CAG Beer Drinkers Unite! Beer Snobs and Cheap Ass Drunks Welcome!

Yeah, the Espresso Stout is damn good. Southern Tier's Jahva is damn good as well (think it's a seasonal, but should be out now or soon I think). will ship to IL. They are how I got my Infinium for new years. However they only have the 3 types of the Dogfish Head that I listed.
Stopped by NYC's Gingerman... the mecca of NYC beer and recently had:

Troeg's Nugget Nectar Cask Conditioned - If it wasn't awesome enough in a bottle, cask conditioned really lightened it up and brought out its freshness.

Shlafly Bourbon Aged Stout - Decent, but go get Goose Island's Bourbon county first.

Bear Republic Peter Brown Tribute Brown Ale - Wow... brown ales are sneaking up on me as an under appreciated gem. Very drinkable yet roasted and delicious. Bear Republic yet again brews good.

Schlafly Oak Aged Barley Wine
- This was a big beer with a ton of flavor. Very rich barley wine + Oak is very prominent. Good drink but you really can't handle more than a snifter... a good session brew with friends.

Southern Tier Chokolat - No joke, this is the first intensely chocolate stout I have had (others say chocolate but usually add very modest flavoring), to the point that it somewhat tasted like hot cocoa powder poured into a beer. Not too great.
Recent drinks have been the McRogue Scotch Ale on tap and a bottle of Dogfish Head's Squall IPA. The McRogue was alright, the Squall IPA was excellent.

I have a Stone Old Guardian Belgo Barleywine in the 'fridge. Looking forward to this one.
Avenitus Schneider

Ayinger Doppelbock Celebrator

Verhaeghe Echt Kriekenbier

Those may not be spelled correct, I'm not sober yet so that's my excuse.
Had some more Boulevard smokestack series - double wide IPA - real nice double IPA and Sixth Glass - a Belgian style quad - also very nice. I'm pretty impressed with Boulevard now.

Also - my local brewery is canning! Good People Brewing Co. has their IPA and brown ale in cans now - only available here in bham and huntsville currently.
Enjoying some Dogfish Head Aprihop and Terrapin Hopsecutioner currently. Had a six pack of Victory Hop Devil a week or two back as well.
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I've stumbled onto my new cheap beer obsession, Peters Brand that can be bought at Trader Joe's, pint cans for a buck a piece which isn't bad at all. It's almost as good as Bitburger but thirty cents less per can so it makes up for it in value.

I grabbed some Jim Jim from Rogue and the Hoptimum as well the other day. I think I might work through those tonight.
This year's KBS is drinking especially smooth to me. :) Just enough bourbon on there so that you remember what you are drinking.
Been drinking some local bham brew in cans - Good People IPA and brown ale - lately. Also had Boulevard Sixth Glass - Belgian Quad - pretty decent but not as good as their other smokestack series brews I don't think.
[quote name='Vacabck']This year's KBS is drinking especially smooth to me. :) Just enough bourbon on there so that you remember what you are drinking.[/QUOTE]

KBS, bourbon...? What are you talking about... I want some.

A description from their website:
What we’ve got here is an imperial stout brewed with a massive amount of coffee and chocolates, then cave-aged in oak bourbon barrels for an entire year to make sure wonderful bourbon undertones come through in the finish. Makes your taste buds squeal with delight.

It's released once a year, fairly limited, especially here in Missouri, but it's worth the hassle of trying to find it if Founders is sold in your neck of the woods, hell, anything by them is worth trying.
Stouts aged in bourbon is my favorite beer style right now... I'll definitely be on the look out. Founder's does distribute here in NYC so thanx for the heads up.
I have a bottle of Espresso-flavored Yeti Imperial Stout (birthday gift) to look forward to after work today, I'm really excited about it. I've had hundreds of beers, but never a coffee flavored brew. I'm excited.

On the cheap side of things, any Maryland-area CAGs should know that Natty Boh is back on tap in the area!
I just picked up the regular Yeti... a great beer. They also age aversion of it in whiskey/bourbon barrels I believe and it is real good.

I also talked to my beer guy and he said distribution of the Founder's Bourbon Stout is coming next week to NYC.
Yeah, the Yeti's are all pretty damn good.

Southern Tier's Jahva is a great chocolate/coffee stout. It's a season though (but is out around this time of the year I think).
I got my hopes up while at Ruby Tuesdays. I saw Fat Tire on their beer menu and was stunned. Unfortuntly when I ordered it the waiter said this location didn't carry that beer. That was my FUUUUUUUUUUUU moment of the year.
Made a beer run.

Grabbed a sixer of Avery IPA in cans. Don't think I've had it, and I've not tried any of their beers since they moved to cans.

And bombers of:

Stone Old Guardian Belgo (their barleywine, brewed with belgian yeast instead of the usual Ale yeast.

Sweetwater's latest Danktank release--Mean Joe Bean Imperial Porter (a porter brewed with coffee beans)

Heavy Seas Aarsh Red Ale (an Irish Red ale in their Mutiny Fleet series).
What is up with most beers being below 7% alcohol? Personally I stick with Chimay or other Belgium trappist style beers.
I prefer beers in the 5-8% range myself, though I do enjoy a lot stronger varieties in the 10-12% range like imperial stouts, barleywines, double ipas, Belgians etc.

Reason being I more like to have 2 or 3 beers while hanging with friends, or chilling by myself playing games etc. than having one stronger one in a bigger bottle.

I get hangovers much easier than I did in my youth, so 2-3 or so 5-7% beers or one stronger beer (espeically if it's a 22oz or 750ml bottle) are about all I can do without feeling at least a little headachy etc. in the morning.
[quote name='seen']What is up with most beers being below 7% alcohol? Personally I stick with Chimay or other Belgium trappist style beers.[/QUOTE]

Most people like piis beer like bud. I prefer kgb Russian style, it's 9%

[quote name='bordjon']Been drinking some local bham brew in cans - Good People IPA and brown ale - lately. Also had Boulevard Sixth Glass - Belgian Quad - pretty decent but not as good as their other smokestack series brews I don't think.[/QUOTE]

I like this Ethiopian beer called Tuska though I'm sure most of you will think it's too weak.

Also I was wondering if anyone knew how to get ahold of those Chinese beers that pepper up their beer as such?
[quote name='maxim2boobles']


Bham, AL - way down here in the deep south - clear across the country I suppose!

I haven't been drinking much new - picked up another six of Good People IPA for a dinner party over the weekend and talked a lot of beer with a new friend I met at the party. We shared our love for the Asheville, NC beer scene!
The Avery IPA was pretty solid. The Sweetwater Dank Tank Mean Joe Bean was pretty good as well. Definitely worth trying for those of you that like beers brewed with coffee. I still prefer the coffee stouts like Southern Tier's Jahva to this since it's a porter and thus a lot milder and thinner bodied. But still very good for a porter.
The Espresso Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout I had last week was REALLY DARK. Definitely the darkest beer I've ever had. Sadly, I couldn't really taste the espresso flavoring, which I was really looking forward too. Just tasted like a super-dark Guinness to me.
I'm also not sure if anyone posted about this beer or not, but I tried the Kona Longboard Lager (imported from Hawaii) as well, and it was really well-made. A really smooth, refreshing beer that got me in the mood for Spring and Summer (I was sitting outside our bar's beer garden, that helped). Really flavorful, but not too heavy. Great aroma, too. Going to try some of their other beers if I get the chance to.
Haven't posted in a while but I'm still drinking plenty! Had too many Avery IPA (in a can!) the other night at a friends bday party. Had a Weyerbacher Old Heathen Imperial Stout the other night and really liked it - will be picked up more of that one.

My local brewery - Good People Brewing Co. - will be putting out their DIPA soon - label just got approved!

Funny ads from Breckenridge Brewery:
Haven't had much lately. Only new thing I've had recently is Terrapin Hop Karma Brown IPA.

It was pretty decent, basically a mix of a brown ale and an IPA along the lines of Dogfish Head's Indian Brown Ale, but probably a bit hoppier.
[quote name='depascal22']Sam Adams Noble Pils is horrible. 5 types of hops but you can't taste any of them.[/QUOTE]

I don't like it much, but wouldn't go as far as to call it horrible. It's ok as far as pilsners go, I'm just not big on the style. That said, it is far hoppier than most pilsners.

I do miss that Imperial Pilsner (whatever it was called) that they used to make every winter. That was a super hoppy beer.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I don't like it much, but wouldn't go as far as to call it horrible. It's ok as far as pilsners go, I'm just not big on the style. That said, it is far hoppier than most pilsners.

I do miss that Imperial Pilsner (whatever it was called) that they used to make every winter. That was a super hoppy beer.[/QUOTE]

It is far hoppier than most Pilsners but not in a good way. I'll stick with their Latitude.
this weekend i had some 400 lb monkey - left hand brewery... and dazed and confused.... i prefered the dazed and confused beer but they both were good.
Should have posted earlier but if anyone had happened to go to the International Beer Fest in Cleveland this weekend, I was there pouring the Baltika all day Saturday.

The event as a whole was pretty fun and if anyone has these in their area I definitely recommend checking it out as its a great chance to try new things. I don't have a sophisticated palate(sp?) at ALL but the most unique thing I had was a peanut butter cup coffee porter from the Willoughby Brewing company (just a local place). YUM!
Made a beer run to Hop City (my favorite local beer store, don't make it there often as it's a bit out of the way despite being fairly close by) and picked up the following:

G'Knight Imperial Red by Oskar Blues--having one currently. Pretty tasty, one of the better imperial red ales I've had

21st Amendment Brew Free or Die IPA--have had this before, but it's been a while.

Tommy Knocker Hop Strike Black Rye IPA

Maredsous Brune

Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier
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The Tommyknocker Hop Strike was just ok. Pretty typical black IPA. Very malty and could use more hops.

Had the Victory Yakima Glory American Black Ale on cask at a gastropub near by with dinner a bit ago. That was damn tasty!
Yeah, I'm not big on most of the spring seasonals either. Notable exception being Stone's Imperial Russian Stout that usually comes out late spring for whatever reason.

Really, winter is the only time I really dig the seasonals since that's when a lot of seasonal imperial stouts, chocolate stouts and coffee stouts are out. Otherwise I mainly just drink IPAs and DIPAs year round. :D
Went to an awesome German beer hall in Indianapolis Friday night. Had a few Weihenstephan Hefe Weis while I sat outside and listened to a decent band. Good times.
when ever i start feeling down like today.....i reach for a good ole english 800 40 oz of freedom. i'll be taking the long walk tomorrow after to work to grab a few.
Ugh. Ole' E takes me on a nostalgic trip to Pukeville.

Didn't drink much of it in high school. I was a Colt .45 45 ounce wide mouth or Busch guy back then. Drank more it when I joined the Air Force and everyone drank Ole E because they saw it in the damn movies.
bread's done