Destiny Discussion Thread - Fear The Moon Wizards on September 9th

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I picked up the Dubious Task bounty tonight. It looks like that one requires the 25 K/D spread with kills/assists counting as +1 and deaths as -1. That will be tough but I guess you can play it safe and just try to get damage on people and let others finish them off.
It's actually not that bad. I think I finished it in just a couple hours and it was my first time playing PvP. Arc Blade helped a lot, but I'm sure you'll be surprised at how quickly you finish.

I'm lvl 4 got the shotgun and boots, trying to get to level 5 for the Shader, and maybe the scout rifle.

I got Iron everything except the helmet, which they haven't featured yet, though my chest piece is outdated now at 33 light :/
Hit level 5 in IB this morning.  Got all my bounties done and went from 4.25 to 5 in like an hour.  I was destroying people :D

Farmed lots of glimmer with io last night.  So I had enough to buy Felwinter's Lie & Gheleon's Demise.  Now to farm to buy the boots, arms, and Goldsprial shader just to have them.  :)

Also snagged another Hard Light last night from Gorgon Chest and got Vex from Atheon but most of all I got a Timepiece from The Gatekeeper finally!

@LinkinPrime - Sorry man I didn't see a notification pop up but I saw your message after we finished...  Yeah we were just running it with 5.

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Hit level 5 in IB this morning. Got all my bounties done and went from 4.25 to 5 in like an hour. I was destroying people :D

Farmed lots of glimmer with io last night. So I had enough to buy Felwinter's Lie & Gheleon's Demise. Now to farm to buy the boots, arms, and Goldsprial shader just to have them. :)

Also snagged another Hard Light last night from Gorgon Chest and got Vex from Atheon but most of all I got a Timepiece from The Gatekeeper finally!

@LinkinPrime - Sorry man I didn't see a notification pop up but I saw your message after we finished... Yeah we were just running it with 5.
No worries...I was just running IB and reached lvl 5 as well. Got Goldspiral, now need to go to Mars to farm glimmer and get the pulse rifle and I'm set for the month.

I'm going to try my hand at Iron Banner tonight to see if I can at least get to level 3 if not 4. I'm like 2 1/3 right now.

Hopefully the hardcore PvPers are all done with it and I can have an easier time. Though I do seem to do pretty well when I go in solo (vs. with Vendetta and his friends when I generally stink up the place).

Hey, it has all been worth it so far since I got that Gjallarhorn.

Broly - if that story is indeed true then that means there is a special kind of douche out there who not only messes with a kids' account but also ruins the rep of a friend (or at least that of someone whose house he hangs out at)...
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Got through a nightfall with my Warlock yesterday, oddly he seems less 'squishy' (as Vendetta would say) than my Titan. Got some legendary rocket that I probably won't use. Also ran through a normal Crota and got nothing but radiant and a class item. Just need a helmet or chest piece to get 32 (if anyone is running hard and will let me tag along I'd appreciate it. Other than the Abyss I will hold my own).

I bought an engram and got Lucky Raspberry. The hunter I haven't made is pretty well outfitted now. I might try and find someone starting a new character and try to marathon the campaign co-op sometime (even though I should play my backlog instead). I also bought NLB just cuz. I think it will be fun to pick off dregs from the sniper tower in The Divide while waiting for the walker. I'm a big fan of bolt action rifles IRL anyway.

I need a hard Crota kill a full hard Crota run and I wouldnt mind killing Atheon a couple times tonight, shoot me a message if you see me.
io, congrats on the g-horn. Vendetta/Linkin good work on the iron banner.  I kept thinking I would get into some Iron Banner this week to clear up some exotic bounties, but I ended up waiting too long to really commit.  Plus I never did iron banner so I don't have all the boost items unlocked yet.  lol 

I was reading this guide and it sounds like you only have to commit a couple hours a day to hit the top ranks since the tempered bonus is so high the last few days.  Next time around I might put some time into it, but we'll see if I'm still playing by then.  Not much to keep me going now, but keep playing for some reason. :(

I did knock out 2 Hard crota kills last night, nobody got the crux on either clear.  That leaves one more clear for me tonight, but I'm fully expecting to be disappointed once again.  Picked up the Titan mark which was the last armor item I was missing from Crota.  Still never got Titan chest/legs, Lock gloves, or Praetorian Foil from VoG, but not going to sweat those.

Oh yea, Vendetta you will like this story.  I was buying synths this weekend plus trying to clear up some vault space and wandered over the the postmaster to pick up a level up package.  Went in there and along with 3 Husk of the Pits that I never picked up was a brand new Red Death.  I don't remember seeing it drop so not sure if it was just something I missed from a Crota/Atheon kill or what.  So I have all the exotic weapons on new rolls except for Bad Juju, Thorn & Invenctive.  I have active bounties for all 3 so I guess eventually I have to finish them up.

On that SharePlay deletion story, I still don't know what to believe.  I said it before and I'll say it again, I still think it is going to come out that all parites were involved and it was just a hoax that started snowballing out of control. 

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io, congrats on the g-horn. Vendetta/Linkin good work on the iron banner. I kept thinking I would get into some Iron Banner this week to clear up some exotic bounties, but I ended up waiting too long to really commit. Plus I never did iron banner so I don't have all the boost items unlocked yet. lol

I was reading this guide and it sounds like you only have to commit a couple hours a day to hit the top ranks since the tempered bonus is so high the last few days. Next time around I might put some time into it, but we'll see if I'm still playing by then. Not much to keep me going now, but keep playing for some reason. :(

Oh yea, Vendetta you will like this story. I was buying synths this weekend plus trying to clear up some vault space and wandered over the the postmaster to pick up a level up package. Went in there and along with 3 Husk of the Pits that I never picked up was a brand new Red Death. I don't remember seeing it drop so not sure if it was just something I missed from a Crota/Atheon kill or what. So I have all the exotic weapons on new rolls except for Bad Juju, Thorn & Invenctive. I have active bounties for all 3 so I guess eventually I have to finish them up.
Yeah for IB, if I were you I would at least try to get at least the Emblem and Shader. The bounties are pretty easy to complete and should boost you up in rank really fast.

As for Red Death... Jerk. ;)

Also yesterday in Iron Banner, I brought a knife to a gun fight. :D

RADa5AURU5 said:
I bought an engram and got Lucky Raspberry. The hunter I haven't made is pretty well outfitted now. I might try and find someone starting a new character and try to marathon the campaign co-op sometime (even though I should play my backlog instead).
It really doesn't take long to power through the story and get yourself to level 20 when running your 3rd character. I think I did it in one evening. And then once you hit 20, you already have the gear to get you to 30 probsbly.

io, congrats on the g-horn. Vendetta/Linkin good work on the iron banner. I kept thinking I would get into some Iron Banner this week to clear up some exotic bounties, but I ended up waiting too long to really commit. Plus I never did iron banner so I don't have all the boost items unlocked yet. lol

I was reading this guide and it sounds like you only have to commit a couple hours a day to hit the top ranks since the tempered bonus is so high the last few days. Next time around I might put some time into it, but we'll see if I'm still playing by then. Not much to keep me going now, but keep playing for some reason. :(
Yeah, I'm doing it this time to get the boost items so that next time I can do it much more easily. I am 3 2/3 right now so I have to get to 4, at least, so I can get the class item. You should run it today just to get to level 1 if nothing else - then you can get the emblem that gives you, what, a 10% boost? Then you can have that from the start next time.

So when I hit level 3 I did buy the gloves. They have Int/Disc and the perk is increased reload speed with scout rifles. I figure that will be good to use with Fang of Ir Yut in any non-Crota activities (I'd use my Raid gloves for Crota, obviously). I'll probably buy boots at level 4 too.

So, has anyone else had rewards/rank glitch on you in Iron Banner? At least twice yesterday I got no crucible marks and IB rank after two WINS. That was really annoying. I'm sure it glitched, too, since I was monitoring my crucible marks to see when I will hit the cap. On one of the runs I had 80 marks prior, I had like 9600 out of 10000 on the Iron Banner XP bounty, and I had 2 out of 3 control match wins on a Crucible bounty. None of those went up like they should have after the win. Then it happened again later. That really sucks because I'd probably be at rank 4 had I gotten rep from those 2 wins.

As for the bounties, I have really only been able to do 2 of them consistently: the 10000 XP one and the 10 melee kills one. I've been working on the 10 machine gun headshot one since last week and I'm just 1 away. I'd never get the 20 auto rifle headshot kills one so I didn't even bother. And I'll never get the 10 kills without dying one either though I do have that one. I think I got it to 4 once (though looking at my profile it says I had an 8 kill spree). I forget what the others were but I'm guessing that my future success in IB will depend entirely on what bounties they offer. I assume they change each time - but I learned that they do NOT change each day, which is somewhat disappointing.

Here are the bounties this time:

1) Exacting Measures: Earn 5 Headshot Sprees while competing in the Iron Banner (yeah, I'd be lucky to get 5 kills in a row - having them all be headshots would be impossible)
2) The Chaos and the Calm: Defeat 10 Guardians with Machine Gun headshots while competing in the Iron Banner (been working on this since last week - will probably be able to finish it once, finally, this evening as I only need one more)
3) Iron Wrath: Defeat 10 Guardians without dying while competing in the Iron Banner tournament (I might luck into this once but I couldn't see doing it every day)
4) Focused Aggression: Defeat 20 Guardians with Auto Rifle headshots while competing in the Iron Banner (will never happen until I get Suros or something. I tried running with Abyss Defiant but it is much worse than Vex Mythoclast. I could try Atheon's Epilogue I suppose)
5) Hard Forged: Earn 10,000 XP while competing in the Iron Banner tournament (this one is easy - maybe 4 or 5 matches for me, probably 2 or 3 for most people ;). I've gotten this one every day I've run it).
6) Iron Embrace: Defeat 10 Guardians with a close quarters Melee attack while competing in the Iron Banner. (Also fairly easy and I think I did this most, if not all, day. I did die a few times when trying to melee people instead of shooting them though just trying to get this done).

So, yeah, despite only getting 2 of the bounties consistently each day I played (and I didn't play every day this week either), I've managed to get nearly to rank 4 and I did that without the boost items until I unlocked them (and I still don't have the class item). So, Glock, I'm sure you can power through it next time no problem.

Oh yeah, and I did get a ship last night too. It is one of the Optimus Prime ones ;). So I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten so far: Gjallahorn, ship, and the IB shader and gloves. At least that is new stuff compared to what I've been getting from PvE recently.
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It really doesn't take long to power through the story and get yourself to level 20 when running your 3rd character. I think I did it in one evening. And then once you hit 20, you already have the gear to get you to 30 probsbly.

Yeah, I'm doing it this time to get the boost items so that next time I can do it much more easily. I am 3 2/3 right now so I have to get to 4, at least, so I can get the class item. You should run it today just to get to level 1 if nothing else - then you can get the emblem that gives you, what, a 10% boost? Then you can have that from the start next time.

So when I hit level 3 I did buy the gloves. They have Int/Disc and the perk is increased reload speed with scout rifles. I figure that will be good to use with Fang of Ir Yut in any non-Crota activities (I'd use my Raid gloves for Crota, obviously). I'll probably buy boots at level 4 too.

So, has anyone else had rewards/rank glitch on you in Iron Banner? At least twice yesterday I got no crucible marks and IB rank after two WINS. That was really annoying. I'm sure it glitched, too, since I was monitoring my crucible marks to see when I will hit the cap. On one of the runs I had 80 marks prior, I had like 9600 out of 10000 on the Iron Banner XP bounty, and I had 2 out of 3 control match wins on a Crucible bounty. None of those went up like they should have after the win. Then it happened again later. That really sucks because I'd probably be at rank 4 had I gotten rep from those 2 wins.

As for the bounties, I have really only been able to do 2 of them consistently: the 10000 XP one and the 10 melee kills one. I've been working on the 10 machine gun headshot one since last week and I'm just 1 away. I'd never get the 20 auto rifle headshot kills one so I didn't even bother. And I'll never get the 10 kills without dying one either though I do have that one. I think I got it to 4 once (though looking at my profile it says I had an 8 kill spree). I forget what the others were but I'm guessing that my future success in IB will depend entirely on what bounties they offer. I assume they change each time - but I learned that they do NOT change each day, which is somewhat disappointing.

Here are the bounties this time:

1) Exacting Measures: Earn 5 Headshot Sprees while competing in the Iron Banner (yeah, I'd be lucky to get 5 kills in a row - having them all be headshots would be impossible)
2) The Chaos and the Calm: Defeat 10 Guardians with Machine Gun headshots while competing in the Iron Banner (been working on this since last week - will probably be able to finish it once, finally, this evening as I only need one more)
3) Iron Wrath: Defeat 10 Guardians without dying while competing in the Iron Banner tournament (I might luck into this once but I couldn't see doing it every day)
4) Focused Aggression: Defeat 20 Guardians with Auto Rifle headshots while competing in the Iron Banner (will never happen until I get Suros or something. I tried running with Abyss Defiant but it is much worse than Vex Mythoclast. I could try Atheon's Epilogue I suppose)
5) Hard Forged: Earn 10,000 XP while competing in the Iron Banner tournament (this one is easy - maybe 4 or 5 matches for me, probably 2 or 3 for most people ;). I've gotten this one every day I've run it).
6) Iron Embrace: Defeat 10 Guardians with a close quarters Melee attack while competing in the Iron Banner. (Also fairly easy and I think I did this most, if not all, day. I did die a few times when trying to melee people instead of shooting them though just trying to get this done).

So, yeah, despite only getting 2 of the bounties consistently each day I played (and I didn't play every day this week either), I've managed to get nearly to rank 4 and I did that without the boost items until I unlocked them (and I still don't have the class item). So, Glock, I'm sure you can power through it next time no problem.

Oh yeah, and I did get a ship last night too. It is one of the Optimus Prime ones ;). So I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten so far: Gjallahorn, ship, and the IB shader and gloves. At least that is new stuff compared to what I've been getting from PvE recently.
Glad you are finally getting into PVP after I tried to convince you a while back :D

IIRC the 10 streak bounty counts assists and carries over from match to match (if you end a match on a 5 streak you will start the next match with a 5 streak in regards to the bounty). The bounties have never changed in Iron Banner 2.0 so you already know what to expect next time.

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Think I'm done with Iron Banner...completed most of the bounties today...and I scored 'Hard Light' auto rifle exotic as a drop at the end of a match today!

Went from having no exotic primaries to having 2 exotic auto rifles in the last 2 weeks...damn!  Finally maxed my working on Ice Breaker...still a couple levels and an exotic shard away from being maxed...then I guess I'll work on Thorn and then Hard Light.

My Titan is still lvl 25 and I just don't see myself spending time with another character.  Thinking of starting a 2nd Warlock and just give him "hand-me-downs" from my primary as it will be more tolerable.

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gotdott said:
Glad you are finally getting into PVP after I tried to convince you a while back :D

IIRC the 10 streak bounty counts assists and carries over from match to match (if you end a match on a 5 streak you will start the next match with a 5 streak in regards to the bounty). The bounties have never changed in Iron Banner 2.0 so you already know what to expect next time.
Wait, they've been the same every time? That sucks. How about some variety? If they aren't different every day, then they should at least be different every event - sheesh... And yeah, I'm still not going to get the kill streak across 2 matches.

My point was that even though I consider 4 of the 6 either impossible or very hard (like the MG one that I will get once if at all), I could still hit rank 5 without putting too much effort into it.

LinkinPrime said:
Think I'm done with Iron Banner...completed most of the bounties today...and I scored 'Hard Light' auto rifle exotic as a drop at the end of a match today!
Hard Light seems to be the "exotic of the week". I've seen far too many drops of that weapon for it just to be a coincidence. I feel like they must up the odds of certain weapons certain weeks. I got TWO of them (one from Crota, one from Nightfall), and I've seen other people get them and heard about more here. When the expansion came out there were weeks when it seemed like everyone got Dragon's Breath or NLB (though the latter still seems to drop pretty frequently).

I remember checking Hard Light out way back in like October when I first got it and thinking it sucked. But I guess maybe it is an option for me in the IB for the auto rifle kills - I didn't even realize it was an AR. At the time I probably had Atheon's Epilogue and a non-elemental damage weapon that took up a valuable exotic slot seemed useless.
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Wait, they've been the same every time? That sucks. How about some variety? If they aren't different every day, then they should at least be different every event - sheesh... And yeah, I'm still not going to get the kill streak across 2 matches.

My point was that even though I consider 4 of the 6 either impossible or very hard (like the MG one that I will get once if at all), I could still hit rank 5 without putting too much effort into it.

Hard Light seems to be the "exotic of the week". I've seen far too many drops of that weapon for it just to be a coincidence. I feel like they must up the odds of certain weapons certain weeks. I got TWO of them (one from Crota, one from Nightfall), and I've seen other people get them and heard about more here. When the expansion came out there were weeks when it seemed like everyone got Dragon's Breath or NLB (though the latter still seems to drop pretty frequently).

I remember checking Hard Light out way back in like October when I first got it and thinking it sucked. But I guess maybe it is an option for me in the IB for the auto rifle kills - I didn't even realize it was an AR. At the time I probably had Atheon's Epilogue and a non-elemental damage weapon that took up a valuable exotic slot seemed useless.
Yeah they've been the same since IB launched, though I read that they're looking into mixing them up to work other weapons into them.

As for Hard Light...guess I don't feel as special anymore...thanks io :p

I seem to hold my own pretty good with Suros except when I come across Vex I hate that weapon. Though its mainly because I'm jelly that I don't' have one.

LinkinPrime said:
As for Hard Light...guess I don't feel as special anymore...thanks io :p
I seem to hold my own pretty good with Suros except when I come across Vex I hate that weapon. Though its mainly because I'm jelly that I don't' have one.
I jumped into a hard mode Gatekeeper/Atheon kill with Vendetta the other day and got my 3rd Vex. I got two pieces of VoG armor, Vex, and another Vision of Confluence for about 10 minutes of work ;). I came into the Raid dead just as they finished the Gatekeeper and got gloves and boots (which is odd as I don't remember those dropping from that checkpoint before).

As for Vex - it's funny because I never thought of it as a good weapon - it certainly isn't for PvE. I mean, it's OK, but nothing special. I only use it for the fusion rifle bounties (the multi-kill regular one and the Pocket Infinity Nightfall kill exotic one). What is it that makes it great in PvP? I guess one thing I like about it is that the scope doesn't zoom in too far so it is good at the mid to close-range combat that you end up in often in PvP.
I jumped into a hard mode Gatekeeper/Atheon kill with Vendetta the other day and got my 3rd Vex. I got two pieces of VoG armor, Vex, and another Vision of Confluence for about 10 minutes of work ;). I came into the Raid dead just as they finished the Gatekeeper and got gloves and boots (which is odd as I don't remember those dropping from that checkpoint before).

As for Vex - it's funny because I never thought of it as a good weapon - it certainly isn't for PvE. I mean, it's OK, but nothing special. I only use it for the fusion rifle bounties (the multi-kill regular one and the Pocket Infinity Nightfall kill exotic one). What is it that makes it great in PvP? I guess one thing I like about it is that the scope doesn't zoom in too far so it is good at the mid to close-range combat that you end up in often in PvP.
You missed it when it first came out ;)

do you need to buy the temperance boost every day to get the max boost at the end?
I don't think so - you ought to get the same boost as everyone else on the last day.

gotdott said:
You missed it when it first came out ;)
Oh, I know it was overpowered originally - but they nerfed it since then so I was surprised it is still a good thing to use in PvP. And I never used it before the nerf anyway so all of my first-hand impressions of it are from after the changes.
Oh, I know it was overpowered originally - but they nerfed it since then so I was surprised it is still a good thing to use in PvP. And I never used it before the nerf anyway so all of my first-hand impressions of it are from after the changes.
Probably a result of all the gradual auto rifle nerfs? :twoguns:

As for Vex - it's funny because I never thought of it as a good weapon - it certainly isn't for PvE. I mean, it's OK, but nothing special. I only use it for the fusion rifle bounties (the multi-kill regular one and the Pocket Infinity Nightfall kill exotic one). What is it that makes it great in PvP? I guess one thing I like about it is that the scope doesn't zoom in too far so it is good at the mid to close-range combat that you end up in often in PvP.
Is it a drop on Hard VoG only? If so...anyone running one soon? :)

As for why its good....couldn't say, all I know is that if someone on the opposite team has one, I can't go against them 1v1 as 100% of the time I loose as long as they don't miss their shots...usually 2-3 shots and I'm ashes.

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Yeah, VoG hard only. Just try to get into an LFG group that is on Atheon. If the group is halfway decent it should only take a couple of tries - maybe 10-20 minutes total. If it is taking longer than that, move on to another one ;).

So I played a little bit of Iron Banner this afternoon and was just in bad group after bad group. I actually got 5 of those medallions stored up for the first time. I finally got the machine gun headshot bounty, though, and that combined with all the rank when I finally got a win put me to rank 4. I then had to glimmer farm to buy the class item and boots. I played a little more and got into one match where the other team won 20,000 to like 3,000. They were one-shotting me all the time (or so it seemed) and just destroying us. At the end I noticed all 6 of them were red with lag. So, yeah, something odd happened there.

No one answered my question about the glitches. But I had another. After a loss I did not get a medallion. So all in all, just for what I noticed, I missed out on a lot of XP/rank due to the glitches - maybe even enough to push me to rank 5. I also hit the crucible mark cap of 100 for the week and the achievement did not pop. I'm also pretty sure I took 50 control points and didn't get that either. WTF!?

I could have kept playing and maybe made rank 5 - but I wouldn't have had enough glimmer to buy anything - only had about 1 1/2 hours left before the reset and I would have needed to play IB the whole time probably. It would have really sucked to get rank 5 and then not even be able to buy the shader (let alone the 11k+ Scout rifle). I'll just save up my boost items and get it done next time I guess. Though that scout rifle looked nice and I suppose they won't have that next time.

Today I was getting 302 for 100-valued bounties. Unfortunately I ran out of bounties once I hit Rank 4 so I would have had to get from 4 to 5 just based on wins. So I read that the last day bonus was 150%. So that makes it 250. Then I had Nightfall, emblem, and shader (didn't get the class item until after I turned that last bounty in). I'm not quite sure how the boosts stack. 302 is more than 250 + 30% of the base 100, but less than 250 + 30% of the boosted 250.

Although you get 302 by taking 250 and stacking two 10% bonuses. 250 * 1.1 * 1.1 = 302.5. So it seems one of those things wasn't giving me a bonus. Do the emblem and shader not stack? Or does the Nightfall not count towards IB bounty bonus?

Anyway - I'm all set to be supremely disappointed at not getting the Crux here at reset in a few minutes.
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Nice - got 3 Hard mode Crota kills in tonight. I almost didn't want to do the last one as I usually save a character for Normal but on that 3rd run I finally got the Crux! So from now on I can just run Normal to try to get Hunger of Crota. (Though I'm sure my group will still want to run Hard anyway - I'll just swap out at the end and save at least 2 chars per week for a Normal Crota kill).

I also got TWO Thunderlords tonight: one from the Gorgon chest and one from Deathsinger. That makes at least 6 of those that I've gotten with 5 of them being in the last month.

Nightfall sounds like a pain. I didn't even look myself, but I think someone said it was Phogoth with no burn. And the heroic Weekly has Lightswitch. Ugh... I guess people will be using a lot of those heavy synths...
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I happened to wake up an hour early today so I jumped on with Vendetta and io. Got a hard Crota kill with them on my 31 Warlock (I was the boomer distractor, tough job, but someone has to do it). I got the fang which I didn't have yet. Started a fresh run with them and got the arms from the abyss, so I can finally hit 32. Had to go to work after that, but once I level up my arms should be easy to find a group to finish the raid with. Thanks for letting me tag along guys.

Io, you still have gorgon cp?
Yeah, VoG hard only. Just try to get into an LFG group that is on Atheon. If the group is halfway decent it should only take a couple of tries - maybe 10-20 minutes total. If it is taking longer than that, move on to another one ;).

So I played a little bit of Iron Banner this afternoon and was just in bad group after bad group. I actually got 5 of those medallions stored up for the first time. I finally got the machine gun headshot bounty, though, and that combined with all the rank when I finally got a win put me to rank 4. I then had to glimmer farm to buy the class item and boots. I played a little more and got into one match where the other team won 20,000 to like 3,000. They were one-shotting me all the time (or so it seemed) and just destroying us. At the end I noticed all 6 of them were red with lag. So, yeah, something odd happened there.

No one answered my question about the glitches. But I had another. After a loss I did not get a medallion. So all in all, just for what I noticed, I missed out on a lot of XP/rank due to the glitches - maybe even enough to push me to rank 5. I also hit the crucible mark cap of 100 for the week and the achievement did not pop. I'm also pretty sure I took 50 control points and didn't get that either. WTF!?

I could have kept playing and maybe made rank 5 - but I wouldn't have had enough glimmer to buy anything - only had about 1 1/2 hours left before the reset and I would have needed to play IB the whole time probably. It would have really sucked to get rank 5 and then not even be able to buy the shader (let alone the 11k+ Scout rifle). I'll just save up my boost items and get it done next time I guess. Though that scout rifle looked nice and I suppose they won't have that next time.

Today I was getting 302 for 100-valued bounties. Unfortunately I ran out of bounties once I hit Rank 4 so I would have had to get from 4 to 5 just based on wins. So I read that the last day bonus was 150%. So that makes it 250. Then I had Nightfall, emblem, and shader (didn't get the class item until after I turned that last bounty in). I'm not quite sure how the boosts stack. 302 is more than 250 + 30% of the base 100, but less than 250 + 30% of the boosted 250.

Although you get 302 by taking 250 and stacking two 10% bonuses. 250 * 1.1 * 1.1 = 302.5. So it seems one of those things wasn't giving me a bonus. Do the emblem and shader not stack? Or does the Nightfall not count towards IB bounty bonus?

Anyway - I'm all set to be supremely disappointed at not getting the Crux here at reset in a few minutes.
If you had 5 medallions, that's why you weren't getting any more - there's a cap on those iirc

Nice - got 3 Hard mode Crota kills in tonight. I almost didn't want to do the last one as I usually save a character for Normal but on that 3rd run I finally got the Crux! So from now on I can just run Normal to try to get Hunger of Crota. (Though I'm sure my group will still want to run Hard anyway - I'll just swap out at the end and save at least 2 chars per week for a Normal Crota kill).

I also got TWO Thunderlords tonight: one from the Gorgon chest and one from Deathsinger. That makes at least 6 of those that I've gotten with 5 of them being in the last month.

Nightfall sounds like a pain. I didn't even look myself, but I think someone said it was Phogoth with no burn. And the heroic Weekly has Lightswitch. Ugh... I guess people will be using a lot of those heavy synths...

I'm not sure about the glitches you were experiencing in Iron Banner. It didn't feel like I was getting enough rep, but after looking at some clips I recorded the numbers checked out with the link I posted before. Somehow I went on a 10 game run where I was MVP or #2 scorer almost every game. Had a 10 kill streak but I didn't have the bounty for it because I figured I would never get a streak that high, lol. Luckily I picked the bounty up and got another 10 kill streak the next game :) I was using the Vex and running through the other team. Oh well, I guess every dog has his day. I finished my Bad Juju bounty and got enough rep to get the Million Million shader so I'll at least have a bit of a better bonus next time ib rolls around.

io, looks like Notorious R.N.G. finally gave you the loot! I saw the clip you posted on your timeline. I'm guessing Vendetta enjoyed getting Dragons Breath as much as you liked getting the Crux? :D/

Hopefully I can get the Crux and Hunger this week but I'm not confident.

Also, Nightfall is Valus with no burn. Should be fun hiding under the stairs for 20 minutes trying to take him down.

Nice - got 3 Hard mode Crota kills in tonight. I almost didn't want to do the last one as I usually save a character for Normal but on that 3rd run I finally got the Crux! So from now on I can just run Normal to try to get Hunger of Crota. (Though I'm sure my group will still want to run Hard anyway - I'll just swap out at the end and save at least 2 chars per week for a Normal Crota kill).I also got TWO Thunderlords tonight: one from the Gorgon chest and one from Deathsinger. That makes at least 6 of those that I've gotten with 5 of them being in the last month.Nightfall sounds like a pain. I didn't even look myself, but I think someone said it was Phogoth with no burn. And the heroic Weekly has Lightswitch. Ugh... I guess people will be using a lot of those heavy synths...
Did you find it funny that we had a harder time clearing Ir Yut with 6 versus the time with 5 ?

Also I have a feeling Glock will continue to troll my ass till that damn Red Death pops up for me :bomb:

As for me yeah Dragons Breath and I got excited after our first run seeing the postmaster had something for me. Turned out to be a 2nd Multi-Tool. Not bad cuz I love that gun and 1 will stay on my hunter now for the extra speed on lamps.

I got 2 Words, 1 Abyss, and way too fooking many shards last night. I'm out of energy pretty much due to leveling up 2 Fangs 3 Hungers and 1 word of Crota all the way. Still have to max out Swordbreaker, 1 Oversoul, 2 Abyss, 2 Word, 1 Fang...

I won't be around much till Sunday and Monday since I'll be in San Diego all week. So if anyone still needs or wants to wait to do nightfalls till then I'm game!
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^^^ have you tried hiding on the lights? Much easier IMO
Yea, someone did that method last time I ran it and I saw some videos on reddit today. Can any class get up there? I'll have to try it this time.

Did you find it funny that we had a harder time clearing Ir Yut with 6 versus the time with 5 ?

Also I have a feeling Glock will continue to troll my ass till that damn Red Death pops up for me :bomb:

As for me yeah Dragons Breath and I got excited after our first run seeing the postmaster had something for me. Turned out to be a 2nd Multi-Tool. Not bad cuz I love that gun and 1 will stay on my hunter now for the extra speed on lamps.

I got 2 Words, 1 Abyss, and way too fooking many shards last night. I'm out of energy pretty much due to leveling up 2 Fangs 3 Hungers and 1 word of Crota all the way. Still have to max out Swordbreaker, 1 Oversoul, 2 Abyss, 2 Word, 1 Fang...

I won't be around much till Sunday and Monday since I'll be in San Diego all week. So if anyone still needs or wants to wait to do nightfalls till then I'm game!
LOL, you know I'm just messing around with you. The people still playing this game have to share in their misery together. But just think, there are only 3 more months until HoW drops... maybe

I think I have had more weapons drop from Hard Mode Crota than I have for Normal Mode. I have like 6 or 7 each of the Word of Crota and Fang of Ir Yut vs. about 5 swordbreakers, 3 Machine Guns, a couple Fusion Rifles and well you know how many Hunger of Crota's I've had drop. :wall:

Yea, someone did that method last time I ran it and I saw some videos on reddit today. Can any class get up there? I'll have to try it this time.

LOL, you know I'm just messing around with you. The people still playing this game have to share in their misery together. But just think, there are only 3 more months until HoW drops... maybe

I think I have had more weapons drop from Hard Mode Crota than I have for Normal Mode. I have like 6 or 7 each of the Word of Crota and Fang of Ir Yut vs. about 5 swordbreakers, 3 Machine Guns, a couple Fusion Rifles and well you know how many Hunger of Crota's I've had drop. :wall:
Yeah I know! :D odds RNG wise are not on my side for that specific weapon though. at least getting a 2nd multitool made it so the Dragons Breath drop didn't sting so much ;)

I'm the same as far as drops go. I've only ever had 1 Swordbreaker and 1 Song. Game sure have me a lot of Light of The Abyss though... And my RNG has been good for the most part for Hunger. Got 1 of them 3 weeks ago then got 2 more 2 weeks ago.
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gotdott said:
If you had 5 medallions, that's why you weren't getting any more - there's a cap on those iirc
I didn't have the 5 when that happened. I only had 1. When the rewards screen came up it didn't report getting a medallion and I waited until well afterwards (when the next match was starting up) to check my inventory and I didn't get another one. Like I said, it definitely happened on a few wins the other day too - no crucible marks or IB rank gain like it usually shows at the end. There was nothing odd about the matches either - I was in them the whole time and they seemed just like every other one. I did have a match where once everyone died except for one guy for the other team, none of us could respawn. The timer was just stuck at 10 and the lone guy was running around by himself. He captured all 3 points and then just ran back and forth for 5 minutes. Finally it spawned us all at once and the game resumed. That was odd.

Hopefully I can get the Crux and Hunger this week but I'm not confident.

Also, Nightfall is Valus with no burn. Should be fun hiding under the stairs for 20 minutes trying to take him down.
Hey, I had pretty much given up on the Crux after 2 more kills last night which I think made 17 on Hard. Then I got it on the 18th try ;).

And yeah, Valus, not Phogoth. I'll have to see about the lights thing, but I tend to do OK in the stairs part - just have to be careful of those phalanxes hitting you through the boxes. And make sure to have plenty of synths of all types. Though I have a feeling this will be a slow Icebreaker slog...

Vendetta_x360 said:
Did you find it funny that we had a harder time clearing Ir Yut with 6 versus the time with 5 ?


I won't be around much till Sunday and Monday since I'll be in San Diego all week. So if anyone still needs or wants to wait to do nightfalls till then I'm game!
Yeah, I don't know what was up with that. We did Crota first try the first run after wiping on Ir Yut like 8 times. The other 2 kills didn't take long either. We had one bizarre wipe (that I recorded) where Crota took like 6 finishing blows and didn't die. But even the glitches were mostly absent last night. But I think the difference is that once you have a swordbearer that knows what he's doing, Crota is pretty easy since the other jobs are fairly simple (as long as everyone knows the drill). Ir Yut is a little more unpredictable with that crowded crystal room and Ir Yut hiding in corners and such. When we first ran hard mode Chammer had a lot of problems turning invis at the right times and getting chopped. We used to wipe 10-20 times from that. But he definitely has it down now.

As for the Nightfall, I may take a little break and will probably have a character or two to run through it when you get back.

I think I have had more weapons drop from Hard Mode Crota than I have for Normal Mode. I have like 6 or 7 each of the Word of Crota and Fang of Ir Yut vs. about 5 swordbreakers, 3 Machine Guns, a couple Fusion Rifles and well you know how many Hunger of Crota's I've had drop. :wall:
Yeah, definitely the same for me. I crushed a bunch of weapons last night and like you I'm still looking for Hunger of Crota. As for the Normal mode weapons, I've gotten exactly 3 Black Hammer (which is perfect - each character has a maxed out one); 2 Song of Ir Yut; I think 2 Light of the Abyss; and 3-4 Swordbreakers. On Hard, though, I don't have an accurate count but I think I've gotten at least 7-9 of each one.

I barely noticed it at the time, but I also got a nearly complete armor set on one run with my Hunter. I got everything but boots. Unfortunately the helm is just as bad as the first one I got last week - like orbs regen melee or something stupid. Until I get one that regens health, I'll have to continue to use Mask of the Third Man.
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Eh, the Nightfall isn't that bad, actually. I ran through it 3 times with some CAGs in just over an hour Tuesday evening. Even though I got an exotic (Hard Light) last week for the first time in months, it went back to trolling me on the first two runs today. On those first two runs I got the exact same legendary hand cannon: Red Hand IX. But then on the third run I got an Icebreaker. I already have one maxed out on each of my 3 characters, but it is always nice to get an exotic.

So just since this weekend I've gotten Gjallarhorn (Iron Banner), two Thunderlords (Gorgon chest and Deathsinger), and Icebreaker (Nightfall). It would be nice if the game could give me Suros or Red Death, but whatever...
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Eh, the Nightfall isn't that bad, actually. I ran through it 3 times with some CAGs in just over an hour Tuesday evening. Even though I got an exotic (Hard Light) last week for the first time in months, it went back to trolling me on the first two runs today. On those first two runs I got the exact same legendary hand cannon: Red Hand IX. But then on the third run I got an Icebreaker. I already have one maxed out on each of my 3 characters, but it is always nice to get an exotic.

So just since this weekend I've gotten Gjallarhorn (Iron Banner), two Thunderlords (Gorgon chest and Deathsinger), and Icebreaker (Nightfall). It would be nice if the game could give me Suros or Red Death, but whatever...
Yea the nightfall was really easy, even doing the old method of hiding under the stairs is pretty quick.

I didn't get anything great last night except an exotic shard (no land beyond).

People on the PS4 thread are saying the patch with the Weekly Heroic matchmaking and the weapon nerfs is live. One of them said Abyss Defiant sucks now :bomb:.
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People on the PS4 thread are saying the patch with the Weekly Heroic matchmaking and the weapon nerfs is live. One of them said Abyss Defiant sucks now :bomb:.
For the past week since they announced those weapon changes I swear that every LFG team I get into says that that patch went live as soon as they announced it. I got tired of telling people they were wrong, lol. Looking at reddit it looks like it is indeed pushing out now

Have the people in the PS4 thread stopped playing or are they all still active? I might have to check it out. (the thread, not the PS4 version of the game) lol

I didn't have the 5 when that happened. I only had 1. When the rewards screen came up it didn't report getting a medallion and I waited until well afterwards (when the next match was starting up) to check my inventory and I didn't get another one. Like I said, it definitely happened on a few wins the other day too - no crucible marks or IB rank gain like it usually shows at the end. There was nothing odd about the matches either - I was in them the whole time and they seemed just like every other one. I did have a match where once everyone died except for one guy for the other team, none of us could respawn. The timer was just stuck at 10 and the lone guy was running around by himself. He captured all 3 points and then just ran back and forth for 5 minutes. Finally it spawned us all at once and the game resumed. That was odd.

Hey, I had pretty much given up on the Crux after 2 more kills last night which I think made 17 on Hard. Then I got it on the 18th try ;).

And yeah, Valus, not Phogoth. I'll have to see about the lights thing, but I tend to do OK in the stairs part - just have to be careful of those phalanxes hitting you through the boxes. And make sure to have plenty of synths of all types. Though I have a feeling this will be a slow Icebreaker slog...

Yeah, I don't know what was up with that. We did Crota first try the first run after wiping on Ir Yut like 8 times. The other 2 kills didn't take long either. We had one bizarre wipe (that I recorded) where Crota took like 6 finishing blows and didn't die. But even the glitches were mostly absent last night. But I think the difference is that once you have a swordbearer that knows what he's doing, Crota is pretty easy since the other jobs are fairly simple (as long as everyone knows the drill). Ir Yut is a little more unpredictable with that crowded crystal room and Ir Yut hiding in corners and such. When we first ran hard mode Chammer had a lot of problems turning invis at the right times and getting chopped. We used to wipe 10-20 times from that. But he definitely has it down now.

As for the Nightfall, I may take a little break and will probably have a character or two to run through it when you get back.

Yeah, definitely the same for me. I crushed a bunch of weapons last night and like you I'm still looking for Hunger of Crota. As for the Normal mode weapons, I've gotten exactly 3 Black Hammer (which is perfect - each character has a maxed out one); 2 Song of Ir Yut; I think 2 Light of the Abyss; and 3-4 Swordbreakers. On Hard, though, I don't have an accurate count but I think I've gotten at least 7-9 of each one.

I barely noticed it at the time, but I also got a nearly complete armor set on one run with my Hunter. I got everything but boots. Unfortunately the helm is just as bad as the first one I got last week - like orbs regen melee or something stupid. Until I get one that regens health, I'll have to continue to use Mask of the Third Man.
From Crota... I've gotten 4 Words, 3 Fangs, 1 Crux, 1 Timebreaker 2 on hard. 4 Black Hammers, 4 Light of the Abyss, 2 Swordbreaker, 2 Songs, 4 Warlock helms 2 Hunter helms on normal. Rest, I'd get 2 Energies, or some crap. I never got a Hunger or a Titan Helm until this week. Crappy helm, but one, none the less. Every piece of good gear I have for titan is 100% Intellect. I could run a 400+ intellect character, lol. Got my 1st Hunger, too. I was on last ht on Crota running sword for some random kids on LFG & got DC'd. They got rewards, and wouldn't help me again. Found another team & got the Hunger. I was LIVID at Bungie. I got the killer blow, but no rewards? Oh, well. No reason to even beat hard mode except Bane of the Dark Gods for me.

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Have the people in the PS4 thread stopped playing or are they all still active? I might have to check it out. (the thread, not the PS4 version of the game) lol
They are more active than us now (didn't used to be that way). They have a ton of posts about the new update and the mobile app changes. Apparently you can now switch gear to and from characters and the Vault even while in-game using the app or web site. So now you can transfer stuff without having to go to the tower.

I'm seeing some posts on the Bungie forums about people losing items though. Nothing seems verified, but I'm going to be careful with it. Also, I spent a few hours last night leveling up duplicate weapons. I guess that isn't necessary any more. People on are saying this means we don't need more Vault space since we can get rid of duplicates and just swap stuff. I don't agree with that and I hope Bungie still adds more Vault space in the future.

As for Crota, I think I still need to run one character up TO Crota. What we did after reset is still a haze, but other than beating Crota 3 times, I think we just did the rest of the Raid twice. So I can still do normal or (preferably) just hard, up through Deathsingers. Maybe I'll just wait until Vendetta is back and help him with Nightfall in exchange for having him run the lamps for me ;). (My Warlock is the one that needs to run it so I can self-res on the bridge part).
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The app update seems cool and also seems like an easy way to lose gear.  Can't help but think that some of those 0's & 1's will get lost in transit ;) .  So I'll just wait a bit before trying it out.

aFrostyONE said:
The app update seems cool and also seems like an easy way to lose gear. Can't help but think that some of those 0's & 1's will get lost in transit ;) . So I'll just wait a bit before trying it out.
Yeah, disappearing swords is one thing. A disappearing Gjallarhorn would be rage-inducing.

Plus I had enough glitches with Iron Banner/Crucible rewards not registering not to mention several PvP-related achievements not popping for me. I don't trust them on this yet.

I might use the ability to consolidate/split stacks of materials via the app, but I'll leave my gear alone, thank you very much.

Oh yeah, and in other news apparently Iron Banner is coming back in a week or two and will have chest armor this time. I liked getting the IB armor last time if only because I finally had a use for the 200+ ascendant shards I have stored up. I got a combo that gave me increased scout rifle ammo plus increased scout rifle reload speed so that is nice to use in any non-Crota PvE stuff in combination with Fang of Ir Yut. (Though it is tough to give up the Raid boots and have heavy ammo drop from 7 to 4 or 5).

I also noticed that along with the heavy ammo glitch fix, they seem to have reduced the heavy ammo that Ruin Wings gives you from 4 to 3. I was definitely getting 4 per drop before.

Also, I finally played around with the Necrochasm last night. And despire this being post-nerf (where it should be even worse than before), I didn't find it nearly as bad as everyone says. I wouldn't use it for any high-level stuff, but it is fun to run around Cosmodrome Patrol popping Dregs so they explode like cursed thralls. And I definitely saw the explosion take out a neighboring one once (though it doesn't seem to have nearly the range that Fatebringer firefly does).
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So, I liked the matchmaking on the weeklies until I started getting hate mail from some dude who kept dying up in that light at the end and expected me to run and revive him every time. Jeez...
So, I liked the matchmaking on the weeklies until I started getting hate mail from some dude who kept dying up in that light at the end and expected me to run and revive him every time. Jeez...
Yeah, I did my two weeklies with match making last night and the douche-quotient was much higher than I'd experienced in a long time playing Destiny. I had guys playing stupid, dying a lot, then cussing us (me and the other random guy) out and rage quitting, I had people dropping, not coming to revive when I was right next to them, etc. just not a very fun night. I got my stupid coins, but didn't have a lot of fun.
aFrostyONE said:
Heart of Praxic Fire! ! ! 'nuf said

(I lied... look by the speaker)
Hell yeah! I'm glad it's there, but, man, I'm pissed I wasted so many motes last week trying to get one :bomb:. Anyway, I think that was the last armor piece I needed. He also has No Backup Plans (with a horrible roll) and whatever Hunter piece it is also has a horrible roll (I think it is the Arachnid helmet). Also his upgrades all sucked compared to what I already had.

By the way, the weapon is Universal Remote - so glad I got one of these from the Gorgon chest last week and didn't feel the need to buy it for the Grimoire card.

So I actually used the app transfer tonight. Like I said I'm going to be really careful using it on weapons, but I was about to go on patrol with my Warlock to work on my new Bad Juju and I knew I had a pulse rifle telemetry on another character. So the app was perfect to transfer that to my Warlock from the other character. As soon as I used the app to transfer it to the Vault, it was there in game for my Warlock to pick up. Yeah, I could have used the app to transfer it all the way, but I wanted to see how quickly it showed up in the Vault.

chubbyninja1319 said:
Yeah, I did my two weeklies with match making last night and the douche-quotient was much higher than I'd experienced in a long time playing Destiny. I had guys playing stupid, dying a lot, then cussing us (me and the other random guy) out and rage quitting, I had people dropping, not coming to revive when I was right next to them, etc. just not a very fun night. I got my stupid coins, but didn't have a lot of fun.
Hmmm... That's too bad. I only did one Weekly with Matchmaking but it went perfectly. One guy even went to the stairs hiding place when we got to Valus. The other went up into the lights I think. He died once but self-resed. Had he died again I probably wouldn't have revived him. I don't get why someone would be mad if you left them there at the end and handled it yourself - they can get a free ride that way ;).
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Yeah, I did my two weeklies with match making last night and the douche-quotient was much higher than I'd experienced in a long time playing Destiny. I had guys playing stupid, dying a lot, then cussing us (me and the other random guy) out and rage quitting, I had people dropping, not coming to revive when I was right next to them, etc. just not a very fun night. I got my stupid coins, but didn't have a lot of fun.
Hmmm... That's too bad. I only did one Weekly with Matchmaking but it went perfectly. One guy even went to the stairs hiding place when we got to Valus. The other went up into the lights I think. He died once but self-resed. Had he died again I probably wouldn't have revived him. I don't get why someone would be mad if you left them there at the end and handled it yourself - they can get a free ride that way ;).
Really, my first two match-making based runs went perfectly fine: Everyone knew what they were doing, we helped each other out, and finished quickly. It was just that third one that had the "douche quotient." Both of the two guys would not stay in cover and kept dying a lot. Since I was a warlock, they apparently felt it was my job to keep reviving them since I had radiance. The guy in the light annoyed me; the whole point of that strategy is that you have great cover, but he kept dying at least once a minute. His buddy revived him a couple times but once he died, too, I guess I was expected to float upstairs and save him.

So, whatever the roll, I'll buy that Arachnid helmet this week. It just looks too cool to pass up.

Hm, might log in to Destiny just to buy Heart of Praxic Fire haha 

That and the Arachnoid helmet he is selling are pretty much the only things I do not have still. Neither are really wants though but the completionist in me is telling me to get them hahah

The Arachnid helmet was one of the few I needed so I picked it up.  Only need 3 exotic armor pieces now.  

That app update is a huge step in the right direction.  i was using it to transfer over everything while finishing up my weekly stuff last night.  Everything pops up right on the screen when you do the transfer.  Super easy now to manage things on the fly without looking at loading screens while flying to the tower for the 20th time.  

The Heavy Ammo fix is nice to finally have in place.  It is funny how you get used to always losing your heavy so you always conserve it.  Now it seems like I always have full rockets.  

Finished off all my weekly stuff last night and got boned again on the Hunger and Crux.  At least I'm done for the week unless I decide I want to run oracles-templar for shits and giggles.

Is the Iron Banner going to focus on this new gametype they announced in the weekly?  With the lack of content they have right now they probably have to do anything they can even running Iron Banner every other week to keep people interested.

Stinks that you guys have had some bad luck with the matchmaking.  I'll probably stick with lfg since the rng matchmaking will probably not be very kind to me, lol.  If you get stuck with some bozos just take the headphones off and focus on your game  The weeklys usually don't require much coordination and I'd prefer not hearing some 10 year old kid drop racial slurs over and over again.

Have you done the raids before?
I've done Glass on normal once, I joined a hard Glass raid but just during the last part of it and beat it, and I have yet to beat Crota, but I have played through the beginning parts of it once.

Everytime my ragtag group of raiders invite me to play crota, they are always just on the last part.

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