Best/Favorite Story in a game (no spoilers unless using the spoiler button)


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I was thinking about getting some new games, and I want to play a game where its almost like a movie, where you dont want to stop playing, or when you are done playing you just want to get back to playing. One game that really comes to mind is Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. I loved that game, yeah i know most of the time these games have long cut scenes, but that doesnt bother me at all.

Pretty much just want to here your guy's and gals inputs, can be from any system, even if i have to read the whole story because of no voice acting.
This is a spoiler Hell thread. tread lightly.

My favorite part from Kingdom Hearts 2

[quote name='paz9x']im expecting a flood of ff7.
kotor is at the top of my mind.[/quote]

I agree with KOTOR, but if you are in to both Star Wars games and Star Wars books, play the game BEFORE you read Darth Bane, Path of Destruction.

The book will spoil the game for you.

[quote name='Supreme']I'll avoid mentioning the ones that will eventually be mentioned, so I'll say Indigo Prophecy.[/QUOTE]
ive been meaning to buy that for a long time.
[quote name='paz9x']ive been meaning to buy that for a long time.[/quote]

I was rather upset when i went to my k-mart looking for the $4 copy of thise game and i could not find it.
Indigo Prophecy is awesome so far, but the very first game that really drew me in and I didn't stop playing until it was finished was Zelda:OOT.

The story may not be awesome, and pretty much a typical save the princess quest, but there was something about it that was just extremely well made.

Also, I'd say the original MGS.

so top 3
Indigo prophecy (so far, i havent finished it yet.)
I'm going with everyone else that said Indigo Prophecy. It's basically an interactive movie. Very awesome and underrated game.
[quote name='projecteightysix']Indigo Prophecy is awesome so far, but the very first game that really drew me in and I didn't stop playing until it was finished was Zelda:OOT.

The story may not be awesome, and pretty much a typical save the princess quest, but there was something about it that was just extremely well made.

before i posted i was considering the story itself or the way a sotry was presented, theyre a bit different.
i'd second the prince of persia series. it's very fulfilling playing through the whole series, the way they tie it all together in the third.
I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I'll say Final Fantasy X.

I liked how the story neatly inverts itself midway, and I thought the cutscenes were luminous and memorable.

At the time, I only had 1-2 hours a day that I could play. I squeezed out every moment, and played only that game until I finished it
I'll name two that haven't already been listed:

- Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (Xbox / PC)

- EarthBound (SNES)
Xenogears: people will often mention this game on lists like these but most of them are quick to dismiss the second disc and treat it like crap. It's one of the most well written stories for a game, actually, one of the most well written stories: period. Anything really wrong with it, as far as writing goes, is mostly due to the medium [video game] and the translation/coding. As for the story itself, it is quite the epic tale: had it come out at just the right time and in the right format, it could be a "LOTR" or "Star Wars" type phenomenon. It sadly lives in Evangelion's shadow but it is SO much MORE than Evangelion, and I just wish it was appreciated for what it is. Xenogears is not only an epic tale of war, mystery, religion, and intrigue, but it is a beautiful love story and coming of age piece.

Xenosaga is close, but it's not finished yet, and it seems it never will be finished. However, the only thing that brings down the Xenosaga is that Shion never comes full circle like Fei does. With Fei, he's a whiny arrogant self absorbed cowardly asshole, but in the end he becomes noble, strong, courageous, and fully realized of himself and what truly matters. With Shion? She is such a fucking bitch in episode 3 and doesn't deserve to live. But it's still a beautiful story, with great characters, wonderful setting, and so much background and lore that you'll never be done with it.

Both stories are very text/dialog heavy, but if people let MGS do it, then Xenosaga should get the same right. I don't see why MGS has to be so..drawn out..long..and over written..when the story doesn't even begin to touch even a bit of the subject matter any Xeno-story does. With the Xeno series, you actually want to listen to the dialog and read the text...while with MGS it's just like "OH GOD, GET THIS OVER WITH, NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE, JUST LET ME CRACK SOME NECKS ALREADY"

As for shorter self contained stories: how about Parasite Eve? A short 20 hour game with a non stop story full of great suspense, horror, and sci fi themes.
Shadow of Destiny (the best adventure-style game I've ever played)
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 10
Deus Ex
Eternal Darkness

(I haven't gotten a chance to play Indigo Prophecy yet, but it looks like a similarly great game along the lines of Shadow of Destiny or Eternal Darkness in terms of a great story. I was blown away by the demo.)

I'm sure I'm forgetting tons more.
Suikoden II's story was very griping.
KOTOR had a awesome story, and KOTOR 2 wasn't bad either thanks to Kreia who was probably the best voice actor of the series.
Indigo Prophecy was awesome to.
The very best stories I've seen in a game would probably be Metal Gear's storyline (the whole series) and Xenogears' storyline... complex, filled with plot twists, and really, really well executed.
[quote name='blandstalker']I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I'll say Final Fantasy X.

I liked how the story neatly inverts itself midway, and I thought the cutscenes were luminous and memorable.

At the time, I only had 1-2 hours a day that I could play. I squeezed out every moment, and played only that game until I finished it[/QUOTE]

Agreed, my first thought reading this thread was FFX
Many FF7 votes but none for the best FF story FF8?
I couldn't name my favorite story in a game because I can't pick one or five for that matter, I would have to make a large list.
Final Fantasy VI. Every Final Fantasy after this is overrated. Yes, I said it. Final Fantasy VII is OVERRATED.
[quote name='The Crotch']I'm only a short way though "The Dig", but right now, it's blowing my fucking mind. Was that thing a ghost? An illusion? A hologram? An alien? Is it trying to kill us all, or is it just kinda stupid? Will I ever see The Pig again? Was Attilla a real Hun? What the hell is going on with Brink? Etc.[/quote]

The Dig was a great game. I've played through it several times, but I can never remember how the damn puzzles work so its like a new game each time. Someone else was talking about this game this week...maybe I'll have to bust it out again.

Phantasy Star II aka the game which FFVII rips off it's twist from. The Legacy of Kain series also has fantastic acting and a deep and compelling story.
The original Wild Arms for PS. Its the first game I can remember that had a twist big enough for me to go crazy over.

For something more recent, Seven Samurai 20xx. I don't think too many people played it, but I found it to be a very enjoyable futuristic take of a classic story. Voice acting was decent too.
[quote name='TheBlueWizard']The Dig was a great game. I've played through it several times, but I can never remember how the damn puzzles work so its like a new game each time. Someone else was talking about this game this week...maybe I'll have to bust it out again.


Gamespot begs to differ "one of the most disappointing games I've ever played."
but thats alright, because i beg to differ with gamespot a lot *cough* Gears of War 9.6 *cough*

just for the records i have never played The Dig, but if two people love it that much, i might have to check it out
KotOR hands down. Best plot twist and best ending (if you played dark side at least) of any game I have ever played.

P.S. Whoever said "MGS 2" as an answer to this thread, you make me want to puke. Worst. Story. Ever.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']KotOR hands down. Best plot twist and best ending (if you played dark side at least) of any game I have ever played.

P.S. Whoever said "MGS 2" as an answer to this thread, you make me want to puke. Worst. Story. Ever.[/quote]

i dont see how you can say, worst story ever, what other game has the balls to change the star character in the middle of the game, without any warning, and still be a great game. I loved it, and its the reason i made this thread.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']KotOR hands down. Best plot twist and best ending (if you played dark side at least) of any game I have ever played.

P.S. Whoever said "MGS 2" as an answer to this thread, you make me want to puke. Worst. Story. Ever.[/QUOTE]
I disagree. MGS2 is FAR from the worst story ever.
Don't think anybody said Phoenix Wright. I felt genuinely happy for him each time I finished a case. Plus it was fun to see his evolution as a lawyer from the first case to the last one.
Planescape: Torment had one of the best stories. It is like reading a really good book. The writers did a great job on that game. I haven't played it in years but it still stays with me. It was a true experience. Unfortunately almost every RPG I played after this seems to not measure up. Easily my number one RPG of all time.

Half Life and Half life 2. Eventhough I don't really think about these game the story is really well done in the way it is presented to you. It really sucks you in and doesn't let go until the very end.

Fallout is good but honestly it is more the game play that keeps me coming back to it. I finished it at least 9 times and every single time I found something new. Damn now I want to go back and play it again.

All final fantasy games. Every time a FF game comes out I keep playing it until I'm done. I hated 8 but still couldn't stop playing it. 7 had the best story and was the most fun to play. FFT is also pretty good. I played that one twice.

In general most rpgs are two long for me to play more than once.
I can't pick a single game, but I'll list a few favorites:
Max Payne 1 & 2 (mostly due to the atmosphere and presentation)
Jak 2 & 3 (lots of cool twists and great characters)
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (the worst of the Sands of Time trilogy, but the best story and Prince, great twist near the end and the best use of time travel)
Psychonauts (hilarious and bizarre, a winning combination)
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (pretty standard story, but great characters)
Monkey Island Series (more hilarity)
Beyond Good & Evil (Deep, emotional story, with lots of humor)
I loved the story of Metal Gear Solid 2. It was very good for a while, and then got so wacky and outlandish that I couldn't help but love it. I still don't know what the fuck happened at the end, but by god I loved watching it!

The story of Knights of the Old Republic is the best Star Wars story outside of the original trilogy. No doubt.

I also loved the story of the first Metal Gear Solid. Did anyone else read that whole novel about it that they put into MGS2? I did.
I thought of others that I'll never forget..

Suikoden II
Suikoden V

Those were great.. Many great moments.
bread's done