CAG Health and Fitness Thread

Condo gym got all new equipment. Need to get used to it. I had my routine down with the other equipment that was still in great shape.
I think I've just about had it. I've posted in this thread in the past on how I was going to get back in shape and to where I was back in college. However, work has continuously beat me down and exhausted me to where I don't work out anymore after work.

I think I'm finally ready to start exercising on a more regular basis again. I used to run 2 miles a day for 3 or 4 times a week, but saw little progress because I did not change my diet, which obviously should probably change.

Any suggestions for somebody who's looking to eat healthier? Obviously, I'll have to get my tastes to change, and I'm sure I'll still crave pizza come the weekends, etc. I also need to get back in the habit of running and getting on our elliptical again. I still play in a mens hockey league and thankfully we have at least 1 game a week.

Ideally, if I could slim down about 15-20 pounds, I think I'd be set. That's where I was back in college, and was fairly content.

Any work out/diet tips are greatly appreciated! Thanks!
bread's done