CONTEST: Win free games from Large Animal and CheapAssGamer


Head Cheap Ass
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14 (100%)
Congratulations to pimp tyranny, winner of the Large Animal contest!

Has your stocking been stuffed with ultra-lame gifts? This year
CheapAssGamer and Large Animal Games want to make it different.

Post here, telling us about your worst gift ever, and the winner will have their stocking overstuffed with four fantastic games from Large Animal.

Remember, you can only enter once, especially since Santa is watching.Contest ends on December 8, which also happens to be the first night of Chanukah.

The winner will be picked (at random) shortly thereafter, and the prize will
be delivered to the winner with the speed of eight reindeer, electronically
that is.

These guys are based in NYC and I've had the opportunity to check out their office (and their games, of course).
Good bunch of guys...check out their stuff!
The worst Christmas gift I had ever gotten was, by far, from my aunt. You, see...I was a Junior in college. My school happened to be a long ways from parents, but within the state and a short drive to my aunt. Now, being college poor, my aunt would occasionally ask if there was anything she could do for me. I almost always refused and told her how much I appreciated her offering. Well, as it turns out, I did need her help badly one time. My lving arrangements required me to walk a country mile to my classes, and science textbooks and lab notebooks take up quite a lot of space and are rather heavy when you carry them for the entire day. My backback had torn out the bottom under the weight and left me with two arm fulls of books to lug in cold, snowy weather. (Upstate New York in November) Finals were coming and I had mentioned to her that I needed a new backpack. Well, my sweet aunt and all of her good intentions, got me one. Now, bear in my mind that my aunt has no children, so she as no concept of what is, and is not, acceptable to give a 21 year old college student. She stopped by my apartment to give me an "early Christmas present."

It was a neon blue, acid washed backpack. Desinged by, and made for, pre-pubescents. I carried that thing around for the rest of the semester much to the chagrin of friends and complete strangers.
The worst gift probably ever I got was a chocolate santa claus. The reason being is because my stocking was over the fireplace and it's one of those bigger stockings. Well there was also a gameboy advance in the stocking with a bunch of games in there and the chocolate melted and wrecked the gameboy advance and leaked into all the hardware inside of it. So I never did get to play gameboy advance and still haven't been able too. :(
Ok, this wasn't a present I got, it was a present I gave. And for me it wasn't the worst, I found it hilarious, but for my brother it is probably the worst.

My brother and I had a shared NES when we were little, and we played most of the games together. The only game we had that he played that I did not was Tecmo World Cup Soccer. When he got this game, he played it over and over every day. Since this was an NES game, we all remember those huge ass passwords that had to be written down and typed in again to start at the same place if you had to quit (and if you messed up one letter you were screwed). Anyway, he would constantly leave the NES on, often to this password screen. My parents never made us turn off the NES. The music that played in this game was the most annoying thing EVER, especially the password music. After a while, I got so sick of hearing the damn music I took the game and hid it in my closet. He had no idea what happened to it, and eventually forgot about it.

A couple of years later, I wrapped it up and gave it to him for his birthday. The look on his face was priceless. While I laughed and laughed, his friends all looked confused and my parents were not pleased. But I thought it was the funniest prank ever. :lol:
It has to be BMX Trials for the Commodore 64. Sure, it only cost 1.99, and I asked my brother for it because it was as much as he could afford, and I didn't read anything about it beforehand, but even taking all that into account, it was truly horrible!
i once got sock warmers once, the thing was that i never wear sock cuz i always got my flipflops on.
When I was in third grade, I lusted for a set of Star Trek Communicators. I'm talking the Kirk-cool kind, the ones that chirped when you snapped open with a flip of your wrist. Okay, they were just walkie-talkies, but really great walkie-talkies.

I asked for them for Christmas, and even had a sales pitch ready -- when we went on camper family vacations, us kids in the back could use them to talk with the adults in the truck cab.

And then Christmas came.

There, under the tree, was not a set of Star Trek Communicators.

There, under the tree, was a Radio Shack intercom system. Like they used in a 1950s office -- "Miss Maple, come take dictation!" The package showed two voice boxes, connected by a wire. A WIRE. Kirk would have pointed and laughed at me.

Worse, the intercoms weren't even assembled. It was a kit that required soldering to put the damned things together, a skill I hadn't quite mustered at my young and tender age. So my dad and his best buddy take my gift into the next room, shut the door and proceed to spend half the day assembling it.

I still pine for those communicators. I have no idea what happened to the intercom.
One year my family was hurting on cash, so we didn't have Chrismas. Only thing we got was one thing each from a "White Elephant" gift game my extended family played....and I randomly drew a VHS copy of White Chrismas..

About...oh...March I think, we were able to have an actual Chrismas, where we all went to the Mall and had us a nice shopping spree. Ended spending all of my cash at EB, walked out with a good 4 or 5 games.
The worst present I ever got was school clothes. At the time, I was going to a private highschool with a dresscode, and more than 60% of my gifts were dress shirts and pants. THOSE AREN'T GIFTS!
My worst gift ever was a board game that i got from my uncle. The game was fine, it was the fact that he gave me the exact same game the year before.
My worst gift ever was a coupon. Heres some back story.

In my family as a child you receive a gift from immediate family, and usually money from distant relatives. Then when you get into your late teens, you get what is called the "kiss off gift" which is something extravagant, or alot of money. Than after that point, everything you receive gets smaller and smaller until your in your late twenties and you receive nothing except getting together to see everyone on Christmas.

My aunt & uncle from Minnesota used to send me $20 a year for Christmas. When I was 12 they sent me a Christmas card with a coupon for a snickers bar. It was torn from a newspaper. It wasn't for a free candy bar, but it was 50 cents off a candy bar.

I know its the thought that counts, but it just seemed weird. I never received anything anymore after that, lol.
The worst gift I ever got... geez... i'm gonna be ticked off after this post...

It was this Vertias Education Clock. But before I got it, my uncle and aunt were like, "Your gonna love this gift so much, here's a few clues, monitor, typing, and it's a handheld device."

I thought it was gonna be awesome cause typing? Handheld Device? Monitor? I was expecting like something expensive like a Cybiko or something. When I finally got it, it was a freaking Clock, that had this little cheapass monitor, yeah, you do type, TYPE IN NUMBERS since it was also a calculator. And it was small.... freaking handheld device... yeah, it was horrible, it's like in one of those shows you watch, where they expect something big, and it turns out to be something small. OH yeah, something expensive? No way... looked at the box, $7.99..... argh....
A friggin' wind-chime! What the shaq-fu were they thinking I was going to do with a wind-chime?!

So I sold it on ebay :)
The worst gift I have ever got was Monopoly. Doesn't sound so bad but:
1) I had no one to play with at home (I refuse to play with my parents)
2) I had 3 other sets already, two original editions, and a starwars one.
My worst gift ever...

would have to be one of those incredibly scratchy sweaters. Not only did it keep me uncomfortably warm and sweaty, but it chaffed my skin like you would not believe--and it looked like something Dr.Huxtable would wear! Of course I had to wear it to make my grandma happy, but what about ME, dammit!
First you have to understand that my in-laws pretend to like me it would seem because i just can't figure this out... ok, i'm 22 and hubby is 23 and we have no kiddo's yet (by choice)

For our second christmas that we were married my mother-in-law got me an appron, pot holders, and a wall hanging ALL of which had the words GRANDMA'S COOKIES written all over them... honestly GRANDMA'S COOKIES ... honestly that is something i should be getting her once we have children... oh and as an added bonus she also me a WOODEN cooling rack for cookies... because of course i want to use a wooden cooling rack on my cookies... espcially one that isn't sealed in an way and would carry germs like there is no tomorrow and could never be cleaned... also they once gave me costume jewlery that looked like it came out of a quarter machine but honestly... grandma's cookies... "sigh"
Well, first of all, my family is not really (and never has been) big into gift giving. One year, when I was in 5th grade, we went to visit my grandma's house and I got maybe around 7 things. I'm not complaining, it's just is how my family is. It just was an awful Christmas because my biggest present and the one that I was most excited to open ended up being 20 pairs of underwear. Ouch. Talk about let down after the hype...about half of them were "irregular" too.

The ultimate worst gift of all time was when my boyfriend got his grandparent's old Delta 88. The car was okay but a couple months afterward when it finally broke down and died we had to clean it out and found a large pair of women's underwear under the front seat. It was really funny when we asked his grandma about it because she said "Those are not MY underwear" and aggressively denied ownership of the forementioned panties.

Heck, they weren't ours! They were like a tent!

I know the contest is random, but Propagandhim's story about getting the gay book was the best. lol.
My worst christmas gift ever was nothing special. It was socks. Though it did appear that I got the same pair for several years in a row. :?
My sister once gave me a present (that I have now forgotten), but as a gag she put a fake dog poo on top of the present.. I'm not sure whether that qualifies for worst or just lamest :)
I had one elderly grandmother years ago who was always a bit odd in that she would never give anyone else in her family anything they wanted or asked for but would in fact demand that she got what she wanted.

Perhaps the worst give I ever received would be one of her amateur sculpture attempts. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be a camel or an elephant or whatever, but it was an odd-shaped blob with four thick legs, one of them broken off visibly reattached before I received it.

A close second place would have to be some of her attempts at painting portraits of family members. I'm no artist, but I could paint circles around anything this woman ever put on a canvass. Besides, I was a kid and wanted toys, and this is the stuff she gave me (really weak sculpture, paintings, etc.) when I was child in grade school.
That's a toughee! I know I have gotten some pretty lame gifts over the years, but perhaps the lamest was black socks. Blah!
I think last year me and my girl were so broke, after paying property taxes on our house, that we couldn't afford to give one another anything, so I rewrapped a couple of games that my editor sent me just prior to Christmas and gave them to myself. Spawn and Spirits and Spells were wrapped, and I probably should've left them wrapped because those were two of the sorriest games I've ever played.
A wallet that looked like it came from the dollar store from my aunt and uncle who are very rich. The problem is that they are cheap, and not the good type of cheap like the people on this site are, the bad type of cheap (like too cheap to buy my cousin a video game system until he was 15).
A couple of years ago my dad gave me a used condom, my mom gave me one of those blow up girl dolls (so I could practice using the condom perhaps?), my grandparents gave me a crappy toothbrush and a candy bar (hahaha hillarious... I eat the candy bar and then clean my teeth, you see), my uncle gave me my first beer (the best gift of all and I think its nasty), and my cousin gave me a book of expired coupons.
One year my dad gave me a bunch of t-shirts with logos of various companies that had gone bankrupt or were bought out. His excuse was that he could get a whole lot of them since they were being sold cheap. That was the only present he gave me that year.

He then went on to do this same thing for three years in a row after he first did it. Luckily, he also gave me some other presents in those years. He thought it was funny and a great tradition. He only stopped when I explained to him very plainly that I didn't want any more $%#@ing awful t-shirts from dead companies. :)
My worst gift is the worst because it's recurring, I have a lot of family members that don't know what to buy me. So every year, EVERY YEAR, I get a subpar electric's usually so bad that unless you're hairy as a dog, you're not getting anything off your face.

Worst of all, my mom got me one last year, and she knows me more than anyone.

Sad days man, sad days.

I never really got anything for christmas ... up until i was 18. hmm so out of all the gifts i think the worst one was a t-shirt that was too small. :cry:
probably the worst gift i have ever gotten would have to be a pair of fish slippers.they looked like a fish on its side with one eye starings at slid your foot into its gills.this was extremely weird.i guess my dad thought it would be funny to do that.
I received a tiny manicure set with nail clippers, etc. :shock:
It sucked. Here I had to open this "wonderful" gift in front of a room chock full of family & friends, look down at my prize in admiration, and keep a straight face while I held it up for all to marvel at.

What's worse is that the DOLLAR GENERAL $1 price tag was clearly visible in the front, but when I held it up, the scribbled on garage sale price of "25 cents" was on the back!

I would have much rather gotten nothing.
The worst gift I ever got is something called clothes. Children should not get clothes for a present unless they are naked.
bread's done