CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

Regarding Prestige Edition-

Exactly how good is this NVG compared to some sold on Amazon?
How much would you say it's Value is? I can't see it more than $100 at all!
[quote name='BREVITY']Question:
In the first Modern Warfare there was a setting to change the colors of the name above players heads in multiplayer. I cant recall where that was but I cant find it in MW2. Can anyone tell me if its in there and where?


That option was in WaW not CoD4.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Very happy about GF shipping a copy out to me today. Should get it by Wednesday. This is the second-straight time I've gotten a brand-new release from them. Got Borderlands a few weeks back.[/QUOTE]

I got lucky with Gamefly too. I sent back a game on Friday, and they shipped out MW2 yesterday. Can't wait for tomorrow.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']
Question about the story,
Why did shepard betray them? It didn't seem like it was 'getting' him anything

Useless plot twist. I was angry at it :D

I finished the story on Regular. It is really short, at least at that difficulty. No matter what difficulty is on, you're gonna die as there are tons of chokepoints in the single player and you'll turn a corner and get shredded by something.

I dont think the single player story is as good/engrossing as COD4. There are some amazing setpieces in virtually every location and the beginning of the game made me think it was going to be better, but theres no OMG moments like there was in COD4. No AC130 and no sniper mission like All Ghilled Up/One Shot One Kill. There are sniper missions, but not like that. Theres a twist near the end that made me literally say "What the fuck" out loud (in regards to that spoiler above). It takes the piss and is a bit unbelievable. Its not detrimental, but its a bit stupid.

The last mission is pretty damn good, but the only thing I didnt like was the false endings (remember Return of the King, its kinda like that

So all in all - multiplayer is as good as it fucking gets - the single player has its moments, but some of the missions, arent even missions and all and all you do is control a c
amera or they're just really short.

Im going to play through it again on Veteran, but I am a bit disappointed in the way the story turns. Technologically, this is an absolute MUST play and multiplayer sets the bar so high its going to be hard for any other FPS to come close.
On the contrary, I felt very disconnected from the original MW, but things like
the fear on the Army men when they would shout out "Star", or Soap and Price's adventures albeit useless plot wise.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Forcing game chat on you with the 360 version on all playlists instead of just a few (Search and Destroy, etc.) has me leaning to Uncharted 2 staying at GotY in my book.[/QUOTE]

Can you explain more? If you are in a xbox live party with friends... you have to chat with everyone else on your team? WTF?
Got my Hardened Edition at BBY last night and played multiplayer for a while. I'll definitely be putting some time into this game in the next few months. So long backlog...

Funny thing I noticed... the instruction manual for this game is the worst I've ever seen. Looks like the put their production budget into other elements...
[quote name='Transformah']Funny thing I noticed... the instruction manual for this game is the worst I've ever seen. Looks like the put their production budget into other elements...[/QUOTE]

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed, it's practically thinner than the 48 trial code thing.
Yeah I see myself playing this for awhile the maps are way better then those of the first modern warfare. Bonus points for headshots and long distance kills is a good addition. and killstreaks are customizable which is also good. Spec op is really fun with a buddy. I have not played single player yet, dont know when ill get to that.

I went to the walmart in my little town like 75 people were in line 3 lanes opened everyone was out the door in 10-15 minutes. went home played my cousins went back and there were still like 50 copies im surprised their was not more of a shortage for people who did not pre-order
[quote name='crunchewy']Anyone have an opinion on which 360 Call of Duty game has the best single player campaign?[/QUOTE]


I also liked World at War's.

MW2 is not bad, but I preferred the two aforementioned.
[quote name='Transformah']Funny thing I noticed... the instruction manual for this game is the worst I've ever seen. Looks like the put their production budget into other elements...[/QUOTE]

Yeah I noticed that too. It makes the EA booklets look large.
[quote name='gamcreator']Can you explain more? If you are in a xbox live party with friends... you have to chat with everyone else on your team? WTF?[/QUOTE]

If you are in a party and in party chat, and try to join a game, it will kick you all out of party chat (it prompts you that this will happen). You still all stay in your party, but your now all in the game chat with everyone else on your team.

There are a couple of playlists that allow parties to stay in party chat, the only one of real use is Groundwar, which is a mix of 9v9 TDM, and 9v9 Domination (control 3 points).

The reasoning behind this is so that people in your party chat can't join the other team and give you intelligence. But that really only matters for S&D, not sure why they needed to do this for TDM and other game modes.
Picked this up last night, and delved into the multiplayer and spec ops a little bit. Loving everything about spec ops, except for the fact that it's only 2 player.

My biggest gripe with the game at the moment, is the party chat issue. I can understand it on a mode like Search and Destroy, but it makes little sense to me beyond that. Hopefully Infinity Ward come to their senses on this one.
Wow. That really sucks to hear that I have to listen to other people if I want to use my mic to talk to my friends. The only people that use the mic outside of the party chat are asshats. I usually last about 1 round in a room before I move on to find one where someone isn't rapping, or acting like a complete moron.

The best thing Xbox ever did was create the party chat system.
[quote name='hx214']Wow. That really sucks to hear that I have to listen to other people if I want to use my mic to talk to my friends. The only people that use the mic outside of the party chat are asshats. I usually last about 1 round in a room before I move on to find one where someone isn't rapping, or acting like a complete moron.

The best thing Xbox ever did was create the party chat system.[/QUOTE]

The next best thing they ever did was create the mute player feature. So use that.
Got my Prestige Edition from Amazon today ... looks like it's going to be worth every penny

Also got the Modern Warfare xbox from Newegg. That also came today which was nice because it's not like I paid for release date delivery on it :D
[quote name='twofacedmonster']My biggest gripe with the game at the moment, is the party chat issue. I can understand it on a mode like Search and Destroy, but it makes little sense to me beyond that. Hopefully Infinity Ward come to their senses on this one.[/QUOTE]

You sure you can't get vital intelligence from the other team in deathmatch?

"There's a dude! Over here! Shoot him! Shoot him! fuck! I died."
So far I couldn't be more content with what I've seen thus far in the campaign. I can't remember the last time I got giddy finding and reloading new guns in a video game, haha. My only gripe since I have yet to delve into MP is the lack of matchmaking in Spec Ops but I'll get over it. I adore my friends but every so often I actually enjoy playing with a mic-less random who isn't a complete moron instead of potentially being roped into casual conversation or begged to play something else for the rest of the night. ;\

If anyone is down for SO then let me know you're from CAG and drop me an invite.
So i just got done with it and holy crap when you get to the screen that asks if you want to skip a certain mission say no to skip first you will be like uh ok wtf is going on here. but it uh pays

calm down im just kidding
I'm so tired of people hitching about the party chat being disbled in certain gametypes. It allowed people to cheat, and that is detrimental to gameplay. If you don't want to play a fair game, then go play something that allows you to cheat. fuck...
[quote name='A Happy Panda']fuck, 2 more hours til I get home. Work is killin' me.

What gametypes is party chat disabled in anyways?[/QUOTE]

All the good gametypes.
I understand the point of blocking party chat but its stupid to do it in Team Deathmatch. You are dead for what 4-5 seconds? It won't make much of a difference. I don't need to hear little kids screaming and/or singing when I'm talking to my friends. Oh well, maybe they will patch it.
Wow.. consider me one of the people who are extremely disappointed in the single player. Not only does it no live up any where near the quality of MW1, it lags way behind COD:WAW. It's too short, lacks a proper narrative and just does not give the overall feel of a satisfactory experience.
Just played "THE" mission and it is absolutely crazy.

Liking single player so far, I'm trying not to let all the bad opinions influence mine...yet. Although, All Ghilled Up and the Nuke explosion made COD4 one of my favorites..going to be hard to top that.
The game is awesome as I expected, but I do have a few complaints...

- The party chat system... But I don't hate it for the same reasons as everyone else... It is a pain in the ass because so many times in IW matchmaking a player may get dropped when making the transfer from the host lobby to the pre-game lobby.

- The ability to join party members in a game would be nice... Not just join them when they are in a pre-game lobby.

- Everyone knows IW doesn't want to have anything to do with Treyarch, but the fact of the matter is, they had some good ideas that IW should have used.
~ Back out with party
~ Leaderboards and online stat tracking

- Maps... I don't know if it is just me, but I would say 2/3 of the maps are just a giant cluster fuck...
~ Derail is a pain in the ass, because snipers have more of an advantage than any other person and the snow just makes it all that harder for any non-sniper.
~ Quarry is already turning into a boy scout camp-out.
~ Estate is a battle for the house, in which case the team that has the high ground to start will more than likely win the match every time.
~ Some of the maps rarely ever come up (I'm looking at you Underpass).
[quote name='Ronin317']I'm so tired of people hitching about the party chat being disbled in certain gametypes. It allowed people to cheat, and that is detrimental to gameplay. If you don't want to play a fair game, then go play something that allows you to cheat. fuck...[/QUOTE]
Come on. Any 14 year old could come up with a solution to this. As far as I can tell, cheating in CoD4 like this can be done in 2 ways.

  • Alice and Bob are on a team together against Charlie. Alice gets killed, then while waiting to respawn or as respawning, tells Bob where Charlie is located.
  • Alice and Bob are on a team together against Charlie. Alice gets killed. She spectates Bob, looking over his shoulder. She tells Bob there is an enemy behind him, and Bob kills Charlie.
Both of these situations can easily be solved.

Situation 1:
You know in CoD4 when you're spectating in S&D, Headquarters or Sabotage? Imagine that same setup, but with the text "microphone disabled until respawn" in the top left where it tells you who is talking at that time. Why not? It would be easy to implement and keep the game fair. Most importantly, it would allow you to decide which is more important: talking to your friends or spectating.

Situation 2:

[quote name='crunchewy']Anyone have an opinion on which 360 Call of Duty game has the best single player campaign?[/QUOTE]

So far (I have made it through Act 1 and part of Act 2), I think World at War was the best. MW2 single player so far is just alright for me.
[quote name='Doomed']Come on. Any 14 year old could come up with a solution to this. As far as I can tell, cheating in CoD4 like this can be done in 2 ways. [/QUOTE]

Where did I say that IW handled it the only way that was possible? You're missing my point - which is that people are acting like they now can't enjoy the game, and it's bullshit. There is a mute feature, it's quick and easy to use. The endless whining about it isn't going to change it right now. I personally would rather have to mute people once in a while than constantly have my position given away in S&D.

Your first solution is just as 'bad' as disabling party chat. Solution 2 is reasonable, but perhaps that wasn't possible with the current API that Microsoft provides, because it's not something a lot of games have run into.

I'm sure it has to do with programming, and the party system residing in the shell rather than the game, so they checked for the party flag in the data. I'm also sure it takes much, much more programming than anyone who doesn't deal with developers or is a dev understands.
They should do what Valve does on Counter Strike Source. Say my brother and I are playing in the same server on the same team, the Valve anti-cheat software recognizes that we are on the same Internet connection and disables our "death cams" after one of us dies. So let's say I die (which I do a lot btw) and my brother is still alive, my screen goes black until I am respawned, this totally eliminates the option of cheating by telling him where people are. All Infinity Ward needed to do is come up with a way to disable spectating after death for you and members of your party. This would solve any cheating problems.

On a side note I finished the SP earlier and really liked it but not quite as much as Cod 4 I don't think. I do however feel that Cod 4 had a good but not great SP campaign, I didn't gush all over it like most people do. The campaign in MW2 feels VERY similar to COD 4, I think it is really time that IW either moves on to a new game series or they make drastic changes to their franchise, the games are started to get stale and a little uninspired IMO.
[quote name='Ronin317']You're missing my point - which is that people are acting like they now can't enjoy the game, and it's bullshit. There is a mute feature, it's quick and easy to use. The endless whining about it isn't going to change it right now. I personally would rather have to mute people once in a while than constantly have my position given away in S&D.[/QUOTE]

Endless whining? The game was released less than 24 hours ago. I haven't really seen anybody say that they were unable to enjoy the game because of it, just that it affects how much they enjoy the game. Not having party chat available in all multiplayer modes isn't game breaking, and I haven't heard anybody say that the game is terrible because of it. But it's a legitimate problem for a lot of people, and one that is worth discussing.
The worst part about no party chat is that sometimes my friends and I play different games. Now, if one of us is playing MW2, they cant stay in the party.
Finished single player. Now to jump into multiplayer and co-op.

Does anyone know if installing to the hard drive hurts or helps single player or multiplayer?
bread's done