CAGFC (UFC 2009 League) - HW's Only! New Site! Details Inside!

Sadly enough, I am retiring my fighters cause I can get a good trade in at my local play N Trade for it. It's going for 36 at my local EB for some reason (Just enough for NHL 2010 since I put my 5 dollars down anyways)

So this fight with Nate will be my last until sadly enough.
Wow! It's a miracle! CAG's piece of shit servers are actually working again! I can finally post my write ups from 2+ hours ago, haha (I honestly think I preferred CAG 1.0)

Fedor Emelianenko | Gary Russell | KO | 4:13 of Rd 2

Well, after meticulously crafting a fighter with one sole beat Gary, I was finally able to accomplish that feat. Fedor Emelianenko scored a KO victory over former long-time CAGFC Heavyweight Champion, Gary Russell, at 4:13 of the second round. Emelianenko and Russell traded blows early, with Russell throwing some vicious headkicks. Emelianenko did his best to keep his distance though, and picked his shots carefully, striking Russell with heavy hands to the head and body.

Russell managed to get a few slams on Emelianenko, but the Russian was also able to utilize his judo and perform some body throws. After one such throw in the first round, Emelianenko gained full mount, and began raining big shots down on Russell. But Russell was able to reverse the position, and fire some shots of his own before the round ended.

The 2nd round featured more of the same, until Emelianenko once again threw his foe to the ground. The massive men grappled on the ground for a few minutes, but eventually Emelianenko gained mount once again, and timed his shots more carefully, blocking several of Russell's escape attempts.

Another punch came down and rocked Russell, who then tried to make one last reversal attempt. Fedor blocked, and threw one more big right hand, which knocked Russell unconscious. It was definitely a battle of warriors and passing of the torch in the dominant champion's final fight.

Nate Lisa | Matt Young | KO | 2:39 of Rd 3

In other CAGFC13 news, Nate Lisa and Matt Young squared off in a super technical battle of strikers. The fighters put on a clinic, at first feeling each other out from a distance and picking their shots. After neither fighter fighter gained much of an advantage by staying away, Young tried a different strategy toward the end of the round, trying to engage Lisa in the clinch. He landed some big shots, and even knocked Lisa down, before the round ended.

In the 2nd round, Young again went to the clinch, but this time Lisa had adjusted. He caught one of Young's punches and reversed the clinch to his favor. He maintained this position for a good 30-45 seconds, landing both punches and knees.

But then Young figured out his timing and reversed to land some big shots of his own. He knocked Lisa down again, and this time pounced on his downed foe. Young transitioned quickly, and gained full mount. Then, for some reason, he got off his opponent and let him up. What a strange occurrence, and surely a missed opportunity.

The 3rd round began and Lisa tried to land some heavy body blows to Young, and keep him off balance with head kicks. Young again looked to clinch, and the two traded blows again. Lisa, fearful that another knockdown would be his last, shot for a takedown and took Young to the mat. He threw a few punches and worked his transitions until he had the full mount. He threw some bombs, and blocked as Young tried to reverse.

Then, he rocked Young with a big right. The crowd roared, anticipating the end of the fight! Then, as though to return the favor, Lisa got off of Young and allowed him to get up. Joe Rogan exclaimed "What the fuck is going on?!?" As the clock ticked down, Young went for a takedown and this time took Lisa to the mat.

Lisa, hoping that Young was still woozy from being rocked, went for the rubber guard, working to roll his opponent into a full mount. Young blocked the first attempt, but the 2nd was successful. Lisa loomed large over his foe and threw a big right, knocking him out cold, and bringing an end to a spectacular fight! Lisa avenges his CAGFC9 loss to Young by knocking him out at 2:39 of the third round. What a fight!
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Wow! It's a miracle! CAG's piece of shit servers are actually working again! I can finally post my write ups from 2+ hours ago, haha (I honestly think I preferred CAG 1.0)

Fedor Emelianenko | Gary Russell | KO | 4:13 of Rd 2
Well, after meticulously crafting a fighter with one sole beat Gary, I was finally able to accomplish that feat. Fedor Emelianenko scored a KO victory over former long-time CAGFC Heavyweight Champion, Gary Russell, at 4:13 of the second round. Emelianenko and Russell traded blows early, with Russell throwing some vicious headkicks. Emelianenko did his best to keep his distance though, and picked his shots carefully, striking Russell with heavy hands to the head and body.

Russell managed to get a few slams on Emelianenko, but the Russian was also able to utilize his judo and perform some body throws. After one such throw in the first round, Emelianenko gained full mount, and began raining big shots down on Russell. But Russell was able to reverse the position, and fire some shots of his own before the round ended.

The 2nd round featured more of the same, until Emelianenko once again threw his foe to the ground. The massive men grappled on the ground for a few minutes, but eventually Emelianenko gained mount once again, and timed his shots more carefully, blocking several of Russell's escape attempts.

Another punch came down and rocked Russell, who then tried to make one last reversal attempt. Fedor blocked, and threw one more big right hand, which knocked Russell unconscious. It was definitely a battle of warriors and passing of the torch in the dominant champion's final fight.

Nate Lisa | Matt Young | KO | 2:39 of Rd 3
In other CAGFC13 news, Nate Lisa and Matt Young squared off in a super technical battle of strikers. The fighters put on a clinic, at first feeling each other out from a distance and picking their shots. After neither fighter fighter gained much of an advantage by staying away, Young tried a different strategy toward the end of the round, trying to engage Lisa in the clinch. He landed some big shots, and even knocked Lisa down, before the round ended.

In the 2nd round, Young again went to the clinch, but this time Lisa had adjusted. He caught one of Young's punches and reversed the clinch to his favor. He maintained this position for a good 30-45 seconds, landing both punches and knees.

But then Young figured out his timing and reversed to land some big shots of his own. He knocked Lisa down again, and this time pounced on his downed foe. Young transitioned quickly, and gained full mount. Then, for some reason, he got off his opponent and let him up. What a strange occurrence, and surely a missed opportunity.

The 3rd round began and Lisa tried to land some heavy body blows to Young, and keep him off balance with head kicks. Young again looked to clinch, and the two traded blows again. Lisa, fearful that another knockdown would be his last, shot for a takedown and took Young to the mat. He threw a few punches and worked his transitions until he had the full mount. He threw some bombs, and blocked as Young tried to reverse.

Then, he rocked Young with a big right. The crowd roared, anticipating the end of the fight! Then, as though to return the favor, Lisa got off of Young and allowed him to get up. Joe Rogan exclaimed "What the fuck is going on?!?" As the clock ticked down, Young went for a takedown and this time took Lisa to the mat.

Lisa, hoping that Young was still woozy from being rocked, went for the rubber guard, working to roll his opponent into a full mount. Young blocked the first attempt, but the 2nd was successful. Lisa loomed large over his foe and threw a big right, knocking him out cold, and bringing an end to a spectacular fight! Lisa avenges his CAGFC9 loss to Young by knocking him out at 2:39 of the third round. What a fight!

Never knew you could do this....
[quote name='Mr Meaty28']
Never knew you could do this....

Guess that means you've never looked at the first post before. There's like 105 spoiler tags in that thing, haha.
Fedor Emelianenko | Gary Russell | KO | 4:13 of Rd 2

It was a good fight Nate. And I take my leave on a high note. But of course....we will ALL meet again NHL 2010!! :D
[quote name='FowlBeast']No I love how I P.M. you with no response. You would have lost anyways. Believe that. Peace headin west[/QUOTE]

I would've lost to you? HA! Good one.

But seriously sorry for the inactivity, was really busy with work and all that stuff. I'll be more active now.
[quote name='Tuffgong']I know I was crying after the fight, but I have to say TehWellz played really well, and was super respectful the whole time. I was just pissed 'cause I couldn't get ANYTHING going. Most of that was due to his skills, but his guy had jacked stats too.
I think the tourneys could be fun, and the divisions have been thinning. A change in format would probably be cool.
TheWellz: Much respect though, you played crazy good and even gave me a rematch which was cool. You're top tier on the leaderboards which at least made me feel better about getting my ass handed to me so badly.[/QUOTE]

Hey man sorry for the late delay, and not to defend my CAF or anything but the only attribute I have my stat a 1 is Standing Kicks. And not a single one of my skills are maxed.
Sub O/D is 110
Ground Grap O is 101
Ground Grap D is 104
Standing Strikes 104

I agree they are high and I hate the fact that most boxers put a 1 in Standing Kicks O, Clich striking O and clinch grapple O. they tend to have 110 ground striking O/D
115 Sub O/D
110 Ground grapple O/D
Staning Strikes 115

Again Im not defending my CAF by any means at which I have like 6 to choose from. However I had to make this CAF to deal with the type of stat stacking abusers is what I like to call them. As for the fight, it was a good fight, I landed alot of timely reversals which led to alot of great things for me. Look forward to you guys in the future, however I will be deploying to Iraq Sept 7th, and just came here for some more activity and a possible league to get rolling along in aswell. With that being said, Take Care guys and gl in the future.
I'm retiring from CAGFC completely. Now that I've cleaned out the Lightweight Division, I no longer have an actual opponent, so you guys can have your lightweight belt back.
[quote name='ip0nder']I'm retiring from CAGFC completely. Now that I've cleaned out the Lightweight Division, I no longer have an actual opponent, so you guys can have your lightweight belt back.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it's amazing what stacked fighters can accomplish. Don't let the door hit you...

Oh, and enjoy puberty.
Ya know what. I'm really sick of the lack of respect shown by several of the UOC guys and I'm going to make some executive decisions for the good of CAGFC. I know beforehand that they're not fair to everyone, but this is just how it's going to be. UOC guys, who through your own admission are only on CAG to "compete", I don't like the attitude you came over here with.

Yeah, it's nice that you're "really really good" at UFC 2009, but this league was created for far more than just to see how dominant one person can be. I know you can't seem to grasp this concept, or really don't care at all, but CAG is a community. The people here are here for reasons beyond the reach of one game. Many of us have known each other for years, and enjoy playing all kinds of games together.

Three of you guys (Mr Meaty28, Raysor, and ip0nder) have come over here and have been nothing but disrespectful to the members here and to CAG overall. Regardless of whether you care about CAG, you signed up to be a part of a league ON CAG. The OP is structured in a way for you to use CAG as the main method of contacting your opponent.

I've explained this numerous times, but the idea behind it is, some people might not get on Xbox Live every day. They might play their PS3, or Wii, or not even have time to game. But there's a 99% chance they'll still get on their computer at some point to check their email, which will show a notification if they've received a private message on CAG. By joining this league, you're expected to do the same. If you're not interested in doing that, you shouldn't be here.

And with that, I'm removing Mr Meaty28, Raysor, ip0nder, RyanScarp, and TehWellz (who retired on his own behalf, and honestly seemed like the only decent one of the're welcome back any time, man) from the league. I have a strong suspicion that the only reason any of you are here originated with Mr Meaty28 telling someone about a great place where the fighters suck and you can dominate, and then it just spread. And I'm sorry, but it's been poisoning our league ever since.

Just face facts. You guys crafted your fighters around the ideals of the UOC, and that's not what we're about. What guide did you use to learn how to maximize your points the most? If any of you actually care about fighting in a real league, redo your careers, put the difficulty on expert, and make a balanced fighter without redoing training sessions and minimizing/maximizing stats.

I completely get what TehWellz said about feeling like he HAD to make his fighter that way because that's the direction everyone else in UOC was going, but that's such a shitty way to play this game. It's too bad he didn't find CAGFC first. He probably would have gotten a lot more enjoyment out of the game.
That's totally fair. Kick us off a site because we are better. I guess i'll just leave CAG all together then. Peace.
So I guess my match this card (with the meaty guy) just doesnt happen? Not complaining by the way, just inquiring.

Also if it changed to non Career Cafs I would stay.
[quote name='Raysor']That's totally fair. Kick us off a site because we are better. I guess i'll just leave CAG all together then. Peace.[/QUOTE]

You weren't kicked out because "you're better". You were removed because a few of you have done nothing but talk shit and act like assholes since you've been here. How much do I have to stress that it's not about winning and losing? It's about how you treat others. Most of you hardly posted in the thread or bothered to really join the community here anyway. I doubt anyone will notice if you leave CAG.

[quote name='seen']Is the tournament continuing? I'd love to fight again in it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the tournament is still in progress. But it's single elimination, so it looks like you're out for now. More announcements will be coming. Don't worry, haha.
To be fair I think some blame rests on the developers of the game as well. The fact that it's not hard to create a guy through the career mode with better thats than the best UFC fighters in the game is sort of ridiculous. If there's a way to exploit something, people will exploit it.

Most of the LW title holders went 4-0 then retired, including me. The belt is cursed.
[quote name='whiptcracker']To be fair I think some blame rests on the developers of the game as well. The fact that it's not hard to create a guy through the career mode with better thats than the best UFC fighters in the game is sort of ridiculous. If there's a way to exploit something, people will exploit it.

Most of the LW title holders went 4-0 then retired, including me. The belt is cursed.[/QUOTE]

I agree. But I think the gray area lies in people's intent. Some people care about winning far more than others and will do anything to achieve it. There have been guides out since the beginning of June on GameFAQs telling people how to create perfect fighters. But for the most part, the CAG community refrained, and kept things honest and sportsmanlike.

The UOC, on the other hand, was only created for this game, and to see who was the most dominant at it. So, yeah, anybody fighting over there pretty much had to adapt or be destroyed. I just think we have a different mindset here, and that didn't jive with what they were accustomed to. My only personal gripe with the newer guys to this league is that some of them came over here not trying to make any friends. All they cared about was beating people, and they made sure we all knew how good they are.

It's hard to have fun playing a game with people like that...especially when they have a distinct advantage. As dumb as it sounds, my only request would have been, if you're going to beat our asses, at least be nice and make us feel good about it, haha. I guess that's what you'd call tact.
[quote name='MikeBike']So I guess my match this card (with the meaty guy) just doesnt happen? Not complaining by the way, just inquiring.

Also if it changed to non Career Cafs I would stay.[/QUOTE]

That's up to you. You can fight him if you want to, and I'll count the result. But if not, the fight will just be wiped from the card. I'll be making an announcement about the future of CAGFC later tonight, so watch out for that.
Well just to be up front, and please do not be mislead by a few members that you have seen from the UOC. Mr Meaty was banned from the UOC for this same type of reasoning, iponder to my knowledge is not very liked amongst the community, tends to argue with everyone. I personally have nothing against the guy, he has not been banned, just a well liked guy within the community. I havent dealt with Raysor in awhile, I do know however if approached with a conflict he wont back down from verbally getting involved himself, not saying this happened just stating it. As for myself, Im actually on Staff over at the UOC and will start by saying We apologize for the actions of members of the UOC and former members you have may here, that is not our intent nor is it something we tolerate in our league. Good Luck with your league in the future.

p.s- I joined simply because I saw someone had it in their signature with a record I googled it and here it was.

Take Care guys
[quote name='TehWellz']Well just to be up front, and please do not be mislead by a few members that you have seen from the UOC. Mr Meaty was banned from the UOC for this same type of reasoning, iponder to my knowledge is not very liked amongst the community, tends to argue with everyone. I personally have nothing against the guy, he has not been banned, just a well liked guy within the community. I havent dealt with Raysor in awhile, I do know however if approached with a conflict he wont back down from verbally getting involved himself, not saying this happened just stating it. As for myself, Im actually on Staff over at the UOC and will start by saying We apologize for the actions of members of the UOC and former members you have may here, that is not our intent nor is it something we tolerate in our league. Good Luck with your league in the future.

p.s- I joined simply because I saw someone had it in their signature with a record I googled it and here it was.

Take Care guys[/QUOTE]

Hey, you have nothing to apologize for, man. Like I said, you came over, didn't make any noise, and your posts contain a level of intelligence that some of the other guys seem to be lacking. I know you said you're shipping out to Iraq on 9/7 (stay safe! by the way), but the deadline for CAGFC14 would be 9/3, so if you've got time for one more fight before you go, you're more than welcome to stay.

The issues of super CAFs and member behavior are completely separate in my eyes. Ever since the game was released, I've struggled trying to determine how to handle people going above and beyond in trying to create a devastating fighter. On one hand, the people who put the most time into the game should definitely be rewarded by having the most skilled fighter. On the other hand, when maxed out skills negate many vital elements of MMA, you have to ask yourself, "what's the point?"

Even with the (seemingly) strict rules you guys set up at UOC, people found a way around, and merrily went about their way charging across the octagon, swinging like maniacs until they KO'd their opponent. I didn't want to lump all the UOC guys together, but like I said, CAGFC was established with a bit of naivety and mostly with the idea of having fun. I wasn't totally familiar with the background of the guys in question, but it's not surprising that they ran into trouble in UOC as well. It's not like we're a bunch of crybabies who don't want to lose over here, but there's always something to be said for sportsmanship.

In that regard, I'm not even sure how much longer CAGFC will continue, and wanted to look out for the long-time members of CAG and the guys who have invested the most in CAGFC. Right or wrong, my feeling was that when we hold our final cards, they are the ones who deserve to be competing for a little bit of final glory, and not some UOC rejects (yourself not included, of course). Anyway, that was my reasoning, haha. I don't want you to think I've got a vendetta against UOC. I actually looked at the site back in early June and considered joining, but it seemed far too elaborate for me, haha ;)
WTF........I gave you guys 4 great battles........Why was I suspended????....... I hate the UOC why do you think i came HERE!!!!!

I never informed any uoc'rs of cagfc. I hate raysor and why would i want Tehwellz in my division he is a beast, I did nothing wrong. The only people i still talk to in the uoc is my old camp mates. and they arent even in here!!!!!
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Well, to be honest, outside of being a bit hard to comprehend sometimes, Meaty hasn't been much of a nuance since his return from his first departure. (I think- for some reason I get him and Raysor mixed up for no real reason).

iPonder, have fun with your 1-5 record over at UOC:wave:. If beating a bunch of non-hardcore people strokes your ego, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.

Is Game Creator V. Young gonna happen soon?
All right, a little under 24 hours until the deadline for CAGFC13: FEELING LUCKY fights. There are two fights that really need to happen and two that are at the discretion of the fighters. They are as follows:

*Matt Paulson vs Ryan Scarp (HW)
Joseph Garcia vs Johnny Chan (LH)
Zippy D-Pinhead vs Brandon Haines (LH Title)
*Kyler Klein vs Simeon Lamhov (WW Title)

*fights not required

And's the big news about the future of CAGFC! After much deliberation, and taking into account several factors that have been slowing our league (parity of fighters, waning interest in the game, new games being released, etc.), I've decided that CAGFC will put on 2 more official weekly cards. CAGFC14: ARMAGEDDON and CAGFC15: LAST MAN STANDING.

After these cards, we will move to a challenge system, where any fighter can challenge the champion within his weight class for a shot at the title. Ideally, I would like the champion to defend his belt once a week, but depending on how things go, that could change. Additionally, we will continue with the non-career CAF tournaments to allow people who still wish to compete to continue to do so against as large of a field as possible.

My main line of thinking in all this is trying to be realistic, and recognizing that we've been losing fighters, and that over the next month some pretty big games are coming out, which will probably occupy even more people. Madden and Batman are already out. Then you've got Guitar Hero 5, Beatles: Rock Band, NHL10, and Halo:ODST. Personally, I know I'm going to be wrapped up in Beatles and NHL10.

Obviously, all of this is optional, but hopefully having both the non-career CAF tournaments and the challenge system in place will serve as a happy median for those who wanted to switch to non-career CAFs and those who wanted to continue to use career CAFs. My hope is that by making these adjustments, it will allow CAGFC to remain active by being less demanding.
[quote name='Mr Meaty28']WTF........I gave you guys 4 great battles........Why was I suspended????....... I hate the UOC why do you think i came HERE!!!!!

I never informed any uoc'rs of cagfc. I hate raysor and why would i want Tehwellz in my division he is a beast, I did nothing wrong. The only people i still talk to in the uoc is my old camp mates. and they arent even in here!!!!![/QUOTE]

Meaty, like I said, it was less fair to some people than to others...but due to the juiced stats, I had to make a clean sweep. You've been mostly cordial in your 2nd go round in CAGFC (I'm not even going to go over your first attempt...and according to TehWellz, you were banned from UOC). But you still possess a fighter pretty beefed up according to UOC's standards.

I also took into account the fact that you said you'd be retiring after CAGFC14 anyway. Mostly, I'm just trying to cut through all the BS and get CAGFC to a better place (I think we can all agree things have been rocky). I will say this, if you would like to participate in the non-career CAF tournaments after CAGFC15, as long as you're friendly, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I just can't allow stacked fighters to destroy our long-time vets anymore. You guys are making people quit. What is the point of you being here if no one will fight you? I'm sorry, but I gotta reset the balance.
Ha, if I needed any more signs that CAGFC's time is winding down, when trying to add the new info to the OP, this is the error message I received.

The following errors occurred with your submission:
  1. The text that you have entered is too long (100734 characters). Please shorten it to 100000 characters long.
Running out of damn room.
[quote name='Raysor']That's totally fair. Kick us off a site because we are better. I guess i'll just leave CAG all together then. Peace.[/QUOTE]

Yup, your so good Raysor we don't want you here. I highly doubt you'll leave. You'll probably just lurk around here looking for deals and not adding to anything anyways.

On a side note.....I traded my UFC in for NHL 2010. I had to strike while the Iron is like Nate said, there will be PLENTY of fights on the ice with you guys. ;)

I will keep checking this thread out how ever to see the fights and who wins and loses and what not.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I will keep checking this thread out how ever to see the fights and who wins and loses and what not.[/QUOTE]

I have been doing this too. Trying to see how everyone from the hockey group has been doing.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']Meaty, like I said, it was less fair to some people than to others...but due to the juiced stats, I had to make a clean sweep. You've been mostly cordial in your 2nd go round in CAGFC (I'm not even going to go over your first attempt...and according to TehWellz, you were banned from UOC). But you still possess a fighter pretty beefed up according to UOC's standards.

I also took into account the fact that you said you'd be retiring after CAGFC14 anyway. Mostly, I'm just trying to cut through all the BS and get CAGFC to a better place (I think we can all agree things have been rocky). I will say this, if you would like to participate in the non-career CAF tournaments after CAGFC15, as long as you're friendly, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I just can't allow stacked fighters to destroy our long-time vets anymore. You guys are making people quit. What is the point of you being here if no one will fight you? I'm sorry, but I gotta reset the balance.[/QUOTE]
I am sorry if my guy is juiced. he is my only WW and i made him for the uoc which as Teh pointed out am no longer apart of the uoc. I would compete even if it were insta caf. I was gonna retire my WW not leave cagfc.
Salutations friends! I'm back from a long boring trip. I skimmed over the forum and looks I missed a lot. Mostly about super fighters. So Jose Aldo is going to retire just for fairness. He does kinda have super stats, but I don't try to exploit that. Bill Brasky & Jeremy Hill are ready to touch gloves though. Enjoy the rest of the day fellas, see you in the Octogon.

Non-Career fighters should be Headliners!
Thats a lot of breakin', stabbin' and throwin'.

Kinda funy because as soon as the video started, I was like "Wait, Bas doesn't have a right thumb? Huh." and a few minutes later, Bam!
[quote name='Mr Meaty28']I am sorry if my guy is juiced. he is my only WW and i made him for the uoc which as Teh pointed out am no longer apart of the uoc. I would compete even if it were insta caf. I was gonna retire my WW not leave cagfc.[/QUOTE]

It's cool, man. Honestly, my decision on the imbalance of fighter's stats was NOT personal in any way. It was just turning into a trend where "the UOC guys" were annihilating all of our fighters. I have no doubt that you guys are skilled at the game, and would be right at the top of the divisions anyway. But when the fights become that lopsided, it makes you think, ya know. I just felt something had to be done or everybody would end up quitting.

I know you fought FowlBeast in the non-career CAF tournament, and it seemed like you guys had a pretty damn good fight that almost went the distance. All I want is for everyone to have that same opportunity, and to truly let skills determine the outcome of fights. I'm sure FowlBeast would agree, the next time you two fight, it could completely go the other way. And that's how it should be. If you want to stick around for more of the non-career CAF tournaments, that's fine by me.

[quote name='FowlBeast']Salutations friends! I'm back from a long boring trip. I skimmed over the forum and looks I missed a lot. Mostly about super fighters. So Jose Aldo is going to retire just for fairness. He does kinda have super stats, but I don't try to exploit that. Bill Brasky & Jeremy Hill are ready to touch gloves though. Enjoy the rest of the day fellas, see you in the Octogon.

Non-Career fighters should be Headliners![/QUOTE]

Haha, glad to hear you had such an exciting vacation. I appreciate your willingness to retire Aldo (and I think Tuffgong even mentioned retiring Captain Caveman), but that would basically close out the LW division and leave us with no champion in our final two cards. It's totally up to you guys, but you would be set to face each other for the title at CAGFC14, and then have a final rematch at CAGFC15.

If that's something you two want to do just to give the LW division one last hurrah before we change formats, I think that would be cool. Since you both have other fighters, it's not like it would be devastating for either of you to lose, but more of just a sendoff for the division. But like I said, it's up to you. I just want the last two official cards to be as good as possible.
[quote name='moojuice']Thats a lot of breakin', stabbin' and throwin'.

Kinda funy because as soon as the video started, I was like "Wait, Bas doesn't have a right thumb? Huh." and a few minutes later, Bam![/QUOTE]

My favorite part is how you can pretty much throw anything. I also like his little anecdote about why not to try breaking the bottle beforehand, haha :)
OMG, there's 5 parts to the Bas Rutten Lethal Self-Defense System (I'm saving this shit to my computer and making a DVD, haha). Could you imagine them showing this in a public school or something?

"And what about the kick in the groin? Everybody understimates the kick in the groin."

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5
Man, I thought you meant that if you were going to switch to non-career fighters, that we'd still be doing weekly cards. If we're not, I might as well trade this game in like Gary did.
Woah, fuck no dude. League, you're kicking me off this site because I'm from UOC? That's a poor, poor decision on your part. I haven't wronged this league or this community in anyway. I have not called anyone out, disrespected anyone, or made an ass out of myself whatsoever. I'm a casual gamer, not some UFC 09 addict. In fact, I was planning on fighting in CAGFC13 with an insta-caf rather than my 100 Overall.

There's no way you're going to attract members to this league with an attitude and poor judgement skills like that. Banning someone by a weak association is by far the most absurd thing I've ever heard of.

I think I'll let this community decide whether or not they want me here. If I do stay here, I'd like my OVR adjusted to my insta's OVR.
[quote name='RyanScarp']Woah, fuck no dude. League, you're kicking me off this site because I'm from UOC? That's a poor, poor decision on your part. I haven't wronged this league or this community in anyway. I have not called anyone out, disrespected anyone, or made an ass out of myself whatsoever. I'm a casual gamer, not some UFC 09 addict. In fact, I was planning on fighting in CAGFC13 with an insta-caf rather than my 100 Overall.

There's no way you're going to attract members to this league with an attitude and poor judgement skills like that. Banning someone by a weak association is by far the most absurd thing I've ever heard of.

I think I'll let this community decide whether or not they want me here. If I do stay here, I'd like my OVR adjusted to my insta's OVR.[/QUOTE]

All right, let's see if CAG will finally let me respond to you (the site has been running super slow for me for the past two hours). Yes, I know, you just got here, and haven't done anything to cause any problems. But you also weren't "banned". Notice your fighter was moved to the retired fighters list and not the suspended fighters list.

I know that doesn't mean much, but with all the UOC guys coming over with their overalls capped nice and pretty at 100 (per the UOC requirement), my assumption was your stats were just as juiced as the rest of them. If this is not the case, I apologize. It was nothing personal, but look at the fight outcomes MrMeaty, Raysor, and ip0nder have had since they've been here.

The only real trait that you had in common with them is that you had been silent all week. I mean, you just posted in the thread that you couldn't get in touch with your opponent a little over 4 hours before the deadline. If you've been trying to contact him all week, good for you, but posting in the thread helps too...and it lets me know you're making an effort.

Please believe me when I say I don't want to prevent anybody from being able to fight in this league. But as I've mentioned many times now, our fighters were not created using the same methods that most people in the UOC exploited. And having those kinds of CAFs face the typical CAGFC CAFs makes for very uneven matches.

I know you didn't even get a shot to fight, so I wouldn't mind givng you a chance at CAGFC14. Keep in mind the direction the league is taking though, and consider whether that's something that you'd like to be a part of. I'm really not trying to be a dick here. I just want everyone to be on a level playing field. I hope you can at least understand where I'm coming from.
[quote name='Matt Young']Man, I thought you meant that if you were going to switch to non-career fighters, that we'd still be doing weekly cards. If we're not, I might as well trade this game in like Gary did.[/QUOTE]

Originally, I wanted to do it that way. But look at the weight classes. We hardly have enough fighters for each division as it is. I thought having the non-career CAF tournaments, but still having the challenge system for career CAFs was a good compromise to keep everybody happy, and still reasonably active.

I also think you gotta be realistic, Matt. You're already in two Madden leagues, NHL10 comes out in 2 weeks, and when hockey season starts, you'll be attending Reign games again (and that doesn't even include your sexual escapades). How much time do you think you're going to have to still try to schedule weekly fights in CAGFC?

Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm just monitoring the trend that's already been taking place. We're losing members, less fights get completed each week, and many of the remaining fighters are controlled by the same small group of people. I just figured if we don't scale it back, it's going to start getting pretty boring. I'm not against continuing the weekly cards, but I'd like people to let me know it's something they actually give a shit about and would stay committed to. Believe it or not, but it takes a lot of time and effort on my part.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']All right, let's see if CAG will finally let me respond to you (the site has been running super slow for me for the past two hours). Yes, I know, you just got here, and haven't done anything to cause any problems. But you also weren't "banned". Notice your fighter was moved to the retired fighters list and not the suspended fighters list.

I know that doesn't mean much, but with all the UOC guys coming over with their overalls capped nice and pretty at 100 (per the UOC requirement), my assumption was your stats were just as juiced as the rest of them. If this is not the case, I apologize. It was nothing personal, but look at the fight outcomes MrMeaty, Raysor, and ip0nder have had since they've been here.

The only real trait that you had in common with them is that you had been silent all week. I mean, you just posted in the thread that you couldn't get in touch with your opponent a little over 4 hours before the deadline. If you've been trying to contact him all week, good for you, but posting in the thread helps too...and it lets me know you're making an effort.

Please believe me when I say I don't want to prevent anybody from being able to fight in this league. But as I've mentioned many times now, our fighters were not created using the same methods that most people in the UOC exploited. And having those kinds of CAFs face the typical CAGFC CAFs makes for very uneven matches.

I know you didn't even get a shot to fight, so I wouldn't mind givng you a chance at CAGFC14. Keep in mind the direction the league is taking though, and consider whether that's something that you'd like to be a part of. I'm really not trying to be a dick here. I just want everyone to be on a level playing field. I hope you can at least understand where I'm coming from.[/QUOTE]

Listen, I'm here to just have a good time like the rest of you. I'm a casual gamer like everyone else. I have a jacked up CAF made for UOC, yes, but I also have a casual CAF that doesn't have 1's in stats and 115 in others.

I'm new to CAGFC and didn't learn the ropes yet. I have been trying to contact him. I didn't know I should have been posting here, too.

Let's just forget about this and you'll see me at CAGFC 14. :)
All right, moving on past all the controversy. CAGFC13: FEELING LUCKY results have been finalized and the card for CAGFC14: ARMAGEDDON has been posted. As I've been mentioning, our numbers have been dwindling and we've only got three non-title fights this week. There are a couple fighters without an opponent this week. But rest assured, those fighters will find themselves in prime position for next week's big finale, CAGFC15: LAST MAN STANDING.

The deadline for CAGFC14 fights is 9/3/09 at 11:59 PM EDT. Contact your opponent, post in the thread, and get these fights done! Good luck to all! :)
Wassup everyone, didn't get our LHW fight in. We just kept missing each other I guess.
Bhaines messaged me tuesday saying he would be on wednesday night. I was on wed and thur all night and didn't see him. Too bad, I know he wanted the fight to. Chalk it up to different schedules I guess.

Thanks for the Bas videos, I love El Guapo. That dude cracks me up, I can't believe Urlacher almost asked to be killed by liver kick!

TehWellz, gl and godbless, thanks for your service dude!

As for the changes to the cards, I'm cool with them and would hang in w/ my LW for the last couple cards if needed to round out.
Thanks for putting this league together Nate, it has been a lot of fun. I love CAG and am pretty much a full time lurker on the Deals board and 360 board. It is my goto spot to see if a game is worth buying or where it should be bought. This is the most active I have been on the site since I joined a few years ago.
[quote name='Tuffgong']Wassup everyone, didn't get our LHW fight in. We just kept missing each other I guess.
Bhaines messaged me tuesday saying he would be on wednesday night. I was on wed and thur all night and didn't see him. Too bad, I know he wanted the fight to. Chalk it up to different schedules I guess.

Thanks for the Bas videos, I love El Guapo. That dude cracks me up, I can't believe Urlacher almost asked to be killed by liver kick!

TehWellz, gl and godbless, thanks for your service dude!

As for the changes to the cards, I'm cool with them and would hang in w/ my LW for the last couple cards if needed to round out.
Thanks for putting this league together Nate, it has been a lot of fun. I love CAG and am pretty much a full time lurker on the Deals board and 360 board. It is my goto spot to see if a game is worth buying or where it should be bought. This is the most active I have been on the site since I joined a few years ago.[/QUOTE]

Yea just a scheduling conflict. I know you said you'd be on most nights after 10PM EST, but unfortunately something came up Wednesday night, and I go out Thursday nights too. Tried to send you a message Monday night to play, but you were watching a movie and didn't respond. Oh well... hopefully we'll get another chance to play CAGFC15.

To be honest I probably will retire from CAGFC after 15. I'm just far too busy with work, social life, and the Madden league that it seems like a chore to schedule a fight. Thanks for running this though, I definitely had a lot of fun participating.
[quote name='Tuffgong']As for the changes to the cards, I'm cool with them and would hang in w/ my LW for the last couple cards if needed to round out.
Thanks for putting this league together Nate, it has been a lot of fun. I love CAG and am pretty much a full time lurker on the Deals board and 360 board. It is my goto spot to see if a game is worth buying or where it should be bought. This is the most active I have been on the site since I joined a few years ago.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='gamcreator']To be honest I probably will retire from CAGFC after 15. I'm just far too busy with work, social life, and the Madden league that it seems like a chore to schedule a fight. Thanks for running this though, I definitely had a lot of fun participating.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I figured you guys just couldn't sync up, so I just ruled it a draw. This is the exact reason I thought we needed to scale back though. Fall is always a huge time for new releases, and with all the games coming out, it's unrealistic to expect people to keep playing this regularly.

I do still think it provides a hell of a good time though and is obviously the only option (currently) for MMA fans. I could even see us scheduling a card to coincide with each UFC event once or twice a month if there was enough interest from everybody (I've got a theory there will always be a good amount of people playing this the day of a UFC event).

gamcreator, retiring is totally up to you. But there's always the tournaments, and you're in the one going on now. You're supposed to be fighting Matt Young. I don't know if trying to get that fight scheduled is part of your reason for considering retirement. But I know Matt wanted to stay active and continue with weekly cards, so hopefully you guys can get that fight done soon.
We've exchanged messages about playing, but as of the last one, neither of us had created our characters yet.And I understand why you're changing things. I just don't like it, really. I doubt I'd have a problem scheduling fights, though, because they take about 10 minutes. Plus, with Madden, I play the CPU half the time in one of the 2 leagues.

Seen, I can do our fight whenever, just not too late at night. I'm not sure if you have Xbox Live notifications turned back on or not.
bread's done