Destiny Discussion Thread - Fear The Moon Wizards on September 9th

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I'll be on around 9:00 EST and will be looking to run nightfall and the weekly x3. Then I'm going to help a certain ninja run the lamps and get the last few shards he needs.
io, looks like you got a ton of weekly stuff out of the way just a few hours after the reset. If you are going to run Atheon, just do hard mode. I have picked up a few Vex and a Ghorn that way. I'm not sure if you get double exotic chance from doing normal then hard, but doesn't seem worth it to me.

This lack of a Hunger of Crota drop is bullshit. If I don't get it this week that will be 40+ raid completions without it dropping.

Also the predictor was right, Nightfall is Archon with all burns and Weekly is Archon with void burn. I'll be on around 8pm eastern tonight if anyone wants to run them.
We were just running Normal since we had one person who has never done it before and another who had only done it once I think. I definitely find it more fun and less stressful to run newbies through it than to LFG a hard mode run. Though if anyone gets the hard mode Atheon checkpoint I wouldn't mind snagging that.

Yeah, the Nightfall is pretty easy this week with all the burns. Vendetta and I did it once with just the 2 of us. We unloaded nearly 2 full G-horns at the Archon Priest and that by itself almost took care of him. Vendetta finished him off while I was running for cover after I shot 6 rockets. Don't skimp on the heavy there - make sure you have a full set of rockets when he comes out. It will make things much easier. If you have to start dealing with all the adds it can get tough. Oh, and also don't try to run (or rather, sparrow) past the Vex before the Archon Priest. Those snipers and minotaurs will take you out.

I wasn't aware the weekly had Void burn - that's nice as I have a pretty good selection of Void weapons now.

ajh2298 said:
Had a little bit of luck this morning ran the daily on the level 26 difficulty and 2 of the 3 blue drops turned into legendary weapons. A fusion rifle(plug?) and the LDR sniper rifle.
I haven't run the weekly yet but you are level 30 or 31, right? Someone should be able to take you through the Weekly at 30 and the Nightfall too.

simosaurus said:
I'll be on around 9:00 EST and will be looking to run nightfall and the weekly x3. Then I'm going to help a certain ninja run the lamps and get the last few shards he needs.
Are you running normal or hard? Either way, I might jump in if I can get on early enough. We did a full Normal run and then just Deathsinger/Crota on 2 other runs so I definitely have more to do. We can cheese the bridge part too after you run lamps. Depending on what characters we bring we can do that with as few as 3 people.
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We were just running Normal since we had one person who has never done it before and another who had only done it once I think. I definitely find it more fun and less stressful to run newbies through it than to LFG a hard mode run. Though if anyone gets the hard mode Atheon checkpoint I wouldn't mind snagging that.

Yeah, the Nightfall is pretty easy this week with all the burns. Vendetta and I did it once with just the 2 of us. We unloaded nearly 2 full G-horns at the Archon Priest and that by itself almost took care of him. Vendetta finished him off while I was running for cover after I shot 6 rockets. Don't skimp on the heavy there - make sure you have a full set of rockets when he comes out. It will make things much easier. If you have to start dealing with all the adds it can get tough. Oh, and also don't try to run (or rather, sparrow) past the Vex before the Archon Priest. Those snipers and minotaurs will take you out.

I wasn't aware the weekly had Void burn - that's nice as I have a pretty good selection of Void weapons now.

I haven't run the weekly yet but you are level 30 or 31, right? Someone should be able to take you through the Weekly at 30 and the Nightfall too.

Are you running normal or hard? Either way, I might jump in if I can get on early enough. We did a full Normal run and then just Deathsinger/Crota on 2 other runs so I definitely have more to do. We can cheese the bridge part too after you run lamps. Depending on what characters we bring we can do that with as few as 3 people.
Yep I am level 30 but usually just run the daily at the mid-level difficulty when I am by myself which is always since I mostly only play in the mornings. I also have a horrible weapon selection for the most part. I would love to run the nightfall because I have the fusion rifle bounty to do. I have tried to run them a few times solo but get toasted pretty quickly.
Are you running normal or hard? Either way, I might jump in if I can get on early enough. We did a full Normal run and then just Deathsinger/Crota on 2 other runs so I definitely have more to do. We can cheese the bridge part too after you run lamps. Depending on what characters we bring we can do that with as few as 3 people.
Well, I know I can run the lamps on normal, but I'm not skilled enough to do it on hard yet. But if I had a couple other people with me I'd love to run them on hard. So, I'm up for whatever. ☺
Good runs last night everyone.  Sorry my sword bearing wasn't that great during that full run but had the wife in the room so my communication was a bit lacking.  Still only a few wipes and weren't a couple of players there doing crota for their first time?

After that I finished my nightfalls and decided to do one last normal crota kill with an LFG team before I went to bed.  Finally after 40+ normal raid clears Hunger of Crota has dropped for me!  Even crazier was that I received Red Death and a raid helmet from the same loot drop. 

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Finally after 40+ normal raid clears Hunger of Crota has dropped for me! Even crazier was that I received Red Death and a raid helmet from the same loot drop.
You have got to be kidding me! That would have been a dream drop for me this week but I've already beat Crota 3 times on Normal. I think I am going to be the last person who regularly plays Destiny to get that stupid Hunger of Crota.
Red Death
:bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

I got nothing but poo poo so far for drops this week. Nightfalls resulted in 3 shitty Legendary weapons with shit damage types and/or shit perks. I do still technically have Crota kills since I have been running sword (3x Normal and 2x Hard) on my Hunter. At least so far this week Red Death hasn't dropped in front of my damn face. I got another helmet for my hunter, that got crushed.

I did get a legendary primary engram from the Weekly. Guess what that turned into :dunce: *hint not Red Death and into something I have a lot of already...

Oh yeah and mine and io's attempt at flawless raider was a huge fail. We were attempting with 4 people and were about ready to finish off the bridge and one of our fireteam members' friends drops in. I muted my mic because some not very nice words were coming out of my mouth.

io, I really want to get that sour taste out of my mouth, I'm gonna message Chammer and see if we can arrange something with the group.

EDIT: Oh so I was watching someone stream on twitch and just now realized you can close the fireteam to invite only! I feel like a tard not knowing that :wall:. I always assumed you couldn't close the party :roll:

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EDIT: Oh so I was watching someone stream on twitch and just now realized you can close the fireteam to invite only! I feel like a tard not knowing that :wall:. I always assumed you couldn't close the party :roll:
Heh - I didn't know that either. Let me know if you want to plan anything. I still have HM kills to get in and haven't done anything on VoG this week other than the Gorgon chest. I should be free pretty much every night - the later the better.

And heck, if we can't get it done with that group maybe we can try to 2-man it. The hardest part there would be getting across the bridge with the Titan jump. I did it last night again but it did take me a few tries. It's too bad we didn't think of trying this way back when you could despawn everything by standing in that one crystal room.
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Heh - I didn't know that either. Let me know if you want to plan anything. I still have HM kills to get in and haven't done anything on VoG this week other than the Gorgon chest. I should be free pretty much every night - the later the better.

And heck, if we can't get it done with that group maybe we can try to 2-man it. The hardest part there would be getting across the bridge with the Titan jump. I did it last night again but it did take me a few tries. It's too bad we didn't think of trying this way back when you could despawn everything by standing in that one crystal room.
If enough people are on I will gladly run sword again on hard or run VoG, maybe I can get Chobo to run sword so I can get exotic chances with my Warlock and Titan.

I think we can maybe grab my friend Mike and try to 3 man it. He can get across as well with ease almost everytime on his Titan.



Managed to get Flawless Raider with io and 3 others.  So yeah we 5 manned the Crota raid and didn't cheese the bridge either!  :)  I'm off to Redbox at lunch to get the stack and my 1000 gamerscore on the 360 version now.

io has a short video of the kill here:

So happy to have the game complete gamerscore wise.  :)

That's mighty impressive guys, congrats! Would you be willing to assist a couple of us in an attempt or two at that achievement? I know I'd love to get it and I think there were a couple of other guys looking for it. Ryuu maybe?


Managed to get Flawless Raider with io and 3 others. So yeah we 5 manned the Crota raid and didn't cheese the bridge either! :) I'm off to Redbox at lunch to get the stack and my 1000 gamerscore on the 360 version now.

io has a short video of the kill here:

So happy to have the game complete gamerscore wise. :)
Wow, congrats on that one guys! I'll trade you a Hunger of Crota and Red Death for that achievement once they implement trading in the game, deal? When does the achievement actually unlock, once you manually kick back to orbit? With the history of wonkiness of achievements in Destiny and the XB1 in general that had to be a pretty long wait to see if it would unlock.

Wow, congrats on that one guys! I'll trade you a Hunger of Crota and Red Death for that achievement once they implement trading in the game, deal? When does the achievement actually unlock, once you manually kick back to orbit? With the history of wonkiness of achievements in Destiny and the XB1 in general that had to be a pretty long wait to see if it would unlock.
It took us about 2 hours ish. It didn't unlock right away. We actually didn't think it unlocked. So io, left but he didn't sign out, he changed guys and it didn't pop. I assumed he had logged out otherwise I would have said something. Anyways later on one of the guys on the team got kicked with an error code. He logs back in and it popped. So naturally the rest of us went into party chat (we had been in game chat because 2 of the people on the team were streaming on Twitch) and boom we all popped them logging out then back in.

I locked the fire team this time too. None of those shenanigans that happened on Tuesday was happening on my watch!

That's mighty impressive guys, congrats! Would you be willing to assist a couple of us in an attempt or two at that achievement? I know I'd love to get it and I think there were a couple of other guys looking for it. Ryuu maybe?
Well yea, since I can't trade you Hunger of Crota or Red Death I wouldn't mind a run at it as well if you guys are offering... :whistle2:

Well yea, since I can't trade you Hunger of Crota or Red Death I wouldn't mind a run at it as well if you guys are offering... :whistle2:
I won't speak for io, but I'd be willing to help. Plenty of time to get runs in before House of Wolves in May ;)

There really are only 2 worriesome parts. The bridge can be a pita. Other than that Deathsingers (which we had zero issue with). I was my Hunter and I pulled the left witch first then the right one. It worked well. Then we stacked up on the left door and had titans pop bubbles in a couple spots and G-Horn'ed the shit out of the witch. Went back outside middle where Crota spawns and had people in both towers to snipe all the Hive.

I did encounter a glitch where Crota stood up while I was swording and I got chopped immediately. :bomb:

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Yeah, that's where I was expecting a little trouble, mostly on the bridge building because the thralls and acolytes can swarm. But if everyone plays smart, it should be doable. Thanks for offering an assist, Vendetta!

Ok, we got three....who else is in?
Yeah, that's where I was expecting a little trouble, mostly on the bridge building because the thralls and acolytes can swarm. But if everyone plays smart, it should be doable. Thanks for offering an assist, Vendetta!

Ok, we got three....who else is in?
Building it wasn't really the worry. It was when we got over. You have to have a titan with a bubble on the left side because of the boomers. I was the only hunter but was able to hold the right totem.

I probably will need a little breather from assisting though. That was intense and I have a few friends to help out on various things first.

It took us about 2 hours ish. It didn't unlock right away. We actually didn't think it unlocked. So io, left but he didn't sign out, he changed guys and it didn't pop. I assumed he had logged out otherwise I would have said something. Anyways later on one of the guys on the team got kicked with an error code. He logs back in and it popped. So naturally the rest of us went into party chat (we had been in game chat because 2 of the people on the team were streaming on Twitch) and boom we all popped them logging out then back in.

I locked the fire team this time too. None of those shenanigans that happened on Tuesday was happening on my watch!
Ugh, that time in limbo had to suck big time. I wonder why they can't fix the unlocking of achievements in the game. Thinking that might have impacted their decision not to add achievements to the game, or maybe they are just lazy at this point. Has anyone that plays on PS3/4 know if there are similar issues with trophies unlocking well past when they should?

I'm pretty sure that having someone join in the middle of the raid would void the achievement for everyone so probably good to have a locked down fireteam to avoid 'interruptions'.

I never really planned to run it since the jumping and glitchiness in VoG always seemed like a deterrent to me. But normal crota is pretty easy now that everyone is 32 and a pretty quick run overall. If you guys decide to try it again sometime I'm interested, but I'm not in any hurry to do it and like you said I'm sure it is not something you want to run every day, lol

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I'd be up for a flawless raider raid run if you guys need another. I picked this up on PS4 so I haven't been on the xbox much lately.  I loved what they did with shotguns in that last patch, finally they are useful outside of pvp.

Ugh, that time in limbo had to suck big time. I wonder why they can't fix the unlocking of achievements in the game. Thinking that might have impacted their decision not to add achievements to the game, or maybe they are just lazy at this point. Has anyone that plays on PS3/4 know if there are similar issues with trophies unlocking well past when they should?

I'm pretty sure that having someone join in the middle of the raid would void the achievement for everyone so probably good to have a locked down fireteam to avoid 'interruptions'.

I never really planned to run it since the jumping and glitchiness in VoG always seemed like a deterrent to me. But normal crota is pretty easy now that everyone is 32 and a pretty quick run overall. If you guys decide to try it again sometime I'm interested, but I'm not in any hurry to do it and like you said I'm sure it is not something you want to run every day, lol
I remember reading somewhere that Bungie actually doesn't like achievements. Maybe their stance hasn't changed. I was sad when I saw there were no achievement for Crota.

And yeah someone jumping in during the raid will negate the achievement because they come in as "dead" aka Guardian Down.

But yeah I'll get around sometime to helping out people try for the achievement. All I ask is that everyone listens and we should be fine.

It was really easy for our group because we have all been playing together for a few weeks now. And pretty much everyone has pretty high DPS. Hell we even had a 4 person hard Crota kill a few weeks back. Having a maxed G-Horn and a bunch of Titans will help out quite a bit :D

I imagine that was a bit grueling so I wouldn't expect you or Io to be jumping to do it again tonight, lol!!

I'm using a level 32 titan defender, dont have a g-horn, but I take direction well. 😊 It'll be cool if we could get a dedicated group to go for this over this weekend or some time next week.
Managed to get Flawless Raider with io and 3 others. So yeah we 5 manned the Crota raid and didn't cheese the bridge either! :) I'm off to Redbox at lunch to get the stack and my 1000 gamerscore on the 360 version now.

io has a short video of the kill here:

So happy to have the game complete gamerscore wise. :)
The video isn't quite so good without the achievement showing. Now I still need two more achievements: the salvage one and the one for killing all 3 types of guardians in Crucible. I got all the other crucible achievements from the last Iron Banner (all 7 popped 5 days later when I got a server error and then logged back in). I'm kind of surprised I didn't get the 3 guardian kills one but I've heard that is glitchy.

It took us about 2 hours ish. It didn't unlock right away. We actually didn't think it unlocked. So io, left but he didn't sign out, he changed guys and it didn't pop. I assumed he had logged out otherwise I would have said something. Anyways later on one of the guys on the team got kicked with an error code. He logs back in and it popped. So naturally the rest of us went into party chat (we had been in game chat because 2 of the people on the team were streaming on Twitch) and boom we all popped them logging out then back in.

I locked the fire team this time too. None of those shenanigans that happened on Tuesday was happening on my watch!
I logged out in terms of switching characters. And then I quit the game entirely. I think one of the other guys did a hard reset of his Xbox too. I also logged back in and pulled my Ethernet cable (resulting in a "canary" error). That didn't do it either. So I figured that was it - it might show up randomly 5 days later. Apparently the trick is do the "switch profile" when you log out - even if you just select the same one again. That's what made it pop later. Why quitting the game or pulling the cable doesn't reset things but switching profiles does I have no idea.

Unfortunately we went back in with 6 people because we thought maybe it required that and we spent another 2 hours trying to get it again. That was when Vendetta got chopped by Crota on that quick stand up when he was like 1 more hit from killing him. Then we had someone disconnect and gave up. But the guy who got disconnected had the achievement pop from the earlier run when he logged back in, then we figured out the "switch profile" trick.

I'd have liked to have gotten some Atheon kills in, instead of wasting that second 2 hours, for the exotic chance. If anyone is up for that tonight, or hard mode Crota kills (or even just hard lamp/abyss runs), let me know. Like Vendetta, I won't be ready for the flawless thing again quite so soon. It took way too much concentration for too long. Though I had it easy compared to Vendetta who had to run lamps (while we sat at the beginning) several times as well as sword at the end.

But yeah, the key to the bridge is to have a bubble Titan on the left totem and another on the center plate (this is on the far side after getting 3 people over). The center Titan (that was me) can help fire rockets at the knights and wizards that spawn on the left. That's where all the trouble comes from. Then once you get everyone over, group up to the right and stay down low. We had one guy on a pillar get killed by the wizard. Use bubbles for the extra shield and just be super careful when firing rockets with everyone grouped up like that. It would have been so much easier to get this achievement when you could despawn everything by going in that back room. But then again, back then people weren't as comfortable taking on Deathsinger and Crota so those parts probably would have been much harder.
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It would have been so much easier to get this achievement when you could despawn everything by going in that back room. But then again, back then people weren't as comfortable taking on Deathsinger and Crota so those parts probably would have been much harder.
Congrats on the Flawless run.

While it was easier to despawn everything before, it can still be done. But it requires getting people up to the tippy-top of the towers.

It's probably faster doing it the original way, just not as safe.

Congrats on the Flawless run.

While it was easier to despawn everything before, it can still be done. But it requires getting people up to the tippy-top of the towers.
It's probably faster doing it the original way, just not as safe.
After getting 3 over, we tried getting 2 people up there but they couldn't make it. It was easier just to do it legit.
After getting 3 over, we tried getting 2 people up there but they couldn't make it. It was easier just to do it legit.
Yeah, if you're gonna go for the despawn, it's best to get everyone up before sending anyone over.

On normal, I'll just kill the swordbearer and swordswing across while everyone else gets up there. Helps speed up the process.

Vendetta will be happy when he hears about this. I don't think he's been on yet. I was about to have my first day in a while without playing any Destiny but then this pulled me back in. Just need Suros and a couple of the exotic bounty weapons (Thorn and Invective) now.
No sir, I am not trolling. Got RD, Insurmountable Skullfort, and an engram that turned into Glasshouse. It's a good day.
Good, I was going to suggest you get the Skullfort. That's my favorite Titan exotic.

I picked up Red Death and a helmet a hunter helmet. My level 2 Hunter already has a decent cache of exotic gear, lol.

Glad Red Death is there for Vendetta and others who don't have it yet!  Wish Xur sold some Pulse Rifle Telemetries so everyone could level up their Red Death quickly.  When was the last time he sold those?  Months ago it seems.

Doesn't look like there is anything for me this week unless I want to buy engrams and hope for a Mask of the 3rd Man to drop.  They really need to rotate this stock more often.  i can't find the last time he sold Mask of the 3rd Man. 

I really need to clear out my inventory soon because as I was doing some weekly Atheon and Crota kills I realized I was not getting any drops to show.  Then I went back to the tower and found all my loot was going directly to the postmaster.  It kind of sucks not seeing your loot pop up on the right side after taking down a raid boss, but when I found a G-horn waiting for me at the postmaster it didn't feel that bad.

The weekly update is kind of a waste again.  They say patch 1.1.2 is coming in 'weeks' and that they are looking at increasing vault space and fixing the known raid issues (glad they are getting around to that).  They also list some other possible fixes that nobody cares about.   

Iron Banner starting St Patty's day other that that, nothing to see here.  

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Only the easy 3 coin level. I tried the mid-level a few times and couldn't finish it.

I just turned level 31 last night but my character really sucks.
You must believe in yourself!

I'm not experienced as most of the gang around here, but I found you can learn a lot by playing with others and just running the strike playlist shows you a metric ton of tips and tricks, even without being mic'd up. Especially now that the weeklies have matchmaking, you have to bump up that difficulty to get those coins.

Tonight the last night I will be able to play for awhile because of my work schedule changing to mornings. So if anyone can be on around 11:00est tonight that would be great.
I was reading some other forums and the sale of Red Death has people proclaiming the game has now been ruined, once again. Just like it was ruined when he sold Icebreaker. Peoples be weird. It takes more than a good gun to dominate in the crucible; I've seen many people mop up using no-name legendaries and rares.
Is it even that good? I'd think you would want to use Bad Juju over Red Death just for the auto-fire if for no other reason. The regen health on kills part seems like it wouldn't come into play all that often.

I'll be leveling up my Red Death the rest of this week but it was my plan to use Bad Juju (if not Vex Mythoclast like I did last time) in the next Iron Banner.

I just wanted it for collection sake, not because it was some sort of OP gun.
Is it even that good? I'd think you would want to use Bad Juju over Red Death just for the auto-fire if for no other reason. The regen health on kills part seems like it wouldn't come into play all that often.

I'll be leveling up my Red Death the rest of this week but it was my plan to use Bad Juju (if not Vex Mythoclast like I did last time) in the next Iron Banner.

I just wanted it for collection sake, not because it was some sort of OP gun.
Yeah it is good. 2 headshots will kill a person in PvP right now. That is assuming all the bullets in a burst hit their target. Plus with Red Death perk, you regain health.

I really like the way the gun shoots. Now I just need Ruin Wings to have all the exotics! :D

Also Foxy said she'd be down for some Atheon runs. I don't need it myself anymore but I am more than happy to play since I really like VoG.

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ajh2298 said:
Tonight the last night I will be able to play for awhile because of my work schedule changing to mornings. So if anyone can be on around 11:00est tonight that would be great.
I think if you already ran the Weekly Heroic at a lower level you do not get rewards even at higher levels. It seems like that happened to me before. Maybe they've fix it - I dunno.

I can run with you a little later but I'm working now. If you are on later Vendetta and I can run you through the first two parts of Crota on hard - you can get some nice weapons and armor that way.

Vendetta_x360 said:
Also Foxy said she'd be down for some Atheon runs. I don't need it myself anymore but I am more than happy to play since I really like VoG.
Just let me know - I am way behind on work so I'm going to try to stay off Destiny unless I have a specific activity to run (like Atheon). Though I do need to work on that Red Death now... I'll probably get on regardless around 10-11 pm (Pacific) or so.
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I think if you already ran the Weekly Heroic at a lower level you do not get rewards even at higher levels. It seems like that happened to me before. Maybe they've fix it - I dunno.

I can run with you a little later but I'm working now. If you are on later Vendetta and I can run you through the first two parts of Crota on hard - you can get some nice weapons and armor that way.

Just let me know - I am way behind on work so I'm going to try to stay off Destiny unless I have a specific activity to run (like Atheon). Though I do need to work on that Red Death now... I'll probably get on regardless around 10-11 pm (Pacific) or so.
Yeah if you ran it already you can't do it on higher levels again and get rewards.

I just talked to Foxy and she's down. I'll have to text my buddy and see if he wants to do it. I'm sure irish will if he is on. We could always do a couple hard Crota runs cheesy style too.

Looks like the dataminer did some digging for other stuff.

Iron Banner Sale items:

Jolders Hammer (Awesome LMG) & Silimar's Wrath (Auto Rifle)

Also 36 Light Chest Piece finally.

I haven't been able to find out what the 2 drop weapons are but if one is Efrideet's Spear, I may have to play Banner. I'm undecided if I want to grind out to buy Jolder or not. It is a fucking amazing LMG from what I've been told. I may try to roll it for Void burn and Field Scout since I have a shitload of Motes now.

Next weeks Nightfall & Weekly - OmniBITCH with Arc. Lightswitch is on for Nightfall but not weekly.

Bungie apparently made it so you can't datamine xur to determine his wares. Now when they do that, it shows No Land Beyond in every slot for what he is selling. So Bungie totally trolled them. :lol:

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Yeah, I'll be on in an hour or so and will just be running bounties/leveling Red Death. I see people on the bungie forums saying they are buying multiples. I wonder if I should do that. Maybe I'll get at least a second one.

I think I'll do Iron Banner as well but, damn, I just won't have much time this week. It's gonna be crazy busy with my kids (1: little kids start swimming lessons. 2: My middle son has basketball tryouts for a Spring league on Tuesday 3: Oldest daughter is a senior and a captain on the dance team and they have State Championships next Fri/Sat - with this being her last go-around I'm super involved with the team setting up practice, making videos, etc). And to top it all off, I won't be able to play on the final Monday when the bonus is highest. We'll see how it goes - I ought to be able to grind out to the chest piece at least.

Bungie apparently made it so you can't datamine xur to determine his wares. Now when they do that, it shows No Land Beyond in every slot for what he is selling. So Bungie totally trolled them. :lol:
Hah - awesome. Well at least they have a sense of humor. Maybe they could direct some of that snark into NEW CONTENT now ;).
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