Attack on crowd at Denver Dark Knight Rises midnight showing

So this is turning into quite te cluster fuck. Seems like local authorizes reports are drastically different from the FBI reports. FBI says no bomb, local says bombs.

When asked why this is taking so long locals say they had to get a warrent before going in.
She had awoken unaware of the news of the shooting and had not been contacted by authorities. She immediately expressed concern that her son may have been involved.
"You have the right person," she said.
"I need to call the police," she added. "I need to fly out to Colorado."

Taken from Yahoo news there something in his past to make his mom think it would possibly be him? Or am I reading this wrong. Comes off as if his mom had an idea he was behind it...
Maybe, there useally some form mental health in the background of these things. Only time will tell with more info.
[quote name='dohdough']Then your opinion is dumb because that's conservative bullshit. Anyone over 18 with a NY drivers license can walk into any gun shop and buy a dozen long guns with a stockpile of ammo, no questions asked except for NYC and maybe a couple other towns, which I think require a permit. As for handguns, all you need is to get a permit as well.[/quote]

Buying a long gun and carrying a long gun is two different things, with different laws revolving around them. It may be easy to buy a long gun, but it is not easy to carry it around in the state of NY.

It doesn't really matter either way. Because we live in the USA, and it is not illegal to carry firearms of any kind. NY just makes it a lot harder to be able to do this. NYC being a lot worse with their laws regarding gun ownership and carry. California is very strict with their gun laws as well.

They're both problems.

Of course they are both problems. But we won't solve the problem of what tool is being used for crimes, without solving why people commit these crimes first.

You take guns away, then you will see people getting murdered by knifes. You take knives away, then criminals will find something else to terrorize the people with. I have heard criminals using dogs to car jack people in the UK, so anything is possible.

This man did something very horrible and should be accountable for it. But at what cost? At the cost of other law abiding citizens?
[quote name='confoosious']Get over *yourself*. I wasn't singling you out. Notice I said regularS. didn't realize you were plural.[/QUOTE]
Actually, you didn't say it, but I guess you making that post was only coincidental because it was right after mine right? I guess your history of singling me out in the exact manner as your statement below is irrelevant in this case? Feel free to edit your post into regulars though. Then your statement would be more accurate and truthful. Not to mention that posters made more extreme statements about gun control than I have here that aren't vs. regulars.

Although I'm sure you'll find a way to turn this shooting into a lament about disenfranchised black people.
Yeah...I totally do that in every thread. You should see my comments in the Nexus tablet thread where I tie disenfranchisement to the lack of Flash support in Jellybean.

But enough of this derail.

I agree with Soodmeg in that a bunch of mental health things are going to be coming out on this guy.
I can't tell if it's just the lack of information but I kinda feel like this taking a long time to search.

Also police department was only 3 blocks away. Which means Holmes knew he was going to get caught almost instantly.
Yeah. I already corrected myself. I thought I said regulars but I said "crowd" so unless you are a crowd of one, my point stands.

And I'm sure that others would agree with me that you pull that disenfranchised schtick in every thread that you can. ie every political thread.

Either way, get over yourself.

@4thhorseman - I think you read too much I to that quote. She was simply confirming that she was the mother.
No. He was dressed in all black camo with a body armor and a black mask like thing covering his face.
[quote name='snakemaster2389']wait, was the shooter dressed up like batman or something?[/QUOTE]

Nope. He was regular dressed with tactical vest, helmet, and goggles.
[quote name='confoosious']Yeah. I already corrected myself. I thought I said regulars but I said "crowd" so unless you are a crowd of one, my point stands.

And I'm sure that others would agree with me that you pull that disenfranchised schtick in every thread that you can. ie every political thread.

Either way, get over yourself.

@4thhorseman - I think you read too much I to that quote. She was simply confirming that she was the mother.[/QUOTE]

You know you are derailing the thread more than he is? Just drop it.
Local police reports are starting.

I surprised at the lack of info when the shooter is still alive. Useally these things are tough because they kill themselves.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Local police reports are starting.

I surprised at the lack of info when the shooter is still alive. Useally these things are tough because they kill themselves.[/QUOTE]

Well he might not feel like talking.

I'm actually quite shocked he didn't kill himself.
Well like I said before. The police station was only 3 blocks away.

That means he knew that they would be on top of him instantly, so he must not of planned to kill himself to begin with. He was caught I believe just standing next to his car after te shooting.

He had plenty of time to kill himself. Either he chickend out or never played on it.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Local police reports are starting.

I surprised at the lack of info when the shooter is still alive. Useally these things are tough because they kill themselves.[/QUOTE]

They need to collaborate and gather evidence before making any claims to the case.

So that takes some time.
[quote name='confoosious']Well he might not feel like talking.

I'm actually quite shocked he didn't kill himself.[/QUOTE]

Maybe he intended to but couldn't make himself do it. I can't begin to understand what would be going on in the mind of someone like that.

Even if we do learn what his motives were, it will never make something like this much easier to understand.
[quote name='ppself']Buying a long gun and carrying a long gun is two different things, with different laws revolving around them. It may be easy to buy a long gun, but it is not easy to carry it around in the state of NY.

It doesn't really matter either way. Because we live in the USA, and it is not illegal to carry firearms of any kind. NY just makes it a lot harder to be able to do this. NYC being a lot worse with their laws regarding gun ownership and carry. California is very strict with their gun laws as well.[/quote]
How literal are you getting with this? Almost every state is "strict" and even Texas doesn't allow open carry. fucking TEXAS. And the last time I checked NY gun laws, you can keep your gun in your trunk if you're going somewhere.

Rather than parroting conservative/gun-nut talking points, you should really read up on gun laws instead. You might find that the "liberal" states aren't as bad and that red states aren't that good.

Of course they are both problems. But we won't solve the problem of what tool is being used for crimes, without solving why people commit these crimes first.

You take guns away, then you will see people getting murdered by knifes. You take knives away, then criminals will find something else to terrorize the people with. I have heard criminals using dogs to car jack people in the UK, so anything is possible.

This man did something very horrible and should be accountable for it. But at what cost? At the cost of other law abiding citizens?
I'm not disagreeing with you about the systemic issues, but no one is saying that we need to completely ban guns and I don't support that either. The canard that gun laws only hurt legitimate guns owners because criminals will get guns illegally is stupid precisely because people ignore the fact that all those guns came from legitimate sources to begin with, whether it was 1 or 10 transactions before it got to a "bad guy." Point is that they both need to be addressed at the same time. That is how systemic solutions work.
I don't know if this dick is still alve because I'm just finding this out and haven't read through this thread or any news reports--

but I hope dude gets his ass raped so hard in jail.
No, prior police history.

Over 71 injuried, 12 dead. 59 injured which means 2 dead at the hospital

2 devices used to distract crowd

Saying they acted alone.
James HolmesColorado movie theater shooter James Holmes was sporting red hair and told people he was "The Joker" when he was apprehended by police Friday morning ... this according to NY Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

During a news conference this afternoon, Kelly said, "We have some information, most of it is public. It clearly looks like a deranged individual. He had his hair painted red, he said he was ‘The Joker,’ obviously the enemy of Batman."

ABC News is reporting Holmes made the Joker remark to police, not during the shooting.

It's likely Kelly obtained the information from Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates -- according to reports, the two are good friends. In fact, Oates was a member of the NYPD for 21 years.

Holmes may have been trying to recreate a scene from the 2008 movie, "The Dark Knight" ... which features a scene where The Joker, played by Heath Ledger, wears a red wig while destroying a hospital.
movie theater shooter James Holmes was sporting red hair and told people he was "The Joker" when he was apprehended by police Friday morning ... this according to NY Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

During a news conference this afternoon, Kelly said, "We have some information, most of it is public. It clearly looks like a deranged individual. He had his hair painted red, he said he was ‘The Joker,’ obviously the enemy of Batman."

ABC News is reporting Holmes made the Joker remark to police, not during the shooting.

It's likely Kelly obtained the information from Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates -- according to reports, the two are good friends. In fact, Oates was a member of the NYPD for 21 years.

Holmes may have been trying to recreate a scene from the 2008 movie, "The Dark Knight" ... which features a scene where The Joker, played by Heath Ledger, wears a red wig while destroying a hospital.

That last part is a hell of a reach.

If he wanted to recreat that scene he would have probably you know blown up a hospital not shoot up a movie theater. For fucks sake....stop with the blame shifting.
From time of shooting to when the police arrested him was only about 1:30min.

That's damn good and really fast.
[quote name='Soodmeg']That last part is a hell of a reach.

If he wanted to recreat that scene he would have probably you know blown up a hospital not shoot up a movie theater. For fucks sake....stop with the blame shifting.[/QUOTE]

Obviously the blame is on this lone nut and not on a movie, but I'm not sure it's as huge a reach as I wish it was. It wouldn't surprise me at all if part of this guy's plan was acting out some sick recreation. Getting caught by police and then revealing that you've got explosives rigged up on the other side of town? I certainly remember that scene from the Dark Knight.
Uhhh, well as far as recreation....the jokers hair is green not red, he also blew up a hospital not shoot up a movie theater and doesnt use guns he uses knives.

There i very little recreation going on there...other than him apparently saying the word joker.

Now you got me on the rigging your apartment......but whos to say he wasnt going to do that anyway.
To be clear, I'm absolutely 100% not saying that a movie made a mass murderer out of someone who wasn't going to be one anyway. All I'm saying is that it wouldn't surprise me at all if it turned out that he'd somehow incorporated it into his psychosis.

Edit: It's probably fruitless to try and speculate too much about what's going through the head of someone who kills a dozen people and then tells cops they're the Joker.
[quote name='dohdough']How literal are you getting with this? Almost every state is "strict" and even Texas doesn't allow open carry. fucking TEXAS. And the last time I checked NY gun laws, you can keep your gun in your trunk if you're going somewhere.

Rather than parroting conservative/gun-nut talking points, you should really read up on gun laws instead. You might find that the "liberal" states aren't as bad and that red states aren't that good.[/quote]

As a gun owner who travels, you need to be aware of the little differences between one state laws, and another. Because you are right, some may allow one thing, but deny another. Something as simple a open carry can land you in jail.

And being literal is very important to gun owners. You said "you can keep your gun in your trunk if you're going somewhere." The word "gun" can mean multiple things, like a rifle, shotgun, or pistol. It's a very deceiving statement that isn't very clear on what the law actually states.

It is legal to carry a loaded handgun by a properly licensed individual. Carrying a loaded rifle or shotgun in a vehicle is illegal. Big difference.
The entity that owns CNN also owns DC Comics / Warner Bros. Studios.

Hope that explains ABC News' stretch, there.

[quote name='Soodmeg']MSNBC is running tweets and didnt bleep out fucking horrific.....dont know why that is news but I didnt know you could put the word fucking uncensored on live tv.[/QUOTE]
You can on cable. Plus it's news and live so it wouldn't even be a problem.

[quote name='Soodmeg']Uh oh. Some media outlets are banging the violent videgames and movie drum.[/QUOTE]
Well, you're banging the gun control drum so you're just as bad.

I agree that everything is linked, but it's too early to tell right now.
Terrible tragedy, but Jesus Christ, how bout some perspective. This is getting covered more than mass killings in Syria, human rights abuses throughout the world, and systematic violence and abuse of people throughout the world. 14 people were killed by a maniac trying to watch Batman. Perspective people, perspective. Doesn't make this even anything less than horrific, but the celebrity tweets, the Batman symbol with the ribbon in the middle...come on now.
[quote name='berzirk']Terrible tragedy, but Jesus Christ, how bout some perspective. This is getting covered more than mass killings in Syria, human rights abuses throughout the world, and systematic violence and abuse of people throughout the world. 14 people were killed by a maniac trying to watch Batman. Perspective people, perspective. Doesn't make this even anything less than horrific, but the celebrity tweets, the Batman symbol with the ribbon in the middle...come on now.[/QUOTE]

Here comes the sanctimonious bs
[quote name='berzirk']Terrible tragedy, but Jesus Christ, how bout some perspective. This is getting covered more than mass killings in Syria, human rights abuses throughout the world, and systematic violence and abuse of people throughout the world. [/QUOTE]

That's just the way it is. It doesn't make it right (or wrong), but people have a greater interest in events which they view as relevant to their own lives. It's hardly unusual that Americans care more when Americans die. It's always that way. It's not just a matter of perspective, it's human nature.
Pic of the guns
A federal law enforcement official tells CNN that all of the guns found at the scene of the shooting were purchased legally at Bass Pro Shops and Gander Mountain Guns
[quote name='GUNNM']Jessica has gained 7k followers. Why?[/QUOTE]

because she died soon after she did her last tweet. I love Batman and I really hope that this doesn't give the Batman franchise a bad name now.
[quote name='berzirk']Terrible tragedy, but Jesus Christ, how bout some perspective. This is getting covered more than mass killings in Syria, human rights abuses throughout the world, and systematic violence and abuse of people throughout the world. 14 people were killed by a maniac trying to watch Batman. Perspective people, perspective. [/quote]The news has always been about proximity and body count. Middle East? High body count but low proximity. Daily shootings in the inner city? High proximity but low body count for each incident.

These mass shootings get massive coverage and then people get the impression that you can't go anywhere anymore. Not that this incident should not be covered, but I know what you're saying and I'm not going to jump on you like everyone else.

Doesn't make this even anything less than horrific, but the celebrity tweets, the Batman symbol with the ribbon in the middle...come on now.
Yeah, it always becomes a circus like this. This is the part I really hate. If I ever die in some mass shooting or terrorist attack, I have instructed my next of kin to leave me out of it as best that they can. Leave me out of memorials and don't show my HS pictures on TV or anything. A lot of people have an agenda and they'll use the dead as they wish.

I doubt this has anything to do with Batman specifically. Imagine if they were watching Soul Plane. Would Snoop smoke a memorial blunt? This shit is ridiculous.
[quote name='bvharris']That's just the way it is. It doesn't make it right (or wrong), but people have a greater interest in events which they view as relevant to their own lives. It's hardly unusual that Americans care more when Americans die. It's always that way. It's not just a matter of perspective, it's human nature.[/QUOTE]

Yah, I hear ya. It's the celebrity aspect of it that's annoying me the most I think. I mean hell, I have a dear friend who's son and friends were murdered in Yemen as part of their civil war. Erin Andrews didn't tweet about that. A guy's brother, sister in law, and 20 other people were kidnapped in Iraq and shot in front of children and left to die in the desert in Iraq because they weren't the same sect as the killers. Tom Arnold didn't hashtag that. I get that local news gets more local attention, but there are so much more heinous things that go on, which never even make it to CNN/Fox/Network news.

Senseless killing is sad everywhere, and I don't want my comments to come across like I don't care about those people being killed, I do. I just think we need to remember there are horrible tragedies everywhere that also deserve attention, probably deserving of much more attention, in fact.
bread's done