Darksiders II

This game has some a nice soundtrack. I'm rockin' the Verdant Hollow/Tree of Life entrance song.
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I'm loving the game, while getting pissed at the same time. It keeps freezing on me in a certain spot in the Forge Lands. I'm up to the Shadow's Edge area(4th world), and am backtracking to pick up loose stones, book pages, and the like, but the game keeps freezing on me when I enter the area near "The Nook". I've tried clearing cache, uninstalling, reinstalling, playing from disk. Bah! I hope they patch this soon! Come on THQ get with it!
Numerous times in the dungeons in the second hub world I've had it essentially activate "no clipping" mode for enemeies. They can't attack me, I swing and miss. Luckily quitting to the main menu and loading the save fixes it (so far). Frozen a couple times too, but luckily only randomly, not perpetually at the same spot.
I just finished this today and while I enjoyed it, I liked the first one better. I wish they made the boss battles more unique like with the Guardian Boss and the Scribe boss battles. Most bosses just feel like regular enemies since all you have to do is mash attack until they die to beat them.

The loot system really breaks the combat since with the right stats you can be unstoppable. Once you find one possessed weapon and keep upgrading its crit chance and crit damage you can do a ridiculous amount of damage. At the end game I had a claw that had +238% crit damage and a %39 crit chance which had me doing 2000+ dps. I killed the final boss incredibly fast. I rented the game from gamefly so I wasn't able to try out the Crucible but Im glad I rented this instead of buying it.
Just beat the game today (on PS3) Really loved it, can't say enough good things about it.
My only gripes, once you get to the 3rd world it seems like there's less exploration imo, the camera is too zoomed in on death during combat when you have a ton of enemies it's really hard to tell whats going on.
I put in a solid 30hours into the game and yeah it does get a bit easy once you get some decent weapons and the Bosses towards the end get to be too easy as well.
I kind of feel like they got rushed towards the end so they couldn't implement all the cool stuff past the 2nd world.
I hope this game sells well enough to get a Sequel, Darksiders: Riders featuring 4 player online co-op!!!
[quote name='Sinfulfate']I just finished this today and while I enjoyed it, I liked the first one better. I wish they made the boss battles more unique like with the Guardian Boss and the Scribe boss battles. Most bosses just feel like regular enemies since all you have to do is mash attack until they die to beat them.
I really do agree with this. In the first one you used the items you just acquired to kill the bosses in this game just turn reaper form and slash until they're dead and the ending was no where as good as the first but I still think this is my favorite over 1 its a bigger game with more to do. I don't find myself ever looking for the stones hidden on the walls in this game for an achievement -- I'd have to be really fucking bored.
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Word. Great game. There's more to do and explore in here with lots of cool side quests. I give this game an 8.5 out of 10. I'm picky about my games too. I actually liked the looting system and it didn't feel RPGish to me. The ending was disappointing compared to part 1. I feel like the story in part 2 didn't add as much to the overall plot that part 1 laid out. But gameplay wise I thought it was great. Awesome abilities and more to do and and explore here. Hopefully sales were good.
[quote name='Donut2922']Word. Great game. There's more to do and explore in here with lots of cool side quests. I give this game an 8.5 out of 10. I'm picky about my games too. I actually liked the looting system and it didn't feel RPGish to me. The ending was disappointing compared to part 1. I feel like the story in part 2 didn't add as much to the overall plot that part 1 laid out. But gameplay wise I thought it was great. Awesome abilities and more to do and and explore here. Hopefully sales were good.[/QUOTE]

Granted this is US only but it looks really bad. I sure hope the word gets out that this game is good and people should buy it...


"THQ's Darksiders II led software sales with 247,000 units sold."
Yeah, I've only seen one other person on my friends list playing it. I hope it takes off. It had nothing but solid reviews and critical praise. I'm surprised it didn't take off more because, to me, it was the biggest release of the summer and biggest release since Max Payne 3. Oh well, I'm still enjoying it and looking forward to the DLC that's coming.

Back in early August I posted an article highlighting that Darksiders could make or break THQ as at the time their market cap was sitting at $33 million on a share price of $4.94. Well Darksiders II has now been released and while it has been a critical success it has only managed to sell around a million titles worldwide.

But a millions pretty good I hear you say, well according to Michael Pachter the rumour is that it needs to break over 2 million before THQ even breaks even on the title and seeing that sales slow after the first month and we are about to head into the busiest part of the year that really doesn’t look likely.
What’s more worrying for THQ is that the share price has now dropped to $4.33 on a market cap of $29.67 million; and with lower than expected sales from Darksiders pressuring them it really does feel like it’s now a do or die battle with the release of WWE in the coming weeks.
It’s a massive franchise but with UFC taking a large portion of the fans and the franchise itself having a huge licence fee I wonder if it will be enough to keep THQ afloat for much longer.
Wow who'd have thunk selling 250,000 in 2 weeks and 1 million units world wide would be considered a flop.
I hate to say it but that guy from AC3 is right the blockbuster game is going the way of the dodo I supposed, if you're not in that upper echelon of gaming forget about it.
Poor sleeping dogs only sold 100k which apparently makes it a super flop
[quote name='Ashtaar']Wow who'd have thunk selling 250,000 in 2 weeks and 1 million units world wide would be considered a flop.
I hate to say it but that guy from AC3 is right the blockbuster game is going the way of the dodo I supposed, if you're not in that upper echelon of gaming forget about it.
Poor sleeping dogs only sold 100k which apparently makes it a super flop[/QUOTE]

Sleeping Dogs only did 100K? Ouch. I really wanted to see this game succeed. Sucks for United Front because it is a really fun game.
I think game companies (or rather, devs) are really going to have to take a step back and look at expenses. I can't see how a game selling 100k (which is about 5-6 million at $50-$60) wouldn't make "enough" money.

I'd say it sounds like there are too many gatekeepers taking money out of the sales.
I bought this game in hopes of supporting THQ and not letting them go bankrupt looks like I wasted $60

[quote name='WindyCityGamer']

I'd say it sounds like there are too many gatekeepers taking money out of the sales.[/QUOTE]

Or to many people waiting for black friday sales
If they can afford to sell it on sale, they can afford to lower the price.

$60 is just way too much to pay for a game. Back In My Day™, games were $30, uphill both ways!
[quote name='WindyCityGamer']I think game companies (or rather, devs) are really going to have to take a step back and look at expenses. I can't see how a game selling 100k (which is about 5-6 million at $50-$60) wouldn't make "enough" money.

I'd say it sounds like there are too many gatekeepers taking money out of the sales.[/QUOTE]

EGM had an article years ago showing where the money from game sales go. At the end of the day the devs are getting very little money, a few dollars per game. When you figure in a team working on a game for two years, salaries alone could easily approach multi million dollars. Not even considering operating costs. Plus there may even be arrangements where the dev has to pay back whatever advance the publisher made before the developer sees any cash. What it boils down to is a game may "make" several million dollars, but the publisher and developer are seeing a fraction of that.
I bought the game new to do my part and support THQ. Plus I sold some of the DLC codes to offset the cost, which I normally do, so this was a win-win in my case. It'll be interesting to see what happens to THQ moving forward and what'll become of the South Park game. Heck, what about the DLC that's part of the season pass? IF they go under, will those people be screwed?
bread's done