Cryostasis Amazon DOTD - $13

I've got a pretty large backlog of survival horror with Siren, Fear, Penumbra, and I still need to finish Condemned 2. That said, I don't see any good survival horror coming on the horizon. In for one. I read a lot of people had really bad technical problems with the game, hope I get lucky.

Edit: Should have looked harder for a demo before ordering, now I'm set to "ship soon." For those wondering if their system will run this well, file front has a demo.
It's a decent and interesting adventure/horror/shooter, although it has some quirks and technical issues. The narrative is interesting although it throws a pretty big WTF moment in at the end, and it's a decently long game too. If it were $10 I'd definitely say give it a try, at $13 it might be worth taking a gamble on if you're a fan of first person interactive action/adventure games.
[quote name='mythus']its a pretty good game, yet soo buggy that i couldn't stand playing it anymore.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I only made it a few hours in. Seemed cool, but it was just too annoying to play.
I enjoyed it, decent atmosphere. Poorly optimized. There are moments where the framerate really chugs.
Think it took me around 10 hours to beat, decent story.
If you have an nvidia graphics card, it should play smoother with the patch. I have a 4850 radeon, and the patch made the game less stable.
I've got Nvidia hardware, but a patch made it better for Nvidia, and worse for ATi?

I'm a little worrired because of the stable/annoying comments, but I thought it sounded pretty awesome from the reviews. The PC Gamer review read pretty positive, but only gave it a 65% or something like that (in the 60s...which actually is fairly decent from them, they use more of the scale). And Game Informer gave it an 8.

Dang, I've got it in my cart, but not 100% sure...
I'm going to quote myself from a previous sale on this game:

I'm working my way through Cryostasis now. I like how its slow-paced and minimalist and atmospheric in a way that no big-budget FPS would dare be nowadays. I'm several hours into the game and I still don't have a gun. And I haven't even fought all that many enemies. But, man is it atmospheric. I recently played a section where I'm put into one of those big metal diving suits and I have to sloooowly shamble forward into murky water while enemies flit in and out of view. It's a ballsy sequence that could have easily been boring and frustrating but turned out (for me at least) to be totally nervewracking. Your mileage (and patience) may vary, of course.

I can't add too much more to that now, as I haven't gotten much further in the game since then. That isn't really a slag on the game itself, its more due to my very short attention span and flakiness on actually finishing games. Anyway, I do recommend the game, as long as you have a strong PC and have the patience for a slow, atmospheric game.
They shouldn't have released this game only for PC. There's more of an audience for these kinds of games on the consoles. I think survival horror fans probably would have given it a shot.
this game was being given free by ATI for a period of 6 months (maybe even now i haven't checked) but I received it free with the ATI hd 4890 card i bought and haven't opened it......coz i dont game on pc anymore...
Okay...why don't you game on your PC? (I mean I understand playing lots of systems, not just PC, that's what I do, but...) And why did you get a 4890 if you don't play games?

Good GPUs do accelerate more and more other stuff, but like Folding @ Home runs better on Nvidia GPUs (not that ATi users shouldn't do it too! I think it's just the architecture, not all ATi's cores are identical, and I suspect only 1 in 5 is actually useful for Folding, while all of Nvidia's more uniform cores are probably useful for it-I mean ATi's hardware still does fast, useful work though!), and there's more GPU programs on the Nvidia sidei.
nvidia I guess worked out a deal with the cryostasis devs to push the physx feature on this game.
If you have an ati card, it's best to turn physx off.
The patch, for me, made it unplayable with my ati card because the shader I was using oddly required physx to be on if I selected it. By unplayable I mean super low framerates 8-10, or screen tearing graphics.
Also, if you are going to try the patch, do so at the beginning.
The patch renders previous savegames unplayable.

My experience was with a digital distribution version. So I can't completely vouch for it running off cd.
This game is worth buying to support Aspyr because they didn't include any sort of DRM on the DVD. It also should be the unpatched version, which would be better for those of you who have ATI cards.

I have a GeForce GTX 285 and a 9800 GT as a PhysX card, and this game's performance was still pretty atrocious. Despite that, Cryostasis is one of the more original games I've played in the past couple years. The slow pace of gameplay and non-hectic combat would have made it a good candidate for a multi-platform release. If that were the case, perhaps it could have been better optimized for the PC in the process.
Argh...ALL GAMES ARE DIGITAL!!!!! I presume you meant a DOWNLOAD version. Sorry, but language misuse pisses me off, it's a crazy pet peeve I guess.

Anyway thanks for the note on it. Phys X seems pretty darned cool, but yeah, right now it would have to run on your CPU without an Nvidia GPU. (Actually I think it might have to on mine too, as I only have 32 cores...) I'd have to turn it down either way.

I think I'm going to have to try this from you guy's feedback. Thanks!
bread's done