CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

Meant to add right after I downloaded the patch yesterday I ran into a new glitcher. On the artic map with the train cars they were using a elevator glitch to get above the map in the back. Good news was after he killed me once I killed him 3 times since the spot is vulnerable. (but with a sniper holding his scope or a hardcore match you might not know where he was)
I joined a 11 v 6 domination match the other day... People are glitching private matches to effectively 'boost exp'. They still count for regular experience. One of my friends was in one, and the only way to end it was to get a nuke... By the time the match ended, he had received 35,000 points, from the single match.
[quote name='Tillawen']I joined a 11 v 6 domination match the other day... People are glitching private matches to effectively 'boost exp'. They still count for regular experience. One of my friends was in one, and the only way to end it was to get a nuke... By the time the match ended, he had received 35,000 points, from the single match.[/QUOTE]

Yeah IW is working on a patch to that per Twitter. I'm wondering if IW is kicking themselves for not Public Beta Testing this first #-o.
Nothing beats a bunch of gamers "testing" the fuck out of a game before it's released.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Akimbo rangers = god[/QUOTE]

Yeah I saw the vid you uploaded** ;). Cream on the Inside!


**Not actually LordKefka06
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[quote name='Ronzilla']Yeah I saw the vid you uploaded ;). Cream on the Inside!


Not only did this guy assault my eyes with his horrid play he raped my ears with the song.


God damn it now its stuck in my head.
That guy sucked: slow reflexes, pain killers, noob at the rangers... Etc...

Also, just got a 12 killstreak with the rangers & I was running the whole time.
They just need to patch 1887s, I could care less about having to quit private matches. Just stop the bs wth these 100 mile range shotguns.
[quote name='LordKefka06']That guy sucked: slow reflexes, pain killers, noob at the rangers... Etc...

Also, just got a 12 killstreak with the rangers & I was running the whole time.[/QUOTE]

Lol. I like how he was looking all around at 1:41 before he took out the ladder climber.
That's how I was playing when I 1st changed the sensitivity on my controller :lol:.
[quote name='-BigC-']They just need to patch 1887s, I could care less about having to quit private matches. Just stop the bs wth these 100 mile range shotguns.[/QUOTE]

LOL I own with them and they come in handy especially against snipers who think they can camp and get away with crap. What they should patch while they're at is the melee knife distance. People just run around knifing people mainly with the knife attached to their pistol and it's just as annoying.
You can't own with 1887s, it is not possible to be good with them. Anybody can put on marathon/lightweight run around and get a lot of kills with them. That is my point on the guns, the range needs to be toned down by like 10 feet or something. 1887s are basically dual wield spaz shotguns, which should not be allowed.
In the context of real life, one 1887 makes sense. In CoD, it makes no sense. Dual wielding them in real life would lead to some dislocated shoulders, correct?
Those where some crazy ass bounces. EMPs should be able to stop a nuke. Also, you can shoot & explode a RPG missile in mid air.

You punch people, instead of knife, if you have the care package drop marker equipted.
I dont understand what the point of the EMP is. I get that it keeps the other team from calling in things but it needs a fairly high kill streak to get (unless in care package) in which you will have to pass up on some much better choices.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I dont understand what the point of the EMP is. I get that it keeps the other team from calling in things but it needs a fairly high kill streak to get (unless in care package) in which you will have to pass up on some much better choices.[/QUOTE]

It also disables all electronic attachments as well as things such as claymores and I would assume C4. So it can come in handy if the enemies use heartbeat sensors or thermal scopes / any sight attachment (I am pretty sure it affects them as well).
I have no beef with the m16 considering there are other rifles just as good. Only OP weapon in the game imo is the 1887s.
Well now that my Live gold ran out i started to play single player. So far its okay. I hated the level where you chase they guy through Brazil. Seemed like there was a ton of enemies all over. I did the level in the airport too, never got any warning before playing it. Maybe because i dont have any parental settings on my xbox? Also tried the new Opts thing and i beat training with 1 star, but the others i tried were hard as hell even on the easiest
[quote name='The 7th Number']I did the level in the airport too, never got any warning before playing it. Maybe because i dont have any parental settings on my xbox? [/QUOTE]

you get the warning when you first put the game in. it tells u about how u can skip the lvl and you can say 'ignore this in the warning in the future'

1887s are getting pretty lame. Had a 2 different tdm w/ 3 players on the other team just running around w/ the 1887. It never was so bad that i went below 1:1 but no1 gets any killstreak rewards.
I dont mind people going into buildings with shotguns which do the same, 1 shot kill in a room...its just those 1887 u can do that shit from midrange & akimbo doesn't even matter what quarter of the screen your aiming at. :/ shit needs to get nerfed if online becomes a plague of 1887 players.
if anyone plays late at night hit me up. I want to get all the stars in spec ops. I dont have a working mic, so that might make it a bit more difficult. I already did some but I have no problem going back to do the first ones if you haven't started. Its just some require 2 people. I didn't realize this until I did about 5 missions and got to one that require 2 people.
So I'm assuming there's a glitch going around in the playlists. I went into 3rd Person Team Tactical and somehow got into another 9v9 (Domination) game on Rust, except it was still in 1st and apparently had no limit. Almost everyone on each team was pushing 100+ kills.

Random. Helped finish out a bunch of challenges though.
I used EMP's to get that sick emblem fo it, but while I was using it I noticed it should be much more powerful than it currently is. It should last more than a minute (it's a 15 kill streak perk, give it 3 minutes at least), be able to stop a nuke. Give us these to things and I think the emp would be a lot more useful than it is now.
[quote name='The 7th Number']What is that little lightbulb thing in the middle of the screen at 0:52? Ive seen it before but never knew what it meant.[/QUOTE]

I think you are talking about the Painkiller death streak which is a red pill.

[quote name='SlimJim0725']It also disables all electronic attachments as well as things such as claymores and I would assume C4. So it can come in handy if the enemies use heartbeat sensors or thermal scopes / any sight attachment (I am pretty sure it affects them as well).[/QUOTE]

Long time no see. Also, I'm pretty sure the EMP doesn't disable claymores given that I use them extensively and have gotten kills with them during an EMP strike on my team. It does disable RDS along with adding grain to the enemy team's screen.
Just went from 56 to 61 in a matter of 4 hours. Looking forward to prestiging, I'm getting a little tired of having everything unlocked and upgraded. Kind of want to go through it again.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Akimbo rangers = god[/QUOTE]Aren't you the same dude who was saying some stupid shit about not respecting people who use M16s?

If so, you reek like dog shit.
[quote name='DiscoDuck8k']So I'm assuming there's a glitch going around in the playlists. I went into 3rd Person Team Tactical and somehow got into another 9v9 (Domination) game on Rust, except it was still in 1st and apparently had no limit. Almost everyone on each team was pushing 100+ kills.

Random. Helped finish out a bunch of challenges though.[/QUOTE]

I was having a problem similar to this last night. I was trying to do regular TDM with one other person in my party and we were getting thrown into 9v9 TDM and Domination. Very odd.
Aren't you the same dude who was saying some stupid shit about not respecting people who use M16s?
Please read more carefully next time.... I said Rangers, not 1887's. :shame:

Also, I'm sorry that we don't share the same interest of being either uber cheaply 1 shotted all the way across the map or getting killed from it's :bs: tight spray.
[quote name='Trakan']Hey blader16, you were wrong about quitting before picking a class. I did it tonight and it gave me a loss.[/QUOTE]Same.
anyone encounter the glitch where people are able to spam gernade launchers and rpgs w/o reloading and unlimited ammo? ran into a TDM derail with a guy that shooting nades nonstop

Not sure what caused it only saw it in 1 match tonight out of 12 or so games played. Whatever causes it hope they fix that and the glitched private match eventually.

edit - x360a talking about the glitch

OTT had posted a vid -
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[quote name='MillerTime2523']Just went from 56 to 61 in a matter of 4 hours. Looking forward to prestiging, I'm getting a little tired of having everything unlocked and upgraded. Kind of want to go through it again.[/QUOTE]
Nice, what modes do you play that help you level up so fast?

Although its a glitch, that FFA with 18 people on rust is actually fun as hell. It more fun than most of the game types in the game anyway.
LOL, that video of unlimited ammo is crap and the dude who has the ac-130 is garbage anyone can get that many kills and do that on a small crappy map like rust especially when most of those people don't have cold blooded on and all the other good perks. Jesus christ, people have too much time on their hands and it seems like iw dropped the ball big time with mw2. The game has had more glitches and bullshit than cod 4 & cod waw combined. I don't see how this could be game of the year in anyones book.
[quote name='intoxicated662']LOL, that video of unlimited ammo is crap and the dude who has the ac-130 is garbage anyone can get that many kills and do that on a small crappy map like rust especially when most of those people don't have cold blooded on and all the other good perks. Jesus christ, people have too much time on their hands and it seems like iw dropped the ball big time with mw2. The game has had more glitches and bullshit than cod 4 & cod waw combined. I don't see how this could be game of the year in anyones book.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='intoxicated662']LOL, that video of unlimited ammo is crap and the dude who has the ac-130 is garbage anyone can get that many kills and do that on a small crappy map like rust especially when most of those people don't have cold blooded on and all the other good perks. Jesus christ, people have too much time on their hands and it seems like iw dropped the ball big time with mw2. The game has had more glitches and bullshit than cod 4 & cod waw combined. I don't see how this could be game of the year in anyones book.[/QUOTE]

Even if they had Cold-Blooded, the person within the AC130 could just carpet bomb the fuck out of the entire stage and mop up the entire team. Not like he has to see them to kill them. Just hold down that RT button and move your cursor around.

I had that exact scenario happen to me just hours ago in a Ground War (Domination) match on Estate. I joined, looked up and heard the AC130 making it rain with the 105MM shells. Immediately quit.

Any news on if the PS3's side is having these problems too?
As far as I know, the PS3 isn't getting hacked with the infinite ammo glitch as of yet. I have heard of people getting thrown into no-limit games on Rust out of nowhere, but I haven't experienced it myself.
I actually got into a glitched unlimited ammo game again, sorta just stayed back on Wastelands and didn't nade spammed like everyone else..eventually got the ac130, went 40-2, next map was underpass went 4-24. boosted my killstreak from 25 to 38...sorta cool for a bit then its lame.

Does seem like there is a lot of glitches in MP. I never played online for MW1, was there an open beta MP for that game? Were there many glitches?
I wonder if having an open beta would have fixed some of these issues like the javelin, carepackage, and now the private match stuff. I mean i have over 48hours clocked in. even with the glitches its a blast to play online w/ friends.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Nice, what modes do you play that help you level up so fast?[/QUOTE]
I just play TDM but in that 4 hour span I had a bunch of weapon and perk challenges that weren't completed so with challenges alone I probably got over 800000 XP
Sorry about that, Trakan. The PS3 version is different with it's quiting penalties.

Also, I haven't ran into any "unlimited ammo" games on the PS3.
bread's done