CAG NFL Season Discussion

What do you expect coming from the man who said "I faced the 85 Bears in 86". Ugh. Truly shitty commentary. 

Cuck Follinsworth.

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Over a span over 3 hours you're naturally going to say some obvious statements that aren't all that insightful.  But I've heard Collinsworth breakdown certain game plays with a keen eye that the average viewer would never notice.  He actually provides good analysis every now and then so I actually prefer Collinsworth over Aikman.   

This is the complete opposite of almost every other opening day game I've ever seen from the Browns. The first half was typical ineptitude, but Brian Hoyer and the coaches have managed to turn things around and make them an efficient offense that can make the plays that are needed. Ben Tate and Jordan Cameron are out, but a few rookies, Travis Benjamin, and Andrew Hawkins are making up for them? I'm not sure how this has happened.
I forgot you were a Browns fan too. I'm not sure how to feel about this game. Moral victories aside, we're 1-15 on opening day since '99. No bueno. This is also probably the 8560382915th time a Cleveland team has 1- played like shit, 2- made a miraculous come back, and 3- ultimately lost anyway. I think at some point it becomes a mental thing and they really just need to put a game like that away and build confidence for the future. I do like what I saw in the 2nd half, but I'm really not seeing much more than 4-6 wins again this year based on this game. I think the 2nd half play can be more attributed to the Steelers easing off the gas pedal than anything the Browns were doing right really, but I don't know. That said though, I'm definitely not going to put a ton of stock into this. We could get Tate and Cameron back, and Gordon could be back from suspension if they agree on a new drug policy. That's a ton of talent that's definitely going to be the difference between a couple of wins this year. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, as always.

I forgot you were a Browns fan too. I'm not sure how to feel about this game. Moral victories aside, we're 1-15 on opening day since '99. No bueno. This is also probably the 8560382915th time a Cleveland team has 1- played like shit, 2- made a miraculous come back, and 3- ultimately lost anyway. I think at some point it becomes a mental thing and they really just need to put a game like that away and build confidence for the future. I do like what I saw in the 2nd half, but I'm really not seeing much more than 4-6 wins again this year based on this game. I think the 2nd half play can be more attributed to the Steelers easing off the gas pedal than anything the Browns were doing right really, but I don't know. That said though, I'm definitely not going to put a ton of stock into this. We could get Tate and Cameron back, and Gordon could be back from suspension if they agree on a new drug policy. That's a ton of talent that's definitely going to be the difference between a couple of wins this year. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, as always.
Who's coming back to save their secondary? I thought that was supposed to be one of their strengths, but the world's favorite sex-offender was passing all over them.

Who's coming back to save their secondary? I thought that was supposed to be one of their strengths, but the world's favorite sex-offender was passing all over them.

Robert Mathis is out for the season after tearing his Achilles tendon...  They really needed him last night, now he's gone for the season!

I didn't notice it until I read the comments but the piece of shit spitted in her face too at the beginning. I hope he never sees a football field again and if he does it should be a anything goes situation with the refs. Throw no flags when he starts getting rocked

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No they won't.

Also released today is LaMichael James, totally solidifying the Niners 2012 draft as a complete bust.
Joe Looney was part of that draft and he's still on the roster so it's not a complete bust but I get your point.

I don't like the new points of emphasis on the defensive holding for cornerbacks. The league was already scoring points at a record pace last year so to only enforce the no contact after 5 yard rule is just forcing the game to be more like flag football. I think it's dumb but I'm anxious to see a game get blown on a ticky tacky defensive penalty at the last minute so more people can see how naive the NFL HQ is being about their product. Mark Cuban said it well, "pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered."
Who's coming back to save their secondary? I thought that was supposed to be one of their strengths, but the world's favorite sex-offender was passing all over them.
Antonio Brown has been the one WR in the NFL that has given Joe Haden lots of trouble every time they face each other, so that wasn't a surprise at all. I also wasn't surprised at Justin Gilbert struggling a bit, but I expect him to pick it up after this tough first stretch of the season. It didn't help at all that the entire defensive gameplan in the first half was some of the worst that I had ever seen. I'd love to see Goodell make a statement about Antonio Brown's kick and suspend him for a game to send a message

I forgot you were a Browns fan too. I'm not sure how to feel about this game. Moral victories aside, we're 1-15 on opening day since '99. No bueno. This is also probably the 8560382915th time a Cleveland team has 1- played like shit, 2- made a miraculous come back, and 3- ultimately lost anyway. I think at some point it becomes a mental thing and they really just need to put a game like that away and build confidence for the future. I do like what I saw in the 2nd half, but I'm really not seeing much more than 4-6 wins again this year based on this game. I think the 2nd half play can be more attributed to the Steelers easing off the gas pedal than anything the Browns were doing right really, but I don't know. That said though, I'm definitely not going to put a ton of stock into this. We could get Tate and Cameron back, and Gordon could be back from suspension if they agree on a new drug policy. That's a ton of talent that's definitely going to be the difference between a couple of wins this year. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, as always.
I've never been the sort of fan that likes to be cynical and expect the worst of the team every year, so I've always been one to look at the bright spots and see if the team has the makeup to learn from their mistakes and improve. Pittsburgh being the first team on the schedule along with the next two games has been the biggest worry I had for this season because they could easily go 0-3 due to the toughness of facing those three teams as they're trying to get the train started. If they can get a win out of the next two games, I'll be happy.

I don't see Josh Gordon coming back at all this season and I'd advise any fans to not put any stock into that dumb rumor. I do have confidence that West and Crowell can do some good things in Tate's absence after the good performance that they had this week. Barnidge and Dray are solid TEs that can't hope to stretch the field like Jordan Cameron, but they can be effective as more traditional TEs in this offense for Hoyer to use to his advantage. Hoyer doesn't have any chemistry with the WRs since they're all new to the team, even the "rookie" Travis Benjamin who has been so ineffective as a WR that I was surprised to see him actually get a TD catch, so that should get better as time goes on.

I don't think this loss was like all the others, as I've rarely ever seen the Browns make the right adjustments to their gameplan at halftime to make the sort of comeback that they did. They were a completely different team and that's never been something they do, as it's usually that the other team makes the adjustments to thwart a good start for the Browns and they manage to hold on long enough to give up the win in the fourth quarter. Having a running game that can work without the #1 guy is completely new for this team, especially compared to last season when their best RB was an undrafted rookie they picked up for the last two games of the season.

^ Big Ben is worse than Kobe. I actually believe him, while Ben got into two incidents.
Big Ben wasn't charged with the crimes because the police didn't believe that he did it, but that they didn't have enough evidence to charge him for it. It's the same reason that Jameis Winston got off for his own brush with the law.

No they won't.
Michael Vick got a lot more negative press from his incident and was signed less than a month after his release from prison. Donte Stallworth killed someone drunk driving and was signed 8 days after being reinstated. Stallworth was washed up at that point in his career, yet played for 3 different teams after his incident. Note that these are players who actually spent time in prison.

I would bet Ray Rice is reinstated for next season and a team picks him up just to see what he has left in the tank. It's not like they will have to give him any guaranteed money. People won't like it, just like Vick is hated by a lot of people, but teams will have a hard time passing up the chance to get a talented player for a bargain price.

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Michael Vick got a lot more negative press from his incident and was signed less than a month after his release from prison. Donte Stallworth killed someone drunk driving and was signed 8 days after being reinstated. Stallworth was washed up at that point in his career, yet played for 3 different teams after his incident. Note that these are players who actually spent time in prison.

I would bet Ray Rice is reinstated for next season and a team picks him up just to see what he has left in the tank. It's not like they will have to give him any guaranteed money. People won't like it, just like Vick is hated by a lot of people, but teams will have a hard time passing up the chance to get a talented player for a bargain price.
this. Rice is a scumbag, but a talented one still and somebody will take a gamble on him next year or whenever he gets reinstated.

If someone thinks Rice can help their team, he will be signed, when he gets reinstated to the league. Simple as that.

What planet is Calvin Johnson from? Are there more of him?

Well I agree to disagree. Goodell will be lucky to keep his job over this, there's no way Rice gets a team to bring him in.
Well I agree to disagree. Goodell will be lucky to keep his job over this, there's no way Rice gets a team to bring him in.
I hope you're right, but given the history of the NFL I have my doubts. I really do hope you're right and this is a step in the right direction for the league, but I think he'll be on a team next season and if anything Goodell will give himself a raise and buy a new Ferrari. Hell, if the Rams could pick him up I'd sure he'd be playing this season in St Louis. [Leonard Little killed a woman in St Louis and the Rams kept him on to win the Super Bowl.]

I just have no confidence in the NFL as an organization.

Not to condone what Ray Rice did, but Ritchie Incognito has a job despite his bullying scandal last year. Aldon Smith will still have a job and likely get a new contract when his current one ends despite all the crap he's done. Donte Stallworth killed a man and got a job a week later. Michael Vick tortured, maimed, and/or killed dozens of dogs, destroyed the Falcons organization, and went to jail for 2 years and yet came back to great success in Philly.

No offense to those who have suffered domestic abuse, but what Stallworth and Vick did were worse and both got multiple jobs after their scandals.
Well I agree to disagree. Goodell will be lucky to keep his job over this, there's no way Rice gets a team to bring him in.
You don't say?

So the cowboys plan on resigning Josh Brent after his ten game suspension but no one will pick up Ray Rice?

I'm glad hitting a woman is worse then killing a human

Not to condone what Ray Rice did, but Ritchie Incognito has a job despite his bullying scandal last year. Aldon Smith will still have a job and likely get a new contract when his current one ends despite all the crap he's done. Donte Stallworth killed a man and got a job a week later. Michael Vick tortured, maimed, and/or killed dozens of dogs, destroyed the Falcons organization, and went to jail for 2 years and yet came back to great success in Philly.

No offense to those who have suffered domestic abuse, but what Stallworth and Vick did were worse and both got multiple jobs after their scandal
No way bro! My twitter and facebook feed say Ray Rice is way worse!

LOL... the only good thing that came from Ray Rice's suspension is I won't have to hear any idiots go on twitter/facebook rants where they, like morons, compare drug/PED suspensions to Rice's initial two game suspension.
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I will say it Iron Sheik Style:

fuck the Ray Rice. I put him in camel clutch, break his back, make him humble old country way, then fuck him in ass"

Why the fuck did that woman marry him after that? Seriously?

It surprises me the Ravens let him go, didn't Ray Lewis kill someone? I guess it goes by prison rules, if you're a killer, it's ok, but an abuser, you're fucked.

These new defensive holding rules are terrible as hell for defenders.  Getting pie faced and pushed off but don't you dare touch the receiver!

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Chargers with the expected conservative play calling and prevent D to give away another game to a team they played better than. I think it should be copyrighted at this point.

I'm so glad that Congress is spending their time on the Ray Rice issue.
They've fixed everything else, why not. I mean it's not like there isn't anything shady going on in Congress on regular basis, so they are clearly the moral authority for the country.

I believe that when Ray Rice got the 2 game suspension, that was not harsh enough even based on the evidence they had to begin with. It should've been minimum 6 game suspension if not more. Now people are saying there is no way that the NFL and Ravens organization (well I do believe the Ravens are above it at least in going with evidence they have) hadn't seen the video yesterday and just didn't want to suspend him. I disagree, not because I believe Goodell or the Ravens are above that thing but for very realistic reasons. If they had seen that video, even if they believed that he didn't deserve what they ended up doing, there is no way a video like that wouldn't get leaked at some point and blow everything.

Goodell is about protecting his job more than anything else, and if he had seen the video that was released yesterday he would've suspended Ray Rice indefinitely like he did because that doesn't stay secret and he wouldn't want that to bite him in the ass. Goodell does what is good for Goodell and leaving something like that out there to chance, not happening.

Before anyone says anything, yes I had a couple Ray Rice jerseys, and no I no longer have them. I will not support that behavior, and just because I'm a Ravens fan doesn't mean I support the assault of anyone, especially women.....except Steelers fans. They have it coming.

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Usually the NFL waits till the courts decide if the player is guilty or not before making a decision on punishment.

You mean usually they suspend them for a light sentence of say... two games and then after a massive amount of backlash they get "reactive" and create a new policy where first time offenders face a six game suspension AND then they go back on their intial suspension, bypass the policy they just created, and suspended the player indefinitely.

But yes.. you're right they at least waited for the courts to decide they'd FORGO charges if he entered a program.

LOL if you think they're going to wait for domestic abuse accusations to play out in court before handing down punishments. The only thing the NFL is going to wait for is public opinion from the lemmings who think Rice should never be in the league but Brent's 10 game suspension was too harsh.

Way to bring up an old post you fucking troll. This site has become a fucking joke.
Nice vocabulary.

The comment you made was 13 days old and relevant since the court of public opinion, with all the social media lemmings, is going to be much more powerful then the court of law in regards to punishments and fines since the NFL has $$$ to work about.

The truth will prevail:

AP report (reputable source) is reporting the league received a copy of the Ray Rice video back in April.

Great timing with the CBS interview airing tonight!
LOL if you think they're going to wait for domestic abuse accusations to play out in court before handing down punishments. The only thing the NFL is going to wait for is public opinion from the lemmings who think Rice should never be in the league but Brent's 10 game suspension was too harsh.
domestic abuse accusations = video proof

You are special.

I believe that when Ray Rice got the 2 game suspension, that was not harsh enough even based on the evidence they had to begin with. It should've been minimum 6 game suspension if not more.

Before anyone says anything, yes I had a couple Ray Rice jerseys, and no I no longer have them. I will not support that behavior, and just because I'm a Ravens fan doesn't mean I support the assault of anyone, especially women.....except Steelers fans.
I was expecting 6-8 games with the evidence that was out there at the time. If you believe they never saw this new tape, then I think they looked at the best case scenario of what could have happened in the elevator and gave Ray and his fiancee the benefit of the doubt. Ray Rice was known for his anti bullying campaign and was one of the last Ravens I would expect something like this from, so it's not hard for me to believe the Ravens and Goodell would listen to their story.

We shouldn't have to defend ourselves as Ravens fans because of this. I hope people aren't implying we support beating women because of the NFL team we follow, but if they are, they're idiots anyway.

bypass the policy they just created, and suspended the player indefinitely.

LOL if you think they're going to wait for domestic abuse accusations to play out in court before handing down punishments.
Ray Rice "bypassed" the new policy because he lied about what happened and video evidence proved it.

You should look up Greg Hardy and Ray Mcdonald. Neither have been punished by the league yet. I believe Hardy even went to court already, but is appealing the decision.

bread's done