Bigotry or the truth? PC or doing the right thing?

Wheather its bigotry or not, it clearly was ignorant. All of the 9/11 hijackers wore wearing Western clothing. The guys who did the Mumbai attacks wore Western clothing. Why would a terrorist, after 9/11, wear "muslim garb" only if that would bring more attention to him?
[quote name='sandaz93']Wheather its bigotry or not, it clearly was ignorant. All of the 9/11 hijackers wore wearing Western clothing. The guys who did the Mumbai attacks wore Western clothing. Why would a terrorist, after 9/11, wear "muslim garb" only if that would bring more attention to him?[/QUOTE]

Sssshhh. Next you'll be saying that terrorists could be white or pass for white and that racial profiling is entirely worthless. We all know that Jesus color-coded the bad guys and they're incapable of changing their clothes, don't try to make this more complicated than it is.
I don't get what the fuss is about, they felt he violated their code of ethics and fired him, not exactly scandalous here.
So if say a white woman on a radio show said something like "When I am walking around downtown (insert any large city here) and I see an African-American male, I get nervous" and she was just saying what she felt, would have she have been fired?
When a redneck hillbilly fires an employee for wearing a turban, all the CAG cons circle the wagon and start citing "at-will employement" and other irrelevant nonsense.

However when the cause celebre of these same conservatives is the issue putting their poster child in the hot seat, suddenly it's completely uncool.
[quote name='camoor']When a redneck hillbilly fires an employee for wearing a turban, all the CAG cons circle the wagon and start citing "at-will employement" and other irrelevant nonsense.

However when the cause celebre of these same conservatives is the issue putting their poster child in the hot seat, suddenly it's completely uncool.[/QUOTE]

I can't speak for anyone else, but I feel the same way about both situations. Wasn't legally wrong to fire either individual, but you'd have a hard time convincing me that it was the right thing to do to end their employment.

I mean, hell, Williams gets fired, but not the person who says this nugget?

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]"Actually, Beck is worse than a clown. He’s more like a terrorist who believes he has discovered the One True Faith, and condemns everyone else as a heretic. And that makes him something else as well — a traitor to the American values he professes so loudly to defend.[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]"[/FONT][/FONT]
[/FONT] And I don't even like Beck a good deal of the time, and think he's terrible for the advancement of a legitimate liberty-minded movement in America. Nor do I even really disagree with the sentiment of her article in regards to Beck. Or think she should be fired.
[quote name='camoor']When a redneck hillbilly fires an employee for wearing a turban, all the CAG cons circle the wagon and start citing "at-will employement" and other irrelevant nonsense.

However when the cause celebre of these same conservatives is the issue putting their poster child in the hot seat, suddenly it's completely uncool.[/QUOTE]

They can fire him for any reason they feel like.

The take-away I think you're missing about this situation is that you have what many people (for some reason) hail as one of the last beacons of fair and agenda-free journalism accidentally stepping into the double standard tar pit.

It's pretty much exactly like when a famous "Family Values" Republican or Conservative gets caught in a bath house with 3 naked men and a box of dildos; all the liberals start spooning each other in a frolicking snicker-frenzy point-and-guffaw fest.
[quote name='camoor']When a redneck hillbilly fires an employee for wearing a turban, all the CAG cons circle the wagon and start citing "at-will employement" and other irrelevant nonsense.

However when the cause celebre of these same conservatives is the issue putting their poster child in the hot seat, suddenly it's completely uncool.[/QUOTE]

But, but, Juan Williams is always presented on Fox News as the "liberal". :roll:

(part of the 'charlatan' charge I levied earlier)
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']I can't speak for anyone else, but I feel the same way about both situations. Wasn't legally wrong to fire either individual, but you'd have a hard time convincing me that it was the right thing to do to end their employment.

I mean, hell, Williams gets fired, but not the person who says this nugget?

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]"Actually, Beck is worse than a clown. He’s more like a terrorist who believes he has discovered the One True Faith, and condemns everyone else as a heretic. And that makes him something else as well — a traitor to the American values he professes so loudly to defend.[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]"[/FONT][/FONT]
[/FONT] And I don't even like Beck a good deal of the time, and think he's terrible for the advancement of a legitimate liberty-minded movement in America. Nor do I even really disagree with the sentiment of her article in regards to Beck. Or think she should be fired.[/QUOTE]

Glenn Beck is not an ethnic group. That's a strawman argument that detracts from the larger point about labeling and identifiable groups. One can be a bigoted against all, say, white people, but not against just Glenn Beck.

[quote name='hostyl1']But, but, Juan Williams is always presented on Fox News as the "liberal". :roll:

(part of the 'charlatan' charge I levied earlier)[/QUOTE]

Ever since Alan Colmes left FOX they've been quietly searching for someone to reprise the role of Mortimer Snerd to the network's Edgar Bergen.
[quote name='thrustbucket']They can fire him for any reason they feel like.

The take-away I think you're missing about this situation is that you have what many people (for some reason) hail as one of the last beacons of fair and agenda-free journalism accidentally stepping into the double standard tar pit.

It's pretty much exactly like when a famous "Family Values" Republican or Conservative gets caught in a bath house with 3 naked men and a box of dildos; all the liberals start spooning each other in a frolicking snicker-frenzy point-and-guffaw fest.[/QUOTE]
How is it a double standard? Any respectable news outfit should have a code of ethics. If they're violated the person should be fired. Are you going to argue that their code of ethics is liberally biased or something? I don't know what it takes to get fired from Fox News, I know this wouldn't do it though.

We point out those conservative hypocrites because it should be pointed out. If you're Mr. Family Values and you get caught cheating on your wife, wtf do you expect to happen?
[quote name='camoor']When a redneck hillbilly fires an employee for wearing a turban, all the CAG cons circle the wagon and start citing "at-will employement" and other irrelevant nonsense.

However when the cause celebre of these same conservatives is the issue putting their poster child in the hot seat, suddenly it's completely uncool.[/QUOTE]

Which CAG con said that NPR couldn't legally fire him?

As usual you guys blur the lines between what can legally be done, and what should be done. They can be different a lot of the time.
[quote name='Knoell']Which CAG con said that NPR couldn't legally fire him?

As usual you guys blur the lines between what can legally be done, and what should be done. They can be different a lot of the time.[/QUOTE]
The debate is what should be legal.

If you'd care to participate, feel free to contribute along those lines. Not an arbitrary "I feel like this is a bad thing".
[quote name='thrustbucket']They can fire him for any reason they feel like.

The take-away I think you're missing about this situation is that you have what many people (for some reason) hail as one of the last beacons of fair and agenda-free journalism accidentally stepping into the double standard tar pit.

It's pretty much exactly like when a famous "Family Values" Republican or Conservative gets caught in a bath house with 3 naked men and a box of dildos; all the liberals start spooning each other in a frolicking snicker-frenzy point-and-guffaw fest.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how you spoon and frolic at the same time. I imagine that would be awkward.

Regardless, I don't see the double-standard you do. NPR is a bastion of fair and agenda-free journalism, and that's exactly why they had to fire him. Keeping him with biased/bigoted and incendiary views would be a double standard.

You're assuming that they fired him because he expressed politics different than the organization, when in truth, it was the expression of bias, not politics, that caused his dismissal. He denigrated an entire class of people based on the actions of nineteen.
[quote name='Clak']How is it a double standard? Any respectable news outfit should have a code of ethics. If they're violated the person should be fired. Are you going to argue that their code of ethics is liberally biased or something? I don't know what it takes to get fired from Fox News, I know this wouldn't do it though.

We point out those conservative hypocrites because it should be pointed out. If you're Mr. Family Values and you get caught cheating on your wife, wtf do you expect to happen?[/QUOTE]

There's a bit of a double standard, I suppose, since another of NPR's news analysts can [apparently] project her own opinion (see the quote about Glenn Beck) without getting fired. I can't say that she has generated as much controversy as Juan Williams has, or if she's been in hot water with NPR before (I'm just not that familiar with her), as those issues probably factored into NPR's decision to fire Williams. There does seem to be some sort of bias, though, when you consider one person is fired and the other is still employed (I personally think both should continue to work for NPR).


I wasn't referring to race, or discrimination against Glenn Beck. You know that. Juan Williams was fired by NPR for violating NPR's code of ethics as it pertains to journalistic integrity, and I gave an example of another NPR employee with the same job title that also broke the company's code of ethics.
It's one thing for a journalist to comment on another (though I hesitate to call Beck a journalist...) journalist's work vs. the type of comment Williams made. They may have even told her to tone it down after she said that. Apparently they'd been unhappy with Williams for quite some time though, so this wasn't the sole reason he was fired most likely.
you have a right to say whatever you want, but you don't have a right to immunity.
There are consequences to words and actions. I know this is the anonymous age of the internet, but you put yourself out there with ever statement made in the public sphere.
I'd be a little fearful of getting mugged if I lived down in the ghetto. Would expressing such a sentiment automatically make me a racist? I think it's perfectly all right for the guy to express his fear of Muslims, whether or not I agree with him.

What's next? Maybe somebody will say they're afraid of algal blooms in the Chesapeake Bay and all of the sudden they'll get blacklisted as a slanderer of Perdue corp. Maybe we'll live in a world where one is not allowed to express fear over events that actually happened--it'll all be hush-hush, courtesy of the Ministry of Thought Control. I should think it would be a magical place, where planes are never exploded by those of a Middle Eastern origin...
[quote name='Clak']Apparently they'd been unhappy with Williams for quite some time though, so this wasn't the sole reason he was fired most likely.[/QUOTE]

That's why I'm not rabid over NPR's decision to let him go. Biased or not, double standard or no, if they wanted to get rid of him, they were able to get rid of him. Can't really argue against that very much.

You should probably do more than hesitate before calling Beck a journalist, by the way. lol
[quote name='thrustbucket']The take-away I think you're missing about this situation is that you have what many people (for some reason) hail as one of the last beacons of fair and agenda-free journalism accidentally stepping into the double standard tar pit.[/QUOTE]

They're fair and balanced. They fire Juan Williams (which supposedly shows their liberal bias), but they defer to the Bush administration and they refuse to call waterboarding torture (which shows their conservative bias.)
[quote name='Clak']False analogy.[/QUOTE]

No dude, it's totally sound. Being afraid of every brown person that could be Muslim in an airport is the same thing as being afraid while stuck in a bad part of town (which is always made up of minorities YEAH I SAID IT BECAUSE IT'S THE TRUTH!!! Ever see a white ghetto? And don't say the jews. They ain't white.) at midnight.

It's just that you stupid thought police won't let your PC guard get down to reality. Haven't you ever heard of the phrase "judge a book by it's cover...because it can potentially murder and/or rape/mug you" :roll:
[quote name='Quillion']The debate is what should be legal.

If you'd care to participate, feel free to contribute along those lines. Not an arbitrary "I feel like this is a bad thing".[/QUOTE]

Is the debate what should be legal?

This topic should have ended a while back then. Also the title is misleading: Bigotry or the truth? PC or doing the right thing? Along with every other post everyone has made.
[quote name='Knoell']Which CAG con said that NPR couldn't legally fire him?

As usual you guys blur the lines between what can legally be done, and what should be done. They can be different a lot of the time.[/QUOTE]

Of course they are you dummy.

And it's not me who blurs the line, it's you and UB - when it suits your needs that is.

I'll say one thing for BMulligan - he plays his anarcho-capitalist role to the hilt. In that way he has a slight bit more integrity then you two clowns.
[quote name='UncleBob']Yup.[/QUOTE]

I really don't enjoy it. It's just infuriating reading your posts and knowing there's a whole Walmart nation out there that has the same mindset.
[quote name='rumblebear']He's obviously a bigoted racist, period. Doesn't help that he's also a race traitor for criticizing Obama.[/QUOTE]

Wow, really?! He can't critisize Obama because he's Black also. Take that bullshit elsewhere. If anything, it's your responsibility to hold him more to account because he's Black for a few reasons. 1.We may never get another Black president for a long time because of this man's impotence in the White House. 2.You should hold the man to account for his actions, period. His color shouldn't matter in that regards.
As for the topic I think Goldberg made a good point about it being a dirty secret that there are Liberals that feel that way about Muslims, Williams just said it. I also think there are a decent amount of Liberals that are racist towards Blacks. They just don't say it and keep their mouths shut about it most of the time, possibly even among friends.
As for Williams himself this whole thing doesn't surprise me, he's been jumping more to the "reactionary"(see the Bernie Goldberg comment above) Conservative viewpoint as touted by FOX. If anything he's been putting out anglers for FOX for a while.
NPR firing him just proves they're the limp dicks they've always been, afraid to court ANY kind of controversy on both the left AND right. It makes sense though as they're comfortably Corporate radio. If they kept Juan some Liberal groups might check on the funding and then the stories and realize they're not as Liberal or even Centrist as some think. Their corporate funding would likely be yanked after this.
Play chicken with NPR and they'll blink every time, see: the Mumia Abu-Jamal story they had cancelled because the union of prison guards of said state protested.
FOX is Pravda and NPR is Ivestiya(I likely screwed up that spelling). NPR tows the same Globalist bullshit line CNN and all the others do.
[quote name='Sarang01']His color shouldn't matter in that regards.[/QUOTE]Pfft, tell that to this guy:

[quote name='Sarang01']it's your responsibility to hold him more to account because he's Black[/QUOTE]

As for this bullshit, damn.

[quote name='Sarang01']As for the topic I think Goldberg made a good point about it being a dirty secret that there are Liberals that feel that way about Muslims, Williams just said it. I also think there are a decent amount of Liberals that are racist towards Blacks. They just don't say it and keep their mouths shut about it most of the time, possibly even among friends.[/QUOTE]It could come straight out of the mouth of that dumbass Stephen Colbert. There may not be any evidence that there are a 'decent amount', or it's a 'dirty secret'. It *feels* like there is. I like this idea. Don't tell the facts to me. I want you to feel things at me.
[quote name='camoor']I really don't enjoy it. It's just infuriating reading your posts and knowing there's a whole Walmart nation out there that has the same mindset.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='IRHari']Pfft, tell that to this guy:

As for this bullshit, damn.

It could come straight out of the mouth of that dumbass Stephen Colbert. There may not be any evidence that there are a 'decent amount', or it's a 'dirty secret'. It *feels* like there is. I like this idea. Don't tell the facts to me. I want you to feel things at me.[/QUOTE]

Look there are racist Liberals out there. I'm not saying there aren't racist Conservatives because we have seen this clearly.
I just get sick and fucking tired of the stereotype that Liberals are completely open minded, that none of them clutch a purse when a Black man gets on an elevator. Or if their son or daughter brings a Black person to dinner they clench up regardless of the fact they just voted for a Black man in the polling place.
As for number 1 perhaps I'm saying that just because he will be judged more critically. In truth he shouldn't but a lot is riding on Obama's shoulders and in my opinion he completely failed it. That's not to say that, being the first Black president, it wouldn't be moderately difficult to really succeed and in the process be branded a complete failure. Even then, however, I think there's a degree to which you can fail then be judged accordingly in history. Whether you were good, bad, average, etc. On this point though Obama really isn't trying. As it seems, he's VERY ineffectual to say the least, a coward and weak willed to say the most.
Go at me all you want myke, I really don't mind. If you ever see the light and think about a 3rd party after realizing that just voting for both the Democrats and Republicans truly hurts this country I think my head will explode. I'm amazed you are willing to sacrifice your ideology for a party. With what I am I can't believe in gun rights if I'm Democrat possibly. If I believe in rehabilitation versus reincarceration I can kiss being a Republican goodbye. The list goes on.
bread's done