CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

[quote name='perdition(troy']Congrats Javery, good luck sleeping!

Had my physical today, weighed in @184. Felt really good to actually keep my weight down as long as I have. I thought I might stop losing around this weight, but now I kind of want to just keep dropping just to kind of see how low I can go, no real drive anymore (kind of like you number83). One thing that has helped is getting my wife involved in bike rides, and doing more and more things outside help me mix it up.

Also 83, if it starts feeling like a chore it is time to start doing something else. Throw some weight lifting in there, some biking, hiking etc.[/QUOTE]

I agree...I may just take a week off from the cardio and just do hoops and the step machine. If only I could get Mrs. 83 interested in working out with me. Even if it was Zumba Kinect...which is still sitting here, sealed.
Today's food

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 egg white, 2 pieces of bacon

Lunch - 2.5 Italian sausage links, edamame.

Dinner - 4 oz skinless chicken tenders, broccoli, spinach dip

Snacks - 2 scoops of whey in water.
You're a trooper sean.

Bust out zumba Kinect and make sure the other 8_'s record it for us, we'd love to see you do it :p

Does anyone know anything about vitamin companies. My wife wants to start taking Vitamin D tablets, I'm just looking for some reviews on the manufacturers and am surprised at how hard it is to find good info.
[quote name='Javery']Baby was born today (12:28 AM)! I am exhausted and I obviously skipped the workout this morning. I'm hoping I can get back to the gym on Wednesday but it might be a week off for me. I'm also eating a ton - just nerves in the delivery room and dealing with a newborn. I don't care - it's awesome.[/QUOTE]

I'm late to the party, but congrats Javery!

On a related note I added my weigh in to Lost it! the other day and got this:

IMG_2609 by gr8asianman, on Flickr
Now that I only need to maintain my caloric 'allowance' has skyrocketed from ~1300 to ~2400. Madness! I think I'm going to start Insanity again to tone up some more.
Just signed up for the lose it app, just to see how exactly it works. Apparently my net calories today is goign to be 243. I find it odd that it tells me I still have 1500 calories to eat just because I exercised, but it is still interesting to see it on here.
Javery - Congratulations on the baby!

gr8asianman - Great job meeting your goal :applause:

Troy - Is there a reason she wants a Vitamin D tablet? Why not just eat foods that are good sources of it?

I tried about five different caloric needs calculators from a search and they ranged from 2900-3900 per day to maintain my current weight, which is kind of wild because even on my absolute worst off days (i.e. I think I'll replace breakfast and lunch with eating half a dozen brownies today) I never exceed 3000 calories. I'm sure they all define "active" different and that is causing the huge range. On a few of them I put in my stats and chose sedentary just to see what it would say and it was still 2500+, which is still more than I eat on a regular daily basis.

I started cast net fishing for about an hour or more each night which has turned out to be a good bit of extra activity. The weights on the net probably weigh 30+ pounds and the the twisting motion to throw it plus pulling it in over and over has worked muscles in my back that I apparently haven't been hitting before. Plus catching some food is always nice :). I'm trying to come up with some other activities I can get into over the summer that will be fun and help break up the monotony of swimming, running, calisthenics, and weight lifting. I thought about getting a kayak, but they're expensive and I might be moving in the next year or so, so it might be a pain in the ass when that comes around to move it with me.
blindinglights, it is because she is a woman and well, at this point that is enough for me :lol:

my biking has slowed down the past few days, mostly due to this
so I'm in the market for a new bike. Anyone have any tips, or pointers to look into?
Hey troy, seeing your good results from adding biking into your workout routine, I decided to get my bike fixed up and start riding, since I always enjoyed it anyway. I rode twice this week, 8.5 miles the first time, 11.7 miles the second, and still did the Power 90 exercises as well. My weight was 191 this morning. I feel really good. Thanks for the inspriation!
Dude that is sweet mek! Just wait till you get to like 190.5 and then 190 and you'll be doing everything you can to hit that 189 sweet spot lol. I'm glad you started biking, it is fun and it gets me (you) outdoors which is just awesome.

For some reason my picture isn't showing up anymore but I put down the bike I was riding and skidded through two lanes of traffic. Shopping for a new bike now, I'm looking at the Trek 7.2, if anyone knows anything about bikes and commutes and wants to jump in on this let me know.
went 30 miles today in 2:10 on my old crap bike that I put down the other day.

had to stop for a little water/stretch break, started cramping up at 22-23 miles. it was a good day to ride!
[quote name='perdition(troy']went 30 miles today in 2:10 on my old crap bike that I put down the other day.

had to stop for a little water/stretch break, started cramping up at 22-23 miles. it was a good day to ride![/QUOTE]

Speaking of bike riding, I recently took up cycling to break up all my running and give me something different to do. And by recently I picked up this bike last friday off Craigslist and christened it with an 11 mile ride this morning since i had to wait for some proper attire, pedals, shoes, etc. :bouncy:

Its a 2005 LeMond Chambery (mfd by Trek). MSRP was $2100 in 05, I picked it up for $650 off the original owner. Aluminum Frams, Carbon Fiber Fork, Seat Post, Seat and Chain Stays. Full Shimano Ultegra Drivetrain. This bike is super light and weighs around 19lbs.


Second round of congrats, Javery. And keep up the good work everyone.

[quote name='Number83']All in all, I am disapointed with myself...a) for quitting on my run yesterday and b) for my lack of motivation. I'm just tired of being tired and sore all the time.[/QUOTE]

Before things, I did six-hour workouts backpacked at the end of the day, after work. After several months, that became pretty tough. I split up the six hours to three hours in the morning before work and six hours after work. That schedule actually become more bothersome than just six at the end of the day. Injuries became potholes and I started to lose motivation. Now, with stuff, I just do two-hours after work or at the end of the day, and I'm good.

I have never had any issue adhering to a diet. I'm very familiar with discipline and have been for nigh 10 years. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Hopefully, seeing results is enough to kick you back into gear. Keep up the good work, sir, and fight the grind.
I woke up and weighed in at 179. Started at 183 last week. I know there's probably some water weight shenanigans, but I probably lost at least a pound of fat this past week.

Yesterday I only had 1200 calories, but still managed 170g of protein. hit the gym hard and everything (was still able to deadlift 255). Maybe I'm getting used to less calories but I didn't feel hungry at all.
[quote name='perdition(troy']went 30 miles today in 2:10 on my old crap bike that I put down the other day.

had to stop for a little water/stretch break, started cramping up at 22-23 miles. it was a good day to ride![/QUOTE]

Damn dude, does your day have more hours in it than normal peoples? I wish I could fit as much as you into my day of exercising. As it stands now, by the time I get home from work, let's say I do an 11 mile bike ride, then do 40 minutes of Power 90, make/eat dinner, shower, shave, and relax for 20 minutes, I don't get to bed until 1am and have to wake up at 6am. lol. Sucks.

That is awesome you rode for so long. Way to go! I got a new seat on my bike, supposedly it's a decent one, and my ass hurt so bad on my second day riding. I could barely sit. Any tricks or methods to positioning yourself properly? I plan on riding tomorrow and Sunday if my ass can handle it, lol.
[quote name='mightymek']Damn dude, does your day have more hours in it than normal peoples? I wish I could fit as much as you into my day of exercising. As it stands now, by the time I get home from work, let's say I do an 11 mile bike ride, then do 40 minutes of Power 90, make/eat dinner, shower, shave, and relax for 20 minutes, I don't get to bed until 1am and have to wake up at 6am. lol. Sucks.

That is awesome you rode for so long. Way to go! I got a new seat on my bike, supposedly it's a decent one, and my ass hurt so bad on my second day riding. I could barely sit. Any tricks or methods to positioning yourself properly? I plan on riding tomorrow and Sunday if my ass can handle it, lol.[/QUOTE]

You need to get some Biking Shorts. They have padding that makes riding much more comfortable. Good ones aren't cheap but they have better chamois (padding) and wont fall apart either. I paid $70 for my first pair of Short Bibs and that was after 50% off. You can get some decent shorts for 40-60 though. check out you Local Bike Shops closeouts that what i did which were cheaper than anything i could find online also check places like or
Thanks guys - I'm hanging in there. No workouts since last Friday and none for the foreseeable future either. Not sure what I'm going to do but I can't exactly just leave the house with a newborn at home who thinks day is night and night is day. I'll figure something out. Maybe I go at work around lunchtime or something. I don't know. Ugh. I feel like ass.
Perhaps modify a baby bjorn into a makeshift weighted vest? Bring it along for a hike, or something not too bumpy. (And if anyone takes that idea and makes money, please kick two-percent of all revenue my way. Hehehe...)

I skipped my workouts the last three days. Free time with my girlfriend has become a precious commodity, and, really, I don't have to adhere so closely with my schedule. Of course, this is all subject to change on a whim.

Hope you've all been working hard. And, as always, if you're doing well, keep up the good work. Otherwise: Slackers! ;)
Javery, It does get better. Our baby is now a month old and I can sneak the gym in after work 2-3 times a week. It's not too bad for me since I'm focusing on cardio at the moment. I'll start weightlifting in a month or so.

Enjoy your newborn and it's more important to help with the family. I hope your wife is recovering well.
Invest in one of those strollers you can jog with maybe. Not sure if the baby has to be a certain age for that, but they toughen up pretty quick.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Definitely a don't care diet weekend lol. I'll be back to normal tomorrow for sure but right now I just don't care lol[/QUOTE]

Amen! No exercise since Thursday (except for mowing the lawn) and I feel great!!!
[quote name='perdition(troy']Definitely a don't care diet weekend lol. I'll be back to normal tomorrow for sure but right now I just don't care lol[/QUOTE]

Agreed for the most part. I rode 15 miles on my bike on saturday, but that's it. And I ate like poop. But tomorrow starts the normal routine again.
After tonight's workout, one thing is for certain: I've clearly plateaued.

Bringing my workout back to basics—which was/is essentially the following.

Then I'll slowly add additional elements, like battling rope and heavy bag exercises, and go from there.
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I'm going to try this out with y'all!

Height: 5'7"
Current Weight: 180
Goal Weight: 120

STORY: I used to be about 140, but over the past year I've gained about 40 pounds due to poor nutrition and poor food and drink choices. It's time I took control of my life and got my health back in check.

The extent of my workouts is once every few months. I usually just sit on my butt and play games. Does anyone have any advise for where I can start? I'm considering going to a local park and walking every day.

I know I can do this, I just need everyone to help me with advise! Good luck to everyone else who has posted here.
welcome welcome amigo.

I'll be the first to sell you my BS for weight loss lol. I just think the key is to get yourself in the mindset and make a lifestyle change to "active". I'm not big on running, and will tell you that if you walk a lot, you will lose weight. I've lost 45 pounds now, and up until roughly 37~38 pounds the only exercise other than weightlifting that I did was walking. Make sure you watch your diet, because that will be huge. Don't go cold turkey either, try to gradually shift your eating and lifestyle habits. I'm not saying walking will work for everyone (it will) but just make sure you find something you enjoy and just go for it. Right now me and mek have started biking (a good way to mix it up without killing your lower extremities).

Also, don't ever drive somewhere to exercise. Please please please, it bugs me so much. Walk there, ride your bike there, don't even go there and just walk somewhere else. You can exercise anywhere, but just don't pollute/waste gas to go somewhere less polluted and more clean (don't pollute/give oil companies more money than they need PSA for the day).
Ya, you definitely don't want to be doing any heavy lifting for awhile sean, which is going to absolutely kill you for a few weeks lol. Just let your body heal, because the one thing that will set your gains way back will be screwing up your body even more than that kid did.
I'm starting to go a little more extreme on the diet and exercise for the next month. I am going on vacation in just over 4 weeks and want to look my best! I will stick to a similar diet, but I think I will bump up the cardio a bit to burn more calories. I will ride the bike more often, but less miles each time so I do not kill myself. That's my problem I think. I am wearing myself out too fast doing these 15 mile rides when I am not used to it. I think I will stick to the 8 mile trek for now, but do it more often, plus continue my Power 90. I think I can get to my next goal in 4.5 weeks.
Wait, what car accident? Everything OK?

So this morning my wife said she wants to "get back to as normal routine as soon as possible" which is awesome because a normal routine means me going to the gym again! I didn't bring it up because I'm not sure how she would react given that her hormones are still out of whack and today is her first day on her own with no support. I'm hoping I can workout at least once by the end of the week and then maybe be back to 3-4 times a week from there.
I'm starting to go a little more extreme on the diet and exercise for the next month. I am going on vacation in just over 4 weeks and want to look my best! I will stick to a similar diet, but I think I will bump up the cardio a bit to burn more calories. I will ride the bike more often, but less miles each time so I do not kill myself. That's my problem I think. I am wearing myself out too fast doing these 15 mile rides when I am not used to it. I think I will stick to the 8 mile trek for now, but do it more often, plus continue my Power 90. I think I can get to my next goal in 4.5 weeks.
For sure build to the longer rides, you don't want to wear yourself out right away and start to hate it! If you want to look the absolute best you can in 4 weeks, start cutting sugar out of your diet. Soda, candy, snacks, all of it. The less sugar you can take it the more cut you are going to look. Watch the amount of calories you bring in, and make sure to go all out cardio. Don't forget that the easiest way to flush out water that your body is holding in is to replenish it with new water (as weird as it seems, but you will be able to tell you aren't holding on to the water weight).
So this morning my wife said she wants to "get back to as normal routine as soon as possible" which is awesome because a normal routine means me going to the gym again! I didn't bring it up because I'm not sure how she would react given that her hormones are still out of whack and today is her first day on her own with no support. I'm hoping I can workout at least once by the end of the week and then maybe be back to 3-4 times a week from there.
That would be pretty sweet, but lets see how long the back to normal asap attitude lasts :p
Taken from the OTT.

Jav, want to represent me? ;)

[quote name='seanr1221']A 17yr old in a jeep rear ended me. Car is definitely totaled. In pain but I'm walking.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='seanr1221']Went to the ER. He touched my back and said since I didn't lose consciousness there's no need for a cat scan.

At least if I die of internal bleeding my parents can sue for malpractice!

I had an 08 civic, only 3500 left to pay :(

Looking at CRVs now. I wouldn't mind an SUV.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='seanr1221']
Jeez. That looks pretty bad - good thing you weren't seriously hurt. I can imagine you have some whiplash though since I assume you were completely stopped at the light? Ugh. Just take it easy for a few days and do some very light exercises when you are ready.
[quote name='perdition(troy']For sure build to the longer rides, you don't want to wear yourself out right away and start to hate it! If you want to look the absolute best you can in 4 weeks, start cutting sugar out of your diet. Soda, candy, snacks, all of it. The less sugar you can take it the more cut you are going to look. Watch the amount of calories you bring in, and make sure to go all out cardio. Don't forget that the easiest way to flush out water that your body is holding in is to replenish it with new water (as weird as it seems, but you will be able to tell you aren't holding on to the water weight).[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tips. The only sugar I really eat is the sugar that comes in the fruit I eat and the portein bars/whey protein I eat. I do use splenda in my coffee and iced tea. Anything else I generally buy low sugar or sugar free stuff (like ketchup, jelly, etc.) I plan on drinking tons of water and sticking to my usual fish or chicken and vegetable dinner, cut the beer out for the next couple of weekends, and definitely do the cardio and the resistance training. I usually hover around 1200-1300 calories per day.

Wow sean, glad to hear you're not worse off. Your car looks pretty rough. Hope you make a full recovery soon.
Definitely kill the beer/drinks, and the drinking tons of water works so well. I don't know why more people don't do it when they are losing weight. Not only does it help moved all the dead tissue/fat along, it replenishes everything that was lost. You'll be looking pretty good in 4 weeks ;)
[quote name='perdition(troy']Definitely kill the beer/drinks, and the drinking tons of water works so well. I don't know why more people don't do it when they are losing weight. Not only does it help moved all the dead tissue/fat along, it replenishes everything that was lost. You'll be looking pretty good in 4 weeks ;)[/QUOTE]

I've had 6 cups of water so far today, and have peed like 7 times, lol. Unfortunately, it's pouring down here. So if it doesn't let up by the time I get home from work, looks like I'll be sticking with just the Power 90 today. The rain has been almost non-stop here for weeks. It's great since we need the rain, but man is it annoying for outdoor exercising.
Thanks for the advise, everyone! Today is the first day of my diet and so far so good. I feel a little better already, to be quite honest.
Hit a new milestone yesterday. Now officially bench pressing (for reps) more than my bodyweight. Granted, said weight is only 165 lbs, but damn it felt good. 200 here I come!
I'm officially off the weight loss program...184.2. Normal BMI is 184.3. And just in the nick of wife called me "unattractive" and "have the body of a 12 year old boy" I think she's jealous ;).

So the dieting has stopped, so I guess I'll start lifting...ugh.
Weigh in Wednesday and I was at 183. Seems like a good number to me. I'm not really on a diet anymore, though I do make healthy choices when I eat. Good to see you hit your goal 83, hit the weights and start looking like a 15 year old boy =p
Congrats, 83.

I was on my phone when I posted earlier today, and missed some recent posts. Just wanted to quickly touch upon drinks: I only drink water. Sometimes, juice, which I make myself.

Looked through my mailboxes and reminded myself why I shouldn't be on Amazon when I'm tired. Apparently, I'm starting a stack of AEN APE, Activate Xtreme, and D-Pol. (Along with the joint support and multi I take on a daily basis.)

Haven't used supplements in a while. I already get a shot in my ass every other week, which is probably the best "supplementation." I don't really have any expectations for any of this OTC stuff. However, there has been blood work done for APE users, which I found a bit impressive for a natural supplement.
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Nice job Allnatural, feels good doesn't it! Chase, your posts always entertain lol.

Just a quick rant, but I wish there was a bike that was just a get me now and start riding me commuter type bike. I have way too many choices in front of me and just cannot make up my mind. Ugh.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Nice job Allnatural, feels good doesn't it! Chase, your posts always entertain lol.

Just a quick rant, but I wish there was a bike that was just a get me now and start riding me commuter type bike. I have way too many choices in front of me and just cannot make up my mind. Ugh.[/QUOTE]
Get the most expensive one and call it a day.:lol:
now you're sounding like all the reps I've been talking to lol. the thing I know is that the engine is the most important part of the bike, but it is hard to figure out what I actually need from the bike itself :(
my road rash is starting to really bug me, might go in and see my doctor. It's getting hard to walk and my left (bad) leg feels swollen compared to my right one. It has made walking difficult and tightens up everytime I stand up after being seated for 30-40 minutes.
I am having a craving attack. Planning on eating dinner now and having a light snack later. Had a stressful day at work and can't let that ruin my progress.
bread's done