Demon's Souls - Atlus & From Software's Action RPG - October 6

So, I figured there would be more traffic in this thread given the GS and Amazon deals on this a few weeks back!

Anyway, I finally played again last night for the first time in a few months. All I had left to do to get my platinum is to collect all the Sage spells. When I stopped playing I had finished up World 2, so I had the soul I needed from the final boss there. So to complete the spells I just needed 3 total: World 2 (done already), World 3, and World 5. Also, I needed to go through more of World 1 since I had to free Yuria again. I also had to get Sage Freke but that could be done easily enough while progressing through World 3. Well, last night I started it up and went to the Tower of Latria (World 3). I was so rusty at the game it took me a long time to get through there and I died a few times. But by the end of that I was back in the swing of things and freed Freke, killed the boss there, then went back to 1-2 and 1-3 and freed Yuria. So no more World 1 for me any more - woo-hoo! I just have to finish up World 3 and then dreaded World 5 (not looking forward to the big basher guys there - ugh). But, man, given how much time I put into this game I can't let it sit there one trophy short. Plus I started playing 3d Dot Game Heroes and given the impossibility of some of the trophies in that one I thought I better go back to what is widely considered another very hard game and polish that one off!
[quote name='io']So, I figured there would be more traffic in this thread given the GS and Amazon deals on this a few weeks back!

Anyway, I finally played again last night for the first time in a few months. All I had left to do to get my platinum is to collect all the Sage spells. When I stopped playing I had finished up World 2, so I had the soul I needed from the final boss there. So to complete the spells I just needed 3 total: World 2 (done already), World 3, and World 5. Also, I needed to go through more of World 1 since I had to free Yuria again. I also had to get Sage Freke but that could be done easily enough while progressing through World 3. Well, last night I started it up and went to the Tower of Latria (World 3). I was so rusty at the game it took me a long time to get through there and I died a few times. But by the end of that I was back in the swing of things and freed Freke, killed the boss there, then went back to 1-2 and 1-3 and freed Yuria. So no more World 1 for me any more - woo-hoo! I just have to finish up World 3 and then dreaded World 5 (not looking forward to the big basher guys there - ugh). But, man, given how much time I put into this game I can't let it sit there one trophy short. Plus I started playing 3d Dot Game Heroes and given the impossibility of some of the trophies in that one I thought I better go back to what is widely considered another very hard game and polish that one off![/QUOTE]

Interesting you managed to get all the weapons/rings before the spells/miracles trophy. It was the other way around for me - with one heck of a farming session for that P.O.S bladestone trophy. (really should be a silver).

Did a quick search of the 3d Dot trophies (your comment interested me) & interesting to see a lot of 'take no damage' and 'register x monster' trophies. Personally I like the 'hold 777 gold (EXACTLY)' trophy haha.
I like the idea of Black and white alignment for worlds, but I don't like it that you basically have one shot to go from pure black to pure white and if you screw it up you have to wait till new game+.

For a non-pvp build any recommendations what to put colorless demons toward? Right now I'm leaning toward Baby's Nail to stop regening enemies, or Adjudicator's shield for when I tackle the later areas in World 3.
[quote name='guardian_owl']I like the idea of Black and white alignment for worlds, but I don't like it that you basically have one shot to go from pure black to pure white and if you screw it up you have to wait till new game+.

For a non-pvp build any recommendations what to put colorless demons toward? Right now I'm leaning toward Baby's Nail to stop regening enemies, or Adjudicator's shield for when I tackle the later areas in World 3.[/QUOTE]

I agree, but the only reason you would mess up going from PBWT to PWWT is because of the online effects (basically, just by going online can alter your world's tendency even though you are not doing anything particularly wrong to effect it). Rule of thumb seems to be Offline (from PSN) if you're planning to do any PB or PW treasures or phantoms.

As for colorless souls - really up to your weapon preference & your type of built. I would note that I've seen some players use a max Baby Nails in pvp (which really dampers my grass) as a secondary weapon. Adjudicator's shield works wonders to counter effect the poison swamp in world 5 (if you equip that at max & a regen ring).
[quote name='guynextshore']Interesting you managed to get all the weapons/rings before the spells/miracles trophy. It was the other way around for me - with one heck of a farming session for that P.O.S bladestone trophy. (really should be a silver).

Did a quick search of the 3d Dot trophies (your comment interested me) & interesting to see a lot of 'take no damage' and 'register x monster' trophies. Personally I like the 'hold 777 gold (EXACTLY)' trophy haha.[/QUOTE]

Well, true, I had some help on the Foe's Ring and the Bladestone weapon - luckily some CAGs let me "borrow" those a ways back. Otherwise, yeah, it would have been farming nightmare on that bladestone weapon. But that isn't hard, just tedious. The trophies you mentioned for 3D Dot Game Heroes aren't the hard ones (and the 777 gold was easy - I got that the other night). The monster registering one might be a bit tricky, and also tedious, but not hard. And even the no damage ones aren't too hard from what I've read (I've only done one so far myself). The hardest one is for getting all the swords. One sword requires you to do every "event" in the game, including acing all three minigames. That, there, is the impossible part. One minigame is a very hard to control "race" of your character around a path where you keep going faster and faster and basically can never crash to get the "ace" timing. It is one of the hardest things I've ever seen in a videogame.

Demon's Souls may be hard, but once you know what you are doing and are properly equipped/prepared, there is nothing in the game that can't be handled with just moderate "twitch" gaming skills. I don't have the reflexes for that 3D Dot Game Heroes crap though ;).

3D Dot Game Heroes is definitely worth playing though. Remember that it is also made by From Software. There is a "From Cave" with lots of Demon's Souls references, including "sticky white stuff" ;).
Does anyone know of any sweet deals for the Europe version of this? If I can get the Black Phantom version for around $50 shipped, I wouldn't mind picking it up a second copy.

[quote name='io']the Bladestone weapon - luckily some CAGs let me "borrow" those a ways back.[/QUOTE]

Ahem... :)
[quote name='ChibiJosh']
Ahem... :)[/QUOTE]

Um, yeah, I meant to say the wonderful ChibiJosh helped me out with the Bladestone weapon. Of course, he got it from someone else himself ;).
[quote name='guardian_owl']I like the idea of Black and white alignment for worlds, but I don't like it that you basically have one shot to go from pure black to pure white and if you screw it up you have to wait till new game+.

For a non-pvp build any recommendations what to put colorless demons toward? Right now I'm leaning toward Baby's Nail to stop regening enemies, or Adjudicator's shield for when I tackle the later areas in World 3.[/QUOTE]

Definitely don't waste them on Baby's Nail, especially for non-pvp. Adjudicator's Shield or Dark Silver Shield are good options for going to +5 from Colorless Souls. Some people also like a +5 Phosperescent Pole for magic regen if you are a mage character.
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I know I'm late to the party, but I just picked this game up when it hit $32 on Amazon and started playing it last week.

It is amazing.

It's everything everyone has said, it's tough but not unfair. You die alot, but usually because you made a stupid mistake.

I haven't been this scared to play a game since the original Resident Evil. Each new doorway or corner is possible (probable) death. And when I finally do pass an area, kill a boss, or get some new item, it feels like a huge victory.

Can't wait to get home and dive into some more Demons Souls!
Like a few of the posters above, I myself have just started playing Demons Souls. I haven't advanced very far yet, but so far the game seems very fair.

I have a general question: I've learned that when you die, you can reclaim your "lost souls if you can get to your body before dying again. What happens if you die (the first time) and then quit the game? Will the body still be where you last died the next time you play? I didn't stop to think about this before I stopped playing today...
[quote name='jacknicklson']Bloodstain will only disappear if you die
you can quit the game, visit other worlds etc as long as you stay alive you're good[/QUOTE]

Awesome. Thanks a lot!
Hello, all! My character is a female Soldier (who looks like Tina Fey lol), SL 240. If anyone wants to tear through the game or PvP, send a friend request! As far as PvP goes, I'd like to do some experimental fights, in order to develop strategies for specific weapons and spells. I haven't played in months, and I wouldn't mind getting back into this gem of a game with a fellow CAG. I still have every upgraded weapon, and all of the rings - so if any of you within my level range need to hold that one weapon to platinum out (*cough sharpuchigatana+5 *cough), let me know. I still don't have a bluetooth headset, but I will try to pick one up this weekend.

PSN ID: ElixirboyIfrit
Got the Game at 8pm last night. Played for houurss. Got my ass whooped. Over. . . and over. . . and over. . . Almost packed it up to take it back to GS. Beat the first boss which was satisfying.

Can you sell gear? I have loads of crap with the storage guy but the blacksmith doesn't seem to be a buyer. Is it all just shit that will sit there? or Can I do something with it later?

EDIT: Found the answer on gamefaqs. It's drop or horde.
Got the Deluxe Edition from Goozex yesterday! I'll be playing all day tomorrow or at least until my 20GB starts sounding like a old 360 again.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Got the Game at 8pm last night. Played for houurss. Got my ass whooped. Over. . . and over. . . and over. . . Almost packed it up to take it back to GS. Beat the first boss which was satisfying.

And of course, once you beat that first boss you can start gaining levels which is a huge help early on ;). It is never quite as hard as that first intro to the game (though there are challenging parts later at least you have some idea what to do at that point).
If you run up to an enemy and just start swinging your weapon, the game is designed to punish you for doing that. If you let the enemy take the first swing, he's vulnerable at the end of his swing, and it's safe to attack... once. If you stun him with your attack, that's a green light special. I prefer the combat of DS over hack and slash RPGs *cough*Diablo2*cough*. D2 was pretty boring, and I have no intention of even looking at D3.
Have they every talked about when they might turn off the servers? I know in the user agreement they state that they are only obligated for six months of server time and I'd love to get back into the game over the summer again and would hate for them to turn off the servers before I get that chance.
[quote name='sotc1988']Have they every talked about when they might turn off the servers? I know in the user agreement they state that they are only obligated for six months of server time and I'd love to get back into the game over the summer again and would hate for them to turn off the servers before I get that chance.[/QUOTE]

WTH, this game is around 15 months old since the JP release. There has not been any talk about shutting down the servers, eventually they will but not for quite awhile.
[quote name='sotc1988']Have they every talked about when they might turn off the servers? I know in the user agreement they state that they are only obligated for six months of server time and I'd love to get back into the game over the summer again and would hate for them to turn off the servers before I get that chance.[/QUOTE]

Like the guy above said, I wouldn't worry about it at all. The '6 month' thing is really just a clause that ensures that even if the game only sold 5 copies on launch, the online would work for a minimum time period.

However, the game launched and was fairly popular (even Sony admitted that they made a mistake by not publishing it here), so server shut-down shouldn't be an issue for a few years, at least.
[quote name='Supplice']WTH, this game is around 15 months old since the JP release. There has not been any talk about shutting down the servers, eventually they will but not for quite awhile.[/QUOTE]

Also, the NA version uses completely separate servers from the Asian version, and so the game wrt those servers is only 7-8 months old. Not sure which servers the new European version uses. At any rate, I doubt they'll be shut down any time soon. This thing has been a cash cow for Atlas.
[quote name='Elixirboy']If you run up to an enemy and just start swinging your weapon, the game is designed to punish you for doing that. If you let the enemy take the first swing, he's vulnerable at the end of his swing, and it's safe to attack... once. If you stun him with your attack, that's a green light special. I prefer the combat of DS over hack and slash RPGs *cough*Diablo2*cough*. D2 was pretty boring, and I have no intention of even looking at D3.[/QUOTE]

I tried a few classes out to check out the various weapons. With the wanderer and his falchion a charge attack leads to an uppercut rather than a downswing which cuts off a lot off enemy attacks this far.

I don't have a shield atm I just guard with my sword. I imagine that will change.
I keep getting my ass handed to me on level 4-1 I think, the outdoor place with the flying manta rays. Those metal skeletons keep kicking my ass. I can get the ones outside, but theres an underground part where you go through an illusionary wall and two of them jump me in a confined space.

But that was on a weekday, where I don't have the time to play patiently. I'll probably get past that part this weekend.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']I tried a few classes out to check out the various weapons. With the wanderer and his falchion a charge attack leads to an uppercut rather than a downswing which cuts off a lot off enemy attacks this far.

I don't have a shield atm I just guard with my sword. I imagine that will change.[/QUOTE]

You can get some shields pretty early on. But the absolute best thing for 90% of the game is to keep your equip burden under 50% of your max and dodge/roll out of the way when fighting. Shields are good when you're venturing into a new place and don't when when to expect an attack, or when you're blocking projectiles.
[quote name='Puffa469']I keep getting my ass handed to me on level 4-1 I think, the outdoor place with the flying manta rays. Those metal skeletons keep kicking my ass. I can get the ones outside, but theres an underground part where you go through an illusionary wall and two of them jump me in a confined space.

But that was on a weekday, where I don't have the time to play patiently. I'll probably get past that part this weekend.[/QUOTE]

Those tunnels can be approached from either end, so try entering from the other end and it might be easier. Also try luring them one at a time if possible (depends on what weapons/magic you have).
[quote name='Backlash']Those tunnels can be approached from either end, so try entering from the other end and it might be easier. Also try luring them one at a time if possible (depends on what weapons/magic you have).[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip. I'll def try that now that it's Friday and I don't have to go to bed by 11pm (I get up early for work).

I'm a female Royal so I'm weak as shit. I put most of my points into Int and Magic so far. I try to stay light and dodge and roll and use my spear and soul arrow, but in that cramped tunnel I can't roll around too much.
[quote name='Puffa469']I keep getting my ass handed to me on level 4-1 I think, the outdoor place with the flying manta rays. Those metal skeletons keep kicking my ass. I can get the ones outside, but theres an underground part where you go through an illusionary wall and two of them jump me in a confined space.

But that was on a weekday, where I don't have the time to play patiently. I'll probably get past that part this weekend.[/QUOTE]

I hope your arrow skills are up to snuff because 4-1 and 4-2 get much harder after that and it helps a ton to be able to take things out at range. Soul arrow is OK but you need to take out a lot and after a while I preferred arrows to magic most of the time, especially given the greater range. You'll be coming up on gold skeletons soon, which are tougher than the silver. And then there's the black ones ;). And we won't even mention the "death" dudes in 4-2 who you really have to take out at range.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']How does multiplayer work? I have a couple friends that want to play together, but from what Iv read it's not easy to set up with specific people.[/QUOTE]

It isn't too hard to meet up - I've done it a few times with CAGs. You just have to arrange a meeting place and have one player set down a blue stone marker (indicating you want to be summoned). The thing is, any player online could select that and summon you. If you choose somewhere off the beaten path, though, you minimize the chances for that. The player you join can still be invaded by a black phantom too - but then it is pretty fun to surprise an invader when you have 2 players to gang up on him. That happened to Chibi and me, I think, a few times while he was letting me "borrow" various weapons. We pretty much wiped the floor with them. I guess if you have 2 people visiting, though, there's no room for an invader?

I had just started my third playthrough and the ideal place to put an out-of-the-way marker is the little alley just past the 1-2 archstone where Ostrava is behind bars.

OK, more is coming back to me... To put down a blue stone you need to be in Soul Form (as I always was while playing). The person summoning has to be in body form, though. And I think they have to have not completed the level they are trying to summon you on (not 100% sure on this though). So you need to make sure they have access to, but have not yet beaten, the level you want to join up at. If the person in Soul form leaves the current level I think they just end up going back to their world. Also, as a blue phantom you don't lose any souls if you die. If you are an invading black phantom you do though - and the players who killed you share them.

By the way, if you are around mid-game and know of a particular boss that you think you can handle pretty well (say, the Tower Knight or such) then you can place a blue stone right before the boss fight and hopefully someone will summon you in to fight that boss. You get a nice amount of souls as a reward with no risk (you won't lose the ones you have if you die). It is a great way to gain some levels mid-game when you need it most. I did this quite a bit. As you get up to level 100 and beyond, though, you will generally be too high a level to get summoned by most people (as most probably are looking for help earlier on - plus, of course, there are probably more low-level people playing).

Another point is that you can only connect with people fairly close to your level. Someone way back posted the specifics but I think you have to be within 10 levels below 100 and then 25 afterwards? It's something like that, anyway - so to meet up with your friends you have to be close in level.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']How does multiplayer work? I have a couple friends that want to play together, but from what Iv read it's not easy to set up with specific people.[/QUOTE]

Whatever area (1-1, 1-2, etc.) you want to co-op with your friends, the boss must be alive for the host player. The host player must be in body form, and the helper must be in soul form. The helper should find a hidden area in the level (usually near the beginning) to throw down his blue eye stone. Both the host and the helper should break the same coffin, crate, or other breakable item. The helper should then drop his blue eye stone right there, so that the blue sign will not be visible to random players on the server. The host should have enough time to identify the blue sign as that of his friend, and pick it up before anyone else sees it. Keep in mind that there are two NA servers, so one of you may have to quit the game and log in again... then cross your fingers. The level restriction for co-op/pvp is 10% of the lower level character, plus ten levels. If the lower of the two characters is 50, the highest level that can join is 65. Enjoy!

If there are any CAGs close to SL 240, let's go tear stuff up! I have the enemy difficulty capped out, so let's go bring world 5 to pure black and go fight the toughest mob in the game, Selen Vinland. She's the toughest unless you use Soulsucker or Poison Cloud. Her brother is pretty tough too, with capped difficulty, because his defense is off the charts. His Bramd can easily send you on the shortcut to the nearest archstone.
[quote name='Elixirboy']Her brother is pretty tough too, with capped difficulty, because his defense is off the charts. His Bramd can easily send you on the shortcut to the nearest archstone.[/QUOTE]
Yeah but it leaves him incredibly open due to the slowness. He's a joke if you just bait his attack, roll back, and heavy swing with the meat cleaver. Easiest boss in the game next to phalanx if you have a moonlight sword.
[quote name='Jodou']Yeah but it leaves him incredibly open due to the slowness. He's a joke if you just bait his attack, roll back, and heavy swing with the meat cleaver. Easiest boss in the game next to phalanx if you have a moonlight sword.[/QUOTE]

Nah, Maiden Astraea is the easiest - if you use the 'sniper's perch' and a really good bow (ahem*stickly long bow +5/dex built*cough). ;).
[quote name='io']I hope your arrow skills are up to snuff because 4-1 and 4-2 get much harder after that and it helps a ton to be able to take things out at range. Soul arrow is OK but you need to take out a lot and after a while I preferred arrows to magic most of the time, especially given the greater range. You'll be coming up on gold skeletons soon, which are tougher than the silver. And then there's the black ones ;). And we won't even mention the "death" dudes in 4-2 who you really have to take out at range.[/QUOTE]

You can take out the 'death' mobs up close if you're fast enough. You just have to watch out for his blue someone creatures (I swear they remind of the 'night walker' from princess mononoke). The ones I watch out in 4-2 are those invisible 'backstabbing' b*tches. Once you take out death all the summons goes away. Actually, the beginning of 4-2 is one of the best places to farm souls, that and 4-3 with the rays.
[quote name='guynextshore']Nah, Maiden Astraea is the easiest - if you use the 'sniper's perch' and a really good bow (ahem*stickly long bow +5/dex built*cough). ;).[/QUOTE]

You don't need a dex build for that as long as you go hyper.
[quote name='Puffa469']Thanks for the tip. I'll def try that now that it's Friday and I don't have to go to bed by 11pm (I get up early for work).

I'm a female Royal so I'm weak as shit. I put most of my points into Int and Magic so far. I try to stay light and dodge and roll and use my spear and soul arrow, but in that cramped tunnel I can't roll around too much.[/QUOTE]

Also, FYI, the basic fire spell is really good against the skeletons in 4-1 and 4-2 and against the reapers in 4-2.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']OMG fuck this game. I can't take going through the same enemies 20 f'ing times just to die at the boss again and again. It stopped being fun at the 15th time.[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing Flamelurker or tower Knight? There's usually a lot of soul signs for blue phantoms available right before those bosses. Use a Stone of Ephemeral Eyes and summon some help right before the boss if you can't get past on your own; it really helps.
Flamelurker isn't too bad if you take the right fork at the start and jump down the shaft. Man, if I had to take the twisty tunnel on the left ALL THE WAY DOWN every time I died at flamelurker I would have gone mad with rage too.

But really, if they are going to punish you so badly for deaths I wish they made more use of the mechanics like the dropping heart in 3-2, the large boss gate in 1-1, and the bypass plank in 5-2 to place boss battles/shortcuts closer to the starting point of the level once you performed a certain action in the course of playing the level.
3-1 and 4-1 have decent shortcuts as welll. At least, 4-1 has a shortcut (if you find it) and 3-1 you can get to the boss by only fighting I think 1 or 2 enemies once you have all the keys.

I always went down the twisty tunnels when fighting Flamelurker because I could never get down the pit correctly without dying, except maybe once. :whistle2:(
bread's done