CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

[quote name='SteveMcQ']Agreed. I couldn't pull the trigger at all until I got to the armed confrontation portion.[/QUOTE]

After all the people turn around and just stare at you and there is that holy shit moment of silence I couldn't pull the trigger fast enough.
[quote name='Nelo Ice']finally unlocked the 8 bit price emblem!
knife class and hq ftw!

I just found out about that while looking up emblems. That's so going to be my next goal, I just wish there was a digital camo tag to go with it.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Does anyone know if you can get the tactical nuke as a care package?[/QUOTE]

A Tactical Nuke will never appear in a care package.

Also, awards received in care packages do not add to your killstreak for purposes of getting further killstreak rewards. It doesn't matter if it's yours, a teammates, or the enemies.

So if you get 4 kills and get a Care Package, and the CP contains an airstrike, any kills you get with the airstrike do not count towards earning another killstreak bonus.

This also applies to the 8 kill airdrop (basically four care packages at once).

And a Pavelow never counts toward killstreak bonuses, whether it comes from a care package or not. I guess IW thinks it's too broken.

These rules are in place to prevent every match ending with a tactical nuke. I've only ever seen 2 tactical nukes, and they were in back to back matches. It turns out there were two friends, one on each team boosting each other to get the nukes.

It really bummed me out that the first time/s I ever got nuked it was because of cheatful boosting. One guy sets up a tactical insertion flair, his buddy on the other team waits near it and kills his friend over and over, quickly boosting to a Nuke.
[quote name='RandyTsai']If you want to play a skilled game play World at War MP.[/QUOTE]
I hope that was a joke...

[quote name='MillerTime2523']Well, I'm about less than 100 kills off, and a 10,000 XP boost would be nice, but moving on to the SCAR challenges would probably be a better use of my time. If I can get the M4A1 marksman completley done for less than 100 kills, I'll do that, but if there's more than the level 8 I won't even worry about it.[/QUOTE]

The challenges end at 1000. But the headshot challenge goes to 1000 aswell so that might take awhile.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Fastest MW2 Speedrun I've ever seen... crazy...

For those that haven't beat the game don't watch this video since it is just edited and spoil's the story. Although, its kinda funny...kinda.
So some dude was hiding inside a rock on afghan and was impossible to kill. Then he nukes us all to end the game.
[quote name='Puffa469']I've only ever seen 2 tactical nukes, and they were in back to back matches. It turns out there were two friends, one on each team boosting each other to get the nukes.

It really bummed me out that the first time/s I ever got nuked it was because of cheatful boosting. One guy sets up a tactical insertion flair, his buddy on the other team waits near it and kills his friend over and over, quickly boosting to a Nuke.[/QUOTE]The exact same thing happened to us twice last night. On the first match we assumed he got the nuke out of the care package(even though we knew that wasn't supposed to be possible) because he went 35 to 18 and the only killstreak he called in was an emergency air drop, which pissed us off. We only realized that the two jerk-offs were doing that bullshit tactical insertion boosting when the guy that got the nuke the first time went 0-25 on the second match and gave his friend the nuke. That was probably the most aggravating thing that I've encountered in the game.
I've only seen one tactical nuke so far. It was cool, but not as scary as I thought it would be. They should have had it so you get blown back forcefully and the map is reduced to ashes after the flash fades away.
I see this nuke boosting being a big problem. The nuke is such bullshit. I was just playing Capture the Flag and we were destroying them. The score was 5-0 and they could barely touch our flag but sure enough they go a nuke with about a minute left and "won" the game.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']I see this nuke boosting being a big problem. The nuke is such bullshit. I was just playing Capture the Flag and we were destroying them. The score was 5-0 and they could barely touch our flag but sure enough they go a nuke with about a minute left and "won" the game.[/QUOTE]

I'm surprised they would allow nukes in objective games. Deathmatch makes sense, but objective?
I agree...that's pretty shitty.


I was shocked to find that an enemy destroyed our UAV while playing Team Deathmatch a couple nights ago. I don't think I've ever seen a UAV, what does it look like and how can one find it and take it town?
[quote name='Mojimbo']The exact same thing happened to us twice last night. On the first match we assumed he got the nuke out of the care package(even though we knew that wasn't supposed to be possible) because he went 35 to 18 and the only killstreak he called in was an emergency air drop, which pissed us off. We only realized that the two jerk-offs were doing that bullshit tactical insertion boosting when the guy that got the nuke the first time went 0-25 on the second match and gave his friend the nuke. That was probably the most aggravating thing that I've encountered in the game.[/QUOTE]

Thats how I figured out what was going on. First match ends with a Nuke and the guy on my team who called it in is like 35-4. Theres a guy at the bottom of the other team who is 2-40.

The next match those two guys scored were reversed. The player who got the Nuke was now 3-38 and the 'sucky' guy on the other team went 40-1 and got a nuke.

I started to call them out in the prematch lobby, when everyone on both teams can talk, and immediately both of them left.

I was considering whether or not to report them. I 'avoided' them for future games, but I'm sure this will happen again with other people.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']So wait... I thought the Nuke could only end games. Your team still won right Penguin?[/QUOTE]

Whoever calls in the nuke, wins.
[quote name='zewone']Whoever calls in the nuke, wins.[/QUOTE]

The team of whoever called it in wins. Afaik, it only kills the members of the opposite team that are alive when it hits. Whoever called it in gets those kills. So best case scenario a Nuke will get you 9 additional kills.
[quote name='zewone']Whoever calls in the nuke, wins.[/QUOTE]

Yep thats what happened. The other team was talking shit even though they got destroyed objective wise.
Knew that the nuke could ruin objective based games. Only real hope is you notice someone is on a streak and make sure he dies. People are starting to catch on though, I got a nuke 4 times a few days ago. But now the second I get chopper gunner they shoot it down. I play domination and defend the flags, but in other game modes where you need to get an objective it is really lame for people to avoid that and just go for kills.
Well the objective games were ruined a long time ago when they invented K/D. Almost every game I play has people just camping in the corner racking up kills and then talking shit about their 32-5 K/D.

The only thing I hate is whatever causes my screen to show me that I am completely around the corner and their screen to show that I am still 5 ft away. I die so much trying to duck fire around a corner.
[quote name='Soodmeg']The only thing I hate is whatever causes my screen to show me that I am completely around the corner and their screen to show that I am still 5 ft away. I die so much trying to duck fire around a corner.[/QUOTE]

That shit pisses me off too, but it's just lag, there's no way around that.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Well the objective games were ruined a long time ago when they invented K/D. Almost every game I play has people just camping in the corner racking up kills and then talking shit about their 32-5 K/D.

Yep. And the experience points probably make it worse as you have people who will pay to get points for kills as they can rack up more kills that way in deathmatch modes, and going 32-5 will usually net more exp than going for objectives etc.
[quote name='zewone']Whoever calls in the nuke, wins.[/QUOTE]

Holy fail... as if I honestly needed another reason why I normally avoid objective based game types. Thanks. Pretty damn careless of the developer to overlook such an obvious issue.
I always tell people bragging about their K/D to go play Deathmatch if they want to impress people. Congrats on your 24 and 3. Your team still lost the match because you camped one spot and didn't capture the headquarters/flag/domination point.
[quote name='zewone']Latency.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='LinkinPrime']That shit pisses me off too, but it's just lag, there's no way around that.[/QUOTE]

I was hoping that MW2 would have a better fix for this over MW but no go.
I just travelled to a friends house this weekend who has FIOS and it was like cheating.
You literally see people a good second or two before they see you. I was owning EVERY game. Doesn't seem fair really.
I guess if you have the best connection MW2 is a GREAT game but if you don't...............:cry:
I never thought that the nuke would be popping up this frequently. 1. 25 kills in a row is not as hard to come by as I thought (especially if you get the chopper gunner/ac killstreaks) 2. I didn't think people would use up one of their kill streaks with something that is not gained that often.

What they should do is if you use your say, 5 killstreak reward it resets your killstreak and so on.
Made it up to level 40 tonight. Been messing around with the classes and I think I found a few that I like.

I think the most time I've ever put into a video game is 60 hours in oblivion over the course of like a year and a half... After 2 weeks I've got 45 hours in MW2. Crazy. As much as I was looking forward to picking up some games on black friday this year... I really don't think I need to. :lol:
[quote name='Ronzilla']I was hoping that MW2 would have a better fix for this over MW but no go.
I just travelled to a friends house this weekend who has FIOS and it was like cheating.
You literally see people a good second or two before they see you. I was owning EVERY game. Doesn't seem fair really.
I guess if you have the best connection MW2 is a GREAT game but if you don't...............:cry:[/QUOTE]

Makes me wonder how good it'll be to play on a 10 gig connection next month instead of this ATT bullshit.

As for the nuke it's no big deal ... I've played a shit load and have only had it used on me like 4 times. Only once was because of boosting.
[quote name='Ronzilla']I was hoping that MW2 would have a better fix for this over MW but no go.
I just travelled to a friends house this weekend who has FIOS and it was like cheating.
You literally see people a good second or two before they see you. I was owning EVERY game. Doesn't seem fair really.
I guess if you have the best connection MW2 is a GREAT game but if you don't...............:cry:[/QUOTE]

It's nice to see I'm not the only one that has this problem. The game also seems to be extremely demanding with the bandwidth to begin with. Me and my brother can't even get on and play this shit at the same time and playing staying in games with my friends is also a real pain in the ass.

The Latency really is an issue though. So often I'll dump half a mag into a guy's chest only for him to kill me with a 3 round spurt from an M4. When I watch the kill cam though I will have just fired off like 2 shots if any at all. It's frustrating as fuck!
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I never thought that the nuke would be popping up this frequently. 1. 25 kills in a row is not as hard to come by as I thought (especially if you get the chopper gunner/ac killstreaks) 2. I didn't think people would use up one of their kill streaks with something that is not gained that often.

What they should do is if you use your say, 5 killstreak reward it resets your killstreak and so on.[/QUOTE]

Once I got the challenge done for the nuke I stopped using it. Its pretty pointless to use. I only used it to get the rotating nuke emblem.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']Made it up to level 40 tonight. Been messing around with the classes and I think I found a few that I like.

I think the most time I've ever put into a video game is 60 hours in oblivion over the course of like a year and a half... After 2 weeks I've got 45 hours in MW2. Crazy. As much as I was looking forward to picking up some games on black friday this year... I really don't think I need to. :lol:[/QUOTE]
I'm in the same boat cause I had planned on getting Uncharted 2 and Boderlands but I put those on hold cause I knew that MW2 would take up a lot of my multiplayer time.
^ That's probably a good call! I bought Mario when it came out last weekend and i've yet to make it past 2-1. :) Got Borderlands and barely made it anywhere even though it's a fun game. I've dropped over 60 hours into MW2 already and now I know how those WoW and Everquest people feel. I liked the previous games but I think my highest play time total was about 3-4 days in each game. Crazy to think i've already passed that in a couple weeks not to mention already blowing away the time I played Fallout 3 by 15+ hours.

Still can't get a nuke to save my soul 21 is my max. I never camped until this game and I always get to aggressive and die. Oh yea and I don't like play time trackers they are depressing! :D
Played 3rd Person Team Tact(it was CTF then) with some of my friends. We played only for two games before leaving and each time we captured the flag 20 times.

Good game, Good game.
I am really starting to get annoyed by the nuke. It comes up way to often and its easier to get then what IW thought. A little camping with hardline will get you the chopper gunner in no time.

The fact either people hate to shoot down choppers/planes or constantly get killed while trying makes it too annoying to try.
I've only been nuked twice and it was within a 20 minute period last weekend. I always carry a rocket launcher around with me so helicopters never really bother my team. Scavenger Pro, Cold Blooded Pro, and Ninja Pro with a Tar 21(my new favorite gun) is an amazing set up. People will literally stand right next to you or just pass by you because they either can't tell you are there or they think your friendly.

Basically I never run out of ammo, can't be seen by any air support, my name doesn't pop up to enemies, no heartbeat sensor detection and no footstep sounds. It makes you a ghost.
I have major issues online in this game because there is always 1-2 seconds of lag. I will see someone, shoot them down the sights and then I die. A few times I die and then see bullets come from their gun. It is annoying as hell. I never have latency issues in other games. Sure Gears can be bad, but that is for everyone.
Right now I carry the Javelin launcher with me. It's only one shot, but I can target an area with it and take out pesky snipers, or destroy the entire enemy team in Domination when I target a point they are about to capture. Plus it takes out Harriers and Choppers. I love the satisfaction of destroying someones helicopter before it can get even one kill.

Although without scavenger on, I can run completely out of ammo. I then go into desperation mode, where I try to knife someone so I can grab their gun. I got a title or challenge the other day because I got a knife kill while I was completely out of ammo. Then I killed the guy I knifed again with his own gun and got a challange/title for that! lol
I find that there are two major issues that I have that I need to work on to improve my online gaming.

1- I am one of those ppl who hits the reload button after every kill. Unless I see a second tango on my screen, I will reload as soon as I drop the first tango. I can't count how many times I've been killed while reloading. I need to work on this.

2- I get a little excited when I see an enemy and often give up my position to other enemies. Lets say I'm crouched behind a crate. I know that if I stand up, or move out past the crate, I will be vulnerable to snipers. Then I see an enemy running past. What I should do is stay crouched and hidden and shoot them. But what I actually do is move after them while shooting, and this often exposes me to enemy fire.
If I had just stayed put, I could have gotten the kill and lived, but in my excitement, I move around to get a better bead on my target, and get killed in the process.
I've played a TON of matches and have only been nuked once. I blame it on playing with random people who can't coordinate a strategy. If you allow someone to go 25-0, then you deserve to be nuked and have the game end.

On the other hand, me and my crew have dropped too many nukes to keep count.
Well, first is I should define "often" when I refer to the nuke. I see the nuke maybe once every 12 matches which I think is a lot.

You also have to understand that I only play team tactical matches not TDM (if I can help it) which is surprisingly easy to rack up a big kill streak. When everyone else is trying to blow up targets, chase after flags or capture points its easy to camp in the back and take out 8 or 9 guys to get a kill streak reward.

Now in TDM thats another story, I think I have only seen maybe 2 or 3 nukes in all of the TDM I have played so far. Usually when I die I check the score card and see who has a great K/D and my mission becomes trying to kill that guy.
Two nukes today, one dude went 35 - 2 and someone on our team went 0 - 23. Same dude got the nuke next round. This is hella weaksauce man.
I usually play 75% Team Deathmatch, with a 5% Headquarters, 10% Free-for-all, and 10% Domination thrown in. I have seen only 2 nukes in 20 hours of gampeplay. One in TDM and one in Domination. I was on the winning side in both.

I know for a fact that the main reason is because the opposing team in Domination, for whatever reason, didn't have anyone shooting down choppers. As soon as I hear a chopper or harrier alert I switch to my custom anti-aircraft class wait until I get killed, and blow that thing out of the sky.

I don't have a problem with nukes in deathmatch games, but they shouldn't be ending objective games at all.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I usually play 75% Team Deathmatch, with a 5% Headquarters, 10% Free-for-all, and 10% Domination thrown in. I have seen only 2 nukes in 20 hours of gampeplay. One in TDM and one in Domination. I was on the winning side in both.

I know for a fact that the main reason is because the opposing team in Domination, for whatever reason, didn't have anyone shooting down choppers. As soon as I hear a chopper or harrier alert I switch to my custom anti-aircraft class wait until I get killed, and blow that thing out of the sky.

I don't have a problem with nukes in deathmatch games, but they shouldn't be ending objective games at all.[/QUOTE]

Good call. I find that too many times, people don't realize the importance of
taking out aircraft. They just go about their business.
Either have an anti-aircraft custom class or use the Overwatch Class with the AT4-HS.
[quote name='zewone']I've played a TON of matches and have only been nuked once. I blame it on playing with random people who can't coordinate a strategy. If you allow someone to go 25-0, then you deserve to be nuked and have the game end.

On the other hand, me and my crew have dropped too many nukes to keep count.[/QUOTE]

Strategy? A game that moves as fast as call of duty it's almost impossible to coordinate. The best I think a group could do is coordinate loadouts to have some folks sniping, some folks ready to take out air support, etc. Other than that it's all about how who's quick down the sites, good with the knife, and effectively using equipment/perks.

One person who is very very good at MW2 could annihilate 3 or so mediocre players that him at the same time; maybe even more. As opposed to say, Halo 3, where it's all about collective skill and no matter how good you are 9/10 it comes down to shear numbers. If 2 people attack you alone in Halo, you're pretty much fucked.

So it's not at all about forming a strategy, it's about having people on your team that don't suck balls.

The progressive spawning makes things really difficult, especially since it'll spawn you into bull shit situations. One time I spawned 5 times in a row into instant death on Afghan. Spawned under a pave low 2 times, then 2 predator missiles, and then polished the streak off with a harrier strike.

As for the nuke complaints, I could have sworn that kill streak rewards don't count towards your rewards? Or is this only when they are picked up via care package? Or is it only in certain modes?

That chopper gunner though really makes it so you get the nuke at 11 though if that's the case. That thing is a fucking meat grinder. It'll totally change the tide of a game.

And for the record; I have yet to be nuked.
bread's done