Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

First issue of Axis and i gotta ask, was Adam Kubert always this bleh with faces? Besides that as someone who has read all of Remender's Uncanny Avengers run and enjoyed it (even all of the Apocalypse Twins and especially the annual) I gotta say it's a rather bland start. Tony Stark's "convenient" new power almost immediately kills any tension and the last page reveal of Red Onslaught's ace in the hole felt rushed. It's hard to justify the book right now considering it's 9 issues and weekly as it stands so hopefully next issue picks up or I'm dropping it like Avengers vs. X-Men.

Also it feels like a total ripoff that all of the recent events at Marvel that Steve Rogers and Wolverine who were a part of the team since the beginning has no part in it.

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First issue of Axis and i gotta ask, was Adam Kubert always this bleh with faces? Besides that as someone who has read all of Remender's Uncanny Avengers run and enjoyed it (even all of the Apocalypse Twins and especially the annual) I gotta say it's a rather bland start. Tony Stark's "convenient" new power almost immediately kills any tension and the last page reveal of Red Onslaught's ace in the hole felt rushed. It's hard to justify the book right now considering it's 9 issues and weekly as it stands so hopefully next issue picks up or I'm dropping it like Avengers vs. X-Men.

Also it feels like a total ripoff that all of the recent events at Marvel that Steve Rogers and Wolverine who were a part of the team since the beginning has no part in it.
Oh boy. My eyes ran across that question, and I immediately flashed back to the first page of Son of Batman #1. I thought I had escaped the terrible nightmare of that book. The horror...

The horror.

Oh boy. My eyes ran across that question, and I immediately flashed back to the first page of Son of Batman #1. I thought I had escaped the terrible nightmare of that book. The horror...

The horror.
That's Andy Kubert. Both brothers seem to have problems with faces. Adam does his too simple where it doesn't fit the mood while Andy does such weird details that it makes everyone look creepy in a bad way.

Arrow was... Arrow as usual.

Brandon Routh is a hunk, terrible shame he's not Superman anymore, but at least he's on the program.

I'm getting tired of Oliver's schtick of acting like a ninny, keep your friends close push them away, (back and forth jeez). Really evident last season since all he had to do was show up to work and play some Candy Crush. I sure as hell don't know what the hell he did outside of Deathstroke-stalking activities.

Sad that Larry has to fight addiction again, especially with the pill popping. And it's going to be worse for him considering: The ending was a major WTF, and I am not a fan of Laurel.

I think both brothers are terrible artists. I remember when ultimate xmen #1 came out and I thought "This art is horrible" and I left it at the comic shop.

I don't think it's been mentioned so I'll be posting the current HB comic book bundle.

Humble OniPress Comics Bundle

Tier 1 - Pay What You Want

Buzz! Vol.1

The Sixth Gun Vol.1  6 Issues

Letter 44 Vol.1  6 Issues

Bad Machinery Vol. 1

Sketch Monsters Vol. 1

I Was The Cat #1

The Auteur #1

Tier 2 - Beat The Average  (Currently $11.26)

Courtney Crumrin Vol.1  4 Issues

Capote In Kansas

Diesel Sweeties Vol.1

Helheim Vol.1  6 Issues

Megagogo Vol.1

The Bunker Vol.1  4 Issues

Down Set Fight

I Was The Cat #2

Meteor Men #1

The Auteur #2

Princess Ugg #1

The Life After #1

Terrible Lizard #1

Tier 3 - Pay $15 or more

Scott PIlgrim Vol.1

Scott Pilgrim Vol.2

Stumptown Vol.1 4 Issues

Lost At Sea

Worked at Comic-Con today. This time we brought out the decent stuff and sold plenty, but did MUCH better at a book fair a few weeks ago. Gonna have some fun tomorrow.

Saw plenty of movie Black Widow cosplayers of all shapes and sizes. My favorite cosplay was indeed Zangief. I also did see a Stephanie Brown Robin cosplay with visor.

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Maybe it was the weather, but glad things were... less sexy today from where I was. Got Batman '66 comics for $1 each. Those comic booths with $1 deals are cool. Shame I couldn't fine many DC Showcases.

So Wytches has already been optioned for a movie, apparently. That news got me interested enough to order the first issue. 

Maybe it's just me and my low standards, but I'm really enjoying Futures End now. I'm about to read my tie-in oneshots tonight and tomorrow, probably. And since Superman: Doomed is basically over with (aside from some upcoming aftermath issues) I'll probably start on that as well. 

The Flash tv series comic didn't impress me with its first issue. The art made everyone look way older than they were supposed to be, it completely took me out of it and defeated the purpose of the reading a companion book. Arrow: Season 2.5 looks to be better just judging by the previews. Looking forward to a monthly series where Green Arrow and Arsenal are actually working together. What a novel idea...  

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Got around to watching Flash and Arrow this week and yeah, it's still weird that I can count on CW for my comic book television fix.

So, Tommy Elliot and Leslie Thompkins are both gonna be showing up on Gotham. Elliot is the character I most wanted to appear on the show, just because Hush is my favorite Bat villain. Hopefully they go with his pre-N52 origin, assuming they go that in-depth with him at all. A murderous plot that backfires and ruins his life is way more interesting than the N52 story, which is that he successfully killed his parents and immediately became a Bruce Wayne groupie/stalker.

At this point, I think the only thing they could do that would sour me on the show would be to introduce someone who is absolutely, without a doubt going to be the Joker. Teases and red herrings are fine. Anything more is stupid.

As far as comics go, the Futures End Batgirl oneshot was freakin' great. The idea that she
singlehandedly took out 70% of Gotham's crime (including all of the big guns like Riddler, Freeze and Penguin) within 2 years just because of a new motivation was kind of ridiculous.
Otherwise it was very enjoyable.

Constantine's was kind of pointless, unless the helmet of fate pops up down the line in FE. I still liked the issue, but it was a very self-contained issue where nothing interesting really happened.

Also... Jeff Lemire left Green Arrow, and Marvel has now announced that he is the new writer of a relaunched Hawkeye ongoing. Boo.

WUT? Hush is going to be in Gotham? As a kid right? Because he and Bruce are the same age in the comics.

I'm probably not going to read Future's End. They lost me with evil cyborgs in five years time.

Fraction is leaving Hawkeye? I definitely won't be buying it anymore if it goes into normal superhero comic mold.
Wasn't it announced a while back that Fraction's Hawkeye was canceled? I dunno. Never did follow the series, just heard things about it. I wouldn't necessarily worry about it becoming a typical superhero comic, though. Lemire took over Green Arrow and the whole thing became very trippy and veered a little into supernatural territory, eventually leading into a conflict with several ancient warrior clans (Arrow, shield, fist, etc.) where The Outsiders were formed, and only started to become a more typical superhero book in the last couple of issues, possibly to pave the way for the Arrow writer's turn on the book.

WUT? Hush is going to be in Gotham? As a kid right? Because he and Bruce are the same age in the comics.

I'm probably not going to read Future's End. They lost me with evil cyborgs in five years time.
That remains to be seen. If they aren't totally stupid with his inclusion, he'll obviously be Bruce's age. They'd be friends, Tommy would grow jealous of Bruce's life, so on and so forth. It would ideally play out over several episodes. We'll see, though.

It's probably gonna be some argument between the heroes and not related to the event. Saying Civil War is just a good to get the fanboys going

It's probably gonna be some argument between the heroes and not related to the event. Saying Civil War is just a good to get the fanboys going
As long as someone gets thrown in a turbine like in all his movies I'll be fine with whatever. I'm curious as to how that film will end though and if the rumor's are true of Avengers 3 being a two parter (so I guess Avengers 4 in this case) then it'd be a nice way to set up Rogers returning at the end of 3 since I don't think a story with Stark and Rogers fighting one another can end in a "alright, we've proven our point and thing's are back to normal".

Though Jesus, Downey getting at least 40 million is fucking ridiculous.

Hawkeye was canceled.  I believe there is one issue left.  The book has shipped so sporadically and was so late (nice goin', David Aja) that it's better to just cancel it and relaunch a new series.

As long as someone gets thrown in a turbine like in all his movies I'll be fine with whatever. I'm curious as to how that film will end though and if the rumor's are true of Avengers 3 being a two parter (so I guess Avengers 4 in this case) then it'd be a nice way to set up Rogers returning at the end of 3 since I don't think a story with Stark and Rogers fighting one another can end in a "alright, we've proven our point and thing's are back to normal".

Though Jesus, Downey getting at least 40 million is fucking ridiculous.
I have no idea what to expect, superhero movie rumors are pretty dumb most of the time.

Hawkeye was canceled. I believe there is one issue left. The book has shipped so sporadically and was so late (nice goin', David Aja) that it's better to just cancel it and relaunch a new series.
Hooray, now I can read all of Fraction's run without being frustrated at constant delays and see what all the fuss is about!

I have no idea what to expect, superhero movie rumors are pretty dumb most of the time.
I'd be outraged if this wasn't 200% true!

So the Civil War story in Cap is going to be the underlying story of Phase 3 entirely (or at least on earth). Interesting. I'm curious as to how Marvel is going to juggle all that shit since it'll have wider spread than S.H.I.E.L.D. being sole people effected, especially when Netflix shows are factored in now too. You got me Marvel! You maybe losing me in alot of comics, but I'm on board for your movies!

Did Marvel learn WHAT NOT TO DO with DC? Marvel has the luxury to not dwell in Dark Knight Returns, and they're going to waste Captain America 3 on Civil War, a pretty terrible and depressing storyline? Can't Steve catch a break? It's almost as if they really want Chris Evans to quit so we can have Sebastian Stan as the main character. Should've seen it in Cap 2 and Iron Man 3. Terrorism is a big problem in the Marvel Universe and who knows where it comes from, the powers or the religious extremists or both. Now that I think about it, this is just
typical Hollywood liberal lesson telling.

Gotham was alright. but it wasn't good or bad either. The Cobblepot thing could've waited a few episodes.

I didn't know Arkham was that big of a chunk of Staten Island. Yipes.

How deep are most of you into buying comics?  Do you put a decent chunk of your budget into it and what type of titles do you usually follow? 

Personally, I can only focus on 5 or so series at a time.  I only collect HC's.  I never buy floppies and TPB's I would only consider if I had no other option or I didn't necessarily feel the need for the HC editions.  Currently, I'm trying to collect Powers Definitive 5 & 6 and Hellboy LE 6.  Once I grab LE 6 I can finish collecting the BPRD omnibus.  AFTER that I can consider delving into the expanded Hellboy Universe. 

Tomorrow I should be getting Leaving Megalopolis, the kickstarter comic done by Gail Simone and Jim Calafiore, along with Terry Moore's Echo Complete HC Edition.

I think the whole "Civil War" storyline, depending upon how they use it, could be a great way to get more heroes on the big and small screen. I've been waiting to see when Marvel would drag out one of their larger storylines to beef up their franchise ranks and Civil War is as good as any. Depending upon how long they plan on stringing out the story it could lead to more Netflix like series, interesting tie-ins possible with Agents of SHIELD and so on. I'm highly optimistic on this front. With that said, there are big risks in a plan this large and I really hope they've done JMS Babylon 5 approach to characters in that they've built in early/easy drop points if an actor is unavailable or movie bombs. The best thing they have going for them is not a huge amount of over saturation early on with only the 2 movies year before expanding to 3.

Can't Steve catch a break? It's almost as if they really want Chris Evans to quit so we can have Sebastian Stan as the main character.
Chris Evans didn't want to sign onto a long deal for the Cap role anyway. Marvel originally wanted 10 movies, he said no. They then dropped it to 6 and he still said no. They had to bring RDJ in to get him to sign for the 6. If you've read interviews with him over the years, especially the last few, he really wants to focus more on directing films. I see this as a way for Marvel to have an out to use a different Cap in storyline and give him a break if he wants it or resign him for movies.

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Did Marvel learn WHAT NOT TO DO with DC?
This is no where close to what DC has done with any of their movies. No where. Plus the last Captain America film seemed to be going this route of it getting it more serious and a bit of a political thriller, especially when compared to the first film. So this should come as no surprise.

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I'm honestly a little more interested in how they will use their current partnership with Netflix for lesser known characters or high risk properties. I could see that as a nice way to expand their stories and keep things moving through the year until new movies come out. Given what we know of what they did with Agents of SHIELD it sounds like they have things laid out at least overall story wise a couple of years in advance so it would be easy to carry over arching stories from movies to netflix/tv series and keep things rolling.

The only real problem I see with this wide shared universe going across tv/movies is unless they keep a "bible" of the MCU and have someone in charge of keeping things in check I could see 3-4 years down the line we have major continuity problems. They're technically using Joss Whedon in that manner but I believe that really only carries through Phase 3 story and I could see him possibly wanting to do other things after that.

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It seems like Whedon's job is to tie in stuff from the other movies. Phase 2 hasn't really built up anything for Avengers 2. We don't know anything about Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Ultron There's no timeline between the phase two movies so far and we don't know the status of the Avengers as a team.

The only real problem I see with this wide shared universe going across tv/movies is unless they keep a "bible" of the MCU and have someone in charge of keeping things in check I could see 3-4 years down the line we have major continuity problems. They're technically using Joss Whedon in that manner but I believe that really only carries through Phase 3 story and I could see him possibly wanting to do other things after that.
So worse case scenario is it'll turn into what the Marvel comic book universe is now. So in which case I can see why they want Wolverine back at Disney, so he can appear on every movie and show.

And word on the street is the Russo brothers (who did Captain America: Winter Soldier and Cap 3 now) are next after Whedon to take over looking after the Disney/Marvel movie universe. Which I have no problems with considering they can do large ensemble cast and Whedon is only signed on to do up to Avengers 2.

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As soon as it was said that Winter Solider was being (re)introduced in Cap 2, I knew they were getting ready to phase Evans out.

Not gonna lie, when the buzz first came about that there was going to be a shared Marvel movie universe, I wanted them to do Civil War someday. It just seems a little undercooked at this stage, though. I think it was said already, but the Netflix series characters are probably the only ones in the MCU who might have secret identities. Who else are we going to see in the movies before Cap 3? Ant-Man, Doctor Strange and MAYBE Black Panther?

Of course, there's also the possibility that the only similarities between the comic and the movie versions is that Cap and Iron Man will have a major disagreement, and Steve will probably get assassinated (by Crossbones?) at some point. Everything in-between those plotpoints could be wildly different from the comic. 

I'm still excited to see what they do, though. I love me some Marvel movies, even if I do currently hate their books.

Really enjoyed Flash tonight. Jesse L Martin continues to show why he is the absolute best, minus a heavy handed 30 second bit a later part of the episode. I didn't like the fact that
the muliples got clothing multiplied. If the can multiply the clothes why did they need to steal multiple guns to begin with? They could just steal one then multiply it.
Small complaint.

Read Batgirl with the new "creative direction" and man if it wasn't for the art that would be the most mediocre thing I've read this whole year.

I think "mediocre" is being very generous. With just one issue, I'm pretty much done with that book.
I Think it's only at mediocre for me mostly because I really liked the art and the new outfit design and it did make me forgive alot of the "forced indie comic feel" they put in there. Though yeah I think after one issue I'm done as well. Everything about that comic felt like DC struggling to make Batgirl relevant without taking any steps to get there and instead treat it like this is the way it always is.

Man, I just may end up liking Flash better than Arrow if they can keep up this general level of quality. It took me about ten episodes into Arrow before I fell in love with the show. Flash has put a big grin on my face throughout both episodes already, and I wasn't even a big fan of the character prior to this.

Yeah, the logic behind the clones and their magic clothing was goofy. It bugged me at first too, but what else could they do? The "lightning bolt chose ..." lines are still a little cringe-inducing, but this one was at least an improvement since it came from Gustin/Barry, seeming very much in-character. Oh, and...


Otherwise I had no complaints during the episode.  

I Think it's only at mediocre for me mostly because I really liked the art and the new outfit design and it did make me forgive alot of the "forced indie comic feel" they put in there. Though yeah I think after one issue I'm done as well. Everything about that comic felt like DC struggling to make Batgirl relevant without taking any steps to get there and instead treat it like this is the way it always is.
Good points. The whole "indie" vibe they're going for was a complete turn-off for me. That's not why I read superhero comics, that's what actual indie books are for. It just screamed youth-pandering to me and accomplished something I don't think has ever happened before, making me drop an entire series on the basis of one issue.

I read "gates of gotham". Saw that it looked kinda steam punk, so I checked it out.  I was hoping it would be better. If this is the new it guy (Scott Snyder?), I am not impressed. It was more difficult figuring out who Batman and Robin were (mainly because I don't buy new comics), than the killer.

As far as gotham goes, I think they are rushing the penguin storyline. FOX is notorious for canceling fan favorites, so maybe they are already thinking about canceling it.

As far as gotham goes, I think they are rushing the penguin storyline. FOX is notorious for canceling fan favorites, so maybe they are already thinking about canceling it.
Uh, the show is one of the highest rated on Monday nights and just got a full 22 episode season pick up. So no it's not under any threat of being canceled, it's just naturally bad writing.
I read "gates of gotham". Saw that it looked kinda steam punk, so I checked it out. I was hoping it would be better. If this is the new it guy (Scott Snyder?), I am not impressed. It was more difficult figuring out who Batman and Robin were (mainly because I don't buy new comics), than the killer.

As far as gotham goes, I think they are rushing the penguin storyline. FOX is notorious for canceling fan favorites, so maybe they are already thinking about canceling it.
The amusing thing is that, before the show really got going, one of the executive producers at one point said that Gotham's first season would have a done-in-one structure, with a very clear beginning, middle and end over the course of 22 episodes. Y'know, because Fox. Things seem to have have changed since then, though. First of all, they weren't sure that they were getting their full 22 episodes until just recently. Secondly, that was before the pilot was finished filming, back when they didn't plan to use Bruce Wayne outside of a couple of appearances here and there.

I do wonder if the reason Penguin's story is progressing so quickly is because they're still sticking with their single season plan, just in case. At this rate, he really will have taken over Fish's role by the end of it.

So just finished reading the latest Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-man and it continues the trend of the Ultimate Spider-man book being the only quality title in the Ultimate line. Though I'm sort of pissed
that Peter Parker, seemingly the real one so far, is back already. Based on some of the covers for future All New Ultimates the theory was that he was coming back and would be moving over there. Still might but damn it I wanted this Peter to stay dead and most of his touched characters to stay out of the light. I knew it wasn't going to last but I was hoping for a longer run with Miles as the focus than we got.
I know it's dumb to get pissed at that but it's really my only gripe with the title.

Anybody get the news about the WB Movie Division's plans for the next few years? Don't expect Grant Gustin or Stephen Amell to play their roles in the theater. I swear the idiocy of movie execs.



Pay What You Want - Set your own price.

BTA - $8.74  "More comics coming soon"

Pay $15 or More  "More comics coming soon"


Anybody get the news about the WB Movie Division's plans for the next few years? Don't expect Grant Gustin or Stephen Amell to play their roles in the theater. I swear the idiocy of movie execs.
Uh, yeah, we kinda expected that and what's wrong with the TV show's not tying into the movies? Isn't that a good thing since it leaves them in their own universe and free to do whatever as opposed to being a show that's restricted by what the movies do? Plus I rather have a Flash TV show that can develop shit as complex as the Speed Force and the large extensive Rogue's gallery as opposed to cram it all in a two hour movie. You seem to just want to be angry at all the comic book movie news.

bread's done