CAG PSN Gamesharing #5 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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[quote name='TylDurden']Nobody would have to wait, one of the Phantoms would simply be taking a resell slot for 6 months until it was deactivated. The password would likely be changed on them and they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.[/QUOTE]

Here's the kicker.. while these half resell half phantom shares go around, what will stop the scum from reselling the share at 'full price resell' to an unsuspecting victim? ..where , let's say, they attempt to re-download one day or resell their share only to find they themselves were deactivated.. imo there is only trouble down the line with this once people start getting scammed/purchased these shares at full re-sellable price
Sleeping Dogs

Resell: $16.67
1. kvntwvlf
Phantom: $8.33
1. y2jd
2. thenadz

last spot up for grab!.


Account 1: Batman Arkham City w/ Harley DLC - $7 (Resell)

Hopefully I can get group filled before saturday starts... tomorrow will be my last day to use ps3 via net
[quote name='iwarboY']Here's the kicker.. while these half resell half phantom shares go around, what will stop the scum from reselling the share at full price resell to an unsuspecting victim? ..where , let's say, they attempt to re-download one day or resell their share only to find they themselves were deactivated.. imo there is only trouble down the line with this once people start getting scammed/purchased these shares at full re-sellable price[/QUOTE]

I have hosted several of the 3 x $10 phantoms + 1 x $10 resell + 1 x $20 resell shares. Moreover, I have 2 more already scheduled. All phantoms have the same rights. The 3rd phantom does not get additional access to the account. It would be unfair for 1 phantom to have additional access because all phantoms have the same price structure. The host controls the share. All 3 phantoms are locked out of the account. The only members with complete access are the host & 1 normal resell. A phantom is a phantom and a resell is a resell. I construct the groups like this for 3 reasons.

1. It is easier to find 3 phantoms than 2 resells.

2. I can still participate in a group for my price point.

3. The time allotted allows for me to work through my backlog.

If I were to allow a member to dump their phantom share, I would require to be copied on the pms relating to the sale. This will insure everything is on the level. Also, the account password would be changed again after the sale is completed. However, I would only allow this for members whom I deem trustworthy.
A host worth their salt would give phantom #3 a temp password different from #1 and #2. Only the host or lone resale would have total access to the account during the first 6 months. They couldn't resale without your blessing and with each phantom having a different temp password, it'd be easy to ID the culprit. Timeshares really shouldn't be left open either and sealed off after downloaded.
Personally I'd stick with phantoms, it's just much easier, play a game and delete once I've had enough, all I have to worry about is paying on time and that's no problem.

I'll ask here - I'm not permitted to have a sig, is this because of my 'newbie' status?
[quote name='gameshares']A host worth their salt would give phantom #3 a temp password different from #1 and #2. Only the host or lone resale would have total access to the account during the first 6 months. They couldn't resale without your blessing and with each phantom having a different temp password, it'd be easy to ID the culprit. Timeshares really shouldn't be left open either and sealed off after downloaded.[/QUOTE]

That is correct. The password is changed after phantoms 1 & 2 install the game. It is changed again after phantom 3 & resell 1 install the game. The new password is only given to the resell.
It is very easy to track people that act deceitful. If the account is reset from the start, it was either phantom 1 or 2. If there is more than 1 activation after the reset, it is phantom 3 or resell 1. One could go through the process of everyone downloading separately, but that takes too long. The reason for this thread is not only to build gameshares, but it also serves to keep people in check. Members have no problem outing other members for deceitful behavior. "cough" crashlen0 "cough"
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[quote name='gameshares']A host worth their salt would give phantom #3 a temp password different from #1 and #2. Only the host or lone resale would have total access to the account during the first 6 months. They couldn't resale without your blessing and with each phantom having a different temp password, it'd be easy to ID the culprit. Timeshares really shouldn't be left open either and sealed off after downloaded.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, there are alot of rules and know-how on the how-to go about these special shares.. also alot of work. but will every host be responsible? only 1 screwup will leave others with an unsuspecting phantom share. scary thought.
between friends i think this is a great idea, but in a public forum with snipers and liars i don't think so.
[quote name='Souljah']Can 4 people share DLC? wouldn't mind getting all the dead space 3 DLC thats out?[/QUOTE]

I would assume so. I already have an account with a bunch of DLC for it, except for the bot personality pack. I was planning to sell it, though not sure if I should wait for Awakened to add in there.
[quote name='plvl']anyone have or want to do a purchase of bully and red dead revolver?[/QUOTE]

I've got Bully on my main. Can I trust you? Asking for $5, but a $100 deposit to be safe (j/k). Looking to add FFVII-IX on it.
[quote name='iwarboY']Exactly, there are alot of rules and know-how on the how-to go about these special shares.. also alot of work. but will every host be responsible? only 1 screwup will leave others with an unsuspecting phantom share. scary thought.
between friends i think this is a great idea, but in a public forum with snipers and liars i don't think so.[/QUOTE]

I do not know how others will act. I can only post for myself. I do trust SteamboatOperator & Tigerlust to manage these types of shares. Again, that is my own personal view. I have posted how I manage these shares. I hope my post was informative enough for you to gauge how the shares are managed by me.
[quote name='gameshares']I've got Bully on my main. Can I trust you? Asking for $5, but a $100 deposit to be safe (j/k). Looking to add FFVII-IX on it.[/QUOTE]

sorry but I want to get it for sell since its 10.00 that means a resell would be 3.66 and a phantom would be even cheaper
[quote name='akbeast17']Anyone have hitman absolution resell or borderlands?[/QUOTE]

Whoa whoa whoa you were just sellin hitman...

Or was that HD?
I did not see any groups for Skyrim DLC. Is anyone interested? Price on Xbox is $20 but it is supposed to be on sale when it releases. Hopefully it will be $10 but we will see. If the group is interested in getting all DLC on one account I am down for that as well.

Skyrim DLC - Dragonborn
Resell (??)
1. boosted02gt (host)
Phantom (??)

Skyrim DLC - Complete
1. boosted02gt (host)

Bayonetta ($20)
Resells ($6.67)
1. boosted02gt
Phantom ($3.33)

Dead Space 3 DLC- Awakened ($10)
Resell ($3.33)
1. boosted02gt (host)
Phantom ($1.67)
1. boosted02gt

Still looking for quite a few games. If people are looking to resell PM me. PM me with anything not on my list.

Games of interest

Resells Only

Dishonored :hot:
Spec Ops: The Line
Mass Effect
Darksiders II
NFS: Most Wanted
Max Payne 3
Assassins Creed III
Hitman Absolution


Dead Space 3
Saints Row: The Third
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Selling a PS account with Mortal Kombat (MK9) Komplete Edition + FlOw Bundle
Please, make your offers... :)

PS: It's an account, not shares.
Resellable slots for sale:
From Dust, Renegade Ops, Rochard, Beat Hazard Ultra, Hamilton's Great Adventure $8 :hot:
Batman Arkham Asylum $6
Darksiders $4
Red Faction Guerrilla $4
Crazy Taxi $1
Battlefield 1943 $1

Also open to offers.
Just looking for a Sly 4, Dishonoured, or Blops 2 resell. (I'll also take phantoms..)

To the guys with Blops 2, do you enjoy it? The only Cod I really enjoyed was the fourth.
[quote name='gameshares']I've got Bully on my main. Can I trust you? Asking for $5, but a $100 deposit to be safe (j/k). Looking to add FFVII-IX on it.[/QUOTE]

I'll take Bully for 5 smackers- I'll PM you in a moment
[quote name='Foxx']Just looking for a Sly 4, Dishonoured, or Blops 2 resell. (I'll also take phantoms..)

To the guys with Blops 2, do you enjoy it? The only Cod I really enjoyed was the fourth.[/QUOTE]

Once I send out info and the phantoms finish downloading, sly 4 is yours. Boost also wants Dishonoured and so do I but I'm going to wait until the price drops a bit online since I can pick up a copy for $25.
[quote name='Foxx']Just looking for a Sly 4, Dishonoured, or Blops 2 resell. (I'll also take phantoms..)

To the guys with Blops 2, do you enjoy it? The only Cod I really enjoyed was the fourth.[/QUOTE]

It's COD. It's old. It's gimmicy. It's dumb fun.

I love it
Last COD I truly liked was World At War, but all my friends play COD so its fun regardless.

Can't wait for Rainbow Six Patriots though, RSV is my favorite FPS.
[quote name='Brainberry']Last COD I truly liked was World At War, but all my friends play COD so its fun regardless.

Can't wait for Rainbow Six Patriots though, RSV is my favorite FPS.[/QUOTE]

RSV is about as fun as the Giants winning the world series.
[quote name='y2jd']No one is interested in Batman Arkham City w/ Harley DLC?[/QUOTE]

how much is that?

i have the game on steam, and it runs like shit on my I2500k GT470
Have a resell of far cry 3 $11!

I've been thinking of picking up a handheld for a while. To anyone with a vita, is it worth it or should I just grab a 3ds for monster hunter?
[quote name='kerouac kid']The auction detail indicates the game may be downloaded once. Do you think it can be used like a gameshare?[/QUOTE]

I don't know I'm very weary of it as he is shipping the codes which is very weird but I might go for it. This isn't like the vita, this might be real codes.
[quote name='allknights']Have a resell of far cry 3 $11!

I've been thinking of picking up a handheld for a while. To anyone with a vita, is it worth it or should I just grab a 3ds for monster hunter?[/QUOTE]

How many GB is FC3? I'll buy if you accept Amazon payments.
[quote name='rpg']Ratchet & Clank: Deadlocked for the PS3 system as a free download to all of our fans who purchased Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault for the PS3 system (digitally or on disc).

Awesome. Hopefully the neckbeards stop complaining about the delay

[quote name='Blabadon']It makes me sad knowing there are so many games and series on the PSN store I haven't played and probably have no chance starting a group here since the interest in them is so low.

I just beat Halo Reach again and am now on CoD MW, so that's another series I'm taking care of. I haven't even started the PoP HD collection yet.

Backlog first world problems... sigh.[/QUOTE]

Totally....It's not like you have any other options like....paying full price or something like that.
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