Chris Jericho's wrestling topic

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I knew that Mysterio had been buried as of late, but when it comes down to this:
Since Rey Mysterio won the World Title, Funaki has won just as many matches on television as Mysterio has.
you know there's a HUGE problem. Isn't the champ supposed to be someone who, you know, wins matches? As much as I don't think Rey should be champ to begin with, if you're going to give him the ball, let him run with it, so to speak. Great booking WWE.
[quote name='mykevermin']What's sad isn't how he ended up, but more realistically the situations that happened in his life (namely how he's the byproduct of his father raping his girlfriend's - Jake's gramma - daughter, his sister's murder, and the obvious feelings of inferiority he has to the man who is his father).[/quote]

Very true myke. I've only watched the DVD once so I don't remember everything from it beyond his drug problems. I'll have to watch it again soon.

What's amazing is that he's still alive. He's been number 1 on the pro wrestling death poll since "Beyond the Mat" or earlier. Even if the movie stretched a great deal of the truth, as Jake contests, it doesn't change the immense self-destructive and self-medicating behavior he puts himself through.

Has Jake outside of any WWE docuementry discussed his involvement on "Beyond The Mat" at all? I'm a little suspect that WWE could of had him put the documentry down for some odd reason... but who knows.
[quote name='Genocidal']I knew that Mysterio had been buried as of late, but when it comes down to this: you know there's a HUGE problem. Isn't the champ supposed to be someone who, you know, wins matches? As much as I don't think Rey should be champ to begin with, if you're going to give him the ball, let him run with it, so to speak. Great booking WWE.[/QUOTE]

You would think that the WWE with the Smackdown brand hurting as much as it is at this time would be trying to make their Champ look far stronger than he would need to be. Now yes I can see Rey losing a few non-title matches if it means getting across that his title run is in jeopardy (which makes the actual title match itself more interesting to watch - at least for me it does). But with the really shoddy booking I just don't give a rat's ass if he wins, loses, or even looks up to the stars and goes "as God and Eddie Guerrero as my witness you can all kiss my ass" then throws the belt down.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Has Jake outside of any WWE docuementry discussed his involvement on "Beyond The Mat" at all? I'm a little suspect that WWE could of had him put the documentry down for some odd reason... but who knows.[/QUOTE]

Dunno, but that's a very very good point.
Only 9 days left to sign up for the CAG Fantasy WWE season 7. Got a couple of people signed up already. Here's the info

League Name: cheap
Pass: cag

As like the past few seasons, it's completely free. Here's the website for more info.
What happened to Monty Brown in TNA? A few months ago he was feuding with Christian Cage and now he is like no where to be found.
[quote name='cdeener']What happened to Monty Brown in TNA? A few months ago he was feuding with Christian Cage and now he is like no where to be found.[/QUOTE]

He's supposed to be back soon from an injury.
[quote name='Demolition Man']He's supposed to be back soon from an injury.[/QUOTE]

Then that makes sense why he hasn't been on TV. I should have figured out he was injured because he had such a main storyline at the time of the injury. Thanks for the info, Demolition Man.
[quote name='cdeener']Then that makes sense why he hasn't been on TV. I should have figured out he was injured because he had such a main storyline at the time of the injury. Thanks for the info, Demolition Man.[/QUOTE]

He was part of that interview on that ESPN 2 show right when the switch to Thursday night happened a few weeks ago. Plus he did work the match with Christian Cage with the same injury since he didn't want to bail on TNA when it came down to a main event level match (or at least that is how I would imagine it to be).
[quote name='onetrackmind']the Jake Roberts DV D is worth its weight in gold. It is sad to see how he ended up though, i still like the guy despite all his problems though.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it is. I ended up getting the DVD/t-shirt package from

Interesting you brought him up though.

Today I get to see him wrestle at a local show with a ton of other "legends" :applause:
So Jake is still going around wrestling small shows?

Why doesn't someone hire him to be a road agent, or some behind the scenes job. Is he really that big of a risk?
[quote name='Francis']So Jake is still going around wrestling small shows?[/quote]

Yep, he is set to appear in a show in Melbourne, Fl. in the next few days (later today?) with Florida Extreme Wrestling, or something like that.
[quote name='2Fast']Yep, he is set to appear in a show in Melbourne, Fl. in the next few days (later today?) with Florida Extreme Wrestling, or something like that.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, today at 6.

[quote name='Demolition Man']Bumpety bump bump and grind to remind everyone that....


NOW!!!!!!gail kim saying wii gets me hot
Ok, I'm not trying to start an argument and that's not even why I'm posting it but can someone tell me why TNA is supposed to be better than WWE? What I've seen so far seems like its about a half step above what you would catch at the local armory.
What a great night last night.

I plan to write up a little review later but for just right now I'll post some photos.

Me and King Kong Bundy

Me and Koko B. Ware

Me, my dad's friend's son and Superfly Jimmy Snuka

[quote name='2poor']No offense to gay people[/QUOTE]

Only stupid people say that. It's similar to the phrase "I'm not a racist, but..." which immediately precedes the person saying something which is totally racist.

Similarly, you said something very offensive, and your bullshit pretext here doesn't make it less offensive or excuse you from being an asshole for saying it.
[quote name='Sporadic']What a great night last night.

I plan to write up a little review later but for just right now I'll post some photos.

Me and King Kong Bundy

Me and Koko B. Ware

Me, my dad's friend's son and Superfly Jimmy Snuka


Where did this take place? Looks like a mall bathroom.
[quote name='AdamInPlaidum']Where did this take place? Looks like a mall bathroom.[/QUOTE]

:lol: At the Clemente Center in Melbourne, Florida. Those photos took place at the back of the "arena" before the show.

I would guess there was about 300 people there. Not the biggest crowd but they were on fire.

Here is a pic I took of D-Von Dudley in the ring with my camera phone.

[quote name='Sporadic']:lol: At the Clemente Center in Melbourne, Florida. Those photos took place at the back of the "arena" before the show.

I would guess there was about 300 people there. Not the biggest crowd but they were on fire.

Here is a pic I took of D-Von Dudley in the ring with my camera photo.


Jeez, Bubba Ray really HAS let himself go! ;)
So I finally got around to watching TNA Impact with my girlfriend... decided to give it another chance. Here's a recap of the show:

Chris Sabin vs Puma: Wow, this match was fantastic, and it wasn't just a squash match either. It definately got me excited for the rest of the show.

Next was some promo with America's Most Wanted, Jackie Gayda, blah blah blah, it really sucked ass, everyone just seemed bored, and then some guy fell off the bleachers he was sitting on in the back :rofl:

Next was Abyss vs some guy. The first thing my gf said was "Is he supposed to be Kane??" to which we both laughed, but holy shit, it really IS like he is an older Kane. He has a speaker since he can't talk (I guess), he has a chokeslam finisher, he even has the same damn haircut. The match itself was decent, another squash match, but hey, at least it had some TLC action.

Christian jumping off the ladder onto Abyss and all the security guards was awesome. I still had hope for TNA. So did my gf!

Kevin Nash talks about the X Division... I say he blows out his knee before even stepping foot in there. I don't know what the angle is with that, but please, keep Kevin Nash the fuck out of there.

Sting cuts a long ass promo... we all laugh because it's like all the alumni from WCW have gathered in one place. Kind of boring... too bad. Samoa Joe comes out, he looks like a goofball.

Then we get to the final match... Rhino is in awesome shape, I hope he jumps ship to the new ECW. My girlfriend comments on how America's Most Wanted w/ Gail Kim reminds her alot of MNM and Melina... they even pose at the top of the stage. I don't get what the whole "OMG HES TRYING TO HANDCUFF ME" thing was, either. Christopher Daniels is REALLY skinny, my girlfriend actually laughed when she saw him take off his robe. He just looked weird as hell. The match itself was a six man tag match... it's starting off awesome... and then BAM! 5 minute long commerical.

We come back to see the very end of the match, Jackie throws coffee in somebody's face, why did TNA cut to a long ass commercial break in the middle of the match?? WWE can do it, but that's because they can make their matches long and have 2 hours to spare.

So another final verdict on TNA, this one is better then the last time I watched. The young talent is AMAZING, espically the X Division, how about we get all the old WCW Alumni the fuck out of there? Do we really need Kevin Nash to put people over? TNA still needs a decent timeslot and an extra hour, or else they will never, ever be compeition for Vince.

The best part of the night was that at EVERY commerical break they showed the trailer for See No Evil, the WWE made movie starring Kane. Great advertising there, guys ;)
[quote name='Roufuss']The best part of the night was that at EVERY commerical break they showed the trailer for See No Evil, the WWE made movie starring Kane. Great advertising there, guys ;)[/QUOTE]

The Thursday night airing was funnier since they were running the one with "May 19th" repeated multiple times. I kepted imagining Kane suddenly knocking down the entire Spike TV office just to destroy the master tape that ad is on. :lol:
TNA Sacrifice results.... will update as the show goes on.

Preshow is taped. The same promo videos hyping the PPV repeated for 30 minutes. I will admit that the videos are very WWE quality in production. TNA has really stepped up a LOT on this the past year.

Jushin "Thunder" Lyger defeated Petey Williams but however I didn't get to see the ending due to a satellite transmission problem.

AMW backstage promo. Typical AMW comments. Gail looks hot as ever. Oh, and Jackie is "fired" since she just admitted she is preggie. Lame lame lame... and did I say... LAME fuckING LAME.

AMW defeated AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels thanks to outside interferance from Gail Kim from the rafters by throwing in a police nightstick. AJ looks legitimately hurt.

Zybisco and A1 promo. Zybisco goes on about how Raven is a problem and how A1 is going to take him out. Slick Johnson then runs in and says we'll find out who the new face of TNA (Cornette) at Slammiversary.

Raven defeated A1 via Raven Effect. Post match involved a in ring brawl between Raven and Zybisco. Raven looked like a warlock.

Jarrett and Scott Steiner promo backstage. "When I make mistakes in the ring people get hurt." -Steiner.

Bobby Rhoode defeated Rhino.

Team 3D promo. Awesome promo. Bubba brings up their first WWE Tag Team title win which was against the New Age Outlaws.

James Gang defeated Team 3D.

James Mitchell and Manka... I mean Abyss promo backstage. Mitchell does his usual promo saying that Abyss will take the NWA World Title from Christian.

TNA now replaying the end of Lyger vs Williams. Tenay explains that they lost power to the transmitter before showing the footage. TNA will have highlights from the match on tommorow due to the error.

The final match of the World X Cup now going on. Christy Hemme is going to give the trophy to the winning team.

Sonjay Dutt just injured himself and got taken out.

Team Canada wins via Petey Williams. Canada is now tied with USA. Nash just did a run in and did a jack knife to Puma. He then gets on mic and says that he can take out the entire X Division.

Right now they are stalling around with Tenay and West ranting about Nash and what will be done about the tie between USA and Canada.

Samoa Joe promo backstage. He says that he's going to kill Jarrett and Steiner.

Petey Williams vs Chris Sabin just announced for Impact this Thursday.

SAMOA JOE AND STING DEFEAT JEFF JARRETT AND SCOTT STEINER!!!! Joe pins Jarrett after giving him the muscle buster. Amazing. Afterwards Sting and Joe shake hands. Joe leaves the ring. Steiner comes back in the ring and jumps Sting. Joe stands at the top of the ring with his back turned. Jarrett nails Sting with his guitar. Joe turns around, looks, then walks out. Steiner then puts Sting in his submission hold. Finally some help from the back came for Sting.

Promo for Christian vs Abyss. Christian Cage promo as he talks about how Abyss is not a champion.

Christian Cage defeated Abyss to retain the NWA World Title. James Mitchell took an amazing thumb tacks spot.

Updated at 9:55 PM.
Okay full TNA Sacrifice results up a few posts. Enjoy. :D

I most likely will not be covering WWE Judgment Day as the card so far looks very lame. I'd rather would save my time and energy for something more worthwhile.
[quote name='2Fast']When are they going to take the belts off of AMW? Those guys have been champs for an eternity.[/QUOTE]

You have to give TNA credit for letting AMW hold the belts as long as they have. That certainly will make it that much more important when they do lose them down the road as they have certainly done a good job defending them on a constant basis. Like them or not AMW certainly has earned my respect with being the best tag team in the industry today. :D
Got a Gamecube tonight. Loved Wrestlemania XIX (X8 was merely okay), how are DOR and DOR2? Keep in mind that the last game I played was Here Comes The Pain, and I rented the first SmackDown vs. Raw! when it came out. I love both the No Mercy style and the SmackDown style.
[quote name='Scorch']Got a Gamecube tonight. Loved Wrestlemania XIX (X8 was merely okay), how are DOR and DOR2? Keep in mind that the last game I played was Here Comes The Pain, and I rented the first SmackDown vs. Raw! when it came out. I love both the No Mercy style and the SmackDown style.[/QUOTE]

DOR and DOR2 are both awesome, but the load times for DOR2 are horrible. I like the create a character mode, but you can only have so much on a memory card. My friends have like 5 memory cards just for create a character.
I also loved both DOR games. IMO, it mixes both the best features of No Mercy (the gameplay) and Smackdown (presentation, match modes like Hell in the Cell).
[quote name='Scorch']Got a Gamecube tonight. Loved Wrestlemania XIX (X8 was merely okay), how are DOR and DOR2? Keep in mind that the last game I played was Here Comes The Pain, and I rented the first SmackDown vs. Raw! when it came out. I love both the No Mercy style and the SmackDown style.[/QUOTE]

Slightly off topic Scorch but do yourself a favor and buy Resident Evil 4 like right now if not sooner. Just one fucking amazing game... and this is coming from someone who threw the controller down in frustration trying to play the first one.

Oh, and Mario Kart: Double Dash is bad ass. :D
I personally can't fucking *stand* the control scheme for any of the SmackDown titles. The only games that control worse were the PSX WCW games (Nitro and Thunder, I really liked WCW vs. the World), any Acclaim game, and WWF Royal Rumble (Arcade/Dreamcast).

EDIT: Maybe my feelings aren't so strong. I truly think that HCTP has the best roster of any wrestling game ever, and its control scheme is okay (though I've always hated the reversal system).

On the plus side, Yuke's is bringing Wrestle Kingdom to PS2, so I can play it on my JPN PS2 if need be. I was really bummed about not being able to play it on my 360.
[quote name='mykevermin']I personally can't fucking *stand* the control scheme for any of the SmackDown titles. The only games that control worse were the PSX WCW games (Nitro and Thunder, I really liked WCW vs. the World), any Acclaim game, and WWF Royal Rumble (Arcade/Dreamcast).[/quote]

I felt the exact same way until I picked up Smackdown vs. Raw 06. I have Just Bring It and can't take the controls in that. SvR06 OTOH, is pretty easy to control. I could never really get into the Gamecube wrestling games.

Surprisingly I still have WCW Thunder. While that is possibly the worst wrestling game ever made, It did have one redeeming quality: Rant. Pressing square(?) on the character select screen is the funnest part of that game by far. I think I even memorized quite a few of them, they were pretty good for prank phone calls.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']you don't see many Hollywood beach blondes with a platinum grill.[/QUOTE]

You also don't see many Hollywood bleach blondes that look like they have down's syndrome, but Brooke manages to pull that off in the pic as well.

That match with Cena and HHH mean I'm going to the fucking bar tonight instead of watching wrestling. I just had a six hour exam this morning, that I've been preparing half a year for. I don't need this overbooked bullshit. I'm gonna go drink Smithwick's at the gay bar where, in an ironic twist, I get made fun of if I wanna watch wrestling.
[quote name='mykevermin']That match with Cena and HHH mean I'm going to the fucking bar tonight instead of watching wrestling. I just had a six hour exam this morning, that I've been preparing half a year for. I don't need this overbooked bullshit. I'm gonna go drink Smithwick's at the gay bar where, in an ironic twist, I get made fun of if I wanna watch wrestling.[/quote]

:lol: I really don't know what to say about that, but it got a chuckle out of me.
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