Contest is over! And the winners are...

I'd have to say CheapyD... I'd like to meet the man who started all this and I would like to try sushi in Japan. I'd also like to see some of the Japanese game stores while there too.
I'd have to have lunch with Chakan for supplying all of those Red Baron Pizza codes. Seriously, that contest would be a pain without a steady supply of codes. Of course, lunch would be my treat-- Red Baron pizza of course.
Mrs. Shipwreck, her voice is so sexy. I was just listening to the latest Cag Foreplay and about 2 minutes in she says she likes games "Hard enough to keep you entertained" that was sooo hot. Am I the first one on this list to choose a chick to have lunch with???
I was going to say an attractive, honest, intelligent, female CAG with low self esteem, but since they are in such high demand...Speedy1961. He deserves a free lunch for his contributions to the site.
I would like to have lunch with cheapyd because of his gift to the gaming community. This website is so great and wonderful. I would also like to ask him how he likes living in japan.

thanks for the opportunity.
CheapyD of course. Even if I don't win, it would be cool to just thank him in person for allowing me to save money on my one and only addiction--video games!
It would have to be cheapyD...chances are if I was having lunch with cheapy I would be back in Japan and would get another chance to see more of Tokyo.
CheapyD, buying him lunch would be small repayment for all the money the site has saved me over the years. Then we could call it even.
I'd like lunch with CheapyD because he is the Godfather of cheap gaming and this site is the whole reason I own over 100 unopened games (my wife wants to thank him for that) LOL
i would have to say CheapyD! cmon! i wouldnt have found any of those awesome sites to get free stuff like gaminglagoon, if it werent for him and his forums. and besides. i would love to go to japan and eat lunch with him!!
There are so many characters on CAG it's hard to choose just one. In the end, though, it's gotta be CheapyD, if only for the opportunity to try some crazy Japanese food and potentially co-star in a "Lunch with CheapyD" segment.

Besides, buying him lunch would be adequate thanks for running this site, right?
well wombat or cheapyd know where to go for decent lunch but ship is probably more interesting ans less creepy!

but I guess TMK (themanaknight) as a normal CAG...and based on his blog he'd be interesting to meet (save for some of his social issues)
Do I qualify?
Well, if I do, I'd go with Wombat. Everyone hates him, but I usually think he right most of the time.
bread's done