Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='crzyboy88']Holy tiny text, Batman! 36" SDTV and I'm straining my eyes trying to read everything. I didn't even know what to do because the text was so small. As a result, I don't know if I'm going to like or not since I couldn't play it...[/quote]

Makes you wonder if Rare even tested the game on an SDTV doesn't it? Still, they're supposed to be working on a patch to correct that. Have you adjusted your 360s black levels? Mine was set on the minimal option, but by setting it to the medium option it made the text easier to read. Still way to small, but I was able to make it out. Improved the picture quality too!

May not help everyone, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
I was really excited about this game but, as much as I'm trying, i just can't get into this all. Looks great, but it's not exactly what I was looking forward to as a long-time Banjo fan. I have the sinking feeling this one is going to tank for Rare, since it's not going to appeal to a lot of fans of the older games and newer players won't get the characters or be willing to invest the (inordinate) amount of time it takes to "get into it." You didn't have to take an hour or more to understand and "get into" the original games -- but you do here, and IMO there are too many other, better games out this time of year. I mean, I got into FALLOUT 3 faster than it took to feel comfortable with this demo (and IMO I'm still not fully comfortable with it). Just a really odd choice of gaming to "resurrect" the series... :(

At this point, I'll probably keep my Amazon preorder for the N64 code, then return the game unopened. I assume there's nothing inside the package I need to validate whatever code they send out?
eh... i'm glad there was a demo for this game, because i really don't like it. i guess i'll just buy the banjo on xbla and play that.
Just read the Eurogamer review. No platforming based missions at all. Vehicle missions only. What a drag.
[quote name='KingBroly']Just read the Eurogamer review. No platforming based missions at all. Vehicle missions only. What a drag.[/quote]

yeah - I'm going to pass on this. The XBLA game was tempting but I played through the original Banjo at least 3 times back in the day so it's not like I'd be missing out. I may pick this up when it hits $20 or less next year sometime...
[quote name='guyver2077']arent we supposed to get the original banjo early? When are the codes being sent out.[/quote]

2 weeks AFTER release... otherwise everyone would just cancel the preorder.
[quote name='javeryh']2 weeks AFTER release... otherwise everyone would just cancel the preorder.[/quote]

darn it. may have to cancel preorder.. i dont think this is a game that will catch my attention for long with such other heavy releases
According to the card: "Game Content available when game is available."...okay. We're supposed to get it 2 weeks BEFORE the XBLA release, not after.
[quote name='javeryh']2 weeks AFTER release... otherwise everyone would just cancel the preorder.[/quote]

My Gamestop gave me my code last week even though they weren't supposed to. Now i'll just cancel my preorder since the game looks like it's destined for bargain bin status.
i played the demo and i thought the game was ok but like everyone is sayin it does take some time to get used to. i think i am just gonna keep my amazon preorder on this game cuz its still a pretty good deal. the way i look at it is this: you pay $40 ($37 on amazon) and get the original banjo kazooie free which retails for 1200 MS points ($15). i loved the original banjo and would mind playin it again on xbox so i would have probably bought it. so the way i see it is 2 games for a good price. $40-$15=$25 so in reality I'm only payin $25 for N&B which is a pretty good deal to me. so thats why i decided to keep my preorder :)
Played the demo. It seems alright, but I really wish they had just stuck to platforming. I'd totally dig this game if it was just good ol'fashioned Banjo-Kazooie platforming...
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']Played the demo. It seems alright, but I really wish they had just stuck to platforming. I'd totally dig this game if it was just good ol'fashioned Banjo-Kazooie platforming...[/QUOTE]

Yeah i guess that's what I was looking for too. It looks like it would be a great game if you like vehicles. I however suck at anything vehicle related so sadly I'm gonna pass on this. But I will be picking up the original on XBLA.
[quote name='Pure Apathy']I didn't care for the demo, so I canceled my pre-order.[/QUOTE]

Pains me to say it, but so did I.
I was really wanting this game until the demo came out and could barely read the text on my standard tv. Then finding out how little platforming is part of the game, I changed my mind on it.
Finally played the demo last night. Ugh. I was so looking forward to this, but I just didn't have any fun whatsoever. Why did they have to change things? Maybe, just maybe, there are people out there who still like traditional platforming.
With all the people cancelling their pre-orders, this is going to discourage companies from putting out demos... or encourage them to make better games.

Nah, they'll just scuttle the demos.
People cancellng their pre-orders either:

A.) Have the pre-order code already so they no longer need the game
B.) Played the demo and thought it was shitty

I think the demo was shitty, and the controls were to blame, and seeing as how they cut out the 5 minutes of backstory in the demo, I can understand that. But I will not cancel the pre-order because I don't cancel pre-orders. I did it once, and I said I'd never do it again because it felt wrong.
[quote name='KingBroly']People cancellng their pre-orders either:

A.) Have the pre-order code already so they no longer need the game
B.) Played the demo and thought it was shitty

I think the demo was shitty, and the controls were to blame, and seeing as how they cut out the 5 minutes of backstory in the demo, I can understand that. But I will not cancel the pre-order because I don't cancel pre-orders. I did it once, and I said I'd never do it again because it felt wrong.[/quote]

Or: C.) Have a standard definition TV and will be unable to play the game.

I own an HDTV, but it is a little bothersome that Rare would choose to neglect that audience. I wonder how many SDTV-only people would have bought the title? Considering its kid-friendly aesthetic, I think this is a dumb move by Rare.
i didn't understand why such a game is released on the 360. you have people who like games such as gears of war or the fps games [call of duty, bioshock, etc....] and this sissy game is being released on this system. is it me or are they just asking to be killed?! if vival pinata didn't do so well, why would you continue again.

i think rare just wants to be one of those shutdown companies so they can be lived as a legacy, similarly like what happened with westwood studios when they got acquired by ea.
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']and this sissy game is being released[/quote]

[quote name='pochaccoheaven']pochaccoheaven[/quote]

I think people should be free to enjoy the game if they want, and that any criticisms should be based on issues with the title and not general statements. ;)
The game is incredibly fun. Try customizing vehicles and playing online. You guys don't know what you're missing out on.
How can we be missing out on anything when it's not out?

Anyways, after looking at the real opening of the game, there seems...
to be a continuity error about what happened to Kazooie's powers. This happens in a span of about 5 minutes. In Spiral Mountain, she says she forgot them, but when you're in Showdown Town, she says L.O.G. took them away.
[quote name='Thoren']The game is incredibly fun. Try customizing vehicles and playing online. You guys don't know what you're missing out on.[/quote]

Agreed. I did cut back a little because I want to save some of that excitement for when I actually get the game.
Damn, the text is indeed really small.

I'm keeping my preorder, but I'm not sure why. I just can't bring myself to cancel it. For $25 (since I'd definitely buy the XBLA Banjo anyway, and it's in Gamestop credit no less) it should be worth it, despite the fact that it isn't a real Banjo game and I can't read the damn text for the most part. I should have an HDTV by the end of the year, though, if I can find one at a decent price, so hopefully that will help.
[quote name='Rocko']Damn, the text is indeed really small.

I'm keeping my preorder, but I'm not sure why. I just can't bring myself to cancel it. For $25 (since I'd definitely buy the XBLA Banjo anyway, and it's in Gamestop credit no less) it should be worth it, despite the fact that it isn't a real Banjo game and I can't read the damn text for the most part. I should have an HDTV by the end of the year, though, if I can find one at a decent price, so hopefully that will help.[/quote]

Rare is supposed to patch the small text. So even if you don't find an HDTV you should still be fine.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']If this game is a commercial failure, what are the chances that we'll ever see another actual BK platformer?[/QUOTE]

Probably slim to none. But its not our fault -- they should have given us a "real" BK game in the first place!
Tried the demo tonight and didn't like it at all. I liked the first one back on the N64, never played the second one.

I just have no interest in the vehicle building and driving crap, especially since all the vehicles I tried in the demo controlled like crap. It's a shame they couldn't ahve just put out a true, platformer sequel. Oh well, too many games to play this fall anyway!
I'm still going to pick this up day one. For only 40 bucks I'll take a chance on it. When do you get the bonus code? Right when you preorder?
Let's face facts here, the game, commercially is going to bomb. It just is. Rare can't convince me otherwise, and Microsoft can't either.
I dunno I keep playing the demo I don't know if its because I like Rare so much or if the games fun. I do know the vehicles are getting easier to control and some of the missions are getting easier as I play it but it seems like it has a bit to much of a learning curve for a demo. Oh by the way how in gods name do you complete the mission where you have to knock the little rat ball thing 250 feet. The farthest I can get the little bugger to fly is like 247 feet and it feels like pure luck to get even that far its very very annoying. Also does anyone else feel like the demo is ..I dunno a bunch of thrown together mini games?
Do they have the XBLA codes B&M at Gamestop? I want to make sure to get one, so I'm wondering if they're emailed or if I should get something from Gamestop on Sunday.
[quote name='PhoenixT']I dunno I keep playing the demo I don't know if its because I like Rare so much or if the games fun. I do know the vehicles are getting easier to control and some of the missions are getting easier as I play it but it seems like it has a bit to much of a learning curve for a demo. Oh by the way how in gods name do you complete the mission where you have to knock the little rat ball thing 250 feet. The farthest I can get the little bugger to fly is like 247 feet and it feels like pure luck to get even that far its very very annoying. Also does anyone else feel like the demo is ..I dunno a bunch of thrown together mini games?[/quote]

Honestly, I never really had any big problems with the controls. I got all the jiggies on my first try (though I only got one trophy). With the crappy demo wheels you can't really make sudden movements or anything, but other than that everything seemed fine. Flying a plane avoids those wheel problems too when you don't need to be on the ground :p.

As far as the rat ball, I managed to get it just over 250 by hitting it, it bouncing off the little bridge kinda thing that leads up there and then hitting the water and going just far enough.

And if you felt like it was thrown together mini games then you might not like the game. I'm pretty sure that's just how it's designed - a bit like Mario has been since 64, but with all the challenges available at the same time.
bread's done