Club Nintendo now has downloadable games as rewards - 2 for Wii & 2 3DS

Blaster man

12 (100%)
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[quote name='ijustw1n']So the deal is?[/QUOTE]

Games purchased with Nintendo coins rather than buying garbage that's mailed to you. It seems self explanatory. They've never had games before.
[quote name='argyle']The deal is there's something useful to spend my Nintendo points on. Thanks op![/QUOTE]

No problem! Fluidity got good reviews.

Perhaps IJustw1n doesn't know what club nintendo is? If you don't know, it's the site where you register your nintendo products. Imagine if Sony or MS gave out useless trinkets for registering their products but one day started giving out free XBLA/PSN games. This place would be flooded with threads/posts. I get that it's for Wii/3DS but that doesn't make it less of a deal.
Uh I consider my star tote bag and Mario messenger bag quite awesome and worth their points. So I consider this an offering of new items not a deal.
Thanks - I got 160 points for registering the 3DS I got last week at Best Buy, which is enough to get a free game :)
[quote name='Jaysonguy']This isn't until Jan 10th

There's new games offered every month[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I got Fluidity and I am waiting for next months games. I don't care for the rest of the current selection and I own Mini Mario vs Donkey Kong already.

But this is a great deal for those coins. Real games instead of "useless" (I mean useless as in everyday stuff, I can get a notebook cheaper elsewhere for example) memorabilia that would sit on my shelf till my wife convinces me to give it away.
[quote name='Jaysonguy']This isn't until Jan 10th

There's new games offered every month[/QUOTE]

Fixed. Thanks.

[quote name='nightmare452']Yeah, I got Fluidity and I am waiting for next months games. I don't care for the rest of the current selection and I own Mini Mario vs Donkey Kong already.[/QUOTE]

Same here, I have about 500 more points but I'm not buying anything else for now. I am keeping my fingers crossed that World of Goo will be available one month but that's probably too much to hope for.

By the way, anyone that got in on the $8 FlingSmash Best Buy deal of the day, that bundle is worth 50(!) points when registered!
I'll say thanks for this OP. I had about 300 points lying around and had no idea about this. Picked up both Wii games. Thanks for the heads up!
fluidity is a great downloadable title for the wii. Quite long, original concepts, great use of the wii remote. Only negative is the final boss battle is really, really difficult.
Anyone even slightly on the fence, 150 points might as well be free.
[quote name='ijustw1n']Uh I consider my star tote bag and Mario messenger bag quite awesome and worth their points. So I consider this an offering of new items not a deal.[/QUOTE]jealous:drool:
Ha, I was thinking if posting this too just last night since I just found out about it. I got both the Wii games yesterday. Can't wait until January 11th to see what games they have next month. Hopefully another classic SNES title. This is really a good development, cause their rewards were just the worst.
[quote name='Jaysonguy']This isn't until Jan 10th

There's new games offered every month[/QUOTE]

Yes it is. In fact, the exact words on the Club Nintendo website under the icon for all 4 games are "Until Jan 10" New titles will be featured every month, but these and all future old ones will no longer be available.
Only had 70 more coins to go for Game & Watch 2, but since this is limited to Jan 10, I burned 250 coins on Xevious and Mario Vs. Donkey Kong.

I'm not so inclined to buy anything on the Wii since it's completely tied to the system with no way off. At least with the new update I got to buy a Zelda Limited 3DS Model and had the ability to transfer 3DS stuff (Including Ambassador Status, Certificate, and Ambassador games) to it.

So 2 more essentially free games to add to the other 12 free ones Nintendo gave us 3DS users (3D Classics: Excite Bike, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords, the 10 NES and more recently the 10 GBA Ambassador) is most welcome.

My Game & Watch Vol 1. will have to stay lonely a bit longer.
Anyone have a link to an up-to-date list of games that offer coins? I can't find anything in this year. And, yes, I'm aware that google is my friend. I'm just not getting there....
[quote name='zubalove']Anyone have a link to an up-to-date list of games that offer coins? I can't find anything in this year. And, yes, I'm aware that google is my friend. I'm just not getting there....[/QUOTE]

Games and hardware made by Nintendo. So Zelda will have one but a game by capcom, EA, activision, konomi, etc will not.
Before I try to redeem one, does anyone know whether it just ties it to your account or gives you a code you can gift to a friend? I have Super Mario Kart (6 times now, actually), but I'll stick that sucker on every person I know if I can.
[quote name='colorninja']Before I try to redeem one, does anyone know whether it just ties it to your account or gives you a code you can gift to a friend? I have Super Mario Kart (6 times now, actually), but I'll stick that sucker on every person I know if I can.[/QUOTE]

It gives you a code. I'm not sure if it can be gifted although it does specify that the code is only good once. I don't think it's tied to the console but I'm not willing to guarantee it.
[quote name='colorninja']Before I try to redeem one, does anyone know whether it just ties it to your account or gives you a code you can gift to a friend? I have Super Mario Kart (6 times now, actually), but I'll stick that sucker on every person I know if I can.[/QUOTE]
They e-mail you a code, which you can redeem on any system. Gifting it should be no problem!
Thanks. Is there an expiration for the codes? I want to order one now but I won't be back home anytime soon to redeem. Thanks.
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[quote name='ijustw1n']Uh I consider my star tote bag and Mario messenger bag quite awesome and worth their points. So I consider this an offering of new items not a deal.[/QUOTE]
That star messenger bag looks cool man. I might just get it myself.
[quote name='Blaster man']Games and hardware made by Nintendo. So Zelda will have one but a game by capcom, EA, activision, konomi, etc will not.[/QUOTE]

That was true in the past but now games like Sonic Generations and WWE Allstars, Nano Assault all come with coins.

Here's the Club Nintendo Spreadsheet zubalove
[quote name='Caddywompus21']That was true in the past but now games like Sonic Generations and WWE Allstars, Nano Assault all come with coins.

Here's the Club Nintendo Spreadsheet zubalove[/QUOTE]

So all newly released games on the Wii, DS, and 3DS come with points now? Since when?
[quote name='nixmahn']So all newly released games on the Wii, DS, and 3DS come with points now? Since when?[/QUOTE]

Not everything. Not sure how they pick and choose but I assume both the 3DS and WiiU will adopt this system moving forward.
I'm pretty excited about this, though now I really wish I hadn't just ordered that star-power messenger bag, since it's pretty crappy.
[quote name='Blade']In other words, there's already a topic about this. Do some research, guys.[/QUOTE]

If you don't like the thread don't comment. If others don't llike it, it will die. I would guess that more people view the games deal forum than the wii forum. Also, this is a games deal, not a general club nintendo deal thread for notebooks or whatever. Since this thread is directed only towards games, I see no problem with posting it here. Just look at all the others posting that didn't know about this games deal. So again, you don't like it? Fine, just ignore it.
[quote name='catabarez']Any opinions on Fluidity?[/QUOTE]

I tried it but my wife was watching and she claimed it made her feel sick so I had to stop. From what I played of it, it seemed fairly fun although the graphics are pretty bad since it's on the Wii.
i have 1100 points left. lol keep forgetting to get game and watch 2, as i got game and watch 1 the first year they did club nintendo stuff. I still have like 8 nintendo brand games by xmas time to go towards platinum (if i hit platinum way before june, i save my points too until july that way they go towards next years platinum status). I keep always wanting the hanafunda cards but i know i just wont do anything with them. lol SO it's looking like game and watch 2 for now then waiting for maybe good virtual console downloads during the coming months.
hmm didnt notie mario vs donkey kong was a different game. thought it was the GBA or DS version.. might have to get it. measely 150 points and i have 300 after buying game and watch 2. ill sleep on it
[quote name='GrimmTrixX']hmm didnt notie mario vs donkey kong was a different game. thought it was the GBA or DS version.. might have to get it. measely 150 points and i have 300 after buying game and watch 2. ill sleep on it[/QUOTE]

The Mario vs Dk you get with coins is the DS version. Here is a link to the same game on amazon.

Side note I downloaded both Xevious and Mario vs DK and for 250 coins it was well worth it. Now I am just curious what the next two games are going to be.
[quote name='yourlefthand']It's not the DS version, it is the DSiware version:[/QUOTE]

My mistake
There's already a Club Nintendo thread(as previously mentioned) that was already updated about this weeks ago, and is always kept up to date. There's no need for this thread, and I'm actually quite surprised that it's made it this long without getting deleted or whatever.
Yeah, but there's probably a lot of people who haven't been reading that thread since Nintendo hadn't done a whole lot interesting with Club Nintendo in quite some time. But everyone should know about this now since they sent out an email highlighting the new additions they've made.

I'm planning on picking up Fluidity, from the reviews it sounds like a game I'd like and for the points it's a great deal. Hopefully they keep making quality Wiiware and Virtual Console titles available each month, as long as the choose good games the amount of coins it costs is excellent.
bread's done