Brett Favre Retires

[quote name='Maklershed']Filming Pure Luck 2? :pray:[/quote]

i think he was doing something for charity because he had a t-shirt and said he was with a bunch of other celebrities.

It was pretty cool story. My friends and i woke up in the morning, started watching Angels in the Outfield. Then we went and sat by the pool (at a hotel) and were talking about the movie. A black guy walked out the door followed by reporters and people wanting to take pictures, far enough for us to not know it was glover, but close enough for us to know he was black. My friend jokingly said something like, "Hey, look its Danny Glover!". Then, out of no where, some girl runs out of the inside of the hotel and screams "OH MY GAWD!! ITS DANNY GLOVER!"
[quote name='crushtopher']Wait, you pay that much attention to Danny Glover, who isn't even an A-list actor...yet don't know who Brett Favre is? I call B.S. on that. Have you never watched ESPN or any sports related TV show, or channel, for that matter? Nobody in your neck of the woods has talked about anything remotely close to the Green Bay Packers, Lambeau field, or football as a whole? That's just pathetic...Not paying attention to something is no excuse for not must have done well in school[/quote]

1) Its Kimbo Slice and I was being sarcastic about it being Danny Glover since everybody took a dick up the ass about me not knowing who some $$$$$$ that played football was.

2) I live in South TX and no other team gets word of mouth besides the Cowboys. (which I know nothing about, which also suck dick)

3) Whats so pathetic about not knowing sports? I didn't grow up around 'em, so why should I know anything about 'em? I grew up with skateboards and bmx bikes, not sweaty men catching balls.

4) Is football that important that it would affect my life? What the fuck would that have to do with my education?

5) You must've had an amazing education yourself, pal. I mean, with your random capitalized letters and lack of punctuation. ;)
The Packers have always been my favorite football team, and the one non-Chicago sports team that I call a favorite. Brett Favre has always been my favorite player.

This is a truly sad day for me. I haven' felt this badly about something sports related since Michael Jordan's second retirement from the Bulls in 1998 (I prefer to ignore his two year comeback in Washington).

I just heard the news when I turned on Around the Horn. It shocked me, since the Packers were one score away from the Super Bowl and tied for the NFC's best record. I really thought they could have won it all next year. Now, that is unlikely.

At least we'll get to see how Aaron Rodgers plays now, after 3 years of riding the bench. He looked good in limited activity in 2007, namely against Dallas, but I just hope he doesn't end up as another Tim Couch.

Thanks for an amazing 17 year career, Brett!
I grew up watching Brett play football for Green Bay. He was always an idol to me, not only because of his skill, but because he always looked like he was having so much fun playing a game people took so seriously. I hurt through every tragic event of his life, and revelled in his triumphs. Kinda sad, maybe. But it was important to me.

Thank you Brett.

I never followed football until I met my husband, who was a rabid GB fan, and even I knew who Brett Favre was. Couldn't spell his name then, but I knew him. And that was pre-Superbowl win. It's a sad, sad day. He's such a consummate athlete, and everyone whom I've spoken to who ever met him has never had a bad word to say, just called him an all around nice guy. While he may only have one ring, what he did with less resources, because many players would go almost anywhere else than the frozen tundra, later coaches who didn't have a truly clear vision for the team, all of the barriers only made him a better player. And no one can dispute that man has a shotgun for a right arm.

You know he was holding out, trying to decide if he should go out on top or try for a Superbowl win again. I really love how he talked about how it was a family decision, that after discussing it with his wife, his daughters, he decided it was better to go out on top, after a great season, because the only thing better would be a ring, and that wasn't guaranteed.

The Randy Moss stuff? I don't buy it. He's not that kind of guy.
How could anyone NOT like Favre? His boyishness and enthusiasm will be missed by all fans of the game.

My biggest Favre memory? Watching him systematically destroy my beloved Raiders on that Monday Night game after his father died. I couldn't believe it.

I doubt he'll announce. Doesn't seem like that kind of guy. I can see him going fishing and laying low with his family though!
bread's done