Destiny 2 *Official* CAG Thread - Farmhands Wanted

They would only work towards the same type of purple mod, so if you don't plan on playing either of those classes you are fine to dismantle them.

Keep them, wait for them to be tradeable for it's legendary counterpart, then dismantle the legendary mod. You can the trade up 2 mod parts for a random legendary mod for armor or weapons, you pick.

Edit: toss them in the vault if you need more space.

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They would only work towards the same type of purple mod, so if you don't plan on playing either of those classes you are fine to dismantle them.
Yeah definitely trade them in for legendary mods and then break them down. It is so hard to get the kinetic mods - creating legendary mods is one way to try for those.

people leave and join every few days so we can probably get you in soon

i brought up the point maybe we should spin off a separate group for active forum members, dunno if we are considering that at all
If we spun one off into Xbox One active forum members it would be very much not full.

Did the first two parts of the Raid tonight and the powerful engram from the first chest plus an exotic I got from one of the key chests (and we only opened one of them) gave me 2 of the 3 pieces of Titan armor that all the weekly engram crap yesterday refused to give me.  I got a helmet and arms so that just leaves my 303 mark as the only thing holding my Titan back from 305.  I also got the raid auto rifle as an extra bonus from the Bath section.  Pretty good results for a quick foray into the raid.


I'm probably sitting on 300* but I'll have to take dat energy slot exotic Grenade launcher which is apparently the most misunderstood step child of D2 and fuse it into a power nade launcher slot. I want to test drive it in PVE first, won't matter in PVP because I can just rebuild it at lower light.

Thanks for the invite, the 2 parts of the raid minus the grand cut scene that is supposed to be in the beginning was fun and educational. Got the raid auto rifle as well I think after Io did, but of course I did because the game remembers who we are.

I looted the Armory Key, so there's that for when we can or I'll need to learn how to solo it.

What's the next part of the raid so I can read/watch up on it.

Got the "Strange Walk" emote from a bright engram. It does a really awkward walk I guess a homage to the running/walking game on the internet where the whole game is trying to get your guy to walk using just keys.

Time to start the Mida quest tonight.

I looted the Armory Key, so there's that for when we can or I'll need to learn how to solo it.

What's the next part of the raid so I can read/watch up on it.
Unfortunately you can't solo the keys since you need to kill 4 watchers simultaneously to unlock the chests. You need at least 4 people for most of them, anyway. Though we did find that one chest last night that was just sitting there but we didn't have the key for it. But we got to that via a shortcut from the dogs, and you wouldn't get able to get through there solo either.

And also the keys disappear each week which I think is stupid. I got 3 last week and they were all gone this week. Considering how hard it is to get a group to do them, I wish you could keep them week-to-week for when you find the time to get them done. The thing is it can take an hour+ just to do 4 keys and a lot of times people are fed up with the raid by that point and don't want to bother with the chests.

The next part is the Gauntlet, or race, or whatever you want to call it. Then Calus. That's it. You essentially did half the raid last night. In fact, in terms of potential rewards you did exactly half. When you kill Calus, you only get one guaranteed "powerful" item so that is essentially the same as the engram you got from the first chest. (Though I guess the Calus item is at least a raid item while the powerful engram could be anything - but in terms of powering up your character it is the same thing). Every other part just gives you tokens with a small chance for an actual Raid reward (like that auto rifle we got). I've gotten 4 things in total from the non-Calus parts and I've done those at least 12-15 times total.

After the raid, I did public events as a Titan with the exotic chest that reloads auto rifles and the raid auto (Ghost Primus) as my kinetic weapon and Uriel's Gift as my energy weapon. The reloading perk is nice, but I did not like the instability of Ghost Primus. Someone said it was like Uriel's Gift but I did not find it the same at all. It fires faster but sprays all over the place in comparison. I guess I can still go with the exotic chest (I infused one of the 3 300 chest pieces I got the other day into one to make it 305) just with Uriels. That will help me on things like the raid bath "bathers" when they pop out from the chains. I got killed once there because I had to reload.

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After the raid, I did public events as a Titan with the exotic chest that reloads auto rifles and the raid auto (Ghost Primus) as my kinetic weapon and Uriel's Gift as my energy weapon. The reloading perk is nice, but I did not like the instability of Ghost Primus. Someone said it was like Uriel's Gift but I did not find it the same at all. It fires faster but sprays all over the place in comparison. I guess I can still go with the exotic chest (I infused one of the 3 300 chest pieces I got the other day into one to make it 305) just with Uriels. That will help me on things like the raid bath "bathers" when they pop out from the chains. I got killed once there because I had to reload.
You're essentially armed w/2 polar opposites. One AF starts w/bad stability & recoil and eventually stabilizes as the magazine gets lower + increases damage and the other starts w/better stability. Running around w/Ghost Primus, I tag the enemy I want to shoot then when they start to turn to face me and make a bee line the AF starts stabilizing and doing more damage. I've gotten used to it in PVE, but I haven't tried it nor will I likely use it much in PVP since it's a kinetic slot. That's for hand cannons & scouts.

Uriel's gift is a beast. My favorite AF in Crucible, I only swap it out for The End when the map calls for a scout rifle and the rest of the team plays more aggressive.

Finished all the post storyline quests to get to the Mini Tool. I haven't accepted it yet because while I was listening to the narration & reading the flavor text, I inspected the SMG. It was at 299 and I was stoked...then when I went back to the accept screen it changed to 297. I was like, damnit now I gotta wait for the vendor rotation...however after 2 rotations & checking this morning it's still 297. I'll try to see if I up my LL if it'll go up again, possibly during the Strikes challenge tonight. If not, I'll just have to grin and bear it.

Tried the Fighting Lion, energy slot, grenade launcher PVE on EDZ, vs clumped fallen it's great. Against single Captains because it's Arc, it's great. Every other situation, it truly is the worst exotic that i've attempted to find redeeming qualities for. Infused it and raised the power level of The Play of the Game grenade launcher. THAT, launcher is actually pretty sweet and functional.

Currently running 2 Sniper Rifles, A Single Clap & Persuader. Can't decide which one I like more...but out of all the legendary sniper rifles I've narrowed it down to these for the impact/handling/reload feels.

Re: Raid Keys...hopefully we can use these keys before reset.

Same time tonight & I got an extra hour of sleep so I should be raid ready.

I've finally nudged my way up to 298 and still have the Nightfall to do.  I'm going to be on tonight with fellow clanmate Dizzy to do that if anyone wants to join.  Probably around 10 or 10:30 PM EST.

Also, I want to try that raid cheese.  yes, I know it's lame and cheating and blah blah blah....I just think the cheeses are fun.  We had fun playing around with the cheeses in Crota's End and Vault of Glass back in the day, so I want to give this one a go before they patch it. 

I FINALLY got Curtain Call and Knucklehead Radar! Gah.

Also wtf is up with Hunters ALWAYS getting the short end of the stick.. Xur hasn't even been here a month and already he offers a duplicate for Hunters...
I FINALLY got Curtain Call and Knucklehead Radar! Gah.

Also wtf is up with Hunters ALWAYS getting the short end of the stick.. Xur hasn't even been here a month and already he offers a duplicate for Hunters...
I thought I heard over the loud speaker in the tower the other day...

"PSA: Due to the popularity of Hunters, we are giving them the brown end of the thermometer for the first season. Enjoy your emo shaders...That is all."

I would get the exotic Xur sells the day before he arrives and then sells that item. It's happened 2 weeks in a row. I already have Foetracer but RNG gave me Skyrunner's Oath last night during a heroic pub so I'm not allowed to complain until the next exotic decryption.

I fell asleep last night playing holding my controller but never got the NF done so I will on tonight if anyone wants to help me out or do anything else. Probably be on around 10:45 est at the earliest.

Still...RNG keeps giving me exotics w/higher LL's in slots I already have. While that's good for bringing up other exotics that share the same archtype, it does nothing for my numbers. 2 skyburner's oaths & 2 Mida Multi Tools. I even did the quest that gets you the quest fusion rifle...but that dropped at lower power than I thought and went straight to the vault for later tweaking.

I got the highly coveted & sweeet looking spicy Ramen emblem, but then noticed we lost BeefLoMein. (not trying to be funny or clever, just thought it was ironic timing wise)

Rather quiet weekend during my normal playing hours. Hopped onto the warlock and now I'm up to where you just get your light back and ready to find some bubblegum. When gray equipment was dropping I thought, holy crap I'm getting bright engrams this early in the campaign? Yeah...that pipe dream quickly sprung a leak.

Picked up a new sniper rifle and I think I like it.

- Widow's Bite. Looks wicked...all the perks are geared towards better handling, recoil, and reloading. This is great for picking up adds quickly, the impact is lower than the Single Clap but I really like the handling and when you're empty dat reload speed...

I'm surprised to still see lvl 20's forgoing the chance to make the Fallen Glimmer pub event into heroic just to get the event done. I understand some heroic events are harder to trigger unless you have the numbers, gear, or are more coordinated but...Fallen Glimmer mining event?

I hope the DLC comes w/additional and a lot more variety of public events.

Same time tonight. Hopefully we can finish the rest of the raid unless you guys already did...also, Trials. Let's get on a few fireteams going and iron that out. All we need to do is win one match right or do you have to go flawless?

Is everyone ready for the return of IB? Here is the gear that is up for grabs:


I have a strong feeling that grinding for this gear will be a SLOG:

  • You get a few tokens from each match, maybe more if you win.
  • You get a few tokens from completing challenges.
  • Each rank up with Saladin will take 20/25 tokens and gives you an IB engram.
  • Each IB engram gives you maybe one or two pieces of gear.
How many matches would that be for a single chance at gear? Five to ten? And then after you complete all the challenges? This is all speculative.


Still...RNG keeps giving me exotics w/higher LL's in slots I already have. While that's good for bringing up other exotics that share the same archtype, it does nothing for my numbers. 2 skyburner's oaths & 2 Mida Multi Tools. I even did the quest that gets you the quest fusion rifle...but that dropped at lower power than I thought and went straight to the vault for later tweaking.

I got the highly coveted & sweeet looking spicy Ramen emblem, but then noticed we lost BeefLoMein. (not trying to be funny or clever, just thought it was ironic timing wise)

Rather quiet weekend during my normal playing hours. Hopped onto the warlock and now I'm up to where you just get your light back and ready to find some bubblegum. When gray equipment was dropping I thought, holy crap I'm getting bright engrams this early in the campaign? Yeah...that pipe dream quickly sprung a leak.

Picked up a new sniper rifle and I think I like it.

- Widow's Bite. Looks wicked...all the perks are geared towards better handling, recoil, and reloading. This is great for picking up adds quickly, the impact is lower than the Single Clap but I really like the handling and when you're empty dat reload speed...

I'm surprised to still see lvl 20's forgoing the chance to make the Fallen Glimmer pub event into heroic just to get the event done. I understand some heroic events are harder to trigger unless you have the numbers, gear, or are more coordinated but...Fallen Glimmer mining event?

I hope the DLC comes w/additional and a lot more variety of public events.

Same time tonight. Hopefully we can finish the rest of the raid unless you guys already did...also, Trials. Let's get on a few fireteams going and iron that out. All we need to do is win one match right or do you have to go flawless?
I haven't seen that. Pretty much every time I'm involved with other people it goes Heroic. Especially since it takes six quick blasts from Hawthorne's Shotty and then a quick melee attack to destroy the console. Also, especially since you can start that one Heroic all the way up to the third location because they always make available enough of those glimmer consoles to turn it Heroic (I noticed that there were three of those consoles at the third location last time I solo'ed the PE).

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I still see it, it's almost is if some players either don't care, forget, or just want to do it, move on and possibly cross off the daily planet challenge (if it was completed public events)...what I actually see less of is t-bagging in crucible which is funny in itself sometimes. hahaha.

They certainly went Mongolian armor motif this IB eh?

Should be cool to see how disco knight you can get your guardian with some of the ostentatious shaders available. Hopefully they have class specific swords or something. I like the warlock armor the best...while I think wolf armor accents are nice, I wasn't a fan of it in D1 as a helmet for hunters or shoulder pads for the titan. (personal preference) Though shaders could make me change my mind.

How long before they start introducing pets in social areas?

I'm definitely ready for Iron Banner.  I hope there is some bit of lore or story to it, I'm a sucker for that stuff.  Not sure if I love the new IB gear or not.  The samurai vibe is cool, but I tend to like more heavy metal looking armor.  I need to get my Warlock up to 20 so I can get some of that gear for her. 

My main, Titan, is up to 299 and I think I might be getting the itch to raid finally.  That might be my late week/weekend project.  I'll be on tonight and still need to knock out the NF if any is around and wants to run that. 

I'm definitely ready for Iron Banner. I hope there is some bit of lore or story to it, I'm a sucker for that stuff. Not sure if I love the new IB gear or not. The samurai vibe is cool, but I tend to like more heavy metal looking armor. I need to get my Warlock up to 20 so I can get some of that gear for her.

My main, Titan, is up to 299 and I think I might be getting the itch to raid finally. That might be my late week/weekend project. I'll be on tonight and still need to knock out the NF if any is around and wants to run that.
I ready for it to, Ijust hope playing IB also counts towards the "Call to Arms" weekly reward.
I ready for it to, Ijust hope playing IB also counts towards the "Call to Arms" weekly reward.
At first glance it looks like it does NOT. Iron Banner is its own entry point in the Crucible section and when you put the cursor over it you see the two IB Milestones but not the Call to Arms Milestone. I didn't actually play any this morning so I could be wrong, but I'm sure someone here will know before I get home tonight. :)

At first glance it looks like it does NOT. Iron Banner is its own entry point in the Crucible section and when you put the cursor over it you see the two IB Milestones but not the Call to Arms Milestone. I didn't actually play any this morning so I could be wrong, but I'm sure someone here will know before I get home tonight. :)
Thankfully it does, only thing is the daily regular crucible challenges get trumped buy the IB ones. It takes 20 tokens to rank up with Lord Salad you get 2 for a loss and 5 for a win. There is also a reward for opening 10 packages (200 Tokens) in Season One of IB.

Has anyone else noticed that Hard Light lets you choose its element?  If it weren't such a shaky mess it might be a good gun for NF when the Prism mod is active.


That will change this has to.

Another quiet night so I switched over to my Warlock in training and managed to snag & unlock the Voidwalker subclass. I also went to the Crucible at lvl 7 so I could sprinkling some salt on a few shiny players. Nothing say loving like seeing you got fragged with a Lumia-D gray weapon. Hahaha. I did play a bit less more conservatively.

Just finished up doing some maintenance on some power generators, so yeah...still a lot of campaign to get through for me and w/IB and the reset, not sure if I'll make it before next reset unless I push.

I ready for it to, Ijust hope playing IB also counts towards the "Call to Arms" weekly reward.
From the more reputable youtubers mentioned that IB progress counts towards the Call to Arms weekly...I mean unless you absolutely loath Control there's less reason to play quickplay over IB. However all you need to do is login, complete a match and find out for sure :)

I was finally able to take the Mida into PVP, combined w/Foetracer...I'll have to get used to the pacing but I literally see the potential. I'll give it a shot in IB. I just need to play more conservatively and I usually do better.

Same time as usual tonight with a hankering to get dat light.


That will change this has to.

Another quiet night so I switched over to my Warlock in training and managed to snag & unlock the Voidwalker subclass. I also went to the Crucible at lvl 7 so I could sprinkling some salt on a few shiny players. Nothing say loving like seeing you got fragged with a Lumia-D gray weapon. Hahaha. I did play a bit less more conservatively.

Just finished up doing some maintenance on some power generators, so yeah...still a lot of campaign to get through for me and w/IB and the reset, not sure if I'll make it before next reset unless I push.

From the more reputable youtubers mentioned that IB progress counts towards the Call to Arms weekly...I mean unless you absolutely loath Control there's less reason to play quickplay over IB. However all you need to do is login, complete a match and find out for sure :)

I was finally able to take the Mida into PVP, combined w/Foetracer...I'll have to get used to the pacing but I literally see the potential. I'll give it a shot in IB. I just need to play more conservatively and I usually do better.

Same time as usual tonight with a hankering to get dat light.
I heard if you combine Mida with a kinetic recoil chest piece mod its awesome.

Has anyone else noticed that Hard Light lets you choose its element? If it weren't such a shaky mess it might be a good gun for NF when the Prism mod is active.
That's exactly why I like it...for elemental type challenges, NF buffs, the no damage fall off and a great visual indicator when explaining and having to pointing out an area w/enhanced visual display. I'd also like to think in crucible the light trails and spam + ricochet rounds actually negatively affects my targets via visual spam, maybe lag, frame rate, etc.

I heard if you combine Mida with a kinetic recoil chest piece mod its awesome.
I'll try that out if I have any in storage.

I like the speed boost with the combo of Mida's but I'm not having a lot of good luck w/SMG's lately. Uriel's Gift on the other hand...still rocking my energy slot unless the map says otherwise.

Now I'm amp'd for IB.

Has anyone else noticed that Hard Light lets you choose its element? If it weren't such a shaky mess it might be a good gun for NF when the Prism mod is active.
This is what I use as my secondary whenever Prism is a modifier. The jumpiness doesn't bother me because I usually use it on the bigger/tougher adds who typically have larger hitboxes anyways. Definitely a good weapon to have in your arsenal.

I ready for it to, Ijust hope playing IB also counts towards the "Call to Arms" weekly reward.
Oh yeah I found this out right after reset - definitely counts, which is nice. My plan is to, at a minimum, do the Daily IB challenge on each character. Doing that on my Warlock and Titan last night just got me a small portion of the weekly done but that's fine - still have a lot of days left.

Also seems like you get one IB piece of weapon or armor and than one normal legendary armor or weapon with each package.
Yeah so with just a couple of coins from each match and the 15 from the daily bounty, it will take a while to get all the armor, if that's what you are after. I managed to pull a Titan helm from one of my two packages yesterday so that was cool.

I just started up my 3rd character (Hunter) last week and I really dislike all the faction/planet armor for it. But that IB armor looks pretty cool so I may save most of my coins to redeem on my Hunter to try to get a set of that. I just know I'm going to end up with a bunch of fusion rifles, sniper rifles, sidearms, and grenade launchers, though. I redeemed two packages yesterday and while I got the Titan helm, I got some garbage weapon from the other one.

On the plus side, the Flashpoint engram got me a Titan mark which was the last thing I needed - so my Titan is now 305!

Looking to do Nightfall x 3, and Raid on any character this week. Just hit me up if you see me online, or even if you don't. I can get on after 8pm Pacific if I need to - but generally won't be on till more like 10 or 11pm. Also will run IB of course with anyone. I had decent success doing it solo last night though.

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Oh yeah I found this out right after reset - definitely counts, which is nice. My plan is to, at a minimum, do the Daily IB challenge on each character. Doing that on my Warlock and Titan last night just got me a small portion of the weekly done but that's fine - still have a lot of days left.

Yeah so with just a couple of coins from each match and the 15 from the daily bounty, it will take a while to get all the armor, if that's what you are after. I managed to pull a Titan helm from one of my two packages yesterday so that was cool.

I just started up my 3rd character (Hunter) last week and I really dislike all the faction/planet armor for it. But that IB armor looks pretty cool so I may save most of my coins to redeem on my Hunter to try to get a set of that. I just know I'm going to end up with a bunch of fusion rifles, sniper rifles, sidearms, and grenade launchers, though. I redeemed two packages yesterday and while I got the Titan helm, I got some garbage weapon from the other one.

On the plus side, the Flashpoint engram got me a Titan mark which was the last thing I needed - so my Titan is now 305!

Looking to do Nightfall x 3, and Raid on any character this week. Just hit me up if you see me online, or even if you don't. I can get on after 8pm Pacific if I need to - but generally won't be on till more like 10 or 11pm. Also will run IB of course with anyone. I had decent success doing it solo last night though.
You did IB stuff yesterday? Before reset?

Also two packages and two IB weapons and no armor... Although that hand cannon might be nice...
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Anybody pull off 5 kills with one life in IB?

I did pick up a hooded cape for my hunter from my first package.

On a side note every time I see IB I think International Baccalaureate.
bread's done