Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

Finished Samurai Champloo

I watched the first episode last year and wasn't really feeling it. I did however start listening to the music, and discovered some of the coolest tracks i've ever heard. I'd listen to it while playing my PS4 online in the background, so I figured i'd give the show another shot.

I am going to compare it a little to Bebop. I love Samurai stuff, but Bebop was way better. Apart from the cool style, awesome music, and some cool scenes it was a little boring at times. The dub was only good for the main characters, some of the others were laughably bad.

And the animation quality at times was really low quality, it was like I was watching Naruto filler or something. Really undetailed and disproportionate faces.. I remember Bebop was on point every single episode.

I don't know, because it was short, Watanabe and the music I watched it another wise I probably would've.

Ah well, at least i've discovered some cool new music which i'm really digging at the moment.

Next I am going to start Gansta which I know nothing about.. or Kids on the Slope
It was half-assed effort by Watanabe. The narrative structure is almost the same as Bebop,but with that it'd was building up to something,where with this it came off half-assed with the whole "we have no conflict that's need's resolving,let's just throw some random guys Mugen happened to fuck with at some point so we can have some pointless action to end the series on". It has some good episodes,but it's otherwise mediocre for the most part.

Kids on the Slope is pretty good,despite the usual anime love triangle bullshit. Gangsta isn't worth time though. It's great for 7 episodes and then it's just falls apart in every aspect.

It was half-assed effort by Watanabe. The narrative structure is almost the same as Bebop,but with that it'd was building up to something,where with this it came off half-assed with the whole "we have no conflict that's need's resolving,let's just throw some random guys Mugen happened to fuck with at some point so we can have some pointless action to end the series on". It has some good episodes,but it's otherwise mediocre for the most part.

Kids on the Slope is pretty good,despite the usual anime love triangle bullshit. Gangsta isn't worth time though. It's great for 7 episodes and then it's just falls apart in every aspect.
Is the dub any good for Kids? Someone on gaf told me to avoid Gangsta too, so maybe I won't bother.

Gangsta has a bullshit ending. I think the deal is it wasn't popular enough in Japan so no new shows. A shame since this type of "mature" anime are usually a hit in the states. And Nic was one of the coolest characters.

I loved Kids on the Slope. I think it's at episode 5 that will hit you in the feels. I also read the manga and the ending is a bit different but I think the anime nailed it. It's probably my favorite slice of life anime.

@thenexus6 - I saw your post on GAF. I lurk on that thread a lot but never post. It's where I get most of my anime suggestions. I'm going through now and reading posts to get ideas of what's good for this season.

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Kids on the Slope's dub was fine, it wasn't stellar, but everyone performed their voices well enough to at least call it a good dub.

I watched a few episodes of Paradise Kiss last night and it strongly resembled Princess Jellyfish as a more mature "fish out of the water" show. I like that it avoids your typical cliches and maintains a more adult perspective (even though it's show about high school kids)

So I'm an hour and a half into Steins;Gate (the game) and I've done jack shit but read text. I've never played one of these "Japanese-sim" games before but I decided to give this one a chance since I liked the anime so much. It's boring as hell. When do I actually get to do something?

I was hoping for more "choice" options and diverging story paths. But now I feel like I'm reading a visual novel rather than playing a game. I'll continue to play (if you can call pressing the X button every few seconds playing)

How many times do I have to see:    "..."    as a text dialogue.

I'll stick with it but just give me something to do already.

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We've been watching the earlier episodes of One Piece subbed with my daughter. I forgot how it's a completely different show in the earlier arcs. The pacing so much better & no 7 minute intro and re-cap. And I forgot OP used to have quality animation throughout the show. Now it's like 1 or 2 episodes here and there.

It's been fun and I'm remembering characters I totally forgot about. I wonder how many individual characters we're at now?

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We've been watching the earlier episodes of One Piece subbed with my daughter. I forgot how it's a completely different show in the earlier arcs. The pacing so much better & no 7 minute intro and re-cap. And I forgot OP used to have quality animation throughout the show. Now it's like 1 or 2 episodes here and there.

It's been fun and I'm remembering characters I totally forgot about. I wonder how many individual characters we're at now?
if you go through this you will likely get a decent idea.

Finished Dragonar Academy. Nowhere near as pervy as the trailers indicated, and there wasn't much to compensate. The tentacle hentai scenes stuck out like a sore thumb.

Biggest problem though was the character focus. They focused on Ash and Echo, the most generic anime characters ever, instead of Sylvia, the only character on the show who is an actual character and whose family actually drives the plot. Why was the show not focused around her again?
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So I started Kids on the Slope last night, seen four so far. I am liking it - the music is really great. Shame about the typical anime love triangle dilemmas but luckily because theres only 12 episodes I feel like they should be over with pretty soon. But its a nice slice of life style anime which I enjoy. Will try and finish it this week.

So I started Kids on the Slope last night, seen four so far. I am liking it - the music is really great. Shame about the typical anime love triangle dilemmas but luckily because theres only 12 episodes I feel like they should be over with pretty soon. But its a nice slice of life style anime which I enjoy. Will try and finish it this week.
The later episodes are the stronger ones IMO. Stick with it. Great end too.

So I want to pick up the Gundam Origin manga. Any ideas on the cheapest way to get the whole thing?

Man, I wish there was a digital copy.

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What are some of your favorite non opening/ending anime OST singles? Give a little description if you want. Here's a couple of mine:

Space Brothers: Not sure the name but everytime I hear it I feel like I can do anything. Perfect song for Mutta, a guy who isn't handed anything easy, always struggling but never gives up.

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You mean insert songs?

God Knows - Haruhi

Full Moon Sway - Beck

Fields of Hope - Gundam SEED Destiny

Most Honey and Clover inserts (Spitz's album "Honey", and Suga Shikao's "Clover" albums... dun dun dun).

One of the instrumental songs that's always in Inuyasha

A lot of songs in Cowboy Bebop (Blue) and Gits:SAC (most Ilaria Graziano sung ones)

cloud9 in Wolf's Rain

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So I finished Silver Spoon seasons 1 and 2. Really enjoyed the story (so far...?), especially how it was more drama than romance. Does appear there is a season 3 in the works right now which is disappointing as I think there is huge potential to develop the story and characters more.

Now to find something else to watch...

You mean insert songs?
Is that what you call them? Couldnt think of the term.

As for Silver Spoon there probably isn't enough source for another season yet. I know it's very popular in Japan and won several awards. I would say a 3rd season is more likely than not. So because of it's popualrity (much like AoT) they rushed out as much anime as they could and now we have to wait.

Hard to belieave it's done by the same person as Full Metal Alchemist. Blew my mind when I first heard that.

Any ideas what you might start next?

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Going to try out Honey and Clover.
This has been on my radar for like 6+ years now only ever saw 1-2 episodes though. Maybe I should watch it, I like slice of life stuff.

Speaking of slice of life, finished Kids on the Slope earlier today. Aside from the typical love triangle stuff you can't seem to escape these days.

It was very enjoyable, the music was great and kinda took a back seat to the lives of these kids. It did make me laugh a few times just how emotional and over the top characters would react literally dropping to their knees or lashing out at someone.

It was very enjoyable, the music was great and kinda took a back seat to the lives of these kids. It did make me laugh a few times just how emotional and over the top characters would react literally dropping to their knees or lashing out at someone.
I chalked that up as teens being teens. Some of their actions did seem heavy handed but then I remembered when I was a teen I did some stupid things too, especially when it came to relationships.

This has been on my radar for like 6+ years now only ever saw 1-2 episodes though. Maybe I should watch it, I like slice of life stuff.
I would classify it as more romance than slice of life. I liked Tari Tari a lot for a slice of life show that's a little similar to H&C.

So I finished Silver Spoon seasons 1 and 2. Really enjoyed the story (so far...?), especially how it was more drama than romance. Does appear there is a season 3 in the works right now which is disappointing as I think there is huge potential to develop the story and characters more.
Now to find something else to watch...
watch Ajin
Tried Honey and Clover, wasn't impressed. English VA were hit or miss in the first episode and I'm not really digging the child-like girl character.

Going to give Usagi Drop a try.

Tried Honey and Clover, wasn't impressed. English VA were hit or miss in the first episode and I'm not really digging the child-like girl character.

Going to give Usagi Drop a try.
that one is a very slow burn and takes a long time to get going. once it does it's solid though. the end is quite something but you have to be in the mood for a very slow burn slice of life.

Good to know. If I don't enjoy the first episode or two (I usually have enough time on my morning commute to get through two episodes), I'll probably be on the lookout for a solid action anime. Really wish there was a second season of OPM already. Really enjoyed that one. Or season 3 of My Teenage RomCom SNAFU...

Good to know. If I don't enjoy the first episode or two (I usually have enough time on my morning commute to get through two episodes), I'll probably be on the lookout for a solid action anime. Really wish there was a second season of OPM already. Really enjoyed that one. Or season 3 of My Teenage RomCom SNAFU...
we won't see OPM season 2 until 2018 or so.

for now enjoy mob psycho later this year ^^. (though I don't think it's anything like OPM just from the same creator)

There's plenty of stuff for me to watch, but a lot are rolling over from last season. I'm also following Assassination Classroom 2, Stride, & Haikyu. IMO it's a pretty good season.

Some of the shorts are fun like Ojisan Marshmellow & Galko-Chan. Too bad Yamishibai is terrible this season. Not scary or creative.

There's plenty of stuff for me to watch, but a lot are rolling over from last season. I'm also following Assassination Classroom 2, Stride, & Haikyu. IMO it's a pretty good season.

Some of the shorts are fun like Ojisan Marshmellow & Galko-Chan. Too bad Yamishibai is terrible this season. Not scary or creative.
assclass I am waiting for the dub on.

stride is okay, I am watching it, nothing special but not bad.

haikyu also okay, much the same watching it but not special in any way I don't remotely get the praise the show gets lol (though I do wish baby steps had the animation haikyu has as that is really the only thing the volleyball anime has going for it)

There's plenty of stuff for me to watch, but a lot are rolling over from last season. I'm also following Assassination Classroom 2, Stride, & Haikyu. IMO it's a pretty good season.

Some of the shorts are fun like Ojisan Marshmellow & Galko-Chan. Too bad Yamishibai is terrible this season. Not scary or creative.
i am surprise u didn't watch

Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen: false face ( the remake)yet

luck and logic , Haruchika, Dagashi Kashi, Bubuki Buranki, and ajin

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Boku Dake ga Inai Machi episode 4 was good, that ending!

I need a new show to watch, after finishing Kids on the Slope... something around 12 episodes preferably. 

I would check out Space Dandy to finish my Watanabe streak, but I saw one or two episodes a while ago and didn't think much of it. Its probably very good but not sure I want a whacky 26 episode anime right now. Anything easy going like Slope or Barakamon?

Also does anyone know what Dennou Coil is like?

I wouldn't call Space Dandy a Watanabe show. It's basically a cute experiment to get a bunch of different directors to do their own thing for an episode with great animation. It's good if you want pure simple fun(the concept does make it uneven),just don't go looking for anything thematically deep.
Also does anyone know what Dennou Coil is like?
the best way i have to describe dennou coil is it's what studio ghibli would make in an alternate universe where the message that technology is bad isn't hammered into every movie :p

it's a sci fi show that feels very studio ghibli (at least to me) and was a fun watch.

as for shows to watch.

spice and wolf?

princess jellyfish?



Paradise Kiss?

actually... just go with I My Me! Strawberry Eggs :p

I will vouch for Princess Jellyfish, Nozaki-Kun & Paradise Kiss. All are great shows.

I'll throw in Death Parade

I would vouch for Spice and Wolf. Fun dynamic between the two main characters, IMHO.
awe no love for Genshiken or i My Me! Strawberry Eggs :p

to be fair genshiken is really a love or hate show, and strawberry eggs is one you have to not think about to much lol.

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After months of hiatus from anime due to health, I've watched a few recently:

One-Punch Man: Flippin awesome! Looking forward to S2.

D-Frag: Pass. Don't remember where I heard I should see this. It's watchable if you have nothing else.

Beyond the Boundary: Very good series. Reminded me of Kekkaishi. Still need to watch the movie.

Himouto: Enjoyable watch. The story doesn't go anywhere, but it has some fun moments.

Now watching Hunter x Hunter (2011). I loved the original series and so far this is one is great as well.

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Hunter x Hunter takes a few episodes but once it gets into the Hunter exams arc it picks up fast. One of (if not the best) Shonen anime ever.

There's no hate. I just haven't watched them.
I said no love not hate, but still fair enough. I enjoy both of them, Genshiken is otaku culture the anime series, but is fun.

strawberry eggs is a good comedy, and both my wife and I enjoy it, but some of it's themes may not sit well with some people.

Hunter x Hunter takes a few episodes but once it gets into the Hunter exams arc it picks up fast. One of (if not the best) Shonen anime ever.
I would have to go through my shonen series but I know sitting at the top would be the same pick as many, full metal alchemist brotherhood for me :p

if we are going never ending series then I still think I pick one piece, Major, Ippo, and detective conan over hunter x hunter. (maybe even naruto I am sure I am forgetting others)

though to be fair I pick yu yu hakusho over hunter x hunter as well.

hunter x hunter does well at not doing the same old shonen stuff, and has some really high points, but it also has a lot of parts that dragged for me. (really I only loved the kurapika or whatever the hell his name is arc black market or something arc... greed island was also good though.) I think the last major arc could have been great if like 90% of the narrator crap was removed (thus reducing the run time by like 20-30%) It's something that likely flows much better in the manga, but even then it's an arc that shouldn't have gone on so long, aka an arc where the creator clearly didn't know what he was doing with it and just kept forcing it until he finally finished it (happens with stuff that only makes 6 chapters a year :p)

that all being said if you enjoy shonen series hunter x hunter is worth a watch. I wish it ended like 10 eps sooner (or wherever it is before they set up the next arc that they don't cover) though as the stuff after the last major arc is just repeated stabs in the gut given that the creator has only written like 4 chapters since the anime series ended and only goes like 15 chapters past the anime @____@

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Can't believe I never noticed this about Hunter x Hunter (from a Reddit post):

Episode names are something like:

Test × of × Tests--Shiken no Shiken

Rivals × for × Survival--Raibaru ga Sabaibaru

All hunters must hunt something, but Gons hunt is his father so he is "Hunter hunter".
One Piece is an investment at this point. After 700 episodes how can I stop. At least the last several episodes have been moving forward.

Detective Conan is boring. I loved it at one point but I'm tired of it now. There's little to no progression of the main story and the mysteries have become very predictable.

I watched the first 3 episodes of Genshiken (dub). The dialogue was strange so maybe it's just a poor dub. The way they say Akihabara is annoying. Should I skip the first season and jump into season 2?

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One Piece is an investment at this point. After 700 episodes how can I stop. At least the last several episodes have been moving forward.

Detective Conan is boring. I loved it at one point but I'm tired of it now. There's little to no progression of the main story and the mysteries have become very predictable.

I watched the first 3 episodes of Genshiken (dub). The dialogue was strange so maybe it's just a poor dub. The way they say Akihabara is annoying. Should I skip the first season and jump into season 2?
i stopped watching one piece because the anime is garbage, the manga is still good though.

Conan is merely decent with the weekly stories but when they hit plot progression it's great.

as for genshiken it's all one continuous story, jumping to season 2 really wouldn't do much but skip character growth. If you really wanted you could skip to Genshiken Nidaime (which is the adaption of Genshiken 2 the sequel manga) which you would miss some stuff, but mostly focuses on a new cast, that one is japanese only.

as for the dub, it's not a great dub, if I recall right it was media blasters, and in general their dubs aren't great. Genshiken in general has been very hit or miss with people I know, some adore it, some hate it, it really depends if you like the characters or not.

bread's done