Boston Marathon Bombing - Three dead 175+ injured

[quote name='Snake2715']

The bike kid may have been just a worker.[/QUOTE]

duh. its warm in boston now. nice day to bike
[quote name='bigdaddy']The T, buses and train, are shut down.

Someone matching crazy guy went into woods.[/QUOTE]

It sounds like they got him, but not clear if hes alive or not..

It will be insane if this guy gets away or eludes police for much longer... There are hundreds of cops there.. how does he elude this many cops? Hes a damn kid, not some seasoned veteran.
[quote name='Snake2715']It sounds like they got him, but not clear if hes alive or not..[/QUOTE]
Don't think they got him. 5 cities surrounding watertown are in lock down including public transit. Businesses are asked to close for the day, no vehicle traffic(watertown only), and people are asked to stay home.
Yeah they do not have him, they are looking in the woods, some guy's garage. Public transportation is closed, everyone there is told to stay home, or at work and don't let people in.
This is pretty crazy. Is it typical in a manhunt to ask people to not go to work and ask business to close for the day?

Is that a standard precaution to try and keep people off the street so that the suspect can't blend in or do they think they may have planted explosives somewhere?
Nothing is typical, it's insane.

But you can't get to work without trains anyways. They want less people on roads as possible, the guy has a gun, grenades, a pot luck bomb and maybe a suicide vest, you don't want people wondering around.

And Watertown has unexploded grenades of bombs in the area from the shootout.
AP said 19/yr old from Cambridge Mass is the one still on the loose.

Name: Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev

Edit: Thank you ananag for the correct spelling; I was trying to spell it based on how I heard it over the radio
Holy mother fuck. I have family with SWAT literally right outside their doorstep. I've officially gone from WTF-mode to I-just-shit-my-pants mode.:cry:
[quote name='dohdough']Holy mother fuck. I have family with SWAT literally right outside their doorstep. I've officially gone from WTF-mode to I-just-shit-my-pants mode.:cry:[/QUOTE]

I hope all ends well for you and them...

I don't remember seeing anything like this in regards to the capacity of the lockdown and manhunt
[quote name='bigdaddy']Your family is the safest in the country.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how safe I'd feel if I was near the vicinity of a manhunt where the suspect(s) had already been throwing grenades and other explosives at officers all night long. I would imagine that where ever the suspect(s) operate out of would have explosives as well.
RT @nprnews: .@nprinskeep emphasizing that we even though we know suspects have Chechnya connections -- we do not know motives.

Not sure how reliable the information is but there was a news tweet update stating that they (LEO) were concerned about a third person (a relative). Not sure if they are concerned about involvement or what
I woke, checked Twitter, then Reddit, saw the headline "HOLY SHIT. Marathon suspect in car chase -- Explosives been thrown + shots fired! (Stream broadcast via radio)," and let out a "Holy shit."

Jesus Christ, this week is just cursed. Remind me to wear full body armor next year in the third week of April.
been following it all night and wow incredible and the law enforcement response in astonishing 9000+ in the area including police, FBI and national guard its like something out of a movie
Ah, the joys of live coverage. Heard this gem about 45 minutes ago on CNN:

"We can confirm that the subject on the run -- that is, the subject on the right in the hat -- that he is in fact, still, on the run."
[quote name='blindinglights']Ah, the joys of live coverage. Heard this gem about 45 minutes ago on CNN:

"We can confirm that the subject on the run -- that is, the subject on the right in the hat -- that he is in fact, still, on the run."[/QUOTE]

Some of the local coverage isn't any better.
[quote name='blindinglights']Ah, the joys of live coverage. Heard this gem about 45 minutes ago on CNN:

"We can confirm that the subject on the run -- that is, the subject on the right in the hat -- that he is in fact, still, on the run."[/QUOTE]

haha well to be fair some of them have been on the air for hours with no break just repeating the same thing dozens of times
UMass Dartmouth is being evacuated. My sister is there right now, SWAT is there, something about tweets from the kid's twitter account saying he was going back there. I haven't seen anything to confirm that yet though.
Now i have to skip work to accompany my mother to friday prayers.

News are showing dzokhars facebook page, and his religious view is "islam" according to his profile.

I like the terrorists' dad "Wouldn't hurt a fly", and he wants him home in Russia.

Uncle "Why would they do it? They are losers."
I turned on the broadcast via my computer just when the uncle was asked what he thought about America. His response was pretty heart warming.
[quote name='perdition(troy']I'm surprised at how good this kid is at hide and seek[/QUOTE]
You wouldn't be if you knew the area. Tons of places to hide out.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Ya I reckon dohdough. I've only been out there once but based on Boston's age I'm sure he find some old building/area and blew his brains out.[/QUOTE]

He's allegedly about 10 miles away from Boston proper in a more semi-urban/suburban area that sits on a border of a suburban enclave. From the videos, everyone is in a mixed residential/commercial area of Watertown. Between the houses, warehouse-type buildings, and parks, there are tons of places for him to be.

Personally, I don't think he's in Watertown anymore.
The fact that him and his brother stayed so close to Boston after the Boston bombings is incredibly strange. It's highly possible if he isn't found that more explosions could take place.

I agree with post above as well I don't think he's in Mass. at all but who knows.
Wow the first guy ha a large slash in his side.. Doesnt look like a bomb blast to me. They claim he may have been down then run over by his brother as his brother escaped.
I don't know how anyone who's in the vicinity of what's going down could not be on edge.
A friend's former roommate I texted, he lives 1.5 miles away and is like "Yeah, I'm just staying inside".

Not everyone in the world bases their lives in fear.
[quote name='DemonsMaster']The fact that him and his brother stayed so close to Boston after the Boston bombings is incredibly strange. It's highly possible if he isn't found that more explosions could take place.

I agree with post above as well I don't think he's in Mass. at all but who knows.[/QUOTE]

Not only that but the guy's care was in the shop on Tuesday when the terrorist came in and demanded it.

Which would have been nice if the FBI released pictures days ago.

If I was going to bomb something, I'd place bombs where I want, then flea and just blow up the next waves by cell phone.

They are smart enough to make a bomb that exploded (something that underwear and shoe bombers couldn't do) but then didn't have an escape plan?
"We fucked up. We have no clue where the terrorist is, or how the fuck we missed hitting him last night. Our bad, go about your way." - Mass State Police
[quote name='Snake2715']Wow the first guy ha a large slash in his side.. Doesnt look like a bomb blast to me. They claim he may have been down then run over by his brother as his brother escaped.[/QUOTE]

I've actually heard reports that the brother was killed from being run over... not sure how true that is though.

"We ed up. We have no clue where the terrorist is, or how the we missed hitting him last night. Our bad, go about your way." - Mass State Police

Yeah because finding one person among millions in a city that isn't set up all neat and nice like those in the Central and Western part of the United States is an easy task.
[quote name='bigdaddy']"We fucked up. We have no clue where the terrorist is, or how the fuck we missed hitting him last night. Our bad, go about your way." - Mass State Police[/QUOTE]

Maybe he studied Dorner.
[quote name='GBAstar']I've actually heard reports that the brother was killed from being run over... not sure how true that is though.

Yeah because finding one person among millions in a city that isn't set up all neat and nice like those in the Central and Western part of the United States is an easy task.[/QUOTE]

No fuck, but they were shooting at him last night and missed 250 times? I mean really. What the fuck.
bread's done