BB RZ Deals 02/22/09 - 02/28/09: Mercs 2 $9.99 / RB2 $39.99 (both 360)

Picked up Mercs 2. Awesome deal for me considering I had been trying to snipe a copy off eBay for $14 shipped recently.
[quote name='unforeseen']I was going to pick Mercs 2 at BB during lunch today but made a quick stop to Target and found it on clearance for $7.48[/quote]

is this at all targets?
Awesome deal on the $10 Mercs 2. I scored a copy at lunch today. When it rang up, the cashier did a double take, as did the manager that was chatting with him before I rang out.

They couldn't believe the price. The cashier then asks the manager to do him a favor... and pull him a copy of Mercs 2, which the manager promptly went and did, probably scoring one for himself too.

I love it when CAG points me to a deal that even the staff at the store don't know about. It's not even like this one was a huge secret, since they advertised it, but there wasn't any sign near the game to indicate 66% savings. And here I thought $15 used would be a good price for me...
[quote name='shrike4242']Want some cheese for that whine? :lol:

If I can make it to BB sometime in the next day or so, I'll check it just for you. Assuming no one beats me to it in the meantime.[/quote]

Yeah, I know I'm being a total whiner, LOL.

It's just funny because at least 5 people besides me asked the same question, about once every page or two, and every other post is "Wow thanks I just picked up my copy for $10..."
So I returned my copy of Mercs 2 to Target that I bought for $14.98, went to Best Buy and bought one at $9.99, I get home and find out its a floating disc... so I'll be returning to Best Buy to get one that's not a floater hopefully.
How do you get to this reward zone deal of the week page from best buy itself, cause I cannot find any links on the website going to something like this. I want to know so I can just check on the deal page whenever I want to without having to track down this url every week.
[quote name='genghis_g']How do you get to this reward zone deal of the week page from best buy itself, cause I cannot find any links on the website going to something like this. I want to know so I can just check on the deal page whenever I want to without having to track down this url every week.[/quote]
just picked my copy up. was worried for a bit when both my reward zone card and mercs 2 were on the ticket but the discount hadn't gone into effect. the discount came when she hit the total button.
Picked up my copy today.

I mentioned the deal to the cashier before he rang it up. He was like "uhh...I don't think so..." then hit the total and was like "oh! I guess it is!"

Either way, decent deal since I've been looking to get a new game.
Got the last copy of Mercs 2 that I saw on the shelves at the Silverlake BB. It was close to closing and the cashier left his register and ran to the games section to grab a copy for himself. I didn't have the heart to tell him he was out of luck.
Didn't work at the Best Buy in Rockaway, NJ.

He said no such promotion existed, and I should "check my sources".

I'm going back tomorrow, hopefully just to watch it ring up as $10. May even pick up Bioshock for $20, too.
[quote name='keefurxxcore']Didn't work at the Best Buy in Rockaway, NJ.

He said no such promotion existed, and I should "check my sources".

I'm going back tomorrow, hopefully just to watch it ring up as $10. May even pick up Bioshock for $20, too.[/quote]

Did you get to the end of the purchase? That is when the discount takes place. I got Mercs 2 and RB2 today with no problem. Just in time too as I was looking to get RB2. Now I just need to pick up a wireless guitar.
[quote name='keefurxxcore']Didn't work at the Best Buy in Rockaway, NJ.

He said no such promotion existed, and I should "check my sources".

I'm going back tomorrow, hopefully just to watch it ring up as $10. May even pick up Bioshock for $20, too.[/quote]

I hate people like that. There was a store I bought a video game from where there was a big sign in the electronics department that said if you bought something and saw it priced for less within 30 days, they'd match it. So I went back to price match the game, and a manager from some other department said he couldn't do it because the policy was price match at the time of the purchase. And he claimed he could lose his job if he gave me the price match!!!!
[quote name='keefurxxcore']Didn't work at the Best Buy in Rockaway, NJ.

He said no such promotion existed, and I should "check my sources".

I'm going back tomorrow, hopefully just to watch it ring up as $10. May even pick up Bioshock for $20, too.[/QUOTE]

Are you serious? Go back there and direct them to their own website. That's the source.
[quote name='oasisboy']So, have all the bugs been fixed with an update?[/QUOTE]

Haha, NO.

This game's still buggier than a five dollar hooker.
o and don't kill any of those high priority targets that you can subdue. there's an achievement involved if you take them all alive! and there are achievement bugs too.
[quote name='keefurxxcore']Didn't work at the Best Buy in Rockaway, NJ.

He said no such promotion existed, and I should "check my sources".

I'm going back tomorrow, hopefully just to watch it ring up as $10. May even pick up Bioshock for $20, too.[/quote]He's an idiot.

All you need to do the is the following:
1) Scan game.
2) Scan RZ card or provide phone # on RZ account.
3) Have the cashier total out the transaction.
4) Have the cashier accept the package price.
5) Get game for $10 + tax.

It's no more work than that for them.
The above poster said it right. Some people just need to be patient. Best Buy doesn't "ring" up the discount when they scan the item. Its when they accept the package price when they total out the transaction.
No issue picking up Mercs 2 for me....might be an issue playing it currently playing list is almost as long as technole's :) and I'm taking a grad class....and have a 2 year old (who loves to "help" me play).
[quote name='jmbreci']No issue picking up Mercs 2 for me....might be an issue playing it currently playing list is almost as long as technole's :) and I'm taking a grad class....and have a 2 year old (who loves to "help" me play).[/quote]

Heh heh, I have a 1 year old that likes to "help" me play as well. She even
has her own real 360 controller she can play with but she seems to always
want the one Daddy's using.
I recommend NOT telling the associate that it's $10 as they tend to not believe you. The cashier wouldn't continue without "calling a manager" first and then I was told that they don't have a RewardZone username/password so they can't see the deals and they couldn't verify the sale. I said, "can you finish ringing me up?" and it changed to the $9.99 price. I got no apology or anything, not even a "thanks for shopping Best Buy!" -- crappy, crappy customer service.
Just signed up for RZ yesterday. Was able to snag a copy of Mercs today, only two left at the Valparaiso location now.

I see this RZ thing being really nice for me, now that my choice is limited in terms of electronics stores. I'd have been dumb not to sign up for it. Too bad I didn't do it earlier, though.
I hope they still have this in stock by the time I get my reward zone certificate. I had 250pts+ so I decided to switch my reward threshold to $5 to get a certificate for this deal. That was on Sunday and it said it takes 3-5 days to get my certificate electronically... I'm still waiting impatiently!
So, has anyone started playing through Mercs 2? What are your thoughts? I tried the demo and it seemed very dated. Sometimes games are a lot better than the demos though. I just don't know if I want to drop $10 on it, especially since Steam has been putting out some pretty decent $10 weekend deals lately.
I really think people are making these deals MUCH too hard.

They're programmed into the register. There is no work involved here. Anyone who needs a price override is being impatient and not letting the system do its thing, or has some issue with their RZ account. Seriously, you shouldn't need a printout or anything. Just be an RZ member. Don't even go up to the cashier saying "0mg!gimmefor10bux!!!!" and then skulk away when they scan it for $29.99... just give them the game and your RZ card... don't scan your credit card or give them cash til they hit total and the price drops... Pay and you're out.

If you want to take a printout to fall back on, it's not a bad idea, but I have never had one of these not work right, especially the "all RZ member" ones.. the Premiere ones can be a bit trickier because of their system being braindead about who is Silver and who isn't, but this one is easy.
Thanks OP I got Mercenaries 2 at the Northcrest store in Fort Wayne they had a lot left. Also I picked up the Simpsons game for $9.99.
For any Louisville CAGs this concerns:

The Outer Loop store doesn't have any more copies of Mercenaries 2.

I have been trying to call them for the last hour, to see if they can order more to the store before the end of the week.

I might go to the Shelbyville location to get in on this, as I tend to get tired of being "that phone ringing endlessly in the store that noone picks up."

[quote name='staindklown']Thanks OP I got Mercenaries 2 at the Northcrest store in Fort Wayne they had a lot left. Also I picked up the Simpsons game for $9.99.[/quote]

Is the simpsons game any good??
[quote name='richdmoore']

P.S. A great iPhone deal, I went ahead and let the people over at macrumors know about it. (I of course credited Justin42 and as making me look over the reward zone deals.)[/quote]

If I wasn't trying to lower my bills I would be all over the iPhone.
I'm a sucker for $10 Best Buy game sales.. So I ended up getting it and RB2 just because BB sent me a $5 gift card and that $5 put me over the fence about getting that one..
I was actually considering the iPhone deal in my head for a while. In the end, I kept thinking that I'd end up cracking the screen in my pocket, dialing random people in my pocket, or just not liking it as much as my current phone.

Now if that was for a 120gb iPod, I probably would have bit.

I'll probably try out Mercs 2 tonight, if I finish writing my 4 page paper with enough time left.
bread's done