anyone stuck with TMNT DS?


Im getting a DS for my brithday, which is tuesday. But my gf, got me TMNT themed presents cause we went to the movie this weekend. Got some of the new toys (Van is sweet, not as good as the old one, but sweet nonetheless) and TMNT DS so i have another game to play besides NSMB. I was excited until i just saw the reviews as i was away from a computer all weekend. apparently its extremely bad for the DS, but the GBA one is great.

I'm dumb and got excited and opened it to read through the booklet and such, so i wont be able to return it anywhere, and i dont think ill find anybody who wants it. any idea on how much id get at EB for a trade it towards the GBA version? Even though it just came out im pretty sure ill get jipped.

Also to anyone that has it, is it really that bad. i mean, i cant even play it till i get my DS on tuesday. But if its at least a bit entertaining i can suffer through it for my love of turtles. I mean, i freaking played through jango fett bounty hunter and got some enjoyment out of it (and that game was really really awful). Mostly wrote this up to vent out of my immenint dissapointment, but any feedback on the quality of the game or its trade in value would be appreciated.
Yes, the DS version really is that bad. It's almost unplayabe. The majority of the first few levels is jumping from box to ledge to rooftop, using only the xyab buttons to control direction. When you finally get to some enemies to fight, combat is horrible, you cannot jump and it is very difficult to get the turtle lined up properly to attack. I stopped playing it after about 20 min. I'm probably going to dump mine on ebay before word gets around too much. Now I have to find somewhere to get the GBA version.
UPDATE: Found the GBA version and it is wonderful. Very reminiscent of Turtles in Time, which is my favorite TMNT game. Buy the GBA one if you need your portable turles fix
So the GBA version is better than the earlier GBA ones even? I enjoyed the first TMNT GBA game quite a bit.

Too bad they didn't just use the GBA version for the DS and give it upgraded music. They did a good job on Star Wars: Episode III like that.
yeah wtf. i get my DS tomorrow, i think im jsut gonna play through TMNTDS just because, and then see how much i can get as trade in value to put towards the GBA one.
Whatever dude, it's a gift. Not only will your girlfriend appreciate it more if you played through the DS game instead of simply selling it off, but you got it for free.
haha she would notice, but she also knows it sucks now since readign reviews. im playing through it anyway, its not the worst game ever, but its definatley not fun. we went out shopping today and we picked up the GBA one too. its pretty fun.
[quote name='T16skyhopp']omg i just beat it thank god its over[/quote]

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