AVENGERS 2: Age of Ultron (5/1/15) - Final Trailer

[quote name='Tony Stark']Hey, guys I have watched all the movies in the cinematic universe

Just to make sure, in NONE of the movies they talked about how Fury lost his eye right?[/QUOTE]

Maybe David Hasselhoff knows.
[quote name='GhostShark']Not really, no, but Ultimate Nick Fury lost his eye to Wolverine. Not sure how the 616 Fury lost his eye. Don't care much for the original Nick Fury.[/QUOTE]

Good call, but if anyone watches it next, pause it when you see Nick Fury

You see 3 slash marks

(although they are two close together to be Wolverines claws)
[quote name='johnnypark']Thought this was fun to watch:


that was pretty cool though seeing christoher reeves face was a bit creepy. id assume supes would just use his strength and super speed to deal with hulk and if he took him out quick enough itd be an easy win but if the fight drug on too long supes would lose since the more you piss off hulk the stronger he gets.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I dunno...superman returns was good (not great)... it could have had more movies made.... do we need a reboot to tell the superman story? NO[/QUOTE]

Superman Returns was just so boring. I think Kevin Smith summed up the movie perfectly: "You won't believe how fucking boring this man is." It was just really depressing for a big Superman fan to watch their favorite hero just sulk around and stalk Lois Lane and her family. As much as I hate reboots, I think Superman needed one.
I didn't notice any sulking in Superman Returns. I enjoyed it, however I was disappointed that it was just another Lex Luthor plot. I want Superman to fight something strong, not deal with a Lex Luthor plan for the millionth time. It would be like if every Batman movie was about the Joker. It gets old.
[quote name='whoknows']I didn't notice any sulking in Superman Returns. I enjoyed it, however I was disappointed that it was just another Lex Luthor plot. I want Superman to fight something strong, not deal with a Lex Luthor plan for the millionth time. It would be like if every Batman movie was about the Joker. It gets old.[/QUOTE]

It definitely focused a lot on Supes' emotions and the stuff he lost because of leaving for so long. I didn't think his watching Lois and her family was particularly creepy, but I can see why viewers wouldn't like that. It was a nice, emotional movie, but that's just not what people want from a Superman film.

Agreed that we didn't need another Luthor plot either, though Kevin Spacey did a bang up job.
[quote name='whoknows']It was received well critically. It has a 72 on Metacritic.[/QUOTE]

So, critics can't be wrong? The reality is, it's an ok movie, but not a good Superman movie, which is why it was not a financial success, and why they dumped Singer. If it was a really good movie, do you think they would be rebooting the franchise? Obviously not...
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']So, critics can't be wrong? The reality is, it's an ok movie, but not a good Superman movie, which is why it was not a financial success, and why they dumped Singer. If it was a really good movie, do you think they would be rebooting the franchise? Obviously not...[/QUOTE]

LOL...look what happened when Singer dumped Xmen 3 for Superman Returns? They both ended up being hated by fans.
Superman Returns had some good moments, like when he saved the plane Lois was on. But it should have been a reboot, because it was held back by it's attempt to echo the older films. Brandon Routh didn't have a chance to act, really, just to show what a good Christopher Reeves impression he does.

Smallville had a great dynamic with Lex Luthor, despite some terrible episodes, they got Lex perfect most of the time, and the interactions between him and Clark made the show. By comparison, the Hackman/Spacey version of Lex Luthor is incredibly boring. Superman Returns ended up just being a pretty, big-budget showcase of Superman's powers without much soul and a needless retread through his origin.

Really, I'm tired of every superhero movie wasting 1/3 to 1/2 of the film strictly on origin stories. Start the film in the middle of the action, fill us in with some narration or flashbacks, but this plot point A to B to C is really boring to me.

Batman Begins got it right, because they went back and forth between his becoming Batman and him dealing with a conflict in the present. It was perfectly paced and didn't patronize viewers.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']So, critics can't be wrong? The reality is, it's an ok movie, but not a good Superman movie, which is why it was not a financial success, and why they dumped Singer. If it was a really good movie, do you think they would be rebooting the franchise? Obviously not...[/QUOTE]

Being a good movie has nothing to do with rebooting the franchise, it all comes down to the money. Bad movies get sequels all the time. Superman Returns made $391 million worldwide, it just didn't make the kind of money WB wanted it to.

I personally liked it and am disappointed that Brandon Routh was replaced, but in the end it's all opinion.
[quote name='ITDEFX']this thread is starting to mutate into every other comic book thread.[/QUOTE]
Fixed because in the end it's pretty damn true.
[quote name='bardockkun']Fixed because in the end it's pretty damn true.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, any discussion about comics or comic book characters always ends that way.
It does make me wonder though... Stark's meeting with Ross at the end of TIH. Will we see Ross in Avengers 2? Maybe pointless since Banner is "protected" by SHIELD/Stark so he can't go after him anymore. You would think they could have mentioned Ross because it seemed that there was a hint that he was going to be involved.
[quote name='ITDEFX']It does make me wonder though... Stark's meeting with Ross at the end of TIH. Will we see Ross in Avengers 2? Maybe pointless since Banner is "protected" by SHIELD/Stark so he can't go after him anymore. You would think they could have mentioned Ross because it seemed that there was a hint that he was going to be involved.[/QUOTE]

That scene was explained in the "the Consultant" short Marvel included on the Thor disc release. Should be able to find it through google or something, but if you're too lazy to search for it...
following TIH, Ross had custody of Blonsky/the Abomination. The shadow council wanted to recruit Blonsky for the Avengers initiative. They pinned the blame for what happened in Harlem on the Hulk, and saw Blonsky as the better choice anyway. He had military training while Banner was just a scientist. Shield, well, they didn't want him. But the shadow council wanted him. So Shield decided to sabotage the effort. They sent someone so grating, abbrasive, and otherwise annoying to ask Ross so that Ross just couldn't say yes. And that's why Stark was talking to Ross during that scene.

There's another short called "Funny Thing Happened on the way to Thor's Hammer" that's worth checking out.

I love Superman Returns but can see why people don't. I'm really interested in Man of Steel. Snyder is an amazing visual director but can he strike the right chord with Supes?
[quote name='DestroVega']I love Superman Returns but can see why people don't. I'm really interested in Man of Steel. Snyder is an amazing visual director but can he strike the right chord with Supes?[/QUOTE]
Sure, long as he isn't writing the script or going through a list of his own personal sexual fetishes and while confusing himself with the meaning of female empowerment is, then it maybe good. Yes, THAT one movie made me lose all respect for that man.
Guessing aliens would like to see the film too :cool:


The Avengers to be screened in Space!

Marvel Studios announced today that they arranged with NASA to transfer their record-breaking blockbuster film Marvel’s The Avengers to NASA’s Mission Control in Houston, which will uplink the film to the International Space Station (ISS), currently orbiting 220 miles above Earth. The film will then be screened for the space station crew’s exclusive enjoyment.

This screening continues Marvel’s collaboration with NASA, which began during principal photography of Marvel’s The Avengers when the film shot at the Space Power Facility at NASA’s Plum Brook Station in Sandusky, Ohio.

Louis D’Esposito, Marvel Studios’ Co-President and Executive Producer of Marvel’s The Avengers, says, ‘The studio is privileged to share Marvel’s The Avengers with those up in space exploring the universe. A special thanks goes to NASA for utilizing their incredible technology to make this special screening miles above us in space happen. It is a screening that would make Tony Stark envious.’

The current space station mission is Expedition 31 and has a six-member crew consisting of 2 NASA Astronauts, 1 European Space Agency (ESA) Astronaut, and 3 Russian (RU) Cosmonauts as follows: Don Pettit (NASA), Joe Acaba (NASA), Andre Kuipers (ESA), Oleg Kononenko (RU), Gennady Padalka (RU), Sergei Revin (RU)
Avengers is now the 4th highest grossing movie of all time, with a take worldwide of over 1.3 billion. Specifically, $1,311,588,996.

$18 million more and it'll be #3, unseating Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Pt. 2. I don't think it'll make it into #2 or #1 territory, as that would be $2B+ gross, non-adjusted.
[quote name='shrike4242']Avengers is now the 4th highest grossing movie of all time, with a take worldwide of over 1.3 billion. Specifically, $1,311,588,996.

$18 million more and it'll be #3, unseating Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Pt. 2. I don't think it'll make it into #2 or #1 territory, as that would be $2B+ gross, non-adjusted.[/QUOTE]
M-hm! And that $18 million will be beat after Sunday.

It's projected to do another $20 million this weekend.
Iron Man 3 set photos and nobody says a thing. Well!

How about an Avengers parody with a few good jokes?

[quote name='DestroVega']I love Superman Returns but can see why people don't. I'm really interested in Man of Steel. Snyder is an amazing visual director but can he strike the right chord with Supes?[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed it too but it was too "by the books." There is no timelessness to it and I don't feel the need to give it a repeated viewing ever again.

Avengers played it safe too but at least it had a ton of humor and great action.
Random Marvel Cinematic Universe Questions some of you maybe able to answer:
1. How did Thor get to Earth in the Avengers? (I know Loki jokes about how much black magic he had to conjure up, but its never stated, because the ending of Thor you get the gist he is stuck in Asgard)

2. Is Sith (the girl companion to Thor and the three) like Thors booty call? she seems to have a crush on Thor in the movie? (or is that just me?)

3. There are claims that the Cosmic Cube (Tesseract) is in the weapons room? where?
[quote name='Tony Stark']1. How did Thor get to Earth in the Avengers? (I know Loki jokes about how much black magic he had to conjure up, but its never stated, because the ending of Thor you get the gist he is stuck in Asgard)[/QUOTE]

I thought Thor said something along the lines of (I'm totally paraphrasing here) "do you how much __________ ___________ had to summon to get me here" or something like that. The blanks are because I can't remember who he referenced, not spoilers. I remember because the first thing I thought was the rainbow bridge was broken, how the hell did he get there, but then he made that comment.
[quote name='Tony Stark']Random Marvel Cinematic Universe Questions some of you maybe able to answer:
1. How did Thor get to Earth in the Avengers? (I know Loki jokes about how much black magic he had to conjure up, but its never stated, because the ending of Thor you get the gist he is stuck in Asgard)

2. Is Sith (the girl companion to Thor and the three) like Thors booty call? she seems to have a crush on Thor in the movie? (or is that just me?)

3. There are claims that the Cosmic Cube (Tesseract) is in the weapons room? where?[/QUOTE]

1. Loki says that Odin conjured up enough Black Magic to send Thor to Earth.

2. In regular Marvel comic lore, Thor and Sif are a couple, while Donald Blake (Thor's human vessel) is involved with Jane Foster. That is not as it is in the marvel cinematic universe.

3. It was stolen, I'm pretty sure.
I thought Superman Returns was ok. I actually like it a lot more from the view of it's a much better way to follow-up (and conclude, I suppose) the Superman/Superman II legend than the original III & IV were. As a standalone movie it's not quite as good but it wasn't offensive or anything.

Anyway, I went back and played the old Avengers arcade game the other day. Although the game itself is nothing special, the incredibly bad voice acting is TREMENDOUS.

I liked Captain America and the Avengers, but I really loved War of the Gems. I still play that game from time to time.
[quote name='GhostShark']1. Loki says that Odin conjured up enough Black Magic to send Thor to Earth.

2. In regular Marvel comic lore, Thor and Sif are a couple, while Donald Blake (Thor's human vessel) is involved with Jane Foster. That is not as it is in the marvel cinematic universe.

3. It was stolen, I'm pretty sure.[/QUOTE]

for #2, but it looks implied in the Thor movie

for #3, I heard that at some point in the movie Thor you can see it in the weapons room?
Finally got around to seeing this. Really, really, really damn good superhero movie, and I give massive props to Joss Whedon for making a superhero team-up movie work. I think someone recently asked him how one would go about making a good Justice League movie, and he basically said to give him a call. And I would probably tend to agree. The problem I see with the DC Universe movies so far is that they all feel disjointed and disconnected. There feels like there's a Batman universe, a Green Lantern universe, and I'm sure Man of Steel will feel like the Superman universe. And, of course (I'm not telling you anything you guys don't already know), the Marvel films did it right, by establishing earlier and often that there's a larger world out there.
Exclusive: Spider-Man Producers teases Spider-Man crossover with The Avengers a possibility?



On Spider-Man in The Avengers:

At Comic-Con last summer, Avi Arad was asked if he would consider allowing Spider-Man to appear in an Avengers movie. At the time Arad insisted there were enough Spider-Man stories to keep him separate. Now that The Avengers is such a phenomenon, he is even open to considering making a deal between Sony’s Spidey and Disney’s Avengers. He says he thought of the Venom crossover possibility independently of Avengers though.

“Everything is possible,” Arad said. “If something like that happens, it’s great for Disney, it’s great for Sony. If the right story comes in... Avengers to me was an expected success so I never looked at it because Avengers was successful.”
I think it's kind of dumb to have Spiderman appear in the Avengers.

I hate how the comic book Avengers became bastardized to include "every good guy ever and even a few antiheroes" That's just lame.
[quote name='camoor']I think it's kind of dumb to have Spiderman appear in the Avengers.

I hate how the comic book Avengers became bastardized to include "every good guy ever and even a few antiheroes" That's just lame.[/QUOTE]

That's the whole reason why the Avengers were originally created. Get all the most popular characters and put them in a team. The New Avengers team is no different, it's just an updated version of this concept.
Yeah I think The Avengers have kind of a revolving door policy. They're where a hero goes when they've got noting else to do.:lol:

Off the top of my head I think Wolverine, Beast, and Spider-Man have all been apart of The Avengers at one time or another. There's also the whole east coast/west coast thing as well with different team members. Gets kinda ridiculous.
I'm all for it if it ever does happen. My personal favorite Avengers line-up was the New Avengers line-up that arrived around House of M with Captain America, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Ronin and The Sentry.
Of course he'll say that. It's a no-brainer to tie in ASM's hype before it's release to the Avengers juggernaut. Whether it could actually happen though is a completely different story. Marvel/Disney is salivating at the thought of bringing all Marvel movie characters in-house but Sony and Fox will keep a deathgrip on those rights. Saying it is one thing, actually making it happen is quite another.
I wonder how long they have the rights for though. I'm guessing it wasn't an outright selling off of the rights.
[quote name='Clak']I wonder how long they have the rights for though. I'm guessing it wasn't an outright selling off of the rights.[/QUOTE]

Sony has the right to Spider man as long as they keep moving movies. Same with Fox with X-Men. This isn't happening unless the new movie totally bomb and Sony decides to sell the licence back to marvel. I am sure Marvel don't mind but Sony has nothing to gain, so zero chance of happening.
Yeah all Marvel Mutants and Spider-man will forever be in a deathgrip of Fox/Sony. Fox might let go of Fantastic Four though.
[quote name='Jcaugustine']Exclusive: Spider-Man Producers teases Spider-Man crossover with The Avengers a possibility?



On Spider-Man in The Avengers:[/QUOTE]
Check this out from Latino Review:


How Spider-Man Was Almost In ‘The Avengers,’ Sort Of


Here’s the story – last week, The Amazing Spider-Man’s production designer J Michael Riva passed away after suffering a stroke at the age of 63. Not only did he design the Oscorp Tower for ASM, but he has a staggering resume of awesomeness including The Goonies, The Color Purple, A Few Good Men, Congo, Evolution, and the upcoming Django Unchained.

Oh – And the Iron Man movies.

That design overlap, and the stunning look of the Oscorp Tower (seriously stunning) was enough for Marvel Studios and Sony to have the discussion about inserting Oscorp into The Avengers skyline. The Unified Marvel Manhattan Skyline almost existed.

By the time the Oscorp building was fully designed, The Avengers digital Manhattan was already basically rendered and there was some up-conversion that needed to go down, so – for timing – it was scrapped.

BUT – Sony and Disney were going to let this happen. THAT’s the key thing here. Timing just didn’t work out.

That makes me sad. I told Avi and Matt that I realize it’s a business impossibility to share the characters, (“Thank you for understanding that” - Matt Tolmach to me), but wanted to get across that these small, small things are enough for the fanboys.

Matt said they’d love to do more like this, meaning crossovers on the smaller level.

Next step – letting someone use the word “MUTANT” outside of a Fox movie, right?
The Avengers hits $600 million domestically, only the 3rd film to do it, and the only film to do it in the Spring/Summer season (Avatar & Titanic were released around Christmas).


Marvel’s The Avengers becomes only the 3rd film in Hollywood history to reach $600 million at the domestic box office.

Disney announced the feat on Tuesday, reports Entertainment Weekly, noting that the film also became the fastest in history to cross the $200 million, $300 million, $400 million and $500 million marks.

It is still unknown just how far the Joss Whedon-directed superhero epic can go by the end of its theatrical run. Although it has been in theaters since May 4, it still made another $7.2 million this weekend, just a 19 percent drop from the week before. Although The Amazing Spider-Man, another Marvel property, hits theaters on July 3, it is expected that the July 4 holiday could give The Avengers another boost.
It may hit $1.5 Billion by August world wide (hasn't even been released in Japan yet).


'Avengers' crosses $600 million domestically: Global tally makes pic 3rd-highest grossing film of all time!

June 26, 2012|Andrew Stewart | Variety

Marking the latest domestic milestone, Disney-Marvel's "The Avengers" crossed the $600 million mark, with a colossal $1.438 billion global tally, making it the third-highest grossing film of all time behind "Avatar" and "Titanic."

In its initial theatrical run, "Titanic" grossed $600.8 million Stateside, though the film's 3D re-release boosted its domestic tally to $658 million.

"Avengers," which already holds the record for the biggest domestic opening and second weekend grosses, also holds multiple fastest to records from $200 - $500 million.

"Avengers" has been the summer's most resilient box office player.

Globally, "Avengers" marks the 12th film to breach the billion-dollar threshold and the fifth for Disney, joining "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," "Alice in Wonderland," "Toy Story 3" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides."
I don't see why they can't add it to the BR release..hey if GL can mess with his works 30+ years later, why can't anyone else?
bread's done