CONTEST: Win Lifeline: Voice Action Adventure (PS2) from!


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Ok, CAGs here is your chance to win Lifeline the new PS2 voice activated adventure game from Konami.
In this game you control Rio, the main character, using your voice (and a usb headset).
I though we would play off that concept for this contest.

Entry Rules
1) Head over here, scroll down and check out Lifeline's movies and screenshots.

2) Pick one screenshot, reply to this thread and link to it like so:
To find the path, right click on the image you've chosen and click "Properties".

3) Along with the screenshot, post a funny comment that you might want to say to Rio if you were actually playing the game. Comments should be of the PG-13 nature. Post the comment underneath the picture.
Since the default font may be hard to read, use the font size drop down box, select "Large" when posting your text.

4) A winner will be chosen at random, but if you don't put something even remotely funny, you will be disqualified.

You can
your entry as many times as you wish up until the end of the contest, Monday, March 22th at 11:59PM.

One entry per person.
Rules subject to change.


Ok... You're doing good. At this point, head back down the hallway that leads to the ninth green door with the third Angel Crest. Take the fourth jewel you just aquired from the fountain and place it in the final empty space. Make sure to grab the gun without ANY ammo from the box and mix any herbs you have left in the your inventory as you WILL need room for the Wave Crest, the Broken Key, and the Ink Ribbons. After defeating the evil goldfish you will need to run back to the area you first encountered the mysterious man who told you about the gigantic morphing gerbils who ate Steve and left only his identification. Looking at his ID and now knowing the rational and irrational differences between his date of birth and his mothers former maiden name, you can then decipher the passcode to the safe in the beekeepers shed. Oh yeah... then theres the GIANT BEE situation...... you see you.....

What? You look confused.

No, Rio, You're not caught inside a glass box. I know that this is a little tramautic, but try not to revert back to your mime-like tendancies.[/img]

Rio, tell me why 90% of the entries aren't following the rules of the contest!

(The contest states, "post a funny comment that you might want to say to Rio if you were actually playing the game" you silly rabbits! Not a comment about the picture.)

Rio, I don't care HOW much you pout, you're GROUNDED and you can't come out of the Room of Silence until you start acting like a big girl!

I understand that the bigger gun looks better, but it's not the size of the gun it's how you use it right?.........Why are you laughing?

The Architect - Hello, Neo.

Rio- I am not Neo, I am Rio. Who the Cheapassgamer are you?

The Architect - I am the Architect. I created the matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also irrelevant.

Rio- Colonel Sanders, I am just a videogame character in a videogame.... wait, so is the Matrix.

The Architect - Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden to sedulously avoid it, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.

Rio - You smoke too much pot.

The Architect - Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others.

*The responses of the other Rios appear on the monitors: "Others? Beautiful like me? Won't listen to anyone like me? How many? Answer me!"*

The Architect - The matrix is older than you know. I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which case this is the sixth version.

*Again, the responses of the other Rios appear on the monitors: "Five versions? Three? I've been lied too. I thought this is the first Lifeline game. This is bullshit."*

Rio: There are only two possible explanations: either no one told me, or no one knows. Wait, there is a third, maybe no one cares.

The Architect - Precisely. As you are undoubtedly gathering, the anomaly's systemic, creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations.

*Once again, the responses of the other Rios appear on the monitors: "Speak in plain English please!"

Rio- Choice. The problem is Choice. My choice is not to listen to your psychobabble anymore.

Rio, all the overhead bins are full, so just stash some of the passengers' coats in the lavatory.

"Rio please tell me you aren't enjoying that, you're supposed to shooting the aliens, not the next 'Got Milk' commercial"

Girrrrrrl you better get back to work instead of checking out your ass. I aint blind, I aint Hellen Keller, I know what water is, waaaataaaa. *snaps fingers*

Rio, tell the lovebirds to, "GET A ROOM!"
Stop staring at them Rio and get a move on! Hello?!?! Earth to Rio.... Take a picture, it'll last longer! Damn perv....

"Talk to me tell me your name
You blow me off like it's all the same
You lit a fuse and now I'm ticking away
Like a bomb yeah, baby

And she bangs, she bangs
When she moves, she moves I go crazy"
"And can I tell you, I have no professional
training, whatsoever"
bread's done