CoD: Modern Warfare 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info-New Map Pack out June 3 (1200MSP)

The FAL is one of the worst weapons in all of the COD games combine. (Non hardcore of course).

This gun has no advantages what so ever since every gun in the game is near perfect at full auto anyway. It has 50 damage but the range is about 10 ft.

Even with it sucking hard I cant stop using it.
Finally got around to beating campaign on Veteran yesterday...excellent campaign. I did end up with a couple questions though:

What happened to the Russian terrorist? I don't recall killing him, unless I missed it somewhere.

Also, what was up with the scene after the submarine launches the nuke, I was in DC inside a crashed helicopter and it was a scene that started like one I had previously done already. Also what was up with the space scene? That shit made no sense to me.


On another note, anyone know of a site where one can check how much ammo each weapon carries?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']On another note, anyone know of a site where one can check how much ammo each weapon carries?[/QUOTE]

This site shows you the magazine size of every weapon if you click down to the details:

If you're looking for an easy to view table though, this isn't it. Maybe someone should make one?

P.S. I feel like every time I use the SCAR it runs out of ammo about 15 seconds after I spawn.
[quote name='Soodmeg']The FAL is one of the worst weapons in all of the COD games combine. (Non hardcore of course).

This gun has no advantages what so ever since every gun in the game is near perfect at full auto anyway. It has 50 damage but the range is about 10 ft.

Even with it sucking hard I cant stop using it.[/QUOTE]

I thought it sucked too.

Then I went about 40-9 with it using silencer and acog scope, got two chopper gunners.
[quote name='SoulReaver']I thought it sucked too.

Then I went about 40-9 with it using silencer and acog scope, got two chopper gunners.[/QUOTE]

No it still sucks ass, I have gone 40+ many times with the FAL but the weapon itself is trash. The recoil is ridiculous for a single shot weapon especially when you can almost the same results by strapping a acog to a sniper rifle. I have used the FAL every which way possible, it really is a POS.

It seems to change your play style more, since you know its a single shot you take things a little slower.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']This site shows you the magazine size of every weapon if you click down to the details:

If you're looking for an easy to view table though, this isn't it. Maybe someone should make one?

P.S. I feel like every time I use the SCAR it runs out of ammo about 15 seconds after I spawn.[/QUOTE]

That'll work...thanks.


Soodmeg, I know we've played a few matches together already but the first time we ran into each other, was that just coincidence?
No, I just join your game through someones friends list.

.......I was lonely playing by myself and wanted to play with some CAGs.....:whistle2:# worries. I just don't usually play with a headset since there's a whole bunch of idiots who sing and just do everything they can to be obnoxious. I mute everyone who has a speaker logo next to their name as soon as they join the lobby.
Too bad they took out NV. In the DLC, it would be cool if there was a map where parts of it required NV, so you would have to constantly be switching it on/off.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Too bad they took out NV. In the DLC, it would be cool if there was a map where parts of it required NV, so you would have to constantly be switching it on/off.[/QUOTE]

Kinda of ironic that the Prestige edition has nightvision goggles too.
Ok, this is ridiculous. I thought that the update was going to fix the range on the Akimbo 1887's. I'm getting blasted one shot from like 20 feet away
[quote name='chibamm']Ok, this is ridiculous. I thought that the update was going to fix the range on the Akimbo 1887's. I'm getting blasted one shot from like 20 feet away[/QUOTE]

If you use FMJ + Akimbo (Requiring Bling Pro) the 1887s have their old range and damage back.

Apparently IW didn't bother looking into/patching the FMJ part of the Akimbo 1887s.

True and most of the guns in this game are trash, the game still sucks. This shit of people running around with the magnum 44 or any pistol gun and attaching the knife to it is crap as the knife melee hits you from at leat 10 feet out and they should fix that damn thing. People complained so damn much about the 1887's and I understand but at the same time make the game fair and balance. Just balance out the knife melee crap and lag too. I mean, finding a match for ground war then get thrown into headquarters is bullshit. Wtf is going on with the iw servers? Plus, you shoot someone before they knife you and they walk right through it. I've even gone as far as shooting a noob tube at a person and they go through it to knife melee me.
The lag is insane. On my screen I'll register 2 hits on a guy, then look on the kill cam and not a single one registers. Time to put this back on the shelf for awhile.
[quote name='chibamm']The lag is insane. On my screen I'll register 2 hits on a guy, then look on the kill cam and not a single one registers. Time to put this back on the shelf for awhile.[/QUOTE]


See, Lag is the elephant in the room that no one ever wants to talk about and one of the reason why I just laugh at people who truly claim to be good at this game.

The game has so much build in lag that its almost impossible to tell what the fuck is going on. There are far to many lag related instances to account for to ever play this game seriously. Dont get me wrong its a fun game to play...but far from competitive. The whole, "My screen shows me around a corner but theirs shows me 10 ft away from it."

And the proof is in the kills cam, cant count the number of times I have died by what looks like a kid having a seizure.
The lag is related to the host/your connection, if it is that laggy in a match you should quit. If it is laggy in every match you should upgrade your internet connection or just give up trying to play online.

And as for the guy saying all of the guns are trash, that could not be any more wrong. Nearly every gun in the game is good, to the point there are no guns that are really better then the others. The only bad gun in the game is probably the FAL, but even then you just have to adjust your play style a bit. And if you hit someone with a noob tube then they would of died so you obviously missed. Unless it hit the ground in which case if they were within commando knife range you can't really hit close enough to them to kill them I don't believe....
even w/ 3 out of 4 bars of signal, the lag can be annoying. You turn a corner and shoot your shotgun into a guys watch a kill cam of you being shot in the head w/o firing on the guy. This sorta thing only happens once in awhile for me and when it does it normally means its time to find a new lobby.
Hosts that have a terrible connection, where everyone is getting snapped back, typically get kicked and we host migrate. Its rare for MW2 to let a laggy game last more than a minute or so.
[quote name='-BigC-']The lag is related to the host/your connection, if it is that laggy in a match you should quit. If it is laggy in every match you should upgrade your internet connection or just give up trying to play online.

And as for the guy saying all of the guns are trash, that could not be any more wrong. Nearly every gun in the game is good, to the point there are no guns that are really better then the others. The only bad gun in the game is probably the FAL, but even then you just have to adjust your play style a bit. And if you hit someone with a noob tube then they would of died so you obviously missed. Unless it hit the ground in which case if they were within commando knife range you can't really hit close enough to them to kill them I don't believe....[/QUOTE]

Sorry, gonna have to disagree, although I dont have the most blazing internet my connection is fine. I have played every other game just fine without any lag of any kind that I can remember.

The only two games I remember ever really questioning the lag is, COD4 and CODMW2.

Also, this is a well known problem that gets complained about constantly, its not like I said anything new related to COD. If you go into any forum you will find numerous threads/topics on bending bullets and kill cam related goodies.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Sorry, gonna have to disagree, although I dont have the most blazing internet my connection is fine. I have played every other game just fine without any lag of any kind that I can remember.

The only two games I remember ever really questioning the lag is, COD4 and CODMW2.

Also, this is a well known problem that gets complained about constantly, its not like I said anything new related to COD. If you go into any forum you will find numerous threads/topics on bending bullets and kill cam related goodies.[/QUOTE]

Play any Halo game and you will know what real lag is.
When do they plan to release the 1st map pack? Really hope at least 2 of these are in there from the campaign:
The capital building.
Suburban America
Fast-food firefight.
Spring 2010.


That's from the giveaway that Monster energy is hosting.
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If that is lag then you can't play any online shooter without it, the difference between 3 and 4 bars can be annoying and make people harder to kill. But that is just something that all shooters have, the person with a better connection or whoever just lives closer to the host will have the better connection. Your acting as if it is half as bad as Gears host powers.

People complain about lag for every game, but nobody understands no game will ever be lag free. Without a lot of dedicated servers your always going to see this kind of lag, and dedicated servers would suck because half of my friends are on the east coast anyway so we would end up in rooms where everyone would be 4/4 but them. Most games half of the room or more is at 3, with a handful being at 4/4.
The fact of the matter is, lag happens to everyone, not just you. There are times when you shoot a guy, and he thinks he got around the corner, but on your screen he's still running in the open. The same things that happen to you happens to everyone else as well.
As much lag as we see from the occasional bad host, it is still nothing compared to the warp fest that was in Gears of War 2. The lobby wait and in-game lag killed GOW2 for me. MW2 isn't so bad.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Spring 2010.


That's from the giveaway that Monster energy is hosting.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of Monster...anyone buy any of the specially marked packs? Are all codes winners?
Some questions from a newb:

(1) Why are SMG's and pistols even in the game? Is there any reason to ever use them over an assault rifle and a shotgun/launcher?

(2) Do better players tend to play the regular team deathmatch and/or hardcore modes? I have been playing mercenary team deathmatch for the past week since I got the game and it seems like most of the players are absolutely terrible.

(3) How does the server choose what map to play? I've played like 100 matches but I've only seen Rust ONCE and I think I've played the sub base about 30+ times. Doesn't seem very even.
I managed to hit a stealth bomber with my predator missile. I was aiming toward a guy sitting on top of a building and halfway there, boom, I hit something. I was like WTF? and after I came back into 1st person I could hear all the bombs falling and figured out what it was. I didn't get anything special for it unfortunately.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Some questions from a newb:

(1) Why are SMG's and pistols even in the game? Is there any reason to ever use them over an assault rifle and a shotgun/launcher?

(2) Do better players tend to play the regular team deathmatch and/or hardcore modes? I have been playing mercenary team deathmatch for the past week since I got the game and it seems like most of the players are absolutely terrible.

(3) How does the server choose what map to play? I've played like 100 matches but I've only seen Rust ONCE and I think I've played the sub base about 30+ times. Doesn't seem very even.[/QUOTE]
1. I actually see the higher ranked people use SMGs and Pistols all the time.

2. I have no idea, I only play TD and have only tried MTD once or twice.

3. I'm curious as to that, too.. I've only played Rust like, three times but get stuck on Invasion almost every time.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Some questions from a newb:

(1) Why are SMG's and pistols even in the game? Is there any reason to ever use them over an assault rifle and a shotgun/launcher?

(2) Do better players tend to play the regular team deathmatch and/or hardcore modes? I have been playing mercenary team deathmatch for the past week since I got the game and it seems like most of the players are absolutely terrible.

(3) How does the server choose what map to play? I've played like 100 matches but I've only seen Rust ONCE and I think I've played the sub base about 30+ times. Doesn't seem very even.[/QUOTE]

SMGs have a "lighter weight" so you actually have higher mobility which also gives you faster running speed, etc. You'll have a slight advantage when you carry an SMG in a game like Flag or Domination where you have to get to an area quicker. I can do well enough with a SMG, but I'll admit I prefer my FAMAS ;)

Pistols also pull out faster than any other secondary, you may notice that it takes slightly longer to get out your shotty, machine pistol or launcher. Of course, those are the advantages of SMG and pistols, you can decide if you want those as trade offs.

There are definitely some better players in other game types, Mercenary is where you get placed randomly, and thats a good thing when you dont want to get stacked on. I play with friends on other types of matches, but when no one else is on, I play Merc. I usually end up with a positive K/D, winning on the other hand is another story =/

Its true though, I feel like I get maps like Rust lest and Estate more when I play a full room of Merc TDM. It may be the game type you play though, I think the game knows not to play Rust with 12 people. I get Rust quite often when its 4v4 or 3v3 though.
Last comment about the lag thing, yeah I know lag is a part of every game and we are all we aware of the benefits of lag. It just seems that this game is far more laggy than most games.....but it could be all perception.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Last comment about the lag thing, yeah I know lag is a part of every game and we are all we aware of the benefits of lag. It just seems that this game is far more laggy than most games.....but it could be all perception.[/QUOTE]

It seems like it picks some of the worst host possible IMO. COD4 it seemed like it would at least try to pick a decent one for the most part, but after playing merc TDM on MW2 the other day before work and having the game select a host where everyone else in the entire room had a 2 bar connection, I would say that it is far worse on this game. It seems like the bad host on this always last as well unlike on 4 where it would usually end pretty quickly, but that just may be my luck on it. I never played Gears 1 or 2 MP much since I prefer a more "realistic" shooter, so for me the lag is terrible compared to most other games that I have played online.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']It seems like it picks some of the worst host possible IMO. COD4 it seemed like it would at least try to pick a decent one for the most part, but after playing merc TDM on MW2 the other day before work and having the game select a host where everyone else in the entire room had a 2 bar connection, I would say that it is far worse on this game. It seems like the bad host on this always last as well unlike on 4 where it would usually end pretty quickly, but that just may be my luck on it. I never played Gears 1 or 2 MP much since I prefer a more "realistic" shooter, so for me the lag is terrible compared to most other games that I have played online.[/QUOTE]I also like how "Host Migration" works 50% of the time (it's probably even less than that). Sometimes it won't even try to migrate the game to a different host and instead you end up back in the lobby. Go figure.:roll:
[quote name='Link927']SMGs have a "lighter weight" so you actually have higher mobility which also gives you faster running speed, etc. You'll have a slight advantage when you carry an SMG in a game like Flag or Domination where you have to get to an area quicker. I can do well enough with a SMG, but I'll admit I prefer my FAMAS ;)

Pistols also pull out faster than any other secondary, you may notice that it takes slightly longer to get out your shotty, machine pistol or launcher. Of course, those are the advantages of SMG and pistols, you can decide if you want those as trade offs.

There are definitely some better players in other game types, Mercenary is where you get placed randomly, and thats a good thing when you dont want to get stacked on. I play with friends on other types of matches, but when no one else is on, I play Merc. I usually end up with a positive K/D, winning on the other hand is another story =/

Its true though, I feel like I get maps like Rust lest and Estate more when I play a full room of Merc TDM. It may be the game type you play though, I think the game knows not to play Rust with 12 people. I get Rust quite often when its 4v4 or 3v3 though.[/QUOTE]

Exactly what I wanted to know, thanks :)
It is all perception because Gears 2 will provide anyone with the unquestionably worst case of consistent lag on Xbox Live. Anyone who has played it for more than a hour can confirm it. Every 8 out of 10 games there is guaranteed lag where any half decent player is capable of destroying the opposing team BY THEMSELVES because of host advantage.

MW2 has nothing on the catastrophe that is Gears 2 MP and never will so some of you should consider yourselves lucky in comparison. Trust me.
[quote name='paddlefoot']Will be getting on tonight. Anyone mind if I add them?[/QUOTE]

Go for it, I play Domination/Demolition exclusively though.

Been playing the hell out of Demolition for the past 2 days and I gained so much experience per game, about 30,000 XP from level 70.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Spring 2010.


That's from the giveaway that Monster energy is hosting.[/QUOTE]
Can't come soon enough. The current litter of maps can't really compare to CoD4:MW's selection.

Hope they don't add any Spec Ops DLC to detract from future adversarial maps.
[quote name='Soodmeg']This.

See, Lag is the elephant in the room that no one ever wants to talk about and one of the reason why I just laugh at people who truly claim to be good at this game.

The game has so much build in lag that its almost impossible to tell what the fuck is going on. There are far to many lag related instances to account for to ever play this game seriously. Dont get me wrong its a fun game to play...but far from competitive. The whole, "My screen shows me around a corner but theirs shows me 10 ft away from it."

And the proof is in the kills cam, cant count the number of times I have died by what looks like a kid having a seizure.[/QUOTE]

Gotta agree with you on this one. Both COD4 & CODMW2 haven't really addressed the HUGE advantage of having a fast connection vs a moderate/slow connection.

The only "FAIR" way to play would be a system link hence the reason I could care less how good a player "claims" they are. I've played on an AT&T basic connection
and a Verizon FIOS and can tell you that it's LIGHTYEARS difference. The other players almost look like they're in slow-mo(unless they're on FIOS). I play for the fun,
not the competition because if I took it too seriously, I'd end up replacing my 360 every week :lol:.

As to what's most important(download speed, upload speed, ping, etc..), I guess we'd have to get a tech to explain that, but regardless I just play to play and try to
have fun with it as best I can. You DEFINITELY gotta change up your playstyle depending on your connection.
I've recently changed my playstyle completely and I've again fell in love with the game. I was half way through my 2nd prestige and being stealthy and sneaking was getting old. I took a long break while all the retards took over and the crazy bugs were fixed. Now I'm back playing agressive as fuck ditching red dots for silencers and stopping power for cold blooded or a 2nd speed perk and using guns I never really used before. Fun as can be and it's like a whole different game. You are disruptive as hell throwing smoke and always having a flag under attack or always in the front lines on fights. I'm working on throwing knives but the oh damn he did that's versus the effort/times it actual works aren't worth the trade off.

I'm doing the exact same top spots 2-3:1 k:d every game as well but I know for a fact it's worse playing again this style than your normal selective sit back and build for a nuke player. I wish they'd just give everyone the rotating nuke emblem and be done with it. You do so much more damage using direction strike/harrier/pavelow and that's a near guarantee you get them all once you get the first

Edit: refering to domination modes which is all I play lately.
Connection does not play that big of a role as you are making it seem. If I know someone is killing me based off them being the host/having 4 bars then I switch my style. There is some skill in this game, hard to show it because of how easy it is not because of connection.
[quote name='-BigC-']Connection does not play that big of a role as you are making it seem. If I know someone is killing me based off them being the host/having 4 bars then I switch my style. There is some skill in this game, hard to show it because of how easy it is not because of connection.[/QUOTE]

You can claim that all you want, but if the host was as bad as the one I was in there is no stopping them if they use the class this guy did. Marathon, Lightweight, and Commando with a tactical knife and a riot shield on his back. I dare you to run into that and hold your own when everyone on the map is skipping 20-30 feet at a time, you can't shoot the host due to that and he just ran up knifing everyone because no one could keep up with his character. 3-4 bar connections aren't usually too bad, but when it gets to 1-2 bar connections in the room then connection plays a big role in how well someone plays.
[quote name='Ronzilla']Gotta agree with you on this one. Both COD4 & CODMW2 haven't really addressed the HUGE advantage of having a fast connection vs a moderate/slow connection.

The only "FAIR" way to play would be a system link hence the reason I could care less how good a player "claims" they are. I've played on an AT&T basic connection
and a Verizon FIOS and can tell you that it's LIGHTYEARS difference. The other players almost look like they're in slow-mo(unless they're on FIOS). I play for the fun,
not the competition because if I took it too seriously, I'd end up replacing my 360 every week :lol:.

I play on FIOS and I still curse the lag/killcams. What pisses me off more though is when the game starts to get choppy when too much stuff is on the screen at once--which typically happens as soon as bullets start to come out of my gun. The guy I'm about to shoot at disappears and reappears a split second later 3 steps away from where I'm shooting.

I chalk that more up to bad game design vs. lag--it's like with the 8bit NES when characters would start to blink when too much was on the screen. A console can only handle so much and it's the developers job to stay within those limits.
Why didn't you leave that room? How often are you running into hosts that bad? I find one horrible host where it wont change once a day max...
[quote name='-BigC-']Connection does not play that big of a role as you are making it seem. If I know someone is killing me based off them being the host/having 4 bars then I switch my style. There is some skill in this game, hard to show it because of how easy it is not because of connection.[/QUOTE]

So where are you located and what is your connection speed? While skill obviously plays a role, I can speak from experience on both sides of the aisle and say
that your connection compared to the others in the game makes a HUGE difference. Pretty hard to kill someone when they can see you a second or two sooner.
Plus if it wasn't such an advantage, ISP providers wouldn't need to offer their highest speed packages as "GAMING" packages.
They will offer you whatever the crap they can to make you pay for, what companies do to make money has nothing to do with the game. I live in the US and have an above average connection, but most of the games I play I am only 3 bars and do fine. I just don't let it get to me and just learn the game better, because it does not make that big of a difference. I just think most average level gamers want that excuse for lag being the reason they die. Sure sometimes that may be it and it happens to everyone, but it isn't that big of a deal.
[quote name='-BigC-']They will offer you whatever the crap they can to make you pay for, what companies do to make money has nothing to do with the game. I live in the US and have an above average connection, but most of the games I play I am only 3 bars and do fine. I just don't let it get to me and just learn the game better, because it does not make that big of a difference. I just think most average level gamers want that excuse for lag being the reason they die. Sure sometimes that may be it and it happens to everyone, but it isn't that big of a deal.[/QUOTE]

People who have FAST connections aren't gonna get too upset about lag because they don't notice it. Switch to a 1.5Mbps or less connection and play for a month on Xbox LIVE and tell me how amazing it is.
I don't let it get to me either because I've accepted that it's not gonna change and when I play I just adjust my gamestyle. I agree with you that people will blame things on just about
anything(LAG, Akimbo 1887's, M16's, Tactical knifes, camping, etc....), but it doesn't mean that lag isn't an issue. Count your blessings that you have a fast connection because you don't know what you have until you're without it.
I used to have a below average connection, and I played games with the worst lag issues on Xbox live(Gears 1 and 2) and did fine. It is the player, not the connection that will win at any given time. You adjust to the lag and you will do fine, you don't then you lose. Lag is not an issue because it cannot be solved, if there was a way to fix it then yes it could be a legit topic but there is nothing we can do about it. Even with everyone running 1 gig down you will still have people with better connections giving people an advantage.

Just live with it
bread's done