Bionic Commando 360/PS3 $19.99 fs Newegg

Yeh, I thought it would be in the unofficial Newegg thread, but then realized that's only for $15.99 or less so I figure I'd throw it up just in case anyone is looking for it. It's a pretty fun game for $19.99 IMHO.
I picked this up when Gamestop had it on sale for the same price a few months back.

I can understand why no one wanted it at full price, but at $20 I thought it was a very solid game and enjoyed it enough to try for the Platinum trophy. It's also a relatively easy and straightforward Platinum to boot, so trophy-fiends shouldn't overlook this either.

I realize that the story isn't exactly good and the swing mechanics takes some getting used to, but once you get the swing mechanic down (which doesn't take too long - at least it didn't for me), it's an enjoyable ride.
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I also got this a few months ago for the same price at gamestop. Great game for the price and after playing through it would have paid the full price had every review and internet forums shit on it. Makes me wonder what else i have missed listening to the internet.
[quote name='Ecto311']I also got this a few months ago for the same price at gamestop. Great game for the price and after playing through it would have paid the full price had every review and internet forums shit on it. Makes me wonder what else i have missed listening to the internet.[/QUOTE]

That's why I've started trying any and all demos of games I have even a mild interest in regardless of what reviewers say. I have yet to read reviews that I completely agree with and could say "Wow, that guy/girl is ME except with a professional job of reviewing the games they play!"

Either way, always try a game before you write it off just because so-and-so says it's crap. You might just find a gem of a game and because all reviews say it's crap, the price will drop like a rock too! :razz: Win win scenario all around.
Picked it up for $30ish at the Best Buy sale a month back. It took me a while to get into it, but at a certain point it "clicked" for me and I loved it.

It's not as good as the original, and I liked Wolverine and The Force Unleashed better, but it's still one of my favorite games I've played this year.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Picked it up for $30ish at the Best Buy sale a month back. It took me a while to get into it, but at a certain point it "clicked" for me and I loved it.

It's not as good as the original, and I liked Wolverine and The Force Unleashed better, but it's still one of my favorite games I've played this year.[/QUOTE]

Yeh, I would put SW:TFU as one of my top 5 all time favorite action games... I'm a little biased since I'm a SW fanatic but it is really fun in spite of the reviews. Can't wait for the Ultimate Sith Edition!! :bouncy:
Yeah, I sold my copy to pick up Ultimate Sith Edition. It's one of my favorite action games ever too. The story is *REALLY* good. To me, it was right up there with Episode 3 and 5 (my favorites). It feels like a real Star Wars movie/story, and like it's actually supposed to be there, not weakly/forgettably crammed in between 3 and 4, and I was NOT expecting that!

If you want to see something scary, compare Force Unleashed, which is like a real Star Wars film, and apparently cannon, and whatnot, and looks/plays astoundingly well, to that Clone Wars game that just came out. The demo is laughably hideous in comparison. (Might actually be solid for what it is, but oh geez is it at the opposite end of the spectrum of what it's possible for interactive entertainment to be.)

But at any rate, that, Wolverine, and (to a lesser extent) Bionic Commando are all well worth owning IMO. I keep hearing Batman's even better than Wolverine was, which is hard to believe, but I'm looking forward to playing my copy (in...THE BACKLOG! :lol: )
I picked it up at Target on clearance for $14.98 a couple weeks ago. I was skeptical, but the more I play the more I'm having fun with it. I would definitely say that 19.99 is a good price for this game.
This game has a bad rap. I have it on 360 and it's totally worth $20. The swinging/grappling will probably take a few hours before it feels natural, but after that -- it's gravy.
Under rated game definitely worth $20. I had planned to rebuy at some point but will probably wait until I can get it for $10 someplace.
$20 sure.. cant wait to surprise myself when I get this after completely forgetting about ordering it
I bought this game several months ago at GameStop for $19.99 and thought it was really good. It's darn fun, I really don't have anything negative to say about it. I was pretty addicted to it all the way through to the end. I'd say pick this up!!
Give it a chance though Waka. I was thinking it was kind of crappy for quite a while-took a few hours to "click", and at a certain point I just started eating it up so to speak.

So it's one of those weird games that can take a while to get into, I guess.
I bought it for 20$ at GS a while back and it is one of the best campaigns I have ever played, the multiplayer is weak tho.
I got this at Gamestop for $20, expecting a mediocre game, but I was very surprised. The game is a lot of fun, with really high production values. It's actually one of my favorite games this generation.
The load times on PS3 made the game an absolutely horrible experience for me. I'd suggest 360 with HD install. Personally I wouldn't pay more than $15 for it, but a lot of people dug it.
[quote name='ecwfan']For someone who has both systems, which version is the best to get?[/QUOTE]

I don't know that I've read or seen any reviews that pointed out any significant issues on one platform or the other or any that say one system's graphics are step above the others. The game was most likely ported from the 360 to the PS3 so in most cases, and this is coming from a ps3 fan boy, the 360 version is ever so slightly better.
[quote name='Izod517']The load times on PS3 made the game an absolutely horrible experience for me. I'd suggest 360 with HD install. Personally I wouldn't pay more than $15 for it, but a lot of people dug it.[/QUOTE]

The load times are tollerable but they are annoying. After you have played games like inFamous or GTA IV it makes you scratch your head why Bionic Commando's environments would require such load times. They really break up the flow of the game.
I passed on this at GS earlier this year and later kicked myself in the ass for it. Glad the same deal came back around. Thanks for letting us know!
Fairly enjoyable, though I found it quite annoying that unlike Re-armed, it is impossible to re-enter a previous level to obtain extra lives/ammo/collectibles you have missed. You miss anything in a level and you have to restart your game from the beginning for it to count. You can replay a level from mission select, but nothing is saved.

Radiation is really annoying, not always clear where it is and half the time you swing into it and don't have enough time to get back out before it kills you, which somewhat hinders exploration. That hindrance is at odds with requiring one to locate all collectibles on your first pass through a level.

Swinging and combat is fun, I just wish the save/level replaying system was handled better.
Remember though, you want to buy it on the system you own ReARMED on to unlock extra content... and if you don't own that already, forshame.
Got this back when GameStop had it for 20 and its definitely worth it. It does take a few chapter's to get into it but once you do its a fun ride.
[quote name='slugboss']Remember though, you want to buy it on the system you own ReARMED on to unlock extra content... and if you don't own that already, forshame.[/QUOTE]

Did it just unlock his old look? I thought I was excited about that, but you get to see him like that briefly anyway, and I like his new look a lot better.

I ended up with the Playstation rearmed, and Xbox version of this.

The exploration thing is a good point...I know I passed a purple (?) locked door during the game, and didn't have whatever you needed to open it.
Played it on PC without console's frame rate problems. Only good thing about this game is the music. Everything else is pretty mediocre, uninspired, and unfinished. Capcom must be pissed for spending over 20+million on this. Well atleast the studio GRIN got what they deserved for this debacle, Wanted, and Terminator Salvation
Did you play through it, or just start it? And there aren't any framerate issues with the console ones I'm aware of. (Though there might have been a patch, can't remember.)
I picked it up at full price (pre-ordered), and I thought it was fully worth it. I even bought a second copy for my brother. I do not see what all the hate around this game is for, it's an extremely well-done game, with high production values, and fantastic gameplay. The only thing is it takes time to get used to the swinging, that's the only learning curve about the game.

Once you get into it though, it's fantastic. I'd second what "DrUnkAgAIn" said, in it's one of my favorite games this generation.

Oh, and consider this my 3rd copy purchased, buying it for PS3 now (bought the other two on 360). I want to fully support GRIN's attempt at this remake, since they did an incredible job, and only seem to get screwed over for it, how sad.
i picked it up for $20 at gamestop a few months back. I loved the game, it gets to be soo much fun. After you beat the first boss you wont want to put it down, thats about when it "clicks"

The controls for the arm swing are incredibly fun once you master it.

seriously for $20, 100% worth buying if you dont have it.
[quote name='jjz203']That's why I've started trying any and all demos of games I have even a mild interest in regardless of what reviewers say. I have yet to read reviews that I completely agree with and could say "Wow, that guy/girl is ME except with a professional job of reviewing the games they play!"

Either way, always try a game before you write it off just because so-and-so says it's crap. You might just find a gem of a game and because all reviews say it's crap, the price will drop like a rock too! :razz: Win win scenario all around.[/QUOTE]

You horrified me into replying. That's definitely not a win win. A gem with a poor showing in the market place is simply horrible for the past time as a whole. If it does poorly on the shelves, it not only means no sequel, but also no influence on future titles. If it was a gem, it was a gem for a reason, and having to wait for that reason to be discovered anew is bad for everyone.

But I agree with everything else :)
Despite this game receiving slightly above average reviews, I personally thought it was one of the most underrated games. For $20, it was well worth it. Shame the developer GRIN is now shut down. This was the last game they made.
New game. It's a sequel to the original, plot wise. Technically it's the second (at least) time someone's done a sequel, but this one in terms of story really works for me. I don't know why, but I love these characters. Loved Jeff Gerstman/Giant Bomb's description of HOW THEY ALL SHOUT ANGRILY AT EACH OTHER ALL THE TIME :lol:
I didn't enjoy the plot/characters that much, but the swinging mechanic (the most important part) is great, and the combat is serviceable.
I'd say it is worth $20 if you enjoyed Rearmed or Spider-Man 2/Web of Shadows.
I didn't like Spider Man 2 (or any of the Spider Man games since the Sega CD one, actually), and liked this better than Rearmed, although not as good as the original for me.
This is an awesome price really quickly after the game came it makes me think the game must be pretty terrible.

I loved Rearmed though, so I might end up biting.
Lots of games hit cheap right after they come out and vice versa. Doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Well, it's a bad sign of the times when games hit 1/3 prices shortly after release. I feel like game developers and companies take harsh hits like this and that's why companies like GRIN are gone. Because of the poor sales figures for a rather fun well made game. :whistle2:(

The irony is that we as CAG's only perpetuate the cycle by waiting to buy games at these ridiculously marked down prices because we don't want to pay msrp for most games... and so a development house suffers from the lack of profit. :whistle2:k Sad but harsh reality of this hobby, especially during these economic times.
[quote name='scarclone']I picked it up at Target on clearance for $14.98 a couple weeks ago. I was skeptical, but the more I play the more I'm having fun with it. I would definitely say that 19.99 is a good price for this game.[/QUOTE]

Same situation for me - Target clearance pickup and I am playing it now. It is fun and for $20 then a flip on ebay it is definitely worth it. I played the original on NES year ago and I like the little nods to that version (sound effects icons etc)
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