Dead Space 2 -- Discussion

[quote name='menikmati']Got this last week and have been playing multiplayer exclusively, hopefully I'll get around to the single player tonight or sometime this week.[/QUOTE]

Shit man... I didn't know you were already playing MP... I'll jump on this week and we should team up.
I think I just fucked myself. Oh no...

I'm at the part on Chapter 15 where you kill Teidemann, and you go into a hallucination. Tons of child necro's swarm me and I only have 4 PE's left. It sucks, I'm gonna have to do a little back tracking indeed. Anyone else have a problem here?
Finally beat the final boss fight.
It was an interesting concept, but I was kinda like "that's it?" when I found out that was the finale; no epic giant worm battle like DS1. Super game overall though.
I think The next run is going to be nice and easy on normal just to mop up the achievements I missed and beef up the rest of my weapons. Then on to Zealot. Maybe I'll do my DS1 Impossible/One-Gun run in between.

I've gotta say, I was suitably on-edge during the entire
Ishimura revisit. The medical deck segment especially.

[quote name='jaredstorm']I think I just fucked myself. Oh no...

I'm at the part on Chapter 15 where you kill Teidemann, and you go into a hallucination. Tons of child necro's swarm me and I only have 4 PE's left. It sucks, I'm gonna have to do a little back tracking indeed. Anyone else have a problem here?
[/QUOTE]You don't want to know how many times I had to redo that part.
I think the trick to not getting overwhelmed by the kids is to run around the platform until they all bunch up and you can mow them down.
It makes it even hard when I only have 4 plasma energy at my disposal. I have 16 seeker rounds, but that doesn't help well against the children.

EDIT: Oh yah, in case you didn't know I'm playing on Zealot. I've came this far with fair ease.
So I played through the game first time through on zealot. This game had me cursing more than any other game I've ever played. The gameplay is so well refined that the only part that truly frustrated me was the final boss battle. Is it too early to call this GOTY.....
[quote name='jaredstorm']It makes it even hard when I only have 4 plasma energy at my disposal. I have 16 seeker rounds, but that doesn't help well against the children.

EDIT: Oh yah, in case you didn't know I'm playing on Zealot. I've came this far with fair ease.[/QUOTE]
I hear you. I had 2 shots with the PC and about 57 PR rounds.
While the kids are away, use stasis on Nicole and smack her with your gun. She can't kill you while she's frozen, and you can get in 2 hits per freeze: one right when you freeze her, and another right when she starts to speed back up. Just make sure you back off after the second hit or she'll grab you. On Survivalist, it takes at least 10 hits to 'kill' Nicole and open the marker. I didn't have the patients to determine the actual number, probably around 12-14 since I had to shoot her a bit after all the smacking around.
On the main menu you can use the Right stick to peek around the edges.... and it has one saying in the "artifact font" on the top left and bottom right, wish i knew what they said.
Hack the code with this!

There are actually codes on all the various menus and sub-menus. None of it really seems to point to anything of importance, though, like codes or other bonuses. One of the messages is "Welcome back, Nicole Brennan." Another is "In the end, it all comes down to just one little thing...," which is what Nicole says before she kills herself. The rest mostly consists of Unitologist chants.
[quote name='Pirate331']I hear you. I had 2 shots with the PC and about 57 PR rounds.
While the kids are away, use stasis on Nicole and smack her with your gun. She can't kill you while she's frozen, and you can get in 2 hits per freeze: one right when you freeze her, and another right when she starts to speed back up. Just make sure you back off after the second hit or she'll grab you. On Survivalist, it takes at least 10 hits to 'kill' Nicole and open the marker. I didn't have the patients to determine the actual number, probably around 12-14 since I had to shoot her a bit after all the smacking around.

That must have taken some balls the first time you attempted that but...
I am wondering in your case, when the marker opens up you do have to shoot it, right? It glows yellow like everything else that "must be shot"? Thinking back, that may actually not be the case, but it felt like it helped. Did you have to kill enough children to pick up enough ammo? I believe it took me 4 Nicole loops to destroy the marker.
[quote name='Big St3ph3n']WOW people love this game wayyyyy to much.[/QUOTE]

Actually in the LE guide. Pretty sweet, if you ask me!
Yeah this game is super badass. I'm so glad they added a cipher for the glyphs to add even more depth to the Dead Space world. Btw has anyone played the new Dead Space iphone game? Apparently its a standalone story that occurs on Titan right before the events of Dead Space 2. Its $6.99 on the itunes store which is a little pricey but all the reviews look pretty good.
God I'm loving this game. Just beat it last night and it took me forever to figure out that
you don't have to get the needle in Isaac's eye until the needle is almost touching his eyeball during that silly minigame.
I'm really bad at thinking outside the box in this game. Though I did make it through survivalist without having to buy any ammo or health packs, or using a single stasis pack. Now onto Zealot.

Has anyone attempted Hardcore? I...I don't think I'm man enough. Going to give it a shot eventually, though...
[quote name='Semperfi398']Btw has anyone played the new Dead Space iphone game? Apparently its a standalone story that occurs on Titan right before the events of Dead Space 2. Its $6.99 on the itunes store which is a little pricey but all the reviews look pretty good.[/QUOTE]

Yep, a few chapters in and its good.
[quote name='faceturd']That must have taken some balls the first time you attempted that but...
I am wondering in your case, when the marker opens up you do have to shoot it, right? It glows yellow like everything else that "must be shot"? Thinking back, that may actually not be the case, but it felt like it helped. Did you have to kill enough children to pick up enough ammo? I believe it took me 4 Nicole loops to destroy the marker.
I want to say it only took me 3 cycles to destroy the marker. I definitely shot the weak points while it was open, and it exploded as I was shooting it so I'm gonna say just sitting there with it open won't do the job. And yes, I killed all of the kids to get more ammo/health. Never would've had enough otherwise.
[quote name='Pirate331']
I want to say it only took me 3 cycles to destroy the marker. I definitely shot the weak points while it was open, and it exploded as I was shooting it so I'm gonna say just sitting there with it open won't do the job. And yes, I killed all of the kids to get more ammo/health. Never would've had enough otherwise.

Babies go down with a quick flamethrower blast, or a melee or two...That's a good way to farm ammo. Otherwise, Nicole and the Marker only take one hit with the Contact Beam each round, so I find that those are good strategies.
Finished DS2 on day one (to write the review for it) and I have to say it felt lackluster compared to DS1, at least when it comes to story. Hearing Isaac swearing like a sailor and being a bad ass just didn't add enough to justify him speaking. The story didn't seem to have more than a couple points and twists and there were little to no boss fights. If this and DS1 had been reversed, it would have felt more progressive to me.

Visceral did a really good job, but it just didn't feel like as intense as the first one to me.

Hmm, it feels way more intense than the first one, to me. Then again, I am playing on Zealot for my first playthrough. That could have something to do with it.
Started a Hardcore run through, fucked up, died after like 20 minutes, and now I don't wanna play again lol...

For what's it worth, though, Hardcore does not seem any harder than Zealot. It would seem it is basically Zealot difficulty with 3 saves.

As far as the final boss goes...

Contact beam is your friend. Run around a bit, let as many "kids" get near as possible, and then alt-fire their asses into next week. Should take down a good number of them, giving you extra supplies without wasting ammo.
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Got 1000 GS yesterday. I didn't find the game that intense either in my initial run, but Hardcore is extremely tense knowing a death could send you hours back.

My hardcore run I only carried the PC up until CH 10, then I started carrying my Hacker Contact Beam on various parts where I'd get swarmed. Upgrading so you get stasis on that gun's alt is awesome. Just ran like hell in the last chapter or 2 spamming the Contact alt and med packs. You also get a checkpoint when you switch discs at the beginning of CH 7 as long as you keep playing. I died one time in CH 7 and it sent me back to the beginning of that chapter. I used my first save at the beginning of CH 8 because I didn't want to risk some power outage or something similar that would send me back to disc 1 plus I hated CH 7.

Zealot was a breeze with the Foam Hand gun I unlocked from Hardcore. Loved that gun.
[quote name='ksuwild25']Got 1000 GS yesterday. I didn't find the game that intense either in my initial run, but Hardcore is extremely tense knowing a death could send you hours back.

My hardcore run I only carried the PC up until CH 10, then I started carrying my Hacker Contact Beam on various parts where I'd get swarmed. Upgrading so you get stasis on that gun's alt is awesome. Just ran like hell in the last chapter or 2 spamming the Contact alt and med packs. You also get a checkpoint when you switch discs at the beginning of CH 7 as long as you keep playing. I died one time in CH 7 and it sent me back to the beginning of that chapter. I used my first save at the beginning of CH 8 because I didn't want to risk some power outage or something similar that would send me back to disc 1 plus I hated CH 7.

Zealot was a breeze with the Foam Hand gun I unlocked from Hardcore. Loved that gun.[/QUOTE]

Wow, so the disc switch gives you an automatic checkpoint? That's really good to know. Congrats on the 1000, I think I'm going to go for my Hardcore run this upcoming weekend.
Anyone have recommendations on which weapons to max out or use for the more difficult playthroughs? I mainly leveled the plasma rifle on my normal playthrough and carried the plasma cutter, force gun, and proximity mine... so I was going to rotate into some of the other ones and was just curious since you don't really need to max them all.
I mainly stick with the plasma cutter and contact beam. The PC, well, because it's the PC, and it's been the most well-rounded weapons in these games. The contact beam is pretty much a one-hit kill on most things, and as someone else mentioned, the alt-fire is extremely useful, especially if you're able to acquire the "special" through the upgrade path, thus adding stasis to the attack.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I mainly stick with the plasma cutter and contact beam. The PC, well, because it's the PC, and it's been the most well-rounded weapons in these games. The contact beam is pretty much a one-hit kill on most things, and as someone else mentioned, the alt-fire is extremely useful, especially if you're able to acquire the "special" through the upgrade path, thus adding stasis to the attack.[/QUOTE]

THIS ^ is especially true, but I think you mean the Force Gun. Those two are all you need, especially for the boss, which can be beat only using the Force gun. Others are fun to play with, though (I'm looking at you, Javelin Gun).
No, I mean the contact beam. I know a lot of people like the force gun, but I prefer the contact beam, mainly because of the alt-fire's stasis ability.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']No, I mean the contact beam. I know a lot of people like the force gun, but I prefer the contact beam, mainly because of the alt-fire's stasis ability.[/QUOTE]

Actually you're right, I keep getting the two confused! I do like the contact beam the best. Alt-stasis plus a Metroid-y charge shot that tears anything apart with one hit? Sign me up.
I'm at the final fight.. contact gun, plasma cutter, pulse rifle, and force gun...

no ammo for force gun which would have been amazing to demolish the lil demon spawn

any tips on how to keep the lil bastards off of you while you try to kill the glowing biotch? haha

Oh first time play through and doing it on Zealot
^ If you upgraded your contact beam, the alt-fire both blasts the enemies away, and puts them into stasis if it doesn't kill them outright. If you didn't, it'll still push them back. Also, put your post into spoiler tags!
[quote name='GirlsRscandalouz']I'm at the final fight.. contact gun, plasma cutter, pulse rifle, and force gun...

no ammo for force gun which would have been amazing to demolish the lil demon spawn

any tips on how to keep the lil bastards off of you while you try to kill the glowing biotch? haha

Oh first time play through and doing it on Zealot[/QUOTE]

Focus your shots on Nicole and the kids automatically disappear when the heart appears, but the kids will reappear once Nicole does. If you feel your about to be overwhelmed by the kids use the alt on the contact beam to give yourself space, but you should still be focusing your shots on Nicole. The contact beam's primary fire should be powerful regardless of whether or not you have been upgrading it. Nicole could withstand 2 primary shots of the contact beam before the heart would appear, but that was on hardcore (or survivalist difficulty). If your still struggling to damage Nicole fast enough then I'd recommend running around the edges of the map until they are behind you. Then eliminate the kids a couple at a time occasionally running away to give yourself some distance. I watched my roommate use this latter strategy, but it obviously will take a lot longer.
Wait, so I don't even have to worry about shooting the
yellow stem thing after Nicole disappears?

I am having the most extreme difficulty with the last boss. I blame it on me not getting the pulse rifle in my game, and not having and med packs. HELP! I'm so close, yet so far to beating this. I wanna move on.
[quote name='jaredstorm']Wait, so I don't even have to worry about shooting the
yellow stem thing after Nicole disappears?

I am having the most extreme difficulty with the last boss. I blame it on me not getting the pulse rifle in my game, and not having and med packs. HELP! I'm so close, yet so far to beating this. I wanna move on.[/QUOTE]

Step 1: Shoot Nicole till she disappears
Step 2: Shoot the yellow thing that appears out of the marker
Step 3: Repeat
Blast away the kiddies as needed for ammo/health (use the contact beam's alt-fire if you can).
[quote name='jaredstorm']I did all that, but to no avail, its impossible if you don't go in with med packs. I'm so mad at myself.[/QUOTE]
What weapons are you using?

My steps seemed to be the exact same as drktrpr1 and I don't recall getting hit by the kids once when I just used the contact beam during this boss. I had to repeat the steps drktrpr1 mentioned three times before I finally beat the boss. I don't recall the exact amount of times I shot the yellow thing, but I do remember it was defeated during its third appearance.

The method I mentioned earlier with my roommate running around, he would lose a 1/4-1/2 of his health at the beginning of each phase involving kids. As he got deeper into the fight, the kids would spawn closer to him the further he progressed, and he ran out of stasis to freeze the kid or two that would be in his way as he ran towards the edge. So sometimes one kid would whack him which would cause him to stumble and lead to another kid or two getting a hit in. Once he got to the edge and started running around he wouldn't get hit anymore, because most of the kids would get snagged by the various rocks, Nicole, and each other. I only saw them drop the small med packs and ammo though, but he had a decent supply of health and ammo at the beginning of the battle. The weapons he had were the pc, pulse, mines, and an almost empty force gun. He had to repeat these various steps about 5 or 6 times though, since he would reload all of his guns during the yellow part phase.
The deed is done. I have killed the bish! haha Zealot complete. One thing I'm a little pissed about.. I thought now that I completed it.. I'm gonna go for the hardcore .. And use my new game plus.. so I have all of my stuff..

ERROR you cannot do hardcore on a new game plus game. fuck!!!!
[quote name='drktrpr1']@ Jaredstorm: do you have a Contact Beam? It makes life alot easier.[/QUOTE]

I don't. The only weapon I bought is the Seeker Rifle. Which makes life hell. I'm thinking about doing tons of back-tracking if its possible at this point.
[quote name='jaredstorm']I did all that, but to no avail, its impossible if you don't go in with med packs. I'm so mad at myself.[/QUOTE]
I had noooo health packs.. I had 3/4 health using only pulse rifle and contact, my problem was
I was standing far away to try and stay back from the lil monsters but if you get up close and personal keeping a little distance.. the contact beams secondary knocks the babies away and stasis.. and it hits Nicole, which cycles into the marker opening up.. be fast switch your weapon.. my choice is the pulse rifle.. and anhialate the heart when its exposed .. I did it fast then

I spent over an hour trying it from a far then finally got pissed off and cut it off thinking I'd never do it with no health and all haha. Don't get too close but you can easily get pretty close and it goes fast..
[quote name='jaredstorm']I don't. The only weapon I bought is the Seeker Rifle. Which makes life hell. I'm thinking about doing tons of back-tracking if its possible at this point.[/QUOTE]
Luckily I made a few separate save points for some odd reason I had a gut feeling I should save at the end of 14 where it's your last weapon bench and store and all so you can switch weapons.
but then you have to go through the gauntlet maze.. and SAVE your ammo. As soon as the door opened my ass took off to the left and ran dodging flying shots, when something came close .. stasis and then ran to the next door.. didn't even worry about shooting them unless I was cornered. Once you make it to the next door way it keeps a starting point so you dont have to keep doing it over and over.. Take your time in the side rooms make sure you get all of the ammo and health dropped.. That's what worked best for me..
Beat it on Casual, that's enough for me... Love the story and it's a creepy as hell game. better than the first in a lot of ways too !
bread's done