CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

My bulking is going okay, I guess. I haven't noticed much of a weight gain (physically) but, I have gained around 10 pounds in the last 1-2 months.

Prolly gonna start cutting again June 1 or so.
Not looking foward to weigh-in tomorrow morning...Holy Communion parties and I do not mix well. UGH!!! Nothing 8 miles on a treadmill won't fix.

It was nice seeing people I havent seen in years again...and they all said the same thing, "You're so skinny."
[quote name='Rig']My bulking is going okay, I guess. I haven't noticed much of a weight gain (physically) but, I have gained around 10 pounds in the last 1-2 months.

Prolly gonna start cutting again June 1 or so.[/QUOTE]

Is there a good guide out there for cutting?
Tuesday Weigh-In

Height: 6'0
Starting Weight (4/23): 190.0 lbs
Last week's Weigh-in: 187.8 lbs
This week's Weigh-in: 189.4 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost this week: +1.6 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost total: -0.6 lbs
Goal weight (175 lbs): 14.6 lbs to go

I am disappointed. Not that I gained weight for the first time since I started this diet...I understand there are going to be fluctuations and Pretzel Chips are no substitutions for regular meals. I am disappointed in my workout routine and how I feel after. I'm at the point where I just don't want to do it anymore (the point where I told myself once I felt like this I would stop).

3 weeks ago I was running 7 miles in 68 minutes. Last week I did it in 70 minutes, barely. Yesterday, I did 6.5 miles in 70 minutes. Last week was my longest 5K run since February. I'm going backwards. I'm tired all the time. My legs were so sore yesterday that I could not sleep. I'm disappointed that to spite 60 lbs lost since 1/1, I still wear 34's and a have this gut. So I have to ask myself..."Why?" Yeah, I need to change up my routine. Maybe some Wii Fit and Dance Central :lol:. Heck, if my wife won't use the Zumba Kinect maybe I will...
Welcome to the wall. I'm currently standing in front of it myself and I'm not sure exactly what to do. I know I have to change up my routine but it's easier said than done. My diet also needs improvement - I've been sliding little by little over the past few months. An ice cream sandwich here, a bag of jellybeans there, I swapped the honey mustard for vinegar and oil on my sandwich at lunch, etc. I have also been way more tired than usual - I haven't played a video game in about 3 months since I now try to go to bed around 10 p.m. instead of play games for an hour - and it is harder to get out of bed in the morning which never used to be the case.

Maybe now that the weather is nice I'll go for some more outdoor runs. My wife is due a week from tomorrow so things have also been chaotic at home. I'm sleeping in the attic. There is no dinner unless I cook after I get home from work (which is fine - she is super tired chasing 2 kids plus being so pregnant) but my schedule isn't regular so I often end up eating whatever is easiest instead of healthiest. I don't know.
Javery, It sounds like your already in great shape. Don't stress yourself out right now when your about to have another child. I just started watching what I'm eating again and have only made it to the gym once since my latest daughter was born 1.5 weeks ago. It does bother me mentally, but you will burn out worrying about it. Do what's best for the family at the moment.
I retract what I said on the previous post. I am in a pissed off mood that I haven't been able to make it to the gym. Just too much juggling work, newborn, recovering wife, and another daughter. I just want to fit in some cardio, but have just enough energy to get the basic chores finished at home. My weight has stayed consistent, but I'm not eating like I should.

Up to ~3500 calories now. It's honestly getting hard to simply eat at this point, since I'm basically eating all the time. Currently 6'1" about 160lbs, given or take. I'd like to get up to 175-180, but I can't imagine eating even more than I already am.

I know, first world problem...:roll:
I'll leave this here.
Also I'm officially back on the wagon. Screw you moving slump.

Squats - 200
Bench - 150
Row - 135
Press - 105 (PR)
Deadlift - 235 (PR)

The only one I'm not happy with is bench. Gotta keep doin back and tri exercises to help that.
[quote name='seanr1221']I'll leave this here.[/QUOTE]

Ugh. Every side of the anti-obesity campaign has their own reason that they deem more important than what the other sides are pushing, but the ultimate message should be to educate yourself on the basics of food and nutrition and just don't go overboard.

You read that article and it pushes that sugars and starches are the problem.

You watch a documentary like Forks over Knives and it pushes that all animal products are the problem.

You read an article about a professor who loses almost 30 pounds by eating primarily snack cakes that pushes moderating calories.

It's just all over the place. Everyone wants to blame one particular aspect instead of just learning the basics of what's what when it comes to food.

When you try to focus on one thing being the problem, it just makes any weight loss plan more likely to fail. If I was to go no-carb, I'd get bitter that I couldn't eat pizza and cake and it would eventually be a bust. If I went the no animal products route, it would fail miserably in a few days when I would have to have a nice piece of steak or chicken. If I did only calorie counting, I'd likely poorly manage my daily diet with calorie dense foods and be hungry all the time, which would cause that to fail.

Maybe some people can just focus on one aspect and bore themselves to death with a diet that doesn't offer a large variety, but I'd be willing to bet that the majority can't. Which is why I think "___________ is the problem! Stop eating it!" will never work.
[quote name='jbuck138']I retract what I said on the previous post. I am in a pissed off mood that I haven't been able to make it to the gym. Just too much juggling work, newborn, recovering wife, and another daughter. I just want to fit in some cardio, but have just enough energy to get the basic chores finished at home. My weight has stayed consistent, but I'm not eating like I should.


LOL - so I have this to look forward to? The baby is due in 6 days! Sounds like I better get in as many workouts as I can between now and then
[quote name='perdition(troy']Sean, did you post your max or your rep weight?[/QUOTE]

Those are all 3x5 reps (except deadlift is a 1x5).

Blinding, the lower sugar/carbs/starches has a lot of science behind it. Also, people don't say just eat as many calories as you want while on it. However if you are eating things like meat and vegetables, you are going to become satiated faster than say corn/breads/candy and take in less food. You don't have to give up pizza and cake, just save it for once a week. Alcohol bad for you so a lot of people only drink on weekends. Carbs/sugars really arent good for you so they should be treated the same :)

Also don't bring up forks over knives. It was made by vegans and has a pretty clear agenda attached ;)
[quote name='seanr1221']Blinding, the lower sugar/carbs/starches has a lot of science behind it. Also, people don't say just eat as many calories as you want while on it. However if you are eating things like meat and vegetables, you are going to become satiated faster than say corn/breads/candy and take in less food. You don't have to give up pizza and cake, just save it for once a week. Alcohol bad for you so a lot of people only drink on weekends. Carbs/sugars really arent good for you so they should be treated the same :)

Also don't bring up forks over knives. It was made by vegans and has a pretty clear agenda attached ;)[/QUOTE]

I wasn't suggesting the article wasn't scientifically backed, I just get tired of reading the same old "THIS is the problem" approach. There is no single reason for obesity so we shouldn't treat it like correcting one thing will cure it.

Of course the people behind Forks Over Knives have an agenda, but what's the deal with the guy writing this article? The author downplays exercise to pump up his own point. It's just stupid, instead of worrying about which method for fighting obesity is the "best", people should be aware of the various things that lead to it and do their best to monitor all of them. Why act like one thing is the problem when the basics are simple enough to understand?
I'm not going to lie, I just think it is as simple as calories and sugar. Eat semi-decent, exercise and the weight will just come right off. I'm closing in on 40 pounds, and I haven't ran more than a mile or so in total in that entire time. It's just been walking/weights and watching the amount of calories that I am consuming.
Blinding, weight loss is pretty low on the list of benefits of exercise. You can easily drop the pounds without getting active.

It's important to go with what's backed by science. In the simplest sense sugar is the issue. Problem is eating excessive carbs will turn to sugar. There's a reason a diabetic on a low carb diet will have their blood sugar go down.

Play the High fructose corn syrup game. Look how many foods contain it. It's disgusting.
I didnt read the article because I am at work, so forgive my ignorance. But how can you not lose weight without the exercise. I understand not eating as much is part of the master plan, but wouldn't your body adjust to the reduced caloric intake and plateau forever? And rather quickly too.
Sugar and carbs are my mortal enemies and I am losing the war. I've got the carbs pretty much under control (no pasta or rice and minimal bread) but the freaking candy is killing me. F you jellybeans, laffy taffy and skittles.
[quote name='Number83']I didnt read the article because I am at work, so forgive my ignorance. But how can you not lose weight without the exercise. I understand not eating as much is part of the master plan, but wouldn't your body adjust to the reduced caloric intake and plateau forever? And rather quickly too.[/QUOTE]

Basically you don't burn a huge amount of calories when working out. 3 mile run burns off one candy bar. While exercise can definitely help, eating less and cleaner is all that is needed.

Javery my solution is to never buy ice cream or candy. I love the stuff but it's hard to control.
[quote name='seanr1221']Blinding, weight loss is pretty low on the list of benefits of exercise. You can easily drop the pounds without getting active.

It's important to go with what's backed by science. In the simplest sense sugar is the issue. Problem is eating excessive carbs will turn to sugar. There's a reason a diabetic on a low carb diet will have their blood sugar go down.

Play the High fructose corn syrup game. Look how many foods contain it. It's disgusting.[/QUOTE]

I am not saying what he's talking about is not important. I'm just annoyed with how he and others, ranging from groups trying to combat obesity to creators of the various fad diets, use language in the information they produce to make people believe that there is one cause for obesity. Mainly because that type of wording tends to lead to a lot of people who think they can focus on one contributor to weight gain and totally ignore the others.

I have overweight co-workers and friends and it's what I hear from them that causes me to hate this kind of stuff. One co-worker always tells me "this doctor published this article that says you can't exercise enough to significantly help weight loss" and therefore he justifies not exercising. On the other hand, I have a friend who says "you can't eat anything with sugar or flour in it", so he constantly cycles on and off that diet losing and then quickly gaining back 10-15 pounds as soon as he realizes how miserable it is following it. Another co-worker is all over the people live a sedentary lifestyle bit, so he goes to the gym before work every morning and then complains to me that he's not losing weight very fast as he eats McDonalds cheeseburgers for lunch.

It just seems to me that if the purpose of things like this article is to encourage people to lose weight and get healthy, why downplay exercise or the other contributors to weight gain? People need to understand that there are multiple things they need to pay attention to if they don't want to be fat. Making them think that there is one thing they can fix while ignoring the other factors isn't working, yet that's the method that articles like that seem to be trying to use.
Your anger seems to be directed at the people around you, and how they mess up the facts. Regardless, current research shows sugar/carbs are why makes you fat, exercise has many benefits, but weight loss is not the primary one, and you can lose weight by just controlling diet.

If that makes people miserable so be it. No one said its easy.

I also totally disagree a low carb diet is a unsavory one. Mmmm steak, chicken, pork, bacon, eggs, cheese, butter, asparagus, broccoli, etc.
[quote name='seanr1221']Javery my solution is to never buy ice cream or candy. I love the stuff but it's hard to control.[/QUOTE]

I know. I never buy that stuff myself but I've got 2 kids so there are always sweets/desserts in the house. I am powerless!!!
[quote name='seanr1221']Basically you don't burn a huge amount of calories when working out. 3 mile run burns off one candy bar. While exercise can definitely help, eating less and cleaner is all that is needed.

Javery my solution is to never buy ice cream or candy. I love the stuff but it's hard to control.[/QUOTE]

With Weight Watchers, you get points back by exercising. In my case, my 7 mile Monday alone run burns 1050 calories (according to the treadmill). At 1 point per 50 calories, I can get 21 points back for the week. Since I'm allowed 22 points a day, that's like getting an 8th day to eat during the week (which I wouldnt do, obviously). I don't see how I could possibly maintain my steady weight loss without the exercise, especially now that I feel like I'm really half-assing my cardio recently and the weight loss has not been as easy (although, my choice of foods is also questionable too, so I guess it does work hand-in-hand).

[quote name='Javery']I know. I never buy that stuff myself but I've got 2 kids so there are always sweets/desserts in the house. I am powerless!!![/QUOTE]

This x 100! Kids ruin EVERYTHING!!!!
[quote name='Number83']With Weight Watchers, you get points back by exercising. In my case, my 7 mile Monday alone run burns 1050 calories (according to the treadmill). At 1 point per 50 calories, I can get 21 points back for the week. Since I'm allowed 22 points a day, that's like getting an 8th day to eat during the week (which I wouldnt do, obviously). I don't see how I could possibly maintain my steady weight loss without the exercise, especially now that I feel like I'm really half-assing my cardio recently and the weight loss has not been as easy (although, my choice of foods is also questionable too, so I guess it does work hand-in-hand).

This x 100! Kids ruin EVERYTHING!!!![/QUOTE]

A consistent 7 mile run is an impressive feat, but it definitely makes you an exercising outlier. Just like Jav doing insanity, me doing strong lifts, etc.

The problem comes from people going to the gym, not pushing it, and then thinking they can eat whatever. The recommended 30 minutes of "moderate" exercise is beneficial, just not really for calorie burning. Make sense?

I find people tend to over estimate calories burned and under estimate calories consumed. A dangerous combo.
[quote name='Number83']This x 100! Kids ruin EVERYTHING!!!![/QUOTE]

Haha - they definitely don't care about what they eat that's for sure. I always tell my daughter I wish I had her abs - she's ripped and she eats ice cream every freaking day! Eating "healthy" to them is chicken nuggets and hot dogs. Although my kids do eat a ton of fruit and my daughter will eat raw onions all day if we let her.

[quote name='seanr1221']I find people tend to over estimate calories burned and under estimate calories consumed. A dangerous combo.[/QUOTE]

I am guilty of this. I always think "yesterday wasn't so bad" and then 20 minutes later I remember the random slices of cheese or handfuls of goldfish crackers I ate for no reason. I'm definitely sure I'm burning a ton of calories but I'm also sure I'm eating more than I should.

You are doing a real nice job on your lifts - I started working in 2 sets of pull-ups about a week ago and I'm up to 6 as of this morning! It's weak sauce but I do them after an hour of Insanity and my other lifting so I'm pretty exhausted by that point.
Been training since January for my first Tough Mudder this Saturday. Minus a couple of weeks in Feb where I tweaked my back and rested to make sure I was OK for a snowboard trip out West.

I hate running. Would always ride the bike.

Jan 8 - 30 mins/2.1 miles
Feb 23 - 68 mins/6 miles
Last week - 27 mins/3 miles
Tuesday - 90 mins/9 miles (with a time of 57 mins at the 6 mile mark)

I wouldn't go as far as to say I "like" running, but it's definitely a better workout than the bike and I'm kinda into it now. The Tough Mudder is 11 miles.

Only lost like 5 pounds during that time though (6'4" 210lb). Was hoping for another 5-10 more - would have helped with all those wall climbs and the monkey bars. I put on some muscle though.

In addition to the gym on my own, I play men's league hockey about 1x a week, tried to do 100 pushups/day (the 100 was easy, motivating to do them everyday was the hard part), did two Tough Mudder 1-hour boot camps, and I did a trial Crossfit class too. The first boot camp and the Crossfit class were killers - it hurt to walk for a day or two after each. I can't even imagine how much pain I'm going to be in for on Sunday and Monday
Buy stock in Alleve today guys!
[quote name='murph17']Been training since January for my first Tough Mudder this Saturday. Minus a couple of weeks in Feb where I tweaked my back and rested to make sure I was OK for a snowboard trip out West.

I hate running. Would always ride the bike.

Jan 8 - 30 mins/2.1 miles
Feb 23 - 68 mins/6 miles
Last week - 27 mins/3 miles
Tuesday - 90 mins/9 miles (with a time of 57 mins at the 6 mile mark)

I wouldn't go as far as to say I "like" running, but it's definitely a better workout than the bike and I'm kinda into it now. The Tough Mudder is 11 miles.

Only lost like 5 pounds during that time though (6'4" 210lb). Was hoping for another 5-10 more - would have helped with all those wall climbs and the monkey bars. I put on some muscle though.

In addition to the gym on my own, I play men's league hockey about 1x a week, tried to do 100 pushups/day (the 100 was easy, motivating to do them everyday was the hard part), did two Tough Mudder 1-hour boot camps, and I did a trial Crossfit class too. The first boot camp and the Crossfit class were killers - it hurt to walk for a day or two after each. I can't even imagine how much pain I'm going to be in for on Sunday and Monday
Buy stock in Alleve today guys![/QUOTE]

Some impressive improvements there...nice work!

Good Luck in the race!
I took the week off with my diet last week. I still put everything into Lose It out of habit, but I was something like 3,500+ over my weekly limit, mostly because of eating out a few nights (I always make good choices for entrées, I just get screwed when my girlfriend orders and appetizer and/or says "You want some of this? I can't finish it all.").

Not sure if I was carrying a lot of water weight or what, but Saturday and Sunday the scale was reading 188~189 pounds. So Monday I got back to being strict on the diet and all of my workouts this week have really redefined what I consider vigorous. This morning I clocked in at 181.9 pounds which is a new low. Going to try to keep this up for the next month or so to cut away some more fat.

Also, the local outdoor pool that's much closer to my house than the indoor one I use at the gym is opening up at the end of the month so I'm excited about being able to swim more often.

Derailed discussion with Sean:

[quote name='seanr1221']Your anger seems to be directed at the people around you, and how they mess up the facts. Regardless, current research shows sugar/carbs are why makes you fat, exercise has many benefits, but weight loss is not the primary one, and you can lose weight by just controlling diet.

If that makes people miserable so be it. No one said its easy.

I also totally disagree a low carb diet is a unsavory one. Mmmm steak, chicken, pork, bacon, eggs, cheese, butter, asparagus, broccoli, etc.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if we're just on different wavelengths or what, but you keep repeating yourself about the sugar/carbs as if I have said that isn't a contributor to obesity and I haven't said that at all.

My problem isn't with the people around me messing up the facts. It's the general mindset that many of those who are overweight have towards weight loss, that things should be easy and they just want to fix one thing instead of changing multiple aspects to their lifestyle, and how that way of thinking is reflected in everything from fad diets to legitimate articles about obesity. That's really all it boils down to.
late night here helping my sister-in-law with her kids, and its been a hell of a long day.

Decided to ride my bike and then lift my upper body. I got there, and decided screw it I'm not lifting its far too nice out. Just started going on the bike, and was making great time. Was doing that ten mile ride from the other day, plus the extra from lifting, and then it got fun and I hope you all get enjoyment out of this. Made my way through one loop, and was like fuck it, lets hit it up once again. This is a 3 mile loop mind you. I'm a mile and a half into it and I get to a hill that is pretty close to straight up. I just start furiously pedaling, keeping it in the hardest gear. Suddenly I hear a really loud "crack" and my pedals are spinning circles. I apparently snapped my chain 3 and a half miles away from my house, after biking 12.15 miles. Wife was working, and I don't really want to bug anyone to bring me home so I decided to walk it. Needless to say I was exausted and my legs have been killing me. It is 2 am now and I am still awake (my sisters twins are a month old).

Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention
Yesterday was my leg day. Squats: 10 at 155, 170, 180, and 165. Lunges, calf raises, and I threw leg press in there as well, and walked 7 miles. I woke up this morning and could barely get up from a sitting position, and couldn't squat to get in a chair.
[quote name='seanr1221']Those are all 3x5 reps (except deadlift is a 1x5).

Blinding, the lower sugar/carbs/starches has a lot of science behind it. Also, people don't say just eat as many calories as you want while on it. However if you are eating things like meat and vegetables, you are going to become satiated faster than say corn/breads/candy and take in less food. You don't have to give up pizza and cake, just save it for once a week. Alcohol bad for you so a lot of people only drink on weekends. Carbs/sugars really arent good for you so they should be treated the same :)

Also don't bring up forks over knives. It was made by vegans and has a pretty clear agenda attached ;)[/QUOTE]

Echoing what Sean said. I've perfected the core of my diet, and that includes eating as little sugar as possible. While I try to intake a low amount of salt, I do understand that some salt is vital for humans. Sugar is just bad news. (Admittedly, I love baked bread. And eat it when ever I make it. I don't have any issue with that type of carbs. Just passes through.)

And vegan here. I love forks—and—knives. Sometimes, I like to fork with my knife.

Nice work, Troy. Sending a high-five your direction. :)

Blinding, what I do to get out of eating my girlfriend's leftovers is "I can't eat that; I'm vegan." Perhaps it's a sign? We could always use more recruits! Hehehe

Buying stock in Aleve as I type this, Murph. I dunno what a "Tough Mudder" is—but it sounds tough...and muddy. Good luck!

I hurt myself a few days ago while upping the weight in my Olympic squats. My right knee has a tendency to buckle, just because, and as I brought the bar over my head and to the floor, my knee buckled and got caught under the bar. Wound up with a bruise the size of a lemon. I had hurt my left heel the day before, so trying to find a good limp has been pretty fun. My girlfriend, who is a nurse, has been insistent that I get it checked out 'cause it's easy to break the small bones in feet. I, on the other hand, have been ignoring those requests because I dun wanna.
[quote name='murph17']Been training since January for my first Tough Mudder this Saturday. Minus a couple of weeks in Feb where I tweaked my back and rested to make sure I was OK for a snowboard trip out West.

I hate running. Would always ride the bike.

Jan 8 - 30 mins/2.1 miles
Feb 23 - 68 mins/6 miles
Last week - 27 mins/3 miles
Tuesday - 90 mins/9 miles (with a time of 57 mins at the 6 mile mark)

I wouldn't go as far as to say I "like" running, but it's definitely a better workout than the bike and I'm kinda into it now. The Tough Mudder is 11 miles.

Only lost like 5 pounds during that time though (6'4" 210lb). Was hoping for another 5-10 more - would have helped with all those wall climbs and the monkey bars. I put on some muscle though.

In addition to the gym on my own, I play men's league hockey about 1x a week, tried to do 100 pushups/day (the 100 was easy, motivating to do them everyday was the hard part), did two Tough Mudder 1-hour boot camps, and I did a trial Crossfit class too. The first boot camp and the Crossfit class were killers - it hurt to walk for a day or two after each. I can't even imagine how much pain I'm going to be in for on Sunday and Monday
Buy stock in Alleve today guys![/QUOTE]

I cant wait to do Tough Mudder in Tampa in December. But I have ran a few of these type races already with Tough Mudder and Savage Race being my favorites.

Also CrossFit is legit, i just cant justify the cost ($140 mo) with a 2 year old in daycare. I do run about 3.5mi every other day. My goal by Aug 1 is to have run 500 miles in a year which is right on track, not bad considering I started out hating running (Loathed it). Now i look forward to it. But I am planning on starting Insanity to break up the running and get more tone and lean which running isn't doing. Also working on picking up a Road Bike off eBay or CL once i can find a decent bite for a good price.
Wow Troy - nice. Nothing like proof of your progress... I should have taken a "before" picture but it was too depressing to actually do it.

Yesterday I snuck in a 4 mile run and I finished under 30 minutes which was pretty good I guess. Of course I ruined it with nachos for dinner. Dammit.
[quote name='seanr1221']A consistent 7 mile run is an impressive feat, but it definitely makes you an exercising outlier. Just like Jav doing insanity, me doing strong lifts, etc.

The problem comes from people going to the gym, not pushing it, and then thinking they can eat whatever. The recommended 30 minutes of "moderate" exercise is beneficial, just not really for calorie burning. Make sense?

I find people tend to over estimate calories burned and under estimate calories consumed. A dangerous combo.[/QUOTE]

I can consistently run 8 or so miles on a treadmill, times and distance are a little less impressive outside though but still not significantly less. I find its better to not include exercise as a calculation in my diets though. Three times a week I do deads, squats, bench, pullups and various olympic lifts. Insanity 6 days a week and whatever pickup cardio, exercise and or sports I feel like. Usually a couple mile run.

I think a good rule of thumb would be if you exercise intensely is to add another small meal in but not overdo it with the eating. What's your stance on fruit? Avoid or is it ok?

Also just as an fyi, treadmills can overestimate calories burned by as much as 20%
[quote name='Rumors']I can consistently run 8 or so miles on a treadmill, times and distance are a little less impressive outside though but still not significantly less. I find its better to not include exercise as a calculation in my diets though. Three times a week I do deads, squats, bench, pullups and various olympic lifts. Insanity 6 days a week and whatever pickup cardio, exercise and or sports I feel like. Usually a couple mile run.

I think a good rule of thumb would be if you exercise intensely is to add another small meal in but not overdo it with the eating. What's your stance on fruit? Avoid or is it ok?

Also just as an fyi, treadmills can overestimate calories burned by as much as 20%[/QUOTE]

I tend to moderate fruit. The general rule is berries are the best, things with a core or pit are ok if you have one, and bananas and grapes are very high in sugar. However, bananas are excellent as a post workout food. It's not like fruit is going to kill you, but they DO have a lot of sugar that can sneak up on you. I'd pick leafy green vegetables over them any day, but it's certainly better to snack on fruit over say...chips, pretzels, cookies, etc.
@Troy Great progress!

@Sean Some excellent advice that I've have to live by too.

Eh, diet wise I slacked yesterday and today with minimal workouts both days. I go three days a week to the gym with a buddy, who is obese possibly morbidly obese and trying to lose weight before his wedding this October. I don't get to push much cardio those days, though I maintain a strong lifting routine. On just about every day I'm not in the gym I run, box, practice martial arts do a lot of body weight exercises at home. I've hit my foal of 155lbs, down from 185lbs in Jan. withthe possibility of my leaving for officer training school in a couple weeks I'm more focused in improving my running pace, pushup and situp capability. Any tips besides lots of running, pushups and situps?
[quote name='Javery']Wow Troy - nice. Nothing like proof of your progress... I should have taken a "before" picture but it was too depressing to actually do it.

Yesterday I snuck in a 4 mile run and I finished under 30 minutes which was pretty good I guess. Of course I ruined it with nachos for dinner. Dammit.[/QUOTE]

You have triggered a thought, sir. To mimic the pressure of face-to-face fitness groups, how about monthly CAG Fit progress photos? For extra motivation. Just an idea. :)

In a show of solidarity,


From this morning. Please excuse the awful farmer's tan and post-workout messiness.

Keep up the great work, everyone!
This weight loss thing is tougher than I thought it'd be. In the last month and half I've lost and gained back the same 2 pounds. I did however lose 1.5 inches in my waist. So I'm happy about that. I think the weekends is what kills me. I keep eating poorly or just too much.
It for sure isn't easy RallyV. It takes work, this has been the first time in my life I've had to lose weight. I went from being 205 in January 2011(while only lifting and doing little to no cardio, I was all chest and back. this was heavier than i had ever been before) to 225 by January 2012, no lifting for 7-8 months. I've had to bust my butt for every inch and pound that it took to get back to my original 205 weight, and a continued push to get down to 185 where I am hovering right now (187.5 last week, will hopefully be hitting 185 soon).

Long story short, getting fit isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. But the end results are great. Set goals, watch what you eat, eat healthy(er), exercise and it will all work out for ya :)
I will admit I have noticed an improvement with a lot of little things. I'm actually able to use heavier weights and my stamina has improved. I think this is the longest stretch where I stuck with a program instead of giving up after a couple weeks.

Who knows, maybe using the WiiFit as my scale is not the best idea.
Just block the face out Javery. Also, do any of you guys have any good ab workouts or websites that I can check out. I'm at the point where I feel like I should start doing something for them.
I know they're classics but I'd stay away from sit ups and crunches. Too much strain on the back.

Nothing hits the core like a solid deadlift. Definitely my favorite lift. I always feel so pumped afterwards.
bread's done