DCAU fans unite! Justice League Doom (possible spoilers) out now!

Saw Public Enemies and if you're not a Power Girl fan you'll like it. If you are, don't watch this movie because it'll just make you angry. Unfortunately I'm a huge Peej fan...

They basically fucked her character over. Power Girl is the leader of the JSA (the first, largest, and most respected team in the DCU), as powerful as Superman, and one of the most headstrong and forceful characters in the DCU (Mr. Terrific recently described her as being someone who displaces the very air in a room with the force of her personality). Yet the entire movie she's practically a damsel in distress. It's ridiculous.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Saw Public Enemies and if you're not a Power Girl fan you'll like it. If you are, don't watch this movie because it'll just make you angry. Unfortunately I'm a huge Peej fan...

They basically fucked her character over. Power Girl is the leader of the JSA (the first, largest, and most respected team in the DCU), as powerful as Superman, and one of the most headstrong and forceful characters in the DCU (Mr. Terrific recently described her as being someone who displaces the very air in a room with the force of her personality). Yet the entire movie she's practically a damsel in distress. It's ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

Take it up with Jeph Loeb
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Saw Public Enemies and if you're not a Power Girl fan you'll like it. If you are, don't watch this movie because it'll just make you angry. Unfortunately I'm a huge Peej fan...

They basically fucked her character over. Power Girl is the leader of the JSA (the first, largest, and most respected team in the DCU), as powerful as Superman, and one of the most headstrong and forceful characters in the DCU (Mr. Terrific recently described her as being someone who displaces the very air in a room with the force of her personality). Yet the entire movie she's practically a damsel in distress. It's ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

I recently bought the Public Enemies graphic novel at my local Half Priced books since I knew it was going to be released on DVD soon. Since I don't normally read superhero comics was the first comic I've read with Power Girl and the fact that I've only seen DCAU I was very confused about why she was a good guy. :lol:
[quote name='Kaijufan']I recently bought the Public Enemies graphic novel at my local Half Priced books since I knew it was going to be released on DVD soon. Since I don't normally read superhero comics was the first comic I've read with Power Girl and the fact that I've only seen DCAU I was very confused about why she was a good guy. :lol:[/QUOTE]
I'd highly advise checking out Power Girl's series and the excellent JSA vs. Kobra mini-series that are currently going on.

PG is one of the most bad ass characters in the DCU. Possibly stronger than Superman (she's the cousin of Earth-2 Superman who's stronger than our Superman), and easily able to kick ass with the best of them.

[quote name='MisterModest']Damn her tits are huge.[/QUOTE]

MisterModest indeed. :lol:

I finally watched it last night. Good movie, but it felt like it was over way too soon. Not nearly as good as Green Lantern: First Flight or Wonder Woman IMO. I'd actually say it is the weakest of the standalone post-JLU movies.
Don't like the voice actors they chose. I don't get why they'll get Conroy for Public Enemies, and then a Baldwin for this.
Sorry, I'm slipping.

Things have been so crazy at work that I forgot to pick up Crisis until the week after it released.

Anyway, I watched it and it was pretty good. I have never read the comic so I don't know how to compare it, but the the only thing that took a while to get used to was some of the voices. I know Kevin Conroy is synonymous with DCAU, but Clancy Brown is right there IMO. Anyone else doing Lex just isn't the same.

Also, I LOVED the bonus Spectre short. It was freaking GORGEOUS and considering how short it was, pretty good. I wasn't expecting that and I kind of wish they gave us more. You can tell they really spent money on the visuals in that short.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Sorry, I'm slipping.

Things have been so crazy at work that I forgot to pick up Crisis until the week after it released.

Anyway, I watched it and it was pretty good. I have never read the comic so I don't know how to compare it, but the the only thing that took a while to get used to was some of the voices. I know Kevin Conroy is synonymous with DCAU, but Clancy Brown is right there IMO. Anyone else doing Lex just isn't the same.

Also, I LOVED the bonus Spectre short. It was freaking GORGEOUS and considering how short it was, pretty good. I wasn't expecting that and I kind of wish they gave us more. You can tell they really spent money on the visuals in that short.[/QUOTE]

I felt a little screwed, since I ordered it on demand and the Spectre short wasn't included(guess that's what I get for $1.99 rental). But the movie felt better than what they did with Public Enemies(storywise at least). I am glad that they finally dug into the multiple universe earths.

But you're right about about Kevin Conroy & Clancy Brown. Hearing someone voicing the characters is just so strange, since those two fit the roles perfectly.

Was there any mention of next movie? Rumor is I've been seeing is that it's another one focusing on Batman. Although it would be cool if they finally got around to that Teen Titans movie.
I think the Red Hood movie is next.

I don't understand why they'd get anyone but Conroy to do Batman. Only thing i can come up with is that Conroy has probably gotten wise and demands more money than some of these other guys.
Yea I don't like the people they use to voice batman other than Conroy. Also like to see Batman have his ears taller back. :( Guess they didn't use the same voice actress they used for WW on this one either huh?

It was pretty good. The soundtrack is out on Amazon, but I am starting to be weary after I noticed how sneaky/cheap they have gotten by CD-R'ing these cds lately :(
I'm sure a lot of DCAU fans don't care for the current Batman: Brave and the Bold program, but you might want to see last week's episode.

Kevin Conroy, Dana Delany, and Clancy Brown all had guest spots.
[quote name='manthing']I'm sure a lot of DCAU fans don't care for the current Batman: Brave and the Bold program, but you might want to see last week's episode.

Kevin Conroy, Dana Delany, and Clancy Brown all had guest spots.[/QUOTE]

Super BatMan of Planet X?

Batman: BATB has to be taken for what it is. It's camp. Their version of the Joker is a pure delight.

BTW, has boomerang started showing seasons 3-5 of "The Batman". I saw the first two seasons' episodes too many times.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Super BatMan of Planet X?

Batman: BATB has to be taken for what it is. It's camp. Their version of the Joker is a pure delight.

Yes, that was the title.

And I really enjoy B:BatB's Silver Age campiness, but it isn't for some folks
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']BTW, has boomerang started showing seasons 3-5 of "The Batman". I saw the first two seasons' episodes too many times.[/QUOTE]

Nope, it's still the first two seasons still. I know it's getting kinda old and makes me wish they'll either add the other seasons or at least replace it with something until they can add those.
BATB is pretty good, that episode was cool, i didn't even realize that was Conroy though. I don't know why they haven't actually had a superman episode yet.
[quote name='ITDEFX']The new batman show is garbage. Don't like the art style and feels like Gay batman to me :|[/QUOTE]

Camp Batman is Gay Batman.

That's from the era of Robin wearing a thong and Batman having a permanent E. coli infection in his urethra.

It's a change of pace for Batman, on a kid's network and one of the last cartoons you'll see on that network before you see it sink into a shitty slew of kids-based reality shows.

Don't try to hold the show to the same standard of Batman: Year One or the Batman: TAS from the early 90s. It would be like holding the Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoon against The Empire Strikes Back.
Heads up people, the WW soundtrack is now out on CD (yea I know it's been on Itunes for awhile), but lalaland records is doing a sale on other DCAU soundtracks.. the JL:C2E is not on there...yet... (amazon has it but I refuse to buy another on demand non-coated CDR from them). Just got mine today along with GL:FF and Alvin and the chipmunks :p

BTW, they threw in an extra CD cover with an autograph of the composer of the score to WW :)
Cool that they're going with this story. Wonder if they'll put both Red Hoods in it. For those who don't know
original one was Joker before he became the Joker and the other/current one is Jason Todd(the 2nd Robin).

Also from the explosion near the end of the trailer. Could that be the scene
where Joker kills Jason Todd when he was Robin? Since it shows Batman holding someone right after it.
Looks like this isn't the Joker Red Hood, it shows him already in his Joker persona. It's cool that Nightwing is in this, they leave him out of these things usually.
Wow... according to the netflix instant streaming page, it looks like this movie is hitting it in late October....hmmm...
What DCAU movies are there besides..

Crisis on Two Earths
Public Enemies
GL: First Flight
New Frontier
Batman: Red Hood

Thanks! I'm trying to make sure that I have seen them all (just picked up Red Hood today)
It wasn't bad, I was hoping that there would be
some interaction between Nightwing and Red Hood, but that didn't happen. I remember one of the later episodes of TAS had Nightwing talking to Robin (Drake) about the old days, thought there might be something like that with Grayson trying to get Todd to stop.
Spoilered just in case it bothers anyone.
to anyone that cares, Lalalandrecords.com just a few mins ago posted Batman (89) 2 disc release with music not found in the original release... I just ordered it and well now the site is having some problems because of heavy traffic.

My guess is that if the sales are good enough, they will release a two disc for Batman returns, Forever and B&R.....

Im in the middle of watching UTRH right now...
I'm assuming "Under The Red Hood" isn't a DCAU story? Just a film that happens to use DC characters and be animated?

I keep getting disappointed when I see discussion of a new movie here and it's not actually part of DCAU. :whistle2:( Or is that just referred to as the "Dini-verse" now?
Watching it now. It's weird to hear anybody but Mark Hamill as the Joker, even if it is the legendary John Dimaggio. It should be like a law until Hamill dies that he must voice the Joker.
I just finished it.... wow that was pretty good. The animation just keeps getting better...can't wait for S/B:A next...only two months away! yay!

oh yea...and Summer Glau is the voice of Supergirl! :drool:
[quote name='Clak']It wasn't bad, I was hoping that there would be
some interaction between Nightwing and Red Hood, but that didn't happen. I remember one of the later episodes of TAS had Nightwing talking to Robin (Drake) about the old days, thought there might be something like that with Grayson trying to get Todd to stop.
Spoilered just in case it bothers anyone.[/QUOTE]

yeah it did suck that that didnt happen on top of that
tim drake should have been in it.
id like to see a darker version of this made. the fight tim had with red hood in the comics was awesome.
Yeah that too, kept wondering where
Tim Drake
was, I guess this is supposed to take place before he meets him.
Just watched the Red Hood and I think it is possibly my favorite animated DC movie yet. It is fairly adult for a DC animated movie. Not sure if I like this or New Frontier better.
I just watched this and loved it.
As far as Batman, I have read very few of the comics (I grew up reading Marvel). My knowledge of Batman pretty much stems from those few comics and the movies/tv shows/Arkham Asylum Video Game.
Picked up my copy of Superman/Batman: Apocalypse. Great movie.
The ending fight was probably the best I have seen from these stand alone films. Seeing Kara come of age like that was awesome and the comedy when Ma and Pa Kent come back to their farm being completely destroyed was priceless.

The Green Arrow short was cool. All the shorts they have done lately make me wish they'd do full featurettes for the Spectre, Jonah Hex, and Green Arrow.
bread's done