Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

My daughter has been bugging me to watch Spider-Man so we caught a few episodes of Ultimate Spider-Man and it's not as bad as I originally thought. I like how they're using current story elements instead of recycling the same ol' stuff. (ie Guardians of the Galaxy, Venom/Flash, etc) The goofy stuff didn't bug me as much as I thought it would and I actually chuckled a few times. And it's something I can watch with my daughter so that's a plus.

Now I noticed they're doing Spider-verse episodes where he meets a bunch of other Spideys like Miles and 2099. It looked interesting so I'm game.
The "Web Warriors" episodes are why I'm checking the show out again too, starting with the Agent Venom episode. They've been entertaining. I'm looking forward to the 2099 episode the most, it seems like it's going to be mostly computer generated.

I thought Falcone killed off Fish Mooney, considering all of her men got killed.

I agree with the GCPD set. It looks like it came out of the 70s, and it's hilarious that despite thin flip phones, they still have CRT monitors.

They must've hired the actress for Selina Kyle because she looks so much like Catwoman in Batman Returns. We've yet to see any sort of chemistry between her and Bruce, but there's always time.

Didn't care too much for the berserk prisoner scene, since it has been used a few times. That scene where Gordon was running in the sweatshop was a bit weird, and the director could've used another method of him being in Fish's sights besides that odd lens.
Exactly. She has looked like a young Pfeifer Catwoman ever since the first image of her was released, right down to the hairstyle. It had to be an intentional decision. I'm curious if she can act, though, 'cause she didn't say a single word in the pilot.

I will also point out the language they used was mostly from the 1930s if I remember correctly. Maybe it was the 1950s, but I remember thinking they were using old type slang.

BTW the chick that plays catwoman is only 15 in real life. I thought for certain she was older. I just googled her to compare her to michelle pfeiffer. I thought she kinda resembled the chick from GoT, that kinda resembles Maggie Gyllenhaal.

I did notice an error. When catwoman stole the milk it was a new carton, but when she poured it out there was only a little in it. There is probably some website that points this stuff out, but it is a continuity error.

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I will also point out the language they used was mostly from the 1930s if I remember correctly. Maybe it was the 1950s, but I remember thinking they were using old type slang.

BTW the chick that plays catwoman is only 15 in real life. I thought for certain she was older. I just googled her to compare her to michelle pfeiffer. I thought she kinda resembled the chick from GoT, that kinda resembles Maggie Gyllenhaal.

I did notice an error. When catwoman stole the milk it was a new carton, but when she poured it out there was only a little in it. There is probably some website that points this stuff out, but it is a continuity error.
Ah, I didn't particularly notice the slang, that's a nice touch though. Didn't see the milk error either. I'm usually great at spotting stuff like that. Haha maybe she got thirsty from all of the parkour and drank some on the way back to the alley.

I'm curious if Penguin's scenes will be separate from the rest of the show for most of the season. He was left in quite a predicament.

Sure, but I wouldn't really know where to start. The Walking Dead is something I want to check out. Also, in contrast, there have been TV shows that I have enjoyed which have had their stories continue on in comic form. Star Wars stuff interests me, but that's Marvel now as well.

I really don't know what I am looking for, nor do I know how frequently I'll be able to buy comics considering my video game buying habit, but I'm open to suggestions.
I feel you. Thanks to Steam, I've been getting alot of great 75% off deals, but I still find my self spending too much. If you're after the newest releases then that's even worse on your wallet. If you feel like to go ahead and list genres you think you'd be most interested in and I'll try to give some specific titles. I'm sure other's here will do the same and most likely have much more knowledge of comic books in general.

I did notice an error. When catwoman stole the milk it was a new carton, but when she poured it out there was only a little in it. There is probably some website that points this stuff out, but it is a continuity error.
Maybe they edited out the part where she cleared most of a half gallon like that? Chug Chug Chug!

Oh yeah, you probably shouldn't give cats milk because they are usually lactose intolerant and they'll barf all over you.

Looks like everybody missed the T-Mobile poster, which was geared toward smartphones, which nobody has.

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Did not like Gotham at all. Benjamin McKenzie and Donal Logue are trying, but their characters are so cliched and well...really the whole thing feels like a cliched cop show. Things like the interrogation montage and the possible Renee and Barbara having a lesbian affair made me groan aloud and I just don't know what they're going for. I Hoped watching the pilot would give me a reason as to why this show exists, but it still doesn't since we'll never get to the point of "HEY LOOK IT'S BATMAN!" so it's all just a pointless tease.

Though the good news is I got like 20 or so more DC shows set to premiere! Bad news is this one is apparently the best reviewed one.

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I'm definitely not getting the love for Gotham. It looks like it's going to be a mediocre procedural with a Batman backdrop. It unnecessarily tied all these rogues together in someway to everything early on just to be like "LOOK!!!! BATMANS!!!! PLEASE WATCH!!". I did love that some of these reviews are talking about this BRAND NEW character created for show in Harvey Bullock, apparently a cursory Google search is too much for these morons. If it wasn't in a movie it never happened.

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I normally hate everything. I am really surprised you guys don't like it. lol

To me it was like the first spider-man movie. I wasn't expecting much, but it turned out ok. It could have been better, but I wasn't disappointed like I thought I would be...

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It was as disappointing as I thought, but than again I think it was doomed from the start from me. I've now literally seen Bruce's parent's get killed more than Scratchy in an Itchy and Scratchy cartoon. It's aimed more toward the Batman fan who watched the Nolan movies, but don't read the comics, but even than it can't go "full Batman" and is still restricted in who lives or dies in that they got to follow the loose cannon of the comics so I really don't know who it's for as in it can't go full cop show either (despite shoehorning in so many cliches). I Still wish they had gone with the original idea of Gotham P.D. in how does the Gotham police force stay relevant in a city with corrupt cops on their squad, super villains and Batman. I'll probably watch the next episode to see if it goes anywhere better or if any potential, but as of right now everything about that show just feels so limited and I can't see how it'll do anything to surprise me.

At least I have the CW for my superhero fix! Which still amazes me I can say that...

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I know some of you are into digital comics.

25 free ones today only.

enter COMICS at checkout

Today is National Comic Book day! ComiXology is celebrating by offering over 25 comics for free when you enter COMICS at checkout. Make sure to spread the love of comics and graphic novels and share this code with your friends. Offer expires 9/25/14 at 11:59 PM EST.
Thanks! I never would have known about that. A few of those issues were from series I had considered reading for a while, so now I'll get to check them out without putting any money into them.

Thanks so much! Barely got in before the cutoff. 1 of the titles still rings up as 99 cents after code, but I removed that and got 24 free issues. Certainly can't complain!
Well if you guys are into the idea of knowing what new digital sales are up I should point you to this thread on CBR.  A member named trevor compiles the sales for each day.

Secondly,  to whomever was excited about the TMNT IDW Collection volume 1 that was supposed to come out in October it seems to have been pushed back to 2015.  Possibly March 2015 by what I read.  Hopefully it'll be solicited in the next few months.

@Matt Young - I still mean to offer up a few suggestions on series.  Been a bit busy. 

Well if you guys are into the idea of knowing what new digital sales are up I should point you to this thread on CBR. A member named trevor compiles the sales for each day.

Secondly, to whomever was excited about the TMNT IDW Collection volume 1 that was supposed to come out in October it seems to have been pushed back to 2015. Possibly March 2015 by what I read. Hopefully it'll be solicited in the next few months.

@Matt Young - I still mean to offer up a few suggestions on series. Been a bit busy.
Ah, that's a shame. Thanks for the update. Might be a good thing in my case, though, 'cause September has been a pretty expensive month for me when it comes to comics. I don't need to be buying anything extra in October.

Ah, that's a shame. Thanks for the update. Might be a good thing in my case, though, 'cause September has been a pretty expensive month for me when it comes to comics. I don't need to be buying anything extra in October.
I already narrowed the rest of the years releases to 4-5 books and that's pushing it.

Btw, I don't think this has been posted yet. Apologies if it has. Humble Bundle has a Valiant bundle up now. 5 days left. $15 will get you a ridiculous amount of comics, but each tier is a great value. If you've been on the fence and don't mind digital this might be your cheap entry into the universe.

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I already narrowed the rest of the years releases to 4-5 books and that's pushing it.

Btw, I don't think this has been posted yet. Apologies if it has. Humble Bundle has a Valiant bundle up now. 5 days left. $15 will get you a ridiculous amount of comics, but each tier is a great value. If you've been on the fence and don't mind digital this might be your cheap entry into the universe.
I got the second highest tier. I was most interested in Quantum and Woody, but all the other stuff seems cool.

I already narrowed the rest of the years releases to 4-5 books and that's pushing it.

Btw, I don't think this has been posted yet. Apologies if it has. Humble Bundle has a Valiant bundle up now. 5 days left. $15 will get you a ridiculous amount of comics, but each tier is a great value. If you've been on the fence and don't mind digital this might be your cheap entry into the universe.

I got the second highest tier. I was most interested in Quantum and Woody, but all the other stuff seems cool.
I just got the second tier as well. Vaguely remembered getting a free issue of both Quantum & Woody and Shadowman on comixology, so I re-downloaded them and actually read them this time, ended up loving them. Already had Rai #1 in print and liked it, but couldn't justify another monthly book on my sub. Can't wait to dig in and start reading, I've been wanting to branch out and read something outside of Marvel and DC, and Valiant seems like a great option.

Thanks for sharing the link, dm85!

I just got the second tier as well. Vaguely remembered getting a free issue of both Quantum & Woody and Shadowman on comixology, so I re-downloaded them and actually read them this time, ended up loving them. Already had Rai #1 in print and liked it, but couldn't justify another monthly book on my sub. Can't wait to dig in and start reading, I've been wanting to branch out and read something outside of Marvel and DC, and Valiant seems like a great option.

Thanks for sharing the link, dm85!
You're welcome. If you find the Valiant Universe interesting this thread might be useful to you. There's some discussion in there about reading order and how the crossover's work along with general feedback on each title.

Anyone been reading He-Man? I've been really digging it and think it is probably one of my favorite things out there.

Also - anyone reading Future's End? I was tempted to get it because of Batman Beyond being in it, but looking it up online there looks to be a ton of stuff going on it with characters I never follow and some I haven't heard of. I feel like I read a ton of comics, but whenever these events happen it shows me that I miss an awful lot.

I Read Future's End up to issue 8 before dropping it. Everyone in that title is written like a totally unlikeable A-hole and the fact that this is one part of a three part trilogy DC wants to do? Fuuuuck that. If it gets good I'll pick up the trade, but DC fucked me over hard with their prior weekly comic, Countdown.

Well, I'm officially sold on the Gotham version of Selina Kyle. It was a little worrying that they didn't let her speak for an entire episode and a half, but she did pretty good by typical child actor standards when she finally got some dialogue. The character herself got a pretty good introduction.
I mean, she clawed a guy's eyes out. I wasn't expecting that at all. Plus her conversation with the social worker toward the end of the episode was hilarious.

Bruce is alright too. Alfred is really the only one I don't really care for right now. I suppose he'd be under a lot of stress at this point in the Batman timeline, though, so it's understandable that he's so quick to get pissed. This one feels less like classic Alfred and more like the Earth One version, which I'm not a major fan of. Hopefully his character arc gets him into the father-figure role down the road.

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Anyone else notice Ben Edlund (the creator of The Tick) came up on the credits?  IDK why he is listed, but I noticed it.

Jada Pinkett, just doesn't do it for me. Her and Barbara Gordan are both over/badly acting.

I like that penguin is frail, poor, and ruthless (rather than Rich and plump). Though his mom didnt need to be lupi from Transylvania 6-5000.

Anyone else notice Ben Edlund (the creator of The Tick) came up on the credits? IDK why he is listed, but I noticed it.

Jada Pinkett, just doesn't do it for me. Her and Barbara Gordan are both over/badly acting.

I like that penguin is frail, poor, and ruthless (rather than Rich and plump). Though his mom didnt need to be lupi from Transylvania 6-5000.
I think he's been involved with WB/CW tv for a while. I seem to recall his name popping up in the credits of Supernatural when the show first started, up until season 6 when I stopped watching. Don't know if it's the same Ben Edlund or not.

Personally I like Pinkett-Smith's Fish Mooney, and how she talks and moves like a devious crime boss from another era. The problem is that she seems completely out of place if the other people around her are acting normally, as if it's modern times. If they learn to be more careful about that then I think it would help her cause considerably. It would help if everyone working for her at least seemed to be from the same era.

As far as Cobblepot, I'm definitely enjoying his portrayal on this show a whole lot more than I thought I would. Never was much of a Penguin fan prior to this. It's great how he has such a deliberate, proper way of speaking - which is something I didn't notice until he got in the car with those dumbass bro-skis. It's sort of the opposite of what's going on with Mooney: Penguin shines when he's around more modernized characters.

Fish Mooney's pretty cool. I'm just surprised Falcone let her keep operating this much, and let Hurley live.

Wow, the Dollmaker?! Well he is an old guy in Green Arrow, though it makes you wonder how much clout he got to get like four henchmen.

Yup, giving up on Gotham tried episode two and it feels too cliched and dated like an 80's or 90's cop drama, but with small dashes of Batman in it. Also Jada Pinkett Smith, just fucking give up.

Just read the first volume of Shadowman. It was pretty enjoyable, and I'm crazy about the art. I've heard that the series goes downhill very quickly, though. Guess I'll see soon. Tried the game, too... but it seemed just about unplayable to me. I vaguely remember my cousin renting it for N64 back in the day and playing it at my house, but I don't have any nostalgia for it. It did remind me a little of Soul Reaver, however.

Yup, giving up on Gotham tried episode two and it feels too cliched and dated like an 80's or 90's cop drama, but with small dashes of Batman in it. Also Jada Pinkett Smith, just fucking give up.
Isn't that kind of the point? In all seriousness though, I am being very forgiving about some of the goofier aspects. If they're going to have so much foreshadowing in every episode, it needs to be more subtle. Selina already insisting that everyone calls her "Cat" is an eye roller, much like her mannerisms in the pilot as well as when she was swatting at the hanging necklace in this one.

I personally don't think it's anymore cliched than every other show on tv... or the source material, for that matter.

The next episode may be hard for even me to sit through, because just the idea of "Balloonman" running around and tying people to giant balloons so they'll go up, fall and then splatter is just... ehh. But it'll still be something to watch on a monday.

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The next episode may be hard for even me to sit through, because just the idea of "Balloonman" running around and tying people to giant balloons so they'll go up, fall and then splatter is just... ehh. But it'll still be something to watch on a monday.
So...Kite Man I guess was too ridiculous, but this somehow made it through? Yup, I'm ready for The Flash and Arrow to forget all about this show.

I just read the Green Arrow Futures End oneshot. Man, I love Lemire and Sorrentino's run on the book so damn much. The Futures End tie-in made for a really good finale, too. I hope it gets collected into the final tpb volume, because this is one of those series that I'll HAVE to own in collected editions. Preferably an omnibus.

For now, I'm selling off my GA single issues. If any of you have been wanting to read the series, send me a PM.

DC Collectibles needs to make action figures of Emiko and the bearded, ponytailed Green Arrow ASAP.

Batman Eternal is really damn good too, especially now that Hush is involved. He was my favorite Batman villain pre-N52, so I was VERY excited to see him appear. I don't regret choosing to follow it instead of the main Batman title and Detective Comics, particularly because of the former's price hike that DC is currently threatening.

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Alright, I checked out The Delinquents. I loved it. I then checked out Quantum and Woody. Great stuff. Archer and Armstrong is on my to check out list. What other off beat buddy comedy books are out there?
Alright, I checked out The Delinquents. I loved it. I then checked out Quantum and Woody. Great stuff. Archer and Armstrong is on my to check out list. What other off beat buddy comedy books are out there?
Ever read Cable & Deadpool? I'd recommend it. It existed in its own corner of the Marvel universe for most of its run. Other than that, I got nothin'. I'll soon be reading Quantum and Woody and Archer and Armstrong myself, thanks to that recent humble bundle.

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Ever read Cable & Deadpool? I'd recommend it. It existed in its own corner of the Marvel universe for most of its run. Other than that, I got nothin'. I'll soon be reading Quantum and Woody and Archer and Armstrong myself, thanks to that recent humble bundle.
Oh yeah, I own the complete run in TPB. Let's not forget its introduction of the hero of our time... Bob

Edit: That Penetraitor plot line still cracks me up just thinking about it. Hail Hydra!
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Alright, I checked out The Delinquents. I loved it. I then checked out Quantum and Woody. Great stuff. Archer and Armstrong is on my to check out list. What other off beat buddy comedy books are out there?
It's not a buddy book but Nextwave is a very funny comic. Superior Foes of Spider-Man has also been very funny. (Still not canceled!)

Oh yeah, I own the complete run in TPB. Let's not forget its introduction of the hero of our time... Bob

Edit: That Penetraitor plot line still cracks me up just thinking about it. Hail Hydra!
Hah! I forgot all about the Penetraitor storyline. Man, Bob and Weasel are both criminally neglected these days. I miss the Agency X crew too. Fabian Nicieza is writing some sort of Deadpool mini-series soon, so I'm hoping one or two of those characters make a grand comeback.

It's not a buddy book but Nextwave is a very funny comic. Superior Foes of Spider-Man has also been very funny. (Still not canceled!)
Seconded with the Nextwave recommendation. That comic made me a fan of Machine Man. Haven't read Foes yet but I keep hear great things from it. I have to pick it up sometime.

I'm done with Gotham as of tonight. Just not all that good of a show and just really a mess. Donal Logue and Ben McKenzie are trying but they are handed crap.

In before the gotham hate. ;)
What did you think of tonight's episode?

The Balloonman stuff was freaking hilarious. To think that Gotham's first vigilante had such a wacky gimmick... and Bruce seemed to take notes! Ha. I'm surprised they brought Penguin back to the city so quickly. They're also still trying too hard with Selina, assuming she can indeed see perfectly in the dark from a bit of a distance. Bullock getting thrown around by She-Hulk was amazing.

I still see it as enjoyable cheese. Could do without the unnecessary lesbian/bi love triangle drama, though.

I'll still watch it. I like penguin...which is something I never thought I would say. He has always been a lame villain. I hope the whole "cat" thing is more of she acts like a cat and it is only her that thinks she is like a cat, not some type of "cat power" (hey that is a band!)

It will keep this thread interesting like the walking dead thread. Everyone hates it, but they all watch it and come here to complain. haha

I could watch big bang theory on Monday nights, but as someone who was a nerd long before it was cool, I find the stereotypes to be annoying. It has its moments, but the comic book stuff pisses me off.  Maybe you kids that read deadpool like dancing superheroes and stuff, but I am old school and I like my heroes stoic.

I'm sticking with Gotham. Far from the worst show I've seen. They definitely rushed bringing The Penguin back to the city. Would have made more sense for him to build up money and power elsewhere and then make a play for control of the underworld. The Balloonman stuff was silly. If they are going to introduce more vigilantes that come before Batman, they should definitely consider having Montoya become The Question. Considering she appears to be a honest cop, it would make sense for her to turn to vigilantism to circumvent the corruption.

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So... Hush's new backstory is pretty underwhelming. I guess his mother no longer survived the accident? That... that kind of sucks, actually. Nothing about the quick run-down they did on his origin made him seem like anything other than a punk. It was almost comical the way the entire bat-family got so grim-faced and concerned when they were told he was back. 

Gotham was just hilarious with Penguin's killing a dude and then getting a tuna fish sandwich afterwards. I'm wondering how the hell did Jim Gordon get the Clocktower Loft in Brooklyn on a cop's salary? I watched a tv show on it and they said this place was freakin' expensive.

The Flash pilot was fun and I'm wanting to see what comes next. Harrison Wells may be the big bad of this season considering the ending.

Read the first appearance of Captain Cold's fire counterpart, thought that was a cute story as DC Silver Age stories are wont to be.

Gotham was just hilarious with Penguin's killing a dude and then getting a tuna fish sandwich afterwards. I'm wondering how the hell did Jim Gordon get the Clocktower Loft in Brooklyn on a cop's salary? I watched a tv show on it and they said this place was freakin' expensive.

The Flash pilot was fun and I'm wanting to see what comes next. Harrison Wells may be the big bad of this season considering the ending.

Read the first appearance of Captain Cold's fire counterpart, thought that was a cute story as DC Silver Age stories are wont to be.
It's Barbara's place, isn't it? There was a quick line that she had in the pilot while speaking to him, something along the lines of "I want you to live here permanently." I'm curious what kind of place he'd really be living in.

It's Barbara's place, isn't it? There was a quick line that she had in the pilot while speaking to him, something along the lines of "I want you to live here permanently." I'm curious what kind of place he'd really be living in.
And the ex GF had a key...

Realistically cops make 6 figures with overtime, but I would think that place is pretty expensive even in an alternate universe.

Flash was entertaining. I couldn't sit through arrow, but I think I will watch flash.

And the ex GF had a key...

Realistically cops make 6 figures with overtime, but I would think that place is pretty expensive even in an alternate universe.

Flash was entertaining. I couldn't sit through arrow, but I think I will watch flash.
That's a shame. The show has gone through such an evolution. I had the biggest smile on my face tonight watching Green Arrow and Arsenal, in full costume, both running around and saving the city. They still have the relationship drama to hold tightly to that CW demographic, but the comic book superheroics and theatricality has certainly been ramped up to exciting levels. Peter Stormare as Count Vertigo looks promising too.

Flash is very enjoyable, though. I just love how much lighter and brighter it seems to be than Arrow. It's been played out at this point, but I agree with the people that are raving about how refreshing it was to have a superhero shout "Awesome!" when he got his powers, rather than get all mopey and brooding right away.

Also, did anyone catch that promotional banner that has been making the rounds? Gave a pretty good look at the design for a certain big-bad, along with an altered/upgraded Flash costume. Looks pretty sweet, I gotta say.

bread's done