Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

I'll watch a few more episodes of Genshiken. I'm not loving it but I'm not hating it either. Maybe I'll switch to the sub since the dub seems so darn awkward at times.

I'm around episodes 75 of Gintama and it's just so much fun. It's good to know I still have 200+ episodes to watch. Hasegawa is by far my favorite character.

I'll watch a few more episodes of Genshiken. I'm not loving it but I'm not hating it either. Maybe I'll switch to the sub since the dub seems so darn awkward at times.

I'm around episodes 75 of Gintama and it's just so much fun. It's good to know I still have 200+ episodes to watch. Hasegawa is by far my favorite character.
i need to try gintama again (picking back up from ep 20) I really wish it had a dub @_@ long shows are so much easier to watch with a dub.

A dub of Gintama would lose a lot of the jokes in translation for sure.

I love the variety in the show. The serious arcs are really good. The comedy can be hit n' miss but the good ones are pure gold.

A dub of Gintama would lose a lot of the jokes in translation for sure.

I love the variety in the show. The serious arcs are really good. The comedy can be hit n' miss but the good ones are pure gold.
a good translation team can make up for that, look at the ace attorney video game series :p

The jokes are heavy with puns and word play. Plus they reference a lot of Japanese celebrities and often make word play off their names to make dirty jokes. So unless you make a diffrent or similar joke most of them would not translate well. Even with subtitles a lot of the jokes fly over my head, ussually when they reference a celeb or show that's unknown to me. But when I do get the joke I'm like:


Erased is probably the best show of the season and I agree the pickings are really slim. I can't wait to watch the latest episode when I get home from work. The other one that I've found intriguing, partly because I get to learn about another Japanese entertainment venue (like I did with Chihayafuru), is Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju. Rest of the shows I'm watching this season are either second seasons or are mostly for entertainment value, but aren't worth touting too highly. I do really enjoy the Kindaichi series though.

Also, if we're throwing around best shows etc, Code Geass is a must watch for anyone who hasn't. If you look at some of the shows released in the 2007-2008 time frame, lots of amazing anime. It makes you scratch your head when you look at recent years. I guess there was Aldnoah.Zero (+awesome soundtrack) and Seraph of the End, which are both pretty awesome, but nowhere near Code Geass.

Yeah I just watched the latest Erased and i'm pretty happy with this show. Very interesting seeing where it goes.

Dad lost his job, got a divorce and moved away because of a misunderstanding about a stolen chocolate bar?? dafuq

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After watching the last two episodes of Dragonball Super, I'm even more pissed they wasted 26 episodes retelling the movies. Immediately these first few episodes of the Universe 6 arc are way better. It was also nice to see Bulma take the initiative and to finally see Tights on screen.

After watching the last two episodes of Dragonball Super, I'm even more pissed they wasted 26 episodes retelling the movies. Immediately these first few episodes of the Universe 6 arc are way better. It was also nice to see Bulma take the initiative and to finally see Tights on screen.
to be fair the first 26 episodes are fine, they were just annoying because the movies exist. if the movies didn't exist I think most people would have enjoyed them just fine :p

Well they still have their problems too. Horrible animation, slow ass fights, and wonky power levels would still be there.

The biggest problem is that nothing was really changed for the series. Yea, some minor stuff was changed like Tarble being erased and Ginyu coming back, but the gang at the end of Resurrection F is in the exact same state as in the end of its Super equivalent.
True, but I actually think the Super Saiyan ate better animated in the original show than Super.

Also finally watched Eva 3.33. While I can understand why people hate it and I wish more time had been spent getting to know the world after the time skip, I did enjoy it overall.
I'm also glad Super is heading into new territory. The Frieza fight was boring but the Dimension tourney stuff sounds fun.

So Tarble is not cannon? In fact I'm curious what is considered cannon at this point. 

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Most people consider Tarble non-canon due to Burma not bringing him up in the TV equivalent of that scene.

Given Toriyama's chronic laziness and forgetful nature, I'd say anything outside of Kai is non-canon simply because Toriyama forgot about it. He revealed in an interview that he had to ask Eiichiro Oda who Tao Pai Pai was.
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Anyone else watching "Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu"? This show is amazing. As much as I love Erased this may take my top spot this season. If anyone is interested in traditonal Japanese culture give this a watch. It's about rakugo, which is similar to a one-man stand up comedian, but with a more imbedded cultural significance in Japanese culture. Much like how Sumo has deep tradition but as a sport.

Keep in mind the stories and jokes they perform will probably fall flat with people outside Japan. My wife who's Japanese doesn't really get it either. But without 100% understanding the humor you will understand the culture behind it. Check it out f you're looking for a serious toned anime targeted at an audience above 18. It feels similar to "Kids on the Slope." And you'll understand why I said that after the first few episodes.

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Anyone else watching "Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu"? This show is amazing. As much as I love Erased this may take my top spot this season. If anyone is interested in traditonal Japanese culture give this a watch. It's about rakugo, which is similar to a one-man stand up comedian, but with a more imbedded cultural significance in Japanese culture. Much like how Sumo has deep tradition but as a sport.

Keep in mind the stories and jokes they perform will probably fall flat with people outside Japan. My wife who's Japanese doesn't really get it either. But without 100% understanding the humor you will understand the culture behind it. Check it out f you're looking for a serious toned anime targeted at an audience above 18. It feels similar to "Kids on the Slope." And you'll understand why I said that after the first few episodes.
Yeah I've been keeping up with that. It's not going to unseat Erased yet for me, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I feel like I get the humor and some of the other things that are going on, just some of it isn't my type of humor. I also think there's an element of the time period and what was shocking or funny then probably doesn't hold up any more. Like some older American comedy.

Yeah I just watched the latest Erased and i'm pretty happy with this show. Very interesting seeing where it goes.
I had the same reaction you did on your spoiler topic. Kind of bizarre. For something that so far has had fairly interesting story elements, that one made no sense. I have to wonder if there's something about Japanese culture that makes that whole part fall flat for us. It still doesn't explain the girl's mode of thinking either. Really that whole part seems like it was hastily written in to help facilitate his time jumping and make him hiding out work out. Maybe we'll learn more next episode, or maybe that piece will be just as hastily removed from the story as it was added in.

I have to say, I am utterly addicted to the Pocket Monsters XY&Z Opening "Believe in Myself," though I prefer the Rika Matsumoto version.

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Finally watching FMA:B from start to finish. I've started it a few times (maybe the first 5-10 episodes each time) but never finished because of life...

Really enjoying it so far. Much better than the original series, though some of the voices are different. Not sure if better or worse, but overall, a great dub as one would expect.

Finally watching FMA:B from start to finish. I've started it a few times (maybe the first 5-10 episodes each time) but never finished because of life...

Really enjoying it so far. Much better than the original series, though some of the voices are different. Not sure if better or worse, but overall, a great dub as one would expect.
some of the voices had to be changed

Al was originally a child actor doing the voice who got to old thus he instead played their father in brotherhood lol

I don't recall why Scar's voice got changed (perhaps he was busy recording lines for handsome jack in borderlands or something else)

overall the dub was great in both though, and both are great series, just wish brotherhood hadn't decided they were gonna burn through what the original series did as quick as they could as it ruins some of the early stuff, they should have made the series an extra 5-10 eps or so.

wouldn't mind one bit if it went down in this thread... if it goes down in this thread I won't miss possible sales or news that honey and clover went out of print.

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I don't like the woman that did Al's voice. I understand why it was necessary, but she isn't as good.

I thought about getting his blood seal tattoo, but the new voice killed it for me. Plus it looks like a pentagram in blood on a person's neck.

A homunculus tattoo was my 2nd choice, but since greed's is on his hand (and the location is inconsistent), I decided against that too.

Last episode of Erased gave me some hope. Thought it might become a depressing show after the last episode. Also, intro song is awesome. Saw it was Asian Kung-fu Generation and then thought, but of course it's awesome. They do great anime intros. Crap, this show is best marathoned...if anyone is reading this and haven't started watching, just wait for it to finish. Such a strong impulse to see what's next!!

Last episode of Erased gave me some hope. Thought it might become a depressing show after the last episode. Also, intro song is awesome. Saw it was Asian Kung-fu Generation and then thought, but of course it's awesome. They do great anime intros. Crap, this show is best marathoned...if anyone is reading this and haven't started watching, just wait for it to finish. Such a strong impulse to see what's next!!
They are making a TV adaptation if anyone is interested. I'm guessing the show is gaining popularity. A few Japanese moms we often have play dates with know the show, and they're not into anime at all. And yes, the intro is awesome.

Has anyone watched the Parasyte live action movies? I just watched them both and was really surprised. A lot of these live action adaptations are pretty crappy but I thought these were quite impressive. 

Sure the SFX are average at times, but I felt it didn't take away from the movies.

Has anyone watched the Parasyte live action movies? I just watched them both and was really surprised. A lot of these live action adaptations are pretty crappy but I thought these were quite impressive.

Sure the SFX are average at times, but I felt it didn't take away from the movies.
I watched a bit of the first one. But I prefered the anime. Still, I love this gif:


I know anime/manga live action adaptations is a huge boom in Japan now. I recently watched Rurouni Kenshin and really liked it. I thought the casting was good too. I want to watch the Lupin III movie but I can't get over the fact that Lupin is portrayed by a Japanese actor. It just seems off.

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I think I am going to watch Ping Pong the Animation next. Art style looks really cool. Anything I should know before jumping in?
It's excellent. Unlike most sport anime which focus on the sport and not the characters,this one really goes into why these people play the game and what it means to them. The characters also feel and act like real people,which makes them extremely relatable.

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I think Erased is the first show where I was genuinely scared about what might happen next. Nervous watching the whole time. If there are official prizes given out to anime shows, this one should win one.

Rakugo episode 7 was a little weak. Not much happened other than rehashing that Yu is a alcoholic bum and Kiku continues to be awkward around clinging miss geisha. 

I watched a ton of Gintama last night. I'm around ep. 116. Good stuff. I'm gonna be sad when I finally catch up.

I posted this in a non-related PS Vita forum, but I feel like I'm not really enjoying anime that much anymore. I like it but I don't find myself falling in love with characters/storys/OSTs/etc... anymore. May just me getting older and the stuff is mainly aimed at teens while i'm close to being 30. Been watching since about 93-94 or so. I mainly just watch some drama/comedy/romance anime and usually drop anime I dislike wihin 2-3 episodes watching it. Think the last anime I really enjoyed was likely Haganai and Oreimo. I just don't feel like I love anime anymore like I used to.

I can understand that. While there are modern-modern anime I greatly enjoyed (Heaven's Lost Property, High School DxD, Yamada's First Time, Welcome to the Space Show, Gargantia, Steins;Gate, Yona of the Dawn, etc.) most of the series I have really enjoyed have ties to older properties (Gundam Unicorn, Build Fighters, Iron-Blooded Orphans, Pocket Monsters XY/&Z, Lupin III, etc.).

Part of it is the anime industry pandering to horny teens (both male and female) and part of it is that we're getting ALL the new anime, rather than just the better 50% that we got before.

I posted this in a non-related PS Vita forum, but I feel like I'm not really enjoying anime that much anymore. I like it but I don't find myself falling in love with characters/storys/OSTs/etc... anymore. May just me getting older and the stuff is mainly aimed at teens while i'm close to being 30. Been watching since about 93-94 or so. I mainly just watch some drama/comedy/romance anime and usually drop anime I dislike wihin 2-3 episodes watching it. Think the last anime I really enjoyed was likely Haganai and Oreimo. I just don't feel like I love anime anymore like I used to.
I'm feeling the same way about video games and comic books. I've just lost interest in both with no real reason behind it. I used to be a die-hard fighting game fan and I've shown little to none interest in Street Fighter V. If I'm not doing something with the family In my free time I usually like to chill and watch TV (or take a nap). But I'm not sure why anime has stuck with me. I guess it's easier to watch some dumb mindless anime than get invested in a video game.

I've been less passionate about anime recently too. The last series I really liked were also Haganai and Oreimo, but also Tari Tari and now Gate. Shounen shows don't interest me any more, and I was never a big fan of harem/ecchi to begin with.

And I was reading manga when I was learning how to read. Doraemon mostly. So it's been a long time.

Edit: Oh, shout out to I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying. I hadn't laughed so hard at anything for a long time.

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Not a huge fan of shounen anymore either, only their comedy anime get a pass from me anymore. I do enjoy the comedies like Dagashi Kashi, that naughty jokes ones a season or two ago, D-Frag, etc, but that's about it. New Gundam anime is pretty decent too. I mainly watch shoujo and seinen anime otherwise. Chihayafuru was beautiful and a pretty interesting anime, forgot about that one. Also there was a massively underrated Josei one....I forget the name now but it had adult characters and there was a widow and her husband had a ghost and some guy who helped her out in a flower shop. It was pretty excellent honestly, though I hated the supernatural stuff in it.

I guess I still find some gold among all the coal and among the copper. These last few seasons I just haven't really found an anime to be addicted to though Erased was pretty good, good enough to where I marathoned the manga and ruined the anime heh. Manga is quite a bit better though Erased is very decent. I will likely catch the last episode since the manga isn't fully scanlated yet.

I also have a slight soft spot for magical girl shows, but honestly I haven't watched them in many years. I always seem to watch about 2-3 episodes of a new Precure series and then just forget about it. It's not bad, but pretty samey.

The one anime I haven't seen that seems to be extremely popular this season and is a Josei anime is Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu and it seems like it fits my bill for anime I like.

Edit: Natsuyuki Rendezvous is the anime I was talking about before the Josei one.

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I watch less anime than I used to, but.... shows like one punch man won't let me say that I enjoy it less :p.

as for there being more pandering these days.... it's both a true statement and a false statement. by the number of shows there are more shows with pandering these days... at the same time there are also more shows without pandering. There are just more anime shows in general these days then there used to be. 10-15 years ago there was only really like 10-15 shows released in a season period. now there are 10-15 shows about 4 girls in a club a season :p just more stuff to wade through, there is still just as many if not more shows that focus on trying to be a good show instead of trying to make someone horny.

I still find plenty of fun shows to watch, and I imagine in 5 years time people will be talking about how the quality of anime right now is so much better than it is then as we had great shows like erased and one punch man and ect. ect. anime is degrading and getting worse blah blah blah. I heard it today, I heard it 5 years ago, I heard it 10 years ago, I am sure I will hear it again in 5 more years lol. A lot of it has to do with people's state of mind. After you watch so much anime a lot of things feel samey. Beyond that looking back fondly into the past tends to let you forget the crap while in current days you can only remember the crap.

either way this year will be a good year for anime for me. Boku no Hero Academia next season will be great, mob psycho later this year will likely be fun, soma season 2 I was hoping would make it to spring but seems unlikely now. there is finally going to be an ace attorney anime next season which will likely suck but I will love it anyways lol, Bungou Stray Dogs looks like it could be fun. I totally missed this but Orange is getting an anime adaption this summer and no doubt people will talk about that one as much if not more than Erased (also involves future knowledge affecting the present events and was a great manga read)  Attack on titan season 2 should be fun, 

but yeah some people fall out of love with their hobbies, it happens, people can change. I never will :p but some people do lol.

The one anime I haven't seen that seems to be extremely popular this season and is a Josei anime is Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu and it seems like it fits my bill for anime I like.

Edit: Natsuyuki Rendezvous is the anime I was talking about before the Josei one.
Rakugo is s a great drama that shows off an interesting part of Japanese culture. The first episode is an hour long, but episode 2 is where the story really starts.

Dragon Ball Super was actually good this week. DB was always best during tourney arcs.

I watched the first few episodes of Natsuyuki Rendezvous. Not sure why I dropped it but does it have a good ending?

Finished Hunter x Hunter 2011 anime. The ant arc dragged on, but otherwise it was very enjoyable.

What to watch next...

Oh, shout out to I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying. I hadn't laughed so hard at anything for a long time.
+1 shoutout
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Edit: Oh, shout out to I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying. I hadn't laughed so hard at anything for a long time.
These little shorts can be fun since you can watch an entire season in one night. Have you seen Tonari no Seki-kun? That one had me laughing pretty good. Also this season has Please Tell Me GalKo Chan and Ojisan to Marshmallow. Both are quick but fun shorts.

Not a huge fan of Ojisan...alright but nothing else. Now I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying was great. It had good comedy and I liked that the characters generally acted like real people. Also I liked that even though they couldn't always relate perfectly you can feel the love they had for each other. Was really cute in that respect.

Natsuyuki Rendezvous had an alright ending but it felt all rushed. Stuff gets really weird too, I liked it overall but those last parts went too far into the supernatural for me to not roll my eyes and such. 

This year will definitely be good by virtue of the follow up seasons to solid anime. I'm also hoping for some new gems like Erased to pop up here and there. I'm really worried about Macross Delta though...that first episode preview made me want to puke. I don't think it will come anywhere close to Frontier. Some names I see that have potential. Will be a fun year.

Anyone else watching Girls Beyond the Wasteland? It is the most generic, cookie cutter anime ever. If you were to parody an anime in an anime this is what they would show. I swear I've seen this type of show a dozen times and each time I think something will be different. But nope, same ol' same ol' predictable stuff. It's not bad, I did enjoy the first few episodes but then it fell into anime trope hell.

On the other hand Gintama has been awesome (around ep. 120) It's like the SNL of anime. Making fun of everything even itself at times. It touched on everything from Lupin, DBZ One Piece, and even older stuff like Heidi and Nausicaa. One episode it even pokes fun at how useless Yamcha is. Defiantly an anime for anime fans.

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