CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

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Did you guys get Wipeout HD yet? It's awesome...

Also, what do you guys think of Dead Space and all its various spin-offs like the comics and animated movie?
Cheapy, you and Wombat talk about playing games online all the time but rarely do you play with each other. I think your conversations about online games would be much more entertaining if you guys were on a team or fighting eachother while playing.

Oh and Duke Nukem 3D is great. Very smooth controls surprisingly and the coop is great.
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Another question from Dirty Rabz the canadian, will the new dashboard update allow canadians the Netflix option. We don't even get TV shows to rent on xbox live and as far as I know Canadians can't subscribe to Netflix. You guys know anything?

I know you were whining about Joystiq mentioning Cheapy and not you. Just wondered if you noticed that their most recent episode is the second time they've closed out the show to the music of The Wombats instead of their normal music. Maybe their subtle way of saying hey?
Any chance of Wombat getting Netflix for the low price of $9.00 a month for one disc at a time so you can watch streamed movies on your 360?
Since you're both new parents and you're married to non-Jewish women (I'm assuming that neither of your wives are Jew-panese, Jew-lombian), and Judaism is matrilineal--what do your parents think about your children not officially being Jewish? I guess that the two of you could give two shits. Do you plan to bring them up religious at all? Will OG take Tai to shrines/temples? Or are you guys going to rock it with your kids the Richard Dawkins way? Maybe lapsed Jewish like Bill Maher? Of course when the kids get old enough they'll make their own decisions, but when they're 5, 6, 7 what are you going to teach them? (see Bill Maher movie trailer link below)
Hey guys.

Don't know if Wombat picked it up yet but has Rock Band 2 reminded you of any past DLC that you missed when they first became available?
If so what did you buy? Thanks.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

What do you guys think of the name of the Xbox 360's new dashboard update, the New Xbox Experience? Does it sound too much like PR speak instead of a more functional name? And how long do you guys think that Microsoft will keep calling the new dashboard the New Experience Experience before just calling it the dashboard, if they ever will?

Are you guys disappointed that LittleBigPlanet and Fable 2 will be shipping without their big online co-op features? Though LBP will still have online co-op, it's online co-op creation mode will be coming at a later date.
Cheapy & Wombat

Well guys just go into Brisbane, Australia today for a 3 month rotation for my current job. Went to EB games to see how different they were from the states and I had no idea how expensive games are in Australia. $100 Australian for Madden which is around $90 US. 104.95 Australian for a used copy of Batteflied Bad Company. I talked to the Eb clerk for a while and he said that game still sell really well.

Do you guys know if they really do. I love video games but I think I would think twice before spendding 90 -100 for a video game. Cheapy is this like this in Japan? Love the podcast guys and I appreciate that you are different than the rest. You all are the only podcast with personal stories that I give a shit about.
Cheapy & Wombat,

Another question for you guys. Is Major Nelson really that corny or is just me. I have been listening to his podcast for a little while and I think he is just a salesman for the 360. I know he works for Microsoft and all but he is quick to point out that he has Wii and Playstation at the office to keep track of his competitors. But he seems to think every game from X360 is so good. And his partner E make Chris O'Donell portrayl of Robin seem like a Acadmey award performance.

I know Major has some clout in the industry but jeez whiz how could guys like you & Wombat that actually have smart ideas and feel for the industry and a very sucessful podcast and really have no shot to become as big as this guy. It is sort of sad about the industry and I wish that one day wombat get his wish and becomes consultants to the industry. Do you guys ever get jealous of really no talent ass clowns like Major & E?
What are your guys' opinions on last week's slated release of Red Hot Chilli Pepper's Blood Sugar Sex Magic album on Rock Band?

If what I'm hearing is correct (and the content has not come out as of this post), Harmonix is planning on releasing "clean" versions of the individual tracks and the album as a whole.

Is this a troubiling trend to you guys? Personally, I was really looking forward to this album and would have had no problem shelling out $20 for it, but I refuse to support this type of precedent.

Why not simply have a pop-up in the Rock Band online store reading - "Downloadable content not rated by the ESRB." Then, users not wanting a watered-down album would be happy and Harmonix would not have to censor its content.

Any opinions on this disturbing trend?
guys, you know i adore you, but i felt compelled to chime in about the slightly misguided embargo discussion you were having. for those of us who regularly attend press events to cover whatever games are being shown off, embargoes are an absolute blessing -- the farther away, the better. why? because that means you don't have to rush back to your office/hotel/wherever and write up the same thing everyone else is writing. you have time to process what you just saw/played, and write something a bit more eloquent and interesting, and give your take on it. companies have every right to want to try and control the message -- that's what those events are for. the less time they give you to write something up, the more they're controlling it. as for different embargoes for different sites, that's a different story, but that's just how it works. 99% of the time there's nothing sinister going on, it's just taking turns giving the big sites different exclusives to keep them happy. i hate it too, but that's the cycle. and speaking for 1UP/EGM only, i like to think we do our best to break it through other approaches to coverage, like my 1UP FM podcast, our video content, features, etc. and now, i stop pimping. point is, embargoes are a good thing in many contexts. as for review embargoes, that's a whole other story we'll get into when you bring me on your damn podcast. but they fucking suck.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']guys, you know i adore you, but i felt compelled to chime in about the slightly misguided embargo discussion you were having. for those of us who regularly attend press events to cover whatever games are being shown off, embargoes are an absolute blessing -- the farther away, the better. why? because that means you don't have to rush back to your office/hotel/wherever and write up the same thing everyone else is writing. you have time to process what you just saw/played, and write something a bit more eloquent and interesting, and give your take on it. companies have every right to want to try and control the message -- that's what those events are for. the less time they give you to write something up, the more they're controlling it. as for different embargoes for different sites, that's a different story, but that's just how it works. 99% of the time there's nothing sinister going on, it's just taking turns giving the big sites different exclusives to keep them happy. i hate it too, but that's the cycle. and speaking for 1UP/EGM only, i like to think we do our best to break it through other approaches to coverage, like my 1UP FM podcast, our video content, features, etc. and now, i stop pimping. point is, embargoes are a good thing in many contexts. as for review embargoes, that's a whole other story we'll get into when you bring me on your damn podcast. but they fucking suck.[/quote]

ya know, Nick has a point. and i'm wondering the same thing too. why hasn't Nick been asked to be a guest on the show? 1up FM and CAGcast unite!
Hey Wombat, while you were at the MK vs. DC event thing, did you get to see a variety of fatalities and if so, who's was your favourite?
Hi guys I discovered this podcast last week and have already listened back to episode 108. By the way wombat your awesome. The episode with shipwreck and CheapyD was boring without you. Something about your voice helps to break up boringness.

My question is about the new Jasper motherboard on the Xbox 360. I was listening to podcast 109 where you mentioned you wouldn't get a new American 360 until jasper hit the shelves. Has it begun shipping? When can I expect to see it in Australian stores.

I want to get a new arcade bundle, my premium RROD on Christmas day and I was screwed over by Microsoft. The warranty sticker was missing since the day I bought it.

Also what 3 games would you recommend to a person that hasn't bought anything for the 360 in 9 months. Keep in mind I already own CoD4, Bioshock, Mass Effect and the Orange Box for PC.
Cheapy, this is an odd question but one I thought I would ask anyways.

I am taking a marketing class, and in my book it states that Kit-Kats are extremely popular in Japan. And I just have to know, is this true?
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Cheapy and Wombat,

Have your families ever been embarassed because of your gaming habits? How do people that your families know respond to what you guys do for a living?

I know Wombat doesn't fully work for the gaming industry but does Mrs. Wombat ever explain to people that she knows that you write for a gaming blog?
Hi there!
What ever happened to the 'Stalk Wombat - Facebook' "ad" or whatever you call it, that appeared in the upper right corner cycling with CaG Blogs and CaGcast etc.?
I found it extremely funny and was very disappointed when I noticed it was gone.
Did Wombat find it offensive or what? :eek:

Thanks for the best podcast out there, keep it up!

Seems it's back? :eek: Didn't see it for quite some time.
Well, it's back now so rejoice! :D
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1) Bring back the hype wagon! Which games are you looking forward to most this fall?

2) Cheapy, I know you were a big fan of Marble Blast Ultra, it was leaked that DLC may be coming soon, though it's not sure if it'll be free or not. If the DLC is free, will it bring you back to the game and if it costs would you be willing to pay to get content for a game that is so old?

3) It was announced that episode 2 of the Penny Arcade game will be coming out at $15, will you guys be picking it up at this price?

4) Either of you going to be picking up the new DSi?

5) Not game related, but I know you both watch Heroes, what do you think of the new episodes?

Love the show :)
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you guys are pretty much on the Rock Band side of the fence and that's cool but out of curiosity what would it take (gameplay-wise or music-wise)to get you to switch to the other side (assuming you could keep/use your own instruments)
My wife and I also have separate accounts for the exact same reason.
Only we wish we had a savings account.

Anyways, were any of you SEGA Master System dudes?
I had that instead of an NES and I really don't have any regrets.
Hey CheapyD and Wombat. What do you think about amazons new price guarantee. Starting September 1st they wont adjust the price unless its more than a 20 dollar drop. And they wont do it after 7 days after it ships. With how flexible amazons pricing is this is very frustrating as items go lower all the time.
[quote name='misterine']what are you being for halloween?
Cheapy Saget? Krotos?
Wombat mario?[/quote]

I think wombat should go as evil spock!
Great work posting the deals, I just picked up Call of Juarez. I always enjoy the show, even if Cheapy and Wombat are a pair of console weanies :)

In 1991, Hasselhoff starred in Knight Rider 2000, where they put Kitt in a 57 Chevy body (you didn't miss much) . The post apocalyptic Knight Rider 2010 pilot was a spoke on the "Universal Action Pack", the "wheel" of rotating syndicated shows that spawned Hercules and Tekwar in 1994. And surely you remember "Team Knight Rider" (the tag line went something like "One man used to be able to make a difference, now it takes a team"). The sad part is, as bad as the new series is, it is better than all the above.
hey guys

what are you thoughts on cags just posting questions in the blogs. shouldn't these be in the forums? i know it's not a big deal, i just find it kind of strange.

We all know that Wombat trades in his games for store credit. Cheapy, what do you do when your done with a game? Do you have a pile of beaten games somewhere and sell them? Or do you keep them for re-playability?

Since Wombat needs attention, this one's for him. Do you think we will ever see a Batman vs Superman movie? Why or why not?
Cheapy, 2 things.
First why the fuck haven't you guys mentioned CAG's recent victory over 1up on digg?

Second, do you give preference to promoting deals for certain websites than others because the pay you more? ex: when both and where having the same deal on 12+1 month xbox live cards, you only posted it on the front page after Amazon encorporated a deal that had had for weeks. Ultimately a smart business man, which I think you are, would do this. Furthermore, these scenarios do not harm the deals that CAG's would get because they are basically the same.

Thanx, for continuing to put on a great show, and congrats on the diggs. And because I know Wombat will complain if I don't . . . Wombat you did your part in carrying the CAGcast to where it is and you're a great co-host.
Hey guys,
What types of prizes do you expect to be given away through the American Club Nintendo? Do you think that the prizes will be nearly as nice as they are in Japan, or perhapse cheaper, smaller prizes being that we are a larger country?

And a question for Cheapy (sorry Wombat, it's about Japan),

Are there any other Japanese game company-based clubs where gamers can exchange points for prizes similar to the way that Club Nintendo does it? If so, have you ever cashed in for valuable prizes from these companies?
hello mr.A

i was just reading a few gaming news articles and found this one:

as the title says there has been fall in traffic to nearly all of the major gaming sites, including yours which has dropped 37%. what is your opinion on this? is it something that goes around at this time of year that makes people not want to go to gaming sites? LBP beta?. thanks to you and wombat for the show.
Hey cheapy.
You have talked about this already but, dont u think that games like too human are bad for the industry. I mean didnt it take many years for this game to finally come out? After all that time it has a busted ass camera and the targeting system of Wendy the retard? Not too mention a story of a highschool book report covering a whole mythology. I dont know, just want too see what you think.
Why doesn't Cheapy post links to Wombat's baby videos in the show notes? I'd like to see them but I'm too lazy to go search for them.
Shacknews has an interesting article about Developers fighting used game sales
- -
The gist of the article is that developers are putting in these one time use codes for original owners. Rockband 2 with 20 free songs. And stuff like EA only letting the original owner use the 365 function for free (everyone else they charge)

Any thoughts? Do you think from a consumer standpoint this single-use code will be popular and/or beneficial to customers? Believe it or not but most of the people i know in real life don't often take their gaming systems online. Interestingly enough I know a few in terested in Guitar Hero but not the DLC.


CheapyD you mentioned a show or two ago that you saw an interesting article but that it was too long to bother reading. I'm not trying to call you out on it or anyting but have you ever considered using the summarize option on your Mac. You and Wombat both have Macs but do either of you know how to use the summarize option? It's very easy
1. Highlight the story (or i guess the current page)
2. Go to the Application Menu (Firefox, or Safari or whatever you use)
3. Select Services Sub-Menu
4. Select Summarize

Summarize is actually pretty darn useful and it works pretty well. It's a great way to cut down those 12 page articles into 12 handy bite-sized summaries.
Hey Guys, what happened to DLC Tears and Jeers? I loved your opinions of the DLC for the week of the show and would like to see it come back. Thanks
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hey cheapy do u think bioshock for the ps3 should be $60 just because of the new mode,
or it should be priced $40 like the x360 bioshock
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Cheapy, this is an odd question but one I thought I would ask anyways.

I am taking a marketing class, and in my book it states that Kit-Kats are extremely popular in Japan. And I just have to know, is this true?[/quote]

They do have some crazy-ass Kit Kat flavors:


I'm not even sure what these were... mint perhaps? maybe wasabi?

360 specific: Spider-man, farcry 2, legendary & Fable II are all coming out on the 21st of this month. Who's buying/playing what first or is everyone holding off until the next week when Fallout 3 drops?

I'd love to start up on Fable, but I'll never finish it before fallout. Thinking I'll grab a shorter game (spider-man/legendary) and trade it in for Fallout a week later. Pick up fable II when online co-op is added.

eff-Crecente and eff-Jacky
I have seen a lot of videos on LittleBigPlanet before, but this is absolutely absurd:

This designer basically made a functioning adding machine using nothing but the tools in LBP and his own creative mind.

People like Mrs. Wombat ask what the point of Little Big Planet is, and the best response to that I can think of is, "What's the point of playing with Legos?" They are really the same idea: to create interesting things using the simple, elemental tools given to you and your own imagination.

Like Legos, LBP can be used to make something that is just pretty to look at, something that is really fun to play, or something that is really a work of art and engineering rolled into one.

This isn't a game for everyone because of the gameplay mechanic and the complete lack of direction for the player, but that is what will make it successful, I believe. The game comes with a good number of premade levels that show what the gameplay and physics engine is capable of, but the magic lies in what users will be able to do.

I play almost nothing but sports games, so I won't pick this game up right away. But I do realize a brilliant game when I see it. In fact, Little Big Planet and The Orange Box are really the only two games I can think of that will make me deviate from playing the sports games that I do 99.9% of my gaming time.

Not everyone has to like it, because Wombat is right in that it isn't for everyone, but you have to give it up to Media Molecule for what they have created. The pre-made levels I'm sure will be varying degrees of fun, interesting, and challenging to play, but largely this game is as fun as you make it, and creative people like the guy in this video only make that clearer by the day.
bread's done