CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

[quote name='jbuck138']I am having a craving attack. Planning on eating dinner now and having a light snack later. Had a stressful day at work and can't let that ruin my progress.[/QUOTE]

When that happens I tend to gravitate towards Goldfish or Pretzel Crisps...Its amazing what 55 little Goldfish (1 serving) can do.

[quote name='japatten']Day 2:
Still no soda or junk food thankfully. The cravings are there though definitely and I'll need to be careful.[/QUOTE]

Drink more water. And turn on Food Network...I feel like I can almost taste the grease in Diners Drive-ins and Dives and beleive it or not, it helps me.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Nice job Allnatural, feels good doesn't it! Chase, your posts always entertain lol.

Just a quick rant, but I wish there was a bike that was just a get me now and start riding me commuter type bike. I have way too many choices in front of me and just cannot make up my mind. Ugh.[/QUOTE]

Ha! Well, that's my purpose. ;)

And will you be riding this bike to work? Dunno how much bike technology has improved in the last 13 years (the last time I regularly rode a bike), but I do remember a problem where my jean leg and/or lip-area-near-ankle would brush against my bike chain (regardless of chain guard).

I fixed that problem by driving a car. Voila! No more greasy pant legs.
I watch Iron Chef when I get a craving. Man Vs Food is a good one too. On the diet its like food shows are a nicotine patch or something.

Those who friended me on LoseIt saw this already, but I just have not had a chance to post yet over here.

Starting Weight: 300lbs
Current weight 250.0lbs



I cut out all soda, ice cream, and other sweets in February, and I walk at least 1.5 miles 6 days a week. Usually try to get in 4 miles if I can. Going to aim for 220lbs next.
I started my cut a few days early. Tired of the gut I got while bulking.
Hopefully, I don't lose much of the muscle I gained going back down.

Sad how pathetic my cardio is these days. It'll get better, but I remember a time when an hour of running was so good/fun. Tonight, it was torture. :lol:
[quote name='Rig']Sad how pathetic my cardio is these days. It'll get better, but I remember a time when an hour of running was so good/fun. Tonight, it was torture. :lol:[/QUOTE]

My 75 minute Monday runs are brutal the point where I don't want to do it and can see myself skipping it and being OK with that.

Although, I'm thinking instead of doing one 75 minute/8 mile run and a 3 mile Friday run a week, I'm going to do three 3.5-mile runs (Mon-Wed-Fri) and do an additional :20 on the step machine on Wednesdays. Tue/Thur is still Basketball and mowing the lawn on weekends.
Very impressive Habbler, you can definitely tell the difference. Keep it up man, and one thing I noticed is you look much younger/healthy looking.
And will you be riding this bike to work? Dunno how much bike technology has improved in the last 13 years (the last time I regularly rode a bike), but I do remember a problem where my jean leg and/or lip-area-near-ankle would brush against my bike chain (regardless of chain guard). I fixed that problem by driving a car. Voila! No more greasy pant legs.

Ya, it is going to be my commuter. I'm looking at either the giant escape:

or the raleigh cadent ft1:

It is going to be my daily commuter, going to take the insurance off my car and just park it for the summer. I'll still have my motorcycle and wife's car to drive if needed (if it is down pouring, that sort of thing).

Side note, my wife just told me that our neighborhood is on lockdown, apparently a police chase went in the direction of my neighborhood. There is currently K-9 officers combing the field/woods in our backyard. We live in a newer neighborhood with large lots that borders a wooded area on the edge of our town, and apparently it is a suspect in an armed home invasion. Squads all over as they look for him, I always miss the good stuff.
So tomorrow is my 2 week anniversary of my last workout and will mark about 12 days in a row of eating like total shit - take-out and ice cream. Ugh. The baby has been sleeping pretty good so I think I'm going to hit the gym tomorrow. I can't freaking wait.

EDIT: Habbler - you look so much better and healthier in that second pic. I bet you feel great too. Nice job.
I feel like I've been lacking protein in my diet lately so I've decided I'm going to start throwing half a pound of chicken breast in the mix on lifting days. We'll see how it goes, I felt pretty good after yesterday's lift (though I probably had closer to 3/4 of a pound of it as a post workout snack). Don't really want to do protein shakes or anything like that.
Just out of curiosity, why don't you want to drink protein shakes? I generally have between 130-160 grams of protein a day. It varies as to what I eat, but it's generally a protein shake in the morning (Pure Protein Frosty Chocolate w/ Almond Milk, it's delicious, lol), then mid morning I have a greek yogurt or cottage cheese, for lunch I have a tuna sandwich or egg salad sandwich, etc, some sort of protein sandwich on wheat, then for mid afternoon snack I have a Pure Protein bar (also delicious and lower in calories then most I've seen), for dinner I usually have fish, chicken, or boca burgers w/ veggies or brown rice, and then I have another protein shake after workouts. When I do eat chicken for dinner, I have right around a 1/2 lb as well.

I am happy to say that even though I slacked on my exercising over the weekend after Saturday's 15 mile ride, and ate like crap since family was down, I am back to 190 as of this morning! Will make it a pretty good eating weekend after tonights cheat night and work my ass off exercising. I want out of the 190's by Monday!!!
[quote name='Javery']So tomorrow is my 2 week anniversary of my last workout and will mark about 12 days in a row of eating like total shit - take-out and ice cream. Ugh. The baby has been sleeping pretty good so I think I'm going to hit the gym tomorrow. I can't freaking wait.[/QUOTE]

OK, so the wife vetoed the gym for this morning but she said OK for Monday which is awesome. Her family is visiting this weekend too so I'm hoping to be able to sneak off for a quick run.... almost there...
I want to get my protein in as naturally as possible. I feel that protein shakes (which aren't regulated by anyone) just aren't up to snuff for my body. There have been plenty of tests done on them showing high levels of metal and other contaminants in different brands and I just don't need to risk it.

They don't make me fill full, and I don't need a "quick boost" to magically shoot to my muscles. My body's rebuild mode is at night, which is why it is such a huge thing to get good sleep so everything has a chance to shut down, reboot and rebuild.

4 oz. of chicken is 130~140 calories and 20~25 grams of protein, plus your body is viewing it as a natural calorie and you feel full as a result. Your typical protein powder or shake is around 25 grams of protein in a serving size, and 175 or so calories. It isn't filling as your body doesn't distinguish calories from a liquid diet as well as it does a *normal* food calorie. That's why you can drink 6 beers and not feel that full, but you just took in 600+ calories in 30 minutes on top of whatever else you had during that time.

I just feel like it isn't for me. I'd rather have a banana and some meat after a workout than an unregulated liquid that is engineered to help my body do something it normally does on its own. I constantly see all kinds of foods with added this or that and how great they are for your body, yet I see an ever growing weight in our population. I guess I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to the supplement world. I'm not going saying don't take your supplements, but i feel that most people don't really need the whole 1 gram of protein for 1 pound of body weight, and as such they are needlessly packing on some extra weight when they try to hit it.
I find that one protein shake in the middle of the afternoon gets me over the hump until dinner (keeps me from snacking). I also have less control over my protein intake because of the kids and just kind of being forced to eat whatever is in the house when I get home. I keep saying that this summer I'm going to get on a good protein intense diet (lots of fish and chicken) but so far with the new baby I haven't been able to find a rhythm. The Wal-Mart protein shakes will have to due in the meantime!
[quote name='perdition(troy']I want to get my protein in as naturally as possible. I feel that protein shakes (which aren't regulated by anyone) just aren't up to snuff for my body. There have been plenty of tests done on them showing high levels of metal and other contaminants in different brands and I just don't need to risk it.


I just feel like it isn't for me. I'd rather have a banana and some meat after a workout than an unregulated liquid that is engineered to help my body do something it normally does on its own. I constantly see all kinds of foods with added this or that and how great they are for your body, yet I see an ever growing weight in our population. I guess I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to the supplement world. I'm not going saying don't take your supplements, but i feel that most people don't really need the whole 1 gram of protein for 1 pound of body weight, and as such they are needlessly packing on some extra weight when they try to hit it.[/QUOTE]
^This. I get more than enough protein from whole foods; I don't need shakes. Besides, many are loaded with sugar I don't need either.

The "one gram per pound of body weight" mantra is misunderstood too. One gram per pound of lean bodyweight is more accurate, but even that is probably more than is really necessary in most cases.
I like the way you think, Troy. We share similar thoughts on supplements. (I think.) And nice bike, watch yo pant leg, yo.

And Habbler, nice work, sir. Keep up the good work.
Nice vcut troy. You made some insane progress. While I'm at it, what chicken are you eating that has only 140 calories per 4 ounces? My estimates have it at 48 per ounce? Or roughly 192 per 4 ounces.Are you eating grassfed perhaps?
I do agree on the sentiment of getting protein from natural sources though. Not even from the perspective of contaminants I feel its just all around better for the body. Though sometimes out of conveinence I will throw in a shake. Personally optimum nutrition's gold standard stuff is cheap, tates good, and only has 120 calories per 24 g of protein and only one gram of sugar. Though I haven't done extensive research from what I've read it is a pretty safe supp.

As for my own progress I'm back on the saddle dieting again. And just as soon as I found my rhythm dieting I injured my foot at work! Can't run, deadlift, or squat now. How depressing
whoa! this is the first time i saw a forum with a topic like this. i mean a weight loss challenge. amazing! very interesting huh!
[quote name='Rumors']
As for my own progress I'm back on the saddle dieting again. And just as soon as I found my rhythm dieting I injured my foot at work! Can't run, deadlift, or squat now. How depressing[/QUOTE]

Two things:

1. Start doing pull ups (those doorway bars are cheap and very effective)
2. Swim

Neither one requires any pressure to your foot.

@perdition(troy: Solid work dude. Even more impressive is the short time frame of 4 months! I'm sure your significant other is even more impressed.
[quote name='j-cart']Two things:

1. Start doing pull ups (those doorway bars are cheap and very effective)
2. Swim

Neither one requires any pressure to your foot.


Solid advice but I've been doing pullups and continue to even after the foot injury. Up to about twelve now. Swimming my gym has a pool so I was considering doing that too. I can walk but its slow and probably wouldn't be nearly as effective as swimming.
Amazing progress, Troy.

I miss the gym. Haven't been there in a week. Next week, depending how my back feels, I'll try doing very light work there.
Nice job, Troy.
I'm doing very well in not giving in to temptations thus far. I'm feeling a whole lot better without all those chemicals in my body.
Start Date: Jan 2, 2012
Starting weight: 390 lbs
Age: 39
Height: 6'5"
Current Weight: 355 lbs
Current Weight Loss: 35 lbs
First goal: 370lbs (Reached!)
Second Goal: 350 lbs

This is the least I have weighted in over 15 years, it's cool because I had to go out and buy smaller scrubs. Also, I had some containers in the garage that had clothes I had gotten as gifts that were too small...instant new wardrobe!
I feel I would have done much better,, but the last two months have been dealing with a newborn son and my 3 year old daughter! I have only made it to the gym maybe 5 times in that time where I ws going every other day at least before my son was born....I plan to get back into the swing of that soon. At least I have stayed within the same 5 pound range for the lt month.
Troy - you are jacked. Nice job.

I finally made it back to the gym this morning.... ugh. I feel awesome and ashamed of myself all at the same time. I love how 2 weeks of shit can kill like 6 months worth of progress. At least I'm back though - if I can get to where I was on May 18 by the end of June I'll call it a win.
Thank you guys! Honestly, your encouragement/support has been just something else. I think I (we) am very lucky to have gotten involved with this thread and those of you that are in it. I for sure wouldn't have gotten this far without you guys. And yes j-cart, the mrs is definitely enjoying it ;). (And I mean it you guys, I truly am thankful for the help you guys have given me).

I'm a bit nervous for tomorrow, I'll be starting to commute on my bike for the first time in my life. I know the distance won't be a problem, I'm just stressing myself about cramps/muscle fatigue/hunger etc etc. I just need to suck it up and start doing it, and learning as I go. I'm looking forward to it in terms of weight loss, because I know it will push me right over the last little hurdle I have in terms of hitting my endterm goal of 175.

Also, great job jousley. I know you might not want to do this, but take a before picture whenever you can. You don't need to post it right away if you don't want to, but use it for your own motivation until you feel comfortable posting it. You'll then me when you start hitting your goals :)
Just took my before picture. Not amazing.

My brother had success with the 17-day-diet so I'm gonna give it a whirl. I'm very active and go to the gym 4-5 days a week but I've slipped with eating well. This plan is really good for me.

I'm 5'10" - Scale today: 208
[quote name='perdition(troy']Thank you guys! Honestly, your encouragement/support has been just something else. I think I (we) am very lucky to have gotten involved with this thread and those of you that are in it. I for sure wouldn't have gotten this far without you guys. And yes j-cart, the mrs is definitely enjoying it ;). (And I mean it you guys, I truly am thankful for the help you guys have given me).

I'm a bit nervous for tomorrow, I'll be starting to commute on my bike for the first time in my life. I know the distance won't be a problem, I'm just stressing myself about cramps/muscle fatigue/hunger etc etc. I just need to suck it up and start doing it, and learning as I go. I'm looking forward to it in terms of weight loss, because I know it will push me right over the last little hurdle I have in terms of hitting my endterm goal of 175.

Also, great job jousley. I know you might not want to do this, but take a before picture whenever you can. You don't need to post it right away if you don't want to, but use it for your own motivation until you feel comfortable posting it. You'll then me when you start hitting your goals :)[/QUOTE]

You wanna get thinner? You're latest picture I'd say stick right there but that's just me.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Very impressive Habbler, you can definitely tell the difference. Keep it up man, and one thing I noticed is you look much younger/healthy looking.

Ya, it is going to be my commuter. I'm looking at either the giant escape:

or the raleigh cadent ft1:

It is going to be my daily commuter, going to take the insurance off my car and just park it for the summer. I'll still have my motorcycle and wife's car to drive if needed (if it is down pouring, that sort of thing).

Side note, my wife just told me that our neighborhood is on lockdown, apparently a police chase went in the direction of my neighborhood. There is currently K-9 officers combing the field/woods in our backyard. We live in a newer neighborhood with large lots that borders a wooded area on the edge of our town, and apparently it is a suspect in an armed home invasion. Squads all over as they look for him, I always miss the good stuff.[/QUOTE]

The drive train is much better on the Raleigh (Shimano Tiagra) than the Giant (Bunch of MTB Shimano Bits), which is typical since Giant is one of the Big 3 Bike Makers. Make sure you test ride them though. Fit is everything when it comes to a bike. And check out a few other Bikes as well. Felt, Jamis, BMC, Klein, Trek, Cannondale, Bianchi, etc. There are a tone of great bikes out there today. Im already looking for a 2nd bike after one month lol.
I'm about ready to get my first "real" bike. In the past, I'd have a bike destroyed in one summer season. (I guess that's what happens when you buy cheap-o bikes.)

I think I want a hybrid style. And, I'd prefer around $500 (though I could bump it up a bit).

Total noob with bikes...any suggestions? (I will be heading to a local bike shop to be properly fitted.) I'm 5'10" and right around 175 pounds, if that matters.
I need some advice too.

I was looking into getting a reflex bag, but read that double ended bags are MUCH better. Problem is that I can't put a hole in the ceiling and it's too high anyways.

I know there are a couple of MMA/boxer types in this thread, so I could really use some suggestions on how to jury rig one.
Well done, Troy. You have been impressive.

[quote name='dohdough']I need some advice too.

I was looking into getting a reflex bag, but read that double ended bags are MUCH better. Problem is that I can't put a hole in the ceiling and it's too high anyways.

I know there are a couple of MMA/boxer types in this thread, so I could really use some suggestions on how to jury rig one.[/QUOTE]

I have heard that people resolve this issue by using a heavy bag stand and attaching the bottom half of a double end bag to a weight plate. :)
[quote name='Chase']I have heard that people resolve this issue by using a heavy bag stand and attaching the bottom half of a double end bag to a weight plate. :)[/QUOTE]
LOLZ...damn...that's basic as hell. How the hell did I not think of that! Thanks!
Ended up getting the Giant, Layd Dly, it just fit me better than the others I tried. I tested a Jamis, Trek, and Raleigh and just liked the Giant out of all of them. I'll ride it all summer, hard, sell it in fall or spring for 1/2~3/4 of what I paid for it, and then upgrade shortly there after.

Rode it to work for the first time today. Legs were tight as could be but it was nice riding it here. 9.5 miles and it took me 32 minutes, I felt like it was a comfortable speed that I was riding at as well. I'm just glad it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it was going to be :)
[quote name='Javery']Do you shower when you get to work? I'd be one sweaty mofo in the summer.[/QUOTE]

I have one where I work (I use it after hoops)...I just can't cycle 64 miles roundtrip each day. :lol:

I wish I could though.
There are showers here at work so it's no biggy. I'll leave a change of clothes or two here so I don't have to have a backpack everyday, but otherwise it'll be a very simple commute. I'm already looking forward to the ride home...
[quote name='perdition(troy']I am tired. That is all.[/QUOTE]

So what does your typical day look like, including diet? I need to change mine up. Insanity has been working great but I am struggling with my diet from 3pm to about 7pm. I tend to get really hungry during that time and even eating carrots or an apple or something doesn't get rid of the hunger (which is why I like the protein shakes). I end up eating a granola bar (or 2) or something similar which isn't so great. I really need a change but I'm not sure I'm capable.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Ended up getting the Giant, Layd Dly, it just fit me better than the others I tried. I tested a Jamis, Trek, and Raleigh and just liked the Giant out of all of them. I'll ride it all summer, hard, sell it in fall or spring for 1/2~3/4 of what I paid for it, and then upgrade shortly there after.

Rode it to work for the first time today. Legs were tight as could be but it was nice riding it here. 9.5 miles and it took me 32 minutes, I felt like it was a comfortable speed that I was riding at as well. I'm just glad it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it was going to be :)[/QUOTE]

Like I said fit is everything with Bikes, you definitely want the one you are most comfortable on. You will be able to ride much longer, farther and faster on a bike that fits vs. one that doesn't. Also pick up a Cyclometer so you can measure your Time/Speed/Cadence/Etc. They are fairly inexpensive but will give you some motivation to go faster :bouncy:, my top speed on my bike is 32mph so far, probably couldve gone a few mph faster but i sprung a flat tire :cry:

[quote name='Rig']I'm about ready to get my first "real" bike. In the past, I'd have a bike destroyed in one summer season. (I guess that's what happens when you buy cheap-o bikes.)

I think I want a hybrid style. And, I'd prefer around $500 (though I could bump it up a bit).

Total noob with bikes...any suggestions? (I will be heading to a local bike shop to be properly fitted.) I'm 5'10" and right around 175 pounds, if that matters.[/QUOTE]

You definitley want to check out your LBS offerings as well as get fitted, and test ride as many bikes as you can. You probably going to be looking for a 54cm Frame or close to it, as I am 6' and I ride a 56cm (57cm for my particular brand). Are you looking for Fitness, Commuter, Straight bars, Drop Bars, etc. these will help you figure out if you want Road Bike, Cyclo-cross, Hybrid, Comfort, Etc.
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[quote name='Layd Dly']Like I said fit is everything with Bikes, you definitely want the one you are most comfortable on. You will be able to ride much longer, farther and faster on a bike that fits vs. one that doesn't. Also pick up a Cyclometer so you can measure your Time/Speed/Cadence/Etc. They are fairly inexpensive but will give you some motivation to go faster :bouncy:, my top speed on my bike is 32mph so far, probably couldve gone a few mph faster but i sprung a flat tire :cry:

You definitley want to check out your LBS offerings as well as get fitted, and test ride as many bikes as you can. You probably going to be looking for a 54cm Frame or close to it, as I am 6' and I ride a 56cm (57cm for my particular brand). Are you looking for Fitness, Commuter, Straight bars, Drop Bars, etc. these will help you figure out if you want Road Bike, Cyclo-cross, Hybrid, Comfort, Etc.[/QUOTE]

I'll definitely get fitted. It's not a large city, so, I don't know how much they have to offer in different brands. I've never actually been in there though.

I have never liked drop bars. The bike would be strictly road/pavement riding. It'd be for medium/high-speed rides; it would change it up on some of my cardio days.
[quote name='Number83']Pretty interesting article about a Fitness trainer who went from Fit to Fat and back to Fit again.[/QUOTE]

His website is -

Also, here's the "reveal" -

The *one* think I didn't like about the whole thing is that he "went dark" for the last bit of the progression. I'm not sure how long he checked out, but, the pessimist in me wonders if he kicked it into overdrive near the end because he wasn't satisfied with what he was going to finish at.
Does he explain how he did it? Did he sit at a desk for 10-12 hours everyday like most people and still get that ripped in 6 months? Or did he workout 12 hours a day for 6 months instead? I need to know.

His results are incredible - you can't even tell he gained the weight so I'm thinking there has to be a catch. If there is no catch and he just watched what he ate and exercised for an hour a day then I need to know the exact plan he followed - eating, sleeping and working out. It seems like magic and I want the formula.
Dudes a personal trainer...he was in the gym working out 5-6 hours a day if I had to guess. His cardio is probably lacking, bmi is probably waaaay to high, and I wish I had that kind of time to be honest lol. Really cool that he was able to lose all his weight again, but to be honest I'd much rather see a story about someone losing 50 pounds in 6 months that has been overweight for 5 years, 10 years, etc and did it while keeping a normal job.

I also thought it was crazy you couldn't tell there was any weight gain. The lack of stretch marks, extra skin kind of baffled me. Pretty big guy though.

Edit: I'd also love to see him take some drug tests lol.
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I think his blog goes into what he did and what he ate each day, javery. Unless you have to purchase something; I'm not sure.

That's the real nagging thing about it all. I have a hard time believing he made that type of progress with what (I think) his workouts were.

Now, I didn't really dig deep into it. I'm mostly going by what I've heard from a few co-workers. But I guess his workouts (posted via the blog) aren't extreme and he only used a couple supplements.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Dudes a personal trainer...he was in the gym working out 5-6 hours a day if I had to guess. His cardio is probably lacking, bmi is probably waaaay to high, and I wish I had that kind of time to be honest lol. Really cool that he was able to lose all his weight again, but to be honest I'd much rather see a story about someone losing 50 pounds in 6 months that has been overweight for 5 years, 10 years, etc and did it while keeping a normal job.

I also thought it was crazy you couldn't tell there was any weight gain. The lack of stretch marks, extra skin kind of baffled me. Pretty big guy though.

Edit: I'd also love to see him take some drug tests lol.[/QUOTE]

Well that is my story. Cubicle job doing help desk phone support. 8-10 hours a day for over 4 years. I was 300lbs before the Lose It! challenge started and I lost just over 50 lbs in 6 months, but that's just the first chapter. It's time to get fit.
[quote name='Javery']So what does your typical day look like, including diet? I need to change mine up. Insanity has been working great but I am struggling with my diet from 3pm to about 7pm. I tend to get really hungry during that time and even eating carrots or an apple or something doesn't get rid of the hunger (which is why I like the protein shakes). I end up eating a granola bar (or 2) or something similar which isn't so great. I really need a change but I'm not sure I'm capable.[/QUOTE]

Food wise my diet is very very simple. I always assume I am bringing in more calories than I actually am so I work that much harder throughout the day.

I have a couple different brands of Kashi crunch cereal that I have for breakfast, 2 cups is 400 calories I usually have less than that but just assume that I am having 400 calories of it. 2 cups of skim milk (160 calories) and I just assume that I'm having 600 total for breakfast. Sometimes I'll get ahead of myself and make eggs (5) and a piece of plain toast (420 calories).

Lunch is a peanut butter sandwich (relatively light on the pb) and a large banana about (about 250 calories total). Never anything else. Now that I am biking to work I started bringing 1/2~3/4 lb of chicken to make up for what would be a massive calorie and protein deficiency.

At this point I am hovering around 850 calories for the day (with the chicken we'll go with 1500 assuming I have closer to a pound of chicken and just don't realize it). Get home and have nothing until dinner which is around 6~7. If I do get hungry in between lunch and dinner my go to is either carrots or 3 eggs. Dinner is anything. I don't care what I eat at that point, my wife and I usually make big meals that last a few days. It can be taco soup, hamburger soup, stroganoff, tacos, a half dozen eggs and toast, some chicken broccoli thing we make up, or just straight chicken and potatoes, pizza, or mac and cheese (2 boxes -_- ). Throw in a veggie and that is our typical dinner. We use turkey meat instead of hamburger in all the above dinners.

Sometimes I'll have popcorn later on that night, and yes it has to be butter lovers lol. Another thing we like to make is home made blizzards or strawberry banana smoothies, we usually have some sort of relatively healthy snack.

If you want a typical lifting routine or cardio I can post that too.
Hmmm... I guess my next question is how old are you? I follow pretty much the same sort of routine but I probably get a few extra calories at lunch (but less in the morning). Your results in such a short time are much better than mine over a much longer period (I'm 37 though).

I have egg whites cooked with 2 slices of fat free ham and about 10 grapes for breakfast. I have ham, lettuce, tomato, light vinegar and oil on a roll with a small bag of baked lays for lunch and then whatever for dinner but like you I do turkey meat only, lots of chicken and vegetables (no starch) and I limit myself to one portion. Snacking is tough for me - I usually have a granola bar or two in addition to the apple and bag of grapes and bag of carrots I bring to work. I drink water all day and absolutely no alcohol.

Weekends are where I go off the rails (I still eat OK but I just eat more and I usually sneak a cookie or two - not horrible but could be much better). The "easy" solution is to stick to my strict weekday diet but it is so hard being home and surrounded by all that crap.

I'm OK on exercise... I think.
Eww, pig (ham). ;) Crunchy lettuce sounds good. Depending on the lettuce I'll opt for spinach or kale as there is more nutritional value. :)

I send this to the lady.


She's at work. The texts went...

Me: "My superpower is being a bobblehead."
Her: "At least I won't ever need an umbrella."

I never knew I could simultaneously laugh and cry.
And I have Mike Pierce abs and I'm okay with that. For now. Give me another four weeks and we'll see. COMING FOR YA TROY. YA DICK. ... ;) :lol:
bread's done