further the plot instead of just the main characters.
kampher is more like a gender-bender show

For those who watch a lot of YouTube, FUNimation is putting up a bunch of their recent simulcast on their channel, including Gonna Be the Twin-Tail, A Good Librarian is a Good Shepard, and In Search of the Lost Future.
All this talk about incidentals makes me think of Chichiri from Fushigi Yugi.  Instead of saying "No da", he said "You know", which was very annoying. (sounded weird in his dub voice)

I finished Elfen Lied last night. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be but it still had plenty of messed up scenes. 

The first episode wasn't even that messed up. It wasn't until the flashback lab testing scenes that I started cringing.
I think every flashback with Lucy and... the other girl (her "sister" or whatever) were pretty damn sad. But episode 1 was pretty nuts in it's own right but once you start seeing the backstories it all starts to build up.

Ga-Rei-Zero still is #1 imo in terms of messed up... or well, bad first episodes.

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I think every flashback with Lucy and... the other girl (her "sister" or whatever) were pretty damn sad. But episode 1 was pretty nuts in it's own right but once you start seeing the backstories it all starts to build up.

Ga-Rei-Zero still is #1 imo in terms of messed up... or well, bad first episodes.
Did you mean Nana or Nariko? Actually, all their flashbacks were messed up.

o'yeah, i ask this question in the other thread, but any1 here watched Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor? is it even worth watching, or is it another one of your generic mecha anime?

Watched the first 2 episodes Mushi-shi season 1. Good stuff. I'm not sure if they will start having multiple episode arcs (I'm guessing they will) but I'm diggin these singles for now. These single self contained stories remind me of Kino's Journey (which I loved)

Also started up Slam Dunk again. About 9 episodes in and I'm enjoying it. This will be a slow burn but it's nice to have on the back burner along with Kenshin for older anime I want to watch.

Sabagebu! Is another one I'm interested in, but I should really slow my roll since I still have Kaiji, Kimi ni Todoke and all my simulcasts as well.

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o'yeah, i ask this question in the other thread, but any1 here watched Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor? is it even worth watching, or is it another one of your generic mecha anime?
I have only seen the first four episodes but from what I hear the show gets very angsty later on and you end up disliking most of the main characters.
Watched the first 2 episodes Mushi-shi season 1. Good stuff. I'm not sure if they will start having multiple episode arcs (I'm guessing they will) but I'm diggin these singles for now. These single self contained stories remind me of Kino's Journey (which I loved)

Also started up Slam Dunk again. About 9 episodes in and I'm enjoying it. This will be a slow burn but it's nice to have on the back burner along with Kenshin for older anime I want to watch.

Sabagebu! Is another one I'm interested in, but I should really slow my roll since I still have Kaiji, Kimi ni Todoke and all my simulcasts as well.
sabagebu is basically yuru yuri with guns

Watched the first 2 episodes Mushi-shi season 1. Good stuff. I'm not sure if they will start having multiple episode arcs (I'm guessing they will) but I'm diggin these singles for now. These single self contained stories remind me of Kino's Journey (which I loved)

Also started up Slam Dunk again. About 9 episodes in and I'm enjoying it. This will be a slow burn but it's nice to have on the back burner along with Kenshin for older anime I want to watch.

Sabagebu! Is another one I'm interested in, but I should really slow my roll since I still have Kaiji, Kimi ni Todoke and all my simulcasts as well.
Mushi-Shi S1 has some 2 part episodes. S2 I'm about 8 episodes in and it works the same way.

I've been tempted to start a sports anime but some of them seem to be pretty long. I looked up Slam Dunk and it looks pretty good. Is that on CR?

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Mushi-Shi S1 has some 2 part episodes. S2 I'm about 8 episodes in and it works the same way.

I've been tempted to start a sports anime but some of them seem to be pretty long. I looked up Slam Dunk and it looks pretty good. Is that on CR?
Good to hear about Mushi-shi. Looks like I'll really enjoy this one.

Slam Dunk is on CR. And if you don't mind I'll also recommend Yowapeda. It really got me into the genre. After that I started watching Kuroko, Ace of Diamond, Haikyu, Slam Dunk and a few others.

if you like madoka magic, you should check out Selector Infected WIXOSS, it is basically a mix of madoka magica, and yu-gi-oh
I got to watch a few episodes, so far so good. Love Tama haha. Thanks for the recommendation

I've only seen the anime but how are the movies? I heard mixed reactions of them since they made a ton of movies. Is one good and are the others bad?
The first two recap the anime and the third one called Rebellion is a sequel. I thought they did a pretty good job putting it together. The anime didn't really need a sequel, but it turned out great. The movie makes you think haha. If you like the anime then you should give it a go.

^ That narrows down on which movie I'll be watching then, thanks! :p

A friend of mine came over and had me watch the first episode of Parasyte -the maxim-. It's very weird but I kind of like it. The OST with dubstep... yeah, probably not the best choice for that anime. 

I got to watch a few episodes, so far so good. Love Tama haha. Thanks for the recommendation

The first two recap the anime and the third one called Rebellion is a sequel. I thought they did a pretty good job putting it together. The anime didn't really need a sequel, but it turned out great. The movie makes you think haha. If you like the anime then you should give it a go.
another one that i recommend is yuki yuna wa yusha de aru (the first episode is misleading), since you liked selector spread wioxx

Parasyte is fantastic.
Fun fact: The manga ran back in the late 80's trough the early 90's. Odd for such an old manga to be adapted into an anime. Also they made a live action movie which was released just a few months ago. And part two is coming out next year.

WARNING: Spoiler is a little creepy


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Fun fact: The manga ran back in the late 80's trough the early 90's. Odd for such an old manga to be adapted into an anime. Also they made a live action movie which was released just a few months ago. And part two is coming out next year.

WARNING: Spoiler is a little creepy

Yup! I read the manga when it was published in Mixxzine. Still one of my favorites, though I never did finish it.

That live action clip is amazing. I've got to see it now!
Fun fact: The manga ran back in the late 80's trough the early 90's. Odd for such an old manga to be adapted into an anime. Also they made a live action movie which was released just a few months ago. And part two is coming out next year.

WARNING: Spoiler is a little creepy

My fiancee giggles at every iteration of this thing. In the movie version, it's the eyes after the chomp.

Caught up with Gundam Build Fighters Try. Not as good as the first one. The battles are just meh. I'll continue to watch it but I can't help but feel the first Build Fighters was more fun.

Mushi-Shi is all kinds of awesome. Some episodes are uplifting and positive, while some are dark and depressing. I like the mood changes as each episode has it's own tone. And I like how it just fades into the credits without some kind of sting ending. It gives off this mysterious almost ominous vibe.

But Yowapeda and Akame tonight when I get home. Looking forward to that.

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Finished the first half of Zeta Gundam. I don't think it's amazing,but it's not bad so far. I do get a laugh from the obvious "toy moments"(everything with the Psyco Gundam). Then the villains who I don't really find interesting,and just come off as generic assholes(except for Scirocco).

bread's done