Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

Yeah, PSN has been down for me all day too. The hacker group "The Lizard Squad" threatened to take PSN and XBL down today (for their 15 seconds of fame or whatever). but it could also be chalked up to the massive strain on servers with tens of thousands of new PS3, PSVita, PS4, X360, and X1s being registered and set up today. Hope I can get online later tonight and pick up Destiny.
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Lucky you, i cant even log into PSN. Im going to try to reset my modem.
I've got the flu so I wasn't gonna play anyway just checking if it worked. Only thing giving me issues is the store. Earlier today around 4 nothing was working for me. I hope they are done messing around. I knew they would stick to the Christmas plan but I didn't know it would be this bad or last this long.
I have/play the DLC on both PS3 and 4.

(Bought the day1 digital deluxe edition on PS3 to get the free ps4 version. DLC auto DLs on 4 but 3 you need to go to the store and get the unlock.)
Hey, I think you randomly joined a Nightfall that me and my buddy were running the other day. It didn't look like you got any rewards from it, so you must have already done it prior to that. Wanted to say - thanks for helping out, though!

My buddy and I joked that your one-liner must be: "I go where I am needed". Haha!

Better not shout, better not cry, better not pout, I'm telling you why...

Xur-ta Klause in coming to the tower.

Center, next to the Vanguard mentors

Gear for sale:

titans-armamentarium Dis 138/149

hunter-achlyophage symbiote Dis 87/93

warlock- claws of ahamkara Dis 49/52 and Str 49/52

weapon-no land beyond  (ugh!)

upgrade highlights:  gjallarhorn (yes!), heart of praxic fire, sunbreakers, hawkmoon, helm saint-14

No heavy ammo, no engram... thanks Bungie.

Hey, I think you randomly joined a Nightfall that me and my buddy were running the other day. It didn't look like you got any rewards from it, so you must have already done it prior to that. Wanted to say - thanks for helping out, though!

My buddy and I joked that your one-liner must be: "I go where I am needed". Haha!
That sounds like me...

I got into a really good group that day from destinylfg and was able to run the Nightfall and Weekly on both of my characters. But then later in the day I got the Eris bounty that was "kill majors/ultras in a Nightfall." I think I was trying to finish that off when I joined your group. I've been sick all week so it's been kind of a blur.

Cool, i want to upgrade my 2 gjallarhorns and buy the no land beyond. Too bad PSN is STILL DOWN! Hope they get it going today, i really want to get my new character up to 20 so i can put gear on and do the first half of the raid again.

I'm still locked out as well...I was able to eventually get dragon age to let me play so at least I have something to play while its down...

As far as i know, xbox and playstation arent even being attacked anymore. I think xbox has their systems online already. But PS4 is still sitting here like a brick. I just hope they get things going before xur leaves the tower. I will be pissed if i miss out on upgrading the Gjallerhorn and cant buy the No land beyond.

As far as i know, xbox and playstation arent even being attacked anymore. I think xbox has their systems online already. But PS4 is still sitting here like a brick. I just hope they get things going before xur leaves the tower. I will be pissed if i miss out on upgrading the Gjallerhorn and cant buy the No land beyond.
OK, I'll bite... why buy No Land Beyond? Everything I've read makes it out to be a real "turd in the punch bowl". It's gonna beat out Super Good Advice as worst exotic weapon ever.

I suppose there's the grimoire card. But really curious if I'm missing something.

OK, I'll bite... why buy No Land Beyond? Everything I've read makes it out to be a real "turd in the punch bowl". It's gonna beat out Super Good Advice as worst exotic weapon ever.

I suppose there's the grimoire card. But really curious if I'm missing something.
I just like to collect all exotics. But i am interested in trying that bad boy out, even if it does suck. Having a sniper in primary, fusion in special, and machine gun in the heavy sounds like a cool loadout depending on what level im playing.

So, I upgraded my Gjallarhorn. But would like opinions on other possible upgrades.

Thinking of upgrading Sunbreakers for my 'lock and Hawkmoon.

Have Obsidian Mind for my 'lock but think Sunbreakers would be the good choice when running sunsinger. (assuming Xur never sells Sunbreakers again, in this decision).

Hawkmoon would be an upgrade choice, just to say I have a 2.0 version. I upgraded Thorn a couple weeks back and nearly have it maxed. It's an absolute beast and don't think Hawkmoon would take it's place.

Appreciate any thoughts either way.

I just like to collect all exotics. But i am interested in trying that bad boy out, even if it does suck. Having a sniper in primary, fusion in special, and machine gun in the heavy sounds like a cool loadout depending on what level im playing.

TBH, I might grab it just to have it... but figure to wait 'til the last possible minute before Xur leaves.

It has to be a rash, impulsive decision or else I won't grab it. :whee:

So, I upgraded my Gjallarhorn. But would like opinions on other possible upgrades.

Thinking of upgrading Sunbreakers for my 'lock and Hawkmoon.

Have Obsidian Mind for my 'lock but think Sunbreakers would be the good choice when running sunsinger. (assuming Xur never sells Sunbreakers again, in this decision).

Hawkmoon would be an upgrade choice, just to say I have a 2.0 version. I upgraded Thorn a couple weeks back and nearly have it maxed. It's an absolute beast and don't think Hawkmoon would take it's place.

Appreciate any thoughts either way.


TBH, I might grab it just to have it... but figure to wait 'til the last possible minute before Xur leaves.

It has to be a rash, impulsive decision or else I won't grab it. :whee:
Sunbreakers was my 1st go to when I started doing PvP. Since I've gotten better in PvP with my guns I use them less. But sunbreakers are always good on my sunsinger for postmortem/grenade/multi kill bounties in control PvP and iron banner.

If they still used the vehicle maps, sunbreaker solar grenade can take out vehicles easily.

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The one good thing about PSN being down is that it finally got me to fire up the copy of Shadow of Mordor I got on Black Friday.  I spent the little bit of time I have had for gaming the past few days playing that and it's pretty fun. PSN really needs to come back up so I can upgrade my jolly horn though :pray:. As long as that happens I don't really mind the outage since it has really only cost me an hour or 2 to this point. I do feel bad for all the kids who are not able to play with their new consoles and anyone else who was looking to do some gaming over the holidays though. I really hope they catch and prosecute all of those Lizard Squad pricks.

IDK, sunbreakers always seem to be for sale, a hell of a lot more than the praxic fire. If you have any chest piece for the warlock then i would use that, wait to upgrade that if its not already. Sunbreakers are cool but i honestly rarely use them. Though upgrading them might help you get to 32 faster, if you get a raid helmet before gauntlets.

Hawkmoon would be a nice gun to upgrade, i think it has twice the clip the thorn has, so if you dont like the thorns short clip, that might be something to use as an alternative. I mean you can always glimmer farm to get those back, so its not really that big of an investment.

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IDK, sunbreakers always seem to be for sale, a hell of a lot more than the praxic fire. If you have any chest piece for the warlock then i would use that, wait to upgrade that if its not already. Sunbreakers are cool but i honestly rarely use them.

Hawkmoon would be a nice gun to upgrade, i think it has twice the clip the thorn has, so if you dont like the thorns short clip, that might be something to use as an alternative. I mean you can always glimmer farm to get those back, so its not really that big of an investment.
Who knows what'll happen but I think Xur's gonna fixate on some other 'lock armor. But no doubt that I'd drop sunbreakers for the Praxic fire chest (if it ever comes my way). Which is why I'm on the fence about upgrading sunbreakers.

Thorn's clip size does suck, but I've got it's max range and the Mark of the Devourer perks unlocked. Shooting thru enemies plus the lingering damage from the bullets make me think I'll only equip Hawkmoon to show that I've got it.

Guess I'm wondering if Hawkmoon is worthy of taking up that exotic slot.

The one good thing about PSN being down is that it finally got me to fire up the copy of Shadow of Mordor I got on Black Friday. I spent the little bit of time I have had for gaming the past few days playing that and it's pretty fun.
Same here, only I put some time in on Tomb Raider.

No matter how much time passes, I just can't enjoy Quick-Time Events. QTE's need to be banished along with mandatory tutorials and unskippable cutscenes.

Now, does anyone know if the DLC I already purchased on PS3 would also be available on PS4?

My plan is to buy the regular PS3 digital copy and do the free upgrade dealio. I'd hate to have to buy the DLC twice.

Hopefully someone knows or can point me to a site to find out.
OK, quoting myself but think I found the answer and figured I would post for anyone else that needs to know.

According to this:

My expansion pass, from the Ghost edition of the game, will get the free upgrade to PS4. So, I should be fine buying the vanilla digital version of the game on PS3.

Once I get my PS4, I just need to log in and select both the game and DLC and I'll be good to go.

Its still down for me...really breaks your momentum to not play destiny for a day...or two...or three. I didnt do any raiding yet this week :(

PSN is so pathetic.  If I can transfer my characters to xbox, I would do it in a heart beat, even if I have to re-buy the game.  I think, I'm going to start buying more of my games on xbox from now on.

PSN is so pathetic. If I can transfer my characters to xbox, I would do it in a heart beat, even if I have to re-buy the game. I think, I'm going to start buying more of my games on xbox from now on.
Except, the Xbox One is still having a lot of issues with Destiny as well. So that's not really going to solve anything. Xbox Live may be back, but Destiny is still unplayable. Numerous reports of people having to re-download the same patch over and over, getting to play for about ten minutes and then getting booted back to the character select screen.

I mean I get it, PSN isn't the greatest. The PS4 message system sucks and it's laughable how much of a downgrade it is from the PS3 system, but people need to cool it with this crap. Both PSN and Xbox Live were attacked and essentially taken down. Just because PSN is still down doesn't make it "pathetic" by any means. Is it not at all plausible that Sony is taking extra precaution? Especially after what's happened in the past with PSN and hell even more recently with Sony Pictures? Maybe it was more than just a simple DDoS attack? Just because the douches at LizardSquad are taking credit doesn't mean that's definitely what happened.

I haven't played since Tuesday and I've been itching to get my Destiny on but my world isn't going to end if I don't get to play for another day. Not pointing fingers at you specifically Jimmy but some of these comments I've read on various sites just have me shaking my head. I understand the frustration but people are far too quick to jump on the hate bandwagon and claim they're going to abandon ship without even knowing all the facts.

Been a busy day with family and friends again. Ill just be going to sleep and jusr try destiny again tom. Psn is still down in cali and i dont want to wait anymore tonight. We still have a day and a half to get to xur and get our gally upgrade. Missing out on some raid time this week isnt big of a deal for me right now. Not rushing to reach to 32 anyway. Im actually enjoying game with less pressure now.
I played without issue last night on Xbox One - got my Ghally converted and then did enough bounties to get it almost to that second important perk (the cluster one or whatever). But then I was playing from about 1am to 4am Pacific. So there's yet another advantage to playing late at night ;) (In addition to being able to do the Raid ASAP on the reset and do the double bounty thing).

I haven't tried getting on yet today - will probably just wait till after midnight again. I need to top off that Ghally before the Raid reset and figure out if there is anything else I want from Xur.

I have been trying to play some other games on my PS4, though, and it has been annoying. These are not online games either: Disney Infinity 2 and Lego Hobbit (gave them to my kids for Christmas). But the stupid network issues made both games take FOREVER to start up. Both of them will start, then go to a black screen for 5-10 minutes, then finally continue so that I am able to play. The first few times I kept quitting them and restarting but it would just do it again. I guess it was the nature of the network issues (some functionality but not all so it kept trying to reconnect).

It was pretty frustrating when you have a 4 year-old waiting for the game so start up! At the very least they need to fix this stuff so that if online is wonky, games that don't need it can still start up and run quickly.
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Except, the Xbox One is still having a lot of issues with Destiny as well. So that's not really going to solve anything. Xbox Live may be back, but Destiny is still unplayable. Numerous reports of people having to re-download the same patch over and over, getting to play for about ten minutes and then getting booted back to the character select screen.

I mean I get it, PSN isn't the greatest. The PS4 message system sucks and it's laughable how much of a downgrade it is from the PS3 system, but people need to cool it with this crap. Both PSN and Xbox Live were attacked and essentially taken down. Just because PSN is still down doesn't make it "pathetic" by any means. Is it not at all plausible that Sony is taking extra precaution? Especially after what's happened in the past with PSN and hell even more recently with Sony Pictures? Maybe it was more than just a simple DDoS attack? Just because the douches at LizardSquad are taking credit doesn't mean that's definitely what happened.

I haven't played since Tuesday and I've been itching to get my Destiny on but my world isn't going to end if I don't get to play for another day. Pointing fingers at you specifically Jimmy. Some of your comments I've read on various sites just have me shaking my head. I understand the frustration but you are far too quick to jump on the hate bandwagon and claim you are going to abandon ship without even knowing all the facts.
Jimmy ArJay just called you a dick :whistle2:

I am also craving some Destiny(more like do the CE raid with my warlock and titan and be done for the week), but I'm with the family so its nice to spend time with them.

Granted I did end up playing Drive Club (freaking awesome) and KZ Shadowfall (way different than Destiny) today, so that was very different from the usual Destiny run. However, I would have rather watched a movie with my folks.

Either way I really think I have invested a ton of time in Destiny so cutting back a couple days is a good thing, especially if it is to spend time with family :D

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My dudes are just orbiting the tower wondering where I've been...why havent I logged in and upgraded hawkmoon? Why havent they got to fight croata this week...I'm sure they are starting to get depressed.

Xur is going to have a hard time feeding his family at this rate. He will barely make any money this week. Playstation tweeted that things are gradually coming back online, but that tweet was 8 hours ago and i still cant get anything going. At this rate im going to miss xur, and might even screw me over from making my new character that i wanted to do the nightfall and crotas end with before the reset.

I can understand the frustration, and yeah xbox had its problems too but that was solved yesterday. Yet us PSN users are still sitting here unable to play. I was actually playing gears of war 3 on my xbox 360 last night because my PS4 is a brick right now. Its really frustrating.

Xur is going to have a hard time feeding his family at this rate. He will barely make any money this week. Playstation tweeted that things are gradually coming back online, but that tweet was 8 hours ago and i still cant get anything going. At this rate im going to miss xur, and might even screw me over from making my new character that i wanted to do the nightfall and crotas end with before the reset.

I can understand the frustration, and yeah xbox had its problems too but that was solved yesterday. Yet us PSN users are still sitting here unable to play. I was actually playing gears of war 3 on my xbox 360 last night because my PS4 is a brick right now. Its really frustrating.
Was able to log in earlier and got my gally upgrade. 4got to upgrade my titan helm. Now i cant log back in. Crap!
I can understand the frustration, and yeah xbox had its problems too but that was solved yesterday. Yet us PSN users are still sitting here unable to play. I was actually playing gears of war 3 on my xbox 360 last night because my PS4 is a brick right now. Its really frustrating.
It's been hit and miss for Xbox. I wouldn't exactly call their problems solved. You don't have anything else on the PS4? Injustice? Assassins Creed? Kind of silly to call it a brick when there are other games to play. I've been playing GTAV just fine.

It's been hit and miss for Xbox. I wouldn't exactly call their problems solved. You don't have anything else on the PS4? Injustice? Assassins Creed? Kind of silly to call it a brick when there are other games to play. I've been playing GTAV just fine.
I think AC unity uses online features, that and i havent downloaded the 7GB+ patches for it. I dont want to get into a story when i will be back playing destiny, hopefully soon. I dont really have any other games that i can just pick up and play for PS4. Thats why i was playing Gears 3, pick up and play some online for a while.

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I just think back to when I was a kid opening my NES on Christmas morning and what that would've done to me had I not been able to play the thing for days. I would've hated Nintendo and that prick Santa for years to come.

Can't even log in on PS4. Therefore, cannot access save files or anything for any game. Only apps work for me.
Really? I wonder why you can't even log in. I'm logged in just fine playing GTAV right now. Was playing Injustice for a little bit last night. I tried PvZ:GW but apparently that needs online to work.

I haven't been able to login to anything since this all started a few days ago. Very frustrating, but also not the worst thing ever. It's been nice to catch up on sleep again though.

I was able to login to the PlayStation Store from my PC and phone last night but not today. I guess I'll continue to hit up my ever growing backlog of games on Steam until the PSN is able to stabilize. 

At this rate I think I'll miss Xur but it looks like it won't matter since I still don't have a Gjallarhorn, Red Death, or Hawkmoon to upgrade. No Land Beyond might be worth buying if only to collect and for a possible buff in the future. However, that upgrade tree is beyond awful and easily the worst of any exotic in the game. I'm really surprised for a DLC exotic that it would be that bad and poorly thought out.

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It's been hit and miss for Xbox. I wouldn't exactly call their problems solved. You don't have anything else on the PS4? Injustice? Assassins Creed? Kind of silly to call it a brick when there are other games to play. I've been playing GTAV just fine.
I left my GTA & SoM at home....f@ck!!!!

bread's done