Beyond Good & Evil to get a HD release on PSN and XBLA


From Joystiq.
Here's more proof that Ubisoft hasn't forgotten the Beyond Good & Evil franchise: The company is in the process of remastering the Michel Ancel-directed adventure classic for release in 2011 on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. According to IGN, Beyond Good & Evil HD will run at 1080p resolution and feature updated character models, higher-resolution textures and a remastered soundtrack, along with Trophies and Achievements.

Beyond Good & Evil was first released on Gamecube, Xbox, PS2 and PC in 2003. Like Okami, it is considered by fans to be one of the best Zelda games ... that, you know, isn't actually a Legend of Zelda game.

My thoughts...
I love these HD remakes of all the awesome games from the previous generations. Since its download only, it'll probably be priced at $15, which is awesome for 1080p and trophies.

They're probably doing this to gauge consumer interest in a sequel. Everyone that wants a BG&E 2 needs to buy this.
At first I was like "no big deal, I played it in high resolution on my PC when it came out," but the part about new textures and models got my attention. Guess it won't be on PC, though. Ugh.

[quote name='Brownjohn']They're probably doing this to gauge consumer interest in a sequel. Everyone that wants a BG&E 2 needs to buy this.[/QUOTE]
BG&E2 has been in development for years, and has had millions sunk into it. There's no way they'd can it, just because this re-release doesn't tear up the charts.
Best news I've heard so far today! :D I also played this on PC when it was originally released, but I'll have to see if all of the changes they actually make over the original release will warrant a 2nd purchase.
This game has always been on my list of games to get from last gen... but now I will wait until the HD remake comes! Woohoo!
Here's some screens. The models and textures don't really look particularly different at all. I'll just stick with the PC version.








I wasn't expecting an entire overhaul of the game, but I like to see a comparison of the PS3/360 versions to the PC version and see if they really did improve character models or textures.

Edit: Joystiq just posted the same images and said Ubisoft is still working on swapping out the textures.

We got a chance to play a small section from early on in the freshly revealed Beyond Good & Evil HD yesterday evening at Ubisoft Digital Day 2010. Jade and Pey'j definitely looked higher-poly, while the textures were still clearly in the process of being swapped out. The framerate was a little inconsistent at this stage, but just by running at 1080p the game looked remarkable, even seven years after its 2003 debut.

Ubisoft couldn't confirm if this remastering should be taken as a sign that Beyond Good & Evil 2 had become a higher priority project at the company. You can, however, bet it will be keeping a close eye on sales of Beyond Good & Evil HD as a gauge of just how quickly it needs to get the sequel out the door.
I liked the game a good bit, not sure I'd bother rebuying to play it in HD as I did find it a bit over hyped. It was good, but just felt like a lite Zelda game since it was pretty short, didn't have many items/weapons to use etc.
Sweet. I picked this up for PS2 a while back for $12 or something and haven't even opened it yet. Sharper graphics and achievements sound awesome.
Very Nice. Wasn't expecting this news at all. They still have half a year to pretty up the graphics even more, but those screens already looked nice enough to me. Plus trophies/achievments, and some new online play modes as well. Definently in for one.

Heres a gamespot article that mentions new online components:

After watching the video interview about it, it sounds like the new online component is just trophies/achievments and leaderboards. Still is the potential for more though. they did say this - The publisher offered less detail on the game's new features, noting only that gamers can unlock achievements and trophies by "discovering new secrets" through an online component
[quote name='Puffa469']I played and loved this game for the gamecube. If I ever want to play it again I'll just stick it in my Wii.[/QUOTE]

Careful now.
Nice to see this redone on the 360 and PS3. At least now I know that if my OG Xbox dies, I can pick up BG&E on a modern console.
Sweet zombie Jesus.

But the game really doesn't look that good in HD, going by the screens. Oh well, I'm still gonna buy it. BG&E was a great game.
[quote name='Puffa469']I played and loved this game for the gamecube. If I ever want to play it again I'll just stick it in my Wii.[/QUOTE]

Ok, stick it in your Wii. The original version was also for PC, PS2, and Xbox; but its graphics haven't aged well. This is a great game to get an HD remake. Those shots are already good improvements, just hope they get even better and we get some nice bonuses and new content too.
There goes yet another game I bought but hadn't got to play yet. Oh well, I can't possibly be upset at a game getting HDified.
Honestly those shots make it look better than I thought it would look, and they are saying that it'll look even better?

People are graphics spoiled, I swear!

Day one purchase for me. I love this game to death!
I actually think the game was quite pretty enough in SD on my PS2 so I dont need it 'prettied up'. However, the game is one of my favorite games of all time (top 5-7ish) and I want nothing more than a squeal (okay I lied, I'd want Kingdom Hearts 3 more than BG&E2, but not by much). I just dont need another copy of the game, but I'm also of the 'slight' belief that the sale of this would influence BG&E2 production.

Maybe I'll just find a way to "gift" the game.
So excited (as everyone else) about this news.

BG&E is easily one of my Top 5 favorite (non-fighting) games ever. I bought it on PS2 when it first came out, around the time of PoP: Sands of Time, for I think $50. I then saw the price drop like a rock in less than a month.

I can't wait for this.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I liked the game a good bit, not sure I'd bother rebuying to play it in HD as I did find it a bit over hyped. It was good, but just felt like a lite Zelda game since it was pretty short, didn't have many items/weapons to use etc.[/QUOTE]
I agree with you on this. Never saw why the game got so much hype. It was good, but not great.
This was on my list to buy forever, but never found a copy. Well, not cheap enough for a CAGGER at least : )

Very excited by this news.
I'd buy this for $10. Otherwise if I want to play through this again I'll just play the GCN version I still own.
bread's done