Contest (CAGcast #117) Win Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3)!

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I would rather play on PS3 just for the controller, I LOVE the playstation controller over all others (except the NES but that's another issue). Plus xbox live will most likely be dead for a few days from everyone trying to get on it.
I'm playing it on PS3 right now but need a copy to give my bro.
So we can play the awesome multi-player modes together (he's a true cheap ass gamer who refuses to buy it)
I would prefer to play it on the PS3 because I hear there are less instances of texture pop-in than the 360 version.
Would go for PS3 version. I like the sixaxis controlling on Heavenly Sword, and want to see what they can do on GTA4.
I'm too cheap to buy GTA4 for my own PS3, so I'm definately not going to buy a 360 just to play that version (until the hardware red rings).
There are 3 reasons I would want the ps3 version of GTA 4 over the 360.
1. I need a game for my PS3.
2. I like free stuff (Cheapassgamer, remember)
3. And the eventual integration into HOME, where I get the ability to take my trophies and beat someone to death with them.

P.S. Wombat,
when this integration eventually happens I challenge you to a Star Trek Kirk vs Spock Amok Time Fight to the death with my avatar. (I'll be Kirk, gotta thing for the green ladies!)
#1 reason; the PS3 will not sound like a jet taking off for my 2.5 hours gaming session. Seriously. I bought Call of Duty 4: GoTY like 2 weeks ago for the 360 and I love the game but my 360's jet turbines drive me nuts. I mean after like 15 minutes it kinda drowns out, but if you get up to go get a glass of water and come back, you instantly notice it again!

#2, I have all the GTA's on the playstation, the only ones that I don't is london(just never owned) and the first stories(LCS) I bought on the PSP. Otherwise all were on sony's main console and I have just always loved the controller for it, and usually I prefer the 360 controller.
I would prefer to play the PS3 version of GTA IV because my Xbox 360 is loud, it thinks most of my games are DVDs and refuses to red ring!

I have a feeling that if I get GTA IV and put it in my 360 I'll have to call out for a coffin.

I'm scared... so scared.
I'd prefer playing it on the PS3 because I hate achivements, multiplayer, downloadable content, and all that hippy nonsense.
The reason I would prefer to play GTA4 on the PS3 is the Dual Shock controller. I am looking forward to see how the rumble feature will work in combat, stealing cars, and especially getting "private dances" in strip clubs! Gimme some of that RUMBLE lovin'!
I'd rather play GTA 4 on my PS3 than my 360 because I plan on playing it in long stretches, that I'd be worried that my 360 would get too hot and cause the dreaded red ring of death, which I've already gone through twice.
I play it on my ps3 because I don't want to get the three red lights while playing GTA 4. (I am playing for hours...days maybe)
This is why I would rather have it on my ps3 than 360.
and sorry for the bad explanation, but it sounded cool in my head. :D

Imagine how sweet it is to be walking around in HOME and meeting new people. Well imagine how much sweeter it is to be playing GTA4 with all your HOME friends. You could play with friends and against enemies. GTA4 is just like an add-on to HOME, its just a sweet battle arena.
Because i know when i turn my ps3 on I will actually be able to play rather than having to say a prayer every time the helicopter blades start turning in that other system in order to avoid the inevitable breaking that is the xbox 360
i wuold rather play gta4 on my ps3 for a few reasons one ds3 the next is becuse gta ijust feals right on the ps3 and 3rd i like even the slimist of better grafics
There's no pain quite like that of having loved a man with all your heart, only to have him
spurn your affection and act as if you never were a part of his life. This is a pain I know too
well. I'll never forget the day we met. He was in the videogame section of Best Buy, and
I was sitting on a shelf high above, looking down on all those passers by, when I saw HIM.

I was dumbstruck by him. I never believed in love at first sight before that moment, but
I knew right away that we were meant to be together. He was browsing the 360 titles,
and I thought to myself "Oh no! He's already got someone!" I was about to give up
when I noticed him glancing in my direction. He was looking directly at me.

He stared at me for several moments, and then he turned his back and walked away.
I started to feel hopeless, but he made several more passes by me, each time casting
what I began to suspect was a look of desire in my direction. He seemed interested,
but he kept walking away. "Why are you toying with me?!" my processors screamed.

Then, he walked toward me again, pointing in my direction and mumbling something to
a sales person. The guy in the blue shirt nodded, then climbed a ladder and picked
me up. I was carried to a register, where he met up with me. He was taking me home!

I was overjoyed. I had a home! I had someone to love me! And, even though I was
dismayed to find that he did have others in his life, 2 others to be exact, I felt confident
in my ability to win my place as his one and only. He had the Halo 3 edition 360,
which, while attractive, was certainly no match for my power and charm, and the
other was a laughable little white box, so I felt certain that he would grow to
love me above all others.

And, he did love me. For a while, at least. He even picked up a copy of Orange Box
just for me. I lived only for the touch of his hand on my power button. As he gently
pressed it for the first time, I beeped with happiness. And, when he inserted his
one and only disc deep into my slot, I accepted it greedily. We were nigh inseparable
for the next three weeks.

Then, as days went on, we spent less and less time together. I sat there, hopeful that he
would reach for me. I would await him, anxious and hopeful as his hand would approach my
shelf, only to look sadly on as it would bypass me and land upon the loathsome 360, which
I got along well with at first, but had grown to develop an increasingly jealous hatred for
with each passing moment. What was I doing wrong? Did he love 360 better because
it made more noise when they interacted? I can't help it that I'm quiet during playtime!
It's just how I am!

One night, as he slept, the little white box and I talked. She told me that it had been the
same for her. Love at first, then...nothing. At least she had my man's child to play with.
I had nobody. I began to question myself, wondering if I was somehow sub par. After
watching him play Mass Effect for hours on end one day I had an epiphany. It wasn't me,
it was my software, or lack thereof, that caused him to drift away from me.

He even cavorted with my cantankerous old predecessor, the PS2, more than me! He
played God of War II far more often than any of my titles. He did the same for Mass Effect.
Why? Then, I began to analyze these titles. What did they have that mine lacked? Sex,
violence, a good story...these were the common variables. Sadly, most of my titles were
lacking in these departments. None of my titles stood out in any significant way. My
games had these things, but none of them were as well developed as they were for
my rivals.

Then, I heard whispers of a new title that takes all of these elements and does them better
than they've been done in a long time. I heard of this game, Grand Theft Auto IV, which made
my power button light up with joy, and my Sixaxis gleefully dance. It has all the game elements
my man loves, and they're done sickeningly well! This was it! This was the
title that could rekindle our romance! Sure, it's available on the 360, but I can do it so
much better! He can't get achievements a la Xbox Live with my version of the title, but
if there's one thing I know about him, it's that he doesn't care a bit about his "gamer score".

He just loves for a title to be the best it can be, and that is where I shine! I can make
the game a faster and prettier experience for him, and he knows it. But, he rarely
has money for new games anymore, as most of it goes into his gas tank, so I have no
shot at winning his heart again without help. And that, Wombat and Cheapy, is where
you two come in. If you can ever find it in your hearts to help me, you will have made
this lonely PS3 happier than you could ever know. And, Cheapy & Wombat, wouldn't
you like to have just a little extra good karma come your way?


AsN's Dust Collecting Playstation 3
I'd rather play gta4 on my PS3 b/c I told my 13 year old son who lives in florida that the game is too violent. He has a 360 and if he saw me on line I would look like a hypocrite. He does not have a PS3 so I would be safe to bring mayhem to the online community w/o risk off having to explain myself to the boy.
I'd rather play it on my PS3 b/c, I'd rather not see the Red Ring of Death in the middle of a heist.

Then again... I own a first gen 60gb....... =)
I rather play GTA IV on PS3 because I played all the previous GTA games on PS....
Faster load time / better graphic .... and over all PS3 is all that I have right now =P
I wanna play GTA IV on my PS3 because sometimes at night when I'm playing my 360 or Wii I can hear my PS3 quietly crying, feeling neglected. I need a great game like GTA that I can play for a long time & enjoy with my PS3. We need to have more bonding time, I wanna love my PS3 again like I did when I first got it. Please help stop the hurting my PS3 is feeling. Do it for PS3's everywhere!
I would much rather play with a dualshock 3. While the 360 controller is quite nice, I just can't see myself playing it on the 360 (if the controls are similar to the GTA xbox ports)
Let's see, all the GTA games play better on Sony Systems, plus it would give me an excuse if I won this game to get a bigger tv!
I'd prefer to play GTA IV on the PS3 because I love the Dual Shock (I've been using it since the PSX) and the PS3 is the one connected to the HDTV in the house.
Because I would like a reason to play something other that Pixel Junk Monsters on my PS3-- PS can't wait for PJM expan. pack!
I'd rather play it on the PS3 because it would be impractical to have to shower every time I played it to wash off the 360's dumbass fratboy stench. Also much better controllers, prettier design, not even trace amounts of Microsoft anywhere, it's Red-Ring-of-Death-less, and so on and so forth.

I mean, dude, it's like not even a choice. The only reason I can even begin to conceive someone choosing the 360 version, beside jock fanboyism, is if someone really wanted to play the multiplayer(why that would be is beyond me but ok) and/or his or her friends already had the 360 version.

Ja ne! :p
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