Anyone here displeased with KOTOR 2?

[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='MaskedPlague']35 hours to finish. Ouch![/quote]

It was suppose to be more than that, over 40 is what I heard.[/quote]
It varies really from person to person, order of planets, reading speed, etc.
I have played through about 4 times now and have averaged 25-30 to finish each time.

As for my take on the game I absolutely love it! (and to address some of the mentioned issues in no particular order)

The story IMO trumps KOTOR1 in every way. The story and charachters (if you get influence with everyone and listen) intertwine and create a much darker and more intelligent setting over all. When I first learned about Atton's past It blew my mind!!

The story also takes a serious look at the Jedi, their belief system, and what it means to be evil or good. Kreia is one of the best characters in an RPG ever. She makes you second guess yourself and helps you to see the world outside of the GOOD/BAD scale from before. Her dialogue is extremely intelligent and well acted. The ending, I will admit, was a tad underwhelming but it did set the stage nicely for KOTOR3. The game makes you work for the story and character development which I think rewards true RPG gamers.

I agree with the "if it ain't broke dont fix it" choices that were made with the engine considering they had about a year to do the game. IF you pay attention and IF you played the hell out of KOTOR1 you will notice imporved graphics. Most notably, character poly count (for PC chars), WAYYYY more varied faces for NPCs, New animations for attacks/feats/weapon combos/unarmed/and combinations of opposing waepons were included. Also you will notice that the way your char attacks with melee changes as they improve (most noticable with feats), they become more finesed and precise (which makes sense). Also menu and GUI appearnce has been changed, I logged a 100+ hours in KOTOR1 so trust me on that.

Item creation and overall quality of stuff in the game is much improved as well.

Also for the "unbalanced" gameplay, blame the decision to go "epic level" gaming with the D20 system. Veterans of Pnp and CRPGs know that is is difficult to break the 20 limit and still maintain the same level of intensity and focus found in regualar lvled play.This was also an issure in Bioware's Hordes of the Underdark expansion, it just got WAYY to easy especially near the end. True, more time could have been spent but don't say that this happened because OBSIDIAN IZ TEH SUKZSSSORZ!!!111!+!. It happened because they got strong-armed by microsoft. Obsidian members have been resonsible for awesome CRPGs like Icewind Dale series and Planescape torment.

As for the attack-stuck glitch (ie, not being able to attack and recasting a force power repeatedly) Wait until you PC has finished casting COMPLETELY (the icon disappears all the way) then hit attack, if not you will get stuck in a loop.

Summary: KOTOR2 is an awesome game that has a few technical problems.
Sorry Taiidanx, but I strongly disagree with a lot of what you say. I do agree that Kreia is the best part of this game.

First off, Atton's "revelation" was so heavily foreshadowed that it wasn't too big a deal. Also, that voice actor was attrocious. I was giggling as he was talking about this painful experience because of that nasty lisp of his.

The only characters I was remotely attached to were the Handmaiden and Visas. Otherwise, they were all bland when compared to the first game's cast.

You blame the difficulty imbalance on D&D rules? No, that's just poor design. Also, Microsoft had nothing to do with this game, blame LucasArts or Obsidian for the rush-job to cash in on the holidays. You also give a workaround for the attack-stuck glitch. That shouldn't be necessary in the first place! I'm a huge fan of Icewind Dale, so that just makes this game even more disappointing...

Oh Interplay, where art thou? Bastards....
bread's done