Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

There are two levels to focus on: regular level and light level.

Regular level caps at 40, so going from 32 to 40 shouldn't be too bad.  It'll naturally level thru playing the game until you hit the max.  And honestly, it's mostly pointless.

Light level is what really matters (and it's the new grind).  It caps out at 310 and is based on the attck/defense rating of ALL your gear.  This includes weapons, ghosts, armors, class items, etc.

All your current gear is probably gonna put you around 140-160 light level.  This is fine to start but you'll quickly notice that new green gear will have higher levels and you'll want to start wearing those right away.  Reason being... the higher your light level, the better your chances at getting gear with levels higher than your current gear.

Also, you need to adjust how you decrypt engrams with the cryptarch.  Make sure you're wearing the highest light level gear you've got. Then decrypt one engram and see if it'll help increase your light level.  If it does equip it then go and decrypt one more piece.  Rinse and repeat like this.  It's a slow process but it helps speed up the pace at which you get higher level gear.  Otherwise you may find yourself getting stuck at a certain level and wondering when you'll get better gear.

Legendary Marks are also important.  This replaced Vanguard and Crucible marks.  Get in the habit of doing the dailies for both PvP and PvE.  You'll get marks from doing missions but those will run out, so  max your opportunities at getting them by doing the dailies.  It's not so easy to buy your way to the higher light levels like it used to be. And the 200 mark cap will force you to be more picky about how you spend them.

Once you get purples and exotics, you'll be able to infuse them with higher level gear, to increase their level.  But this costs marks + materials.  So if you get a purple that's low, but has nice stats/perks, you can use a higher level blue to increase the purple's level.

That's the most critical stuff  to watch.  And as you play you'll instantly realize that everything has been turned into a quest.  Oh and the Gunsmith has been made relevant so you'll also want to start doing his stuff.

Haven't played since before House of Wolves. Just bought Taken King. Anything I need to know? Any quick ways to get from 32 to whatever the cap is now?
I recommend buying the vanguard ghost shell with your legendary marks as soon as you can. High level Ghost shells (280 and above) are hard to come by, and its perk that grants you more wormspore (new material) from engrams dropped on the dreadnaught than you would ever need, should come in handy .

I spent hours and hours collecting fragments yesterday and got down to the last one I need 44/45...then bungie turned off aganarch rune console thingy because people started exploiting it somehow. Thanks assholes now I cant finish my malice quest.

I have to wait until tuesday when the level 3 court boss changes unless they turn it back on :(

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Turned it off? I noticed my titans rune hasn't charged in about two weeks. I completed on and the next one I got has just been at 1/7. My hunter and warlock progress without any issues.
You cant initiate it. The console/altar thing is disabled and wont start with a charged rune. It just says a charged rune is required. Look it up on reddit...I just wish I did this one first since they turned it off yesterday afternoon...but I was going in order ffs...

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I completed the chaperone quest last night 4 in the morning. LOL. I did a lot of camping, but even more backing out of games and searching for new games. If my team was getting run over from the beginning i just backed out. its a lot easier to sit back and snipe or get kills when your teammates are winning most of the battles. I thought the black garden map was one of the best maps to do it on. I did well on that map in rumble and clash. Used a sniper with last word of course, and a heavy machine gun. For some dumb reason i decided to finish my titans chaperone quest too. but he was already up to 60%. I got to 77% today and then went on a 27-6 k/d the next match and finished it half way through. But i dont really know why i bothered since it costs 15,000 glimmer to proceed after the pvp step. And i can just buy as many chaperones i want from the kiosk for an exotic shard and i think 2500 glimmer. But im waiting for the reset to actually get my gun! Im also waiting for armsday to get the gunsmith rank 5 hand cannon quest reward.

I cant wait for tuesday, i cant wait for those new emotes to show up so i can check them out. I am going to try to stay away from spoilers so i can actually go and see what they are for myself, and be surprised or maybe even let down. LOL. Also iron banner starts, i really hope the emote patch wont screw up me logging into destiny right before the 1pm iron banner so i can use my hunters rank 5 and get the cloak among other stuff. I have 200 marks waiting to be spent on iron banner stuff! Im also looking forward to playing iron banner this week. I leveled up my red death to 310 using the multiple raid hand cannons i got along with one of the three 310 hawkmoons i got from exotic engrams. So yeah tuesday cant get here soon enough! Also three more attempts to be disappointed by getting the same raid armor i already have!

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Thanks for the input guys.  Any reason to keep my old weapons and armor?  I played the story on my first character and made it to level 40.  I'm around 200 light level.  

Your old gear is still viable for regular PvP (aka, not Trials or IB).  Most of it won't be helpful for PvE (for much longer). 

I've been dismantling exotics as I get the year2 version.  And delete the other stuff as I need room.

I will say the Hunter's Bones of Eao are still very helpful for the platforming bits of the new raid.  Not needed, but fun to use in order to take shortcuts

I can't wait for Tuesday just to see reddit go down in flames when all of the IB rewards are 280 and everyone flips out.
That's exactly what I was thinking :beer:

But since they are drops they could be random...I'm not planning on buying stuff since they said drops would cover most of it...
I can't imagine the drop chance been that high, but hopefully I am wrong. Also I hope that if i am indeed wrong, at least they drop at 300 + light level. Right now I think I'll keep on sticking with my Titan as my main and just run IB with him (f doing more than one character)

I finished the Crucible quest line and weekly bounties. I added 12 more strange coins to my inventory. Hopefully my luck will turn around this week.

Which of the new Machine guns is closest to Jolder's Hammer?  I have the one from the raid, but haven't used it much.  Was looking for a new go to in Iron Banner.

I finished the Crucible quest line and weekly bounties. I added 12 more strange coins to my inventory. Hopefully my luck will turn around this week.
I envy you man, I just can't get a good hold of assault rifles. Any other gun I do well in PvP, but it seems with rifles I just can't finish someone else before they get me.

I finished the farm and kills for the arc exotic sword.  I also finished the first step for The First Curse.  And I'm waiting on my complete Chaperone.  Armsday should be fun for me.  I have to wait until then to get the next steps of the quests.

I'm also on the special Fear's Embrace for the Touch of Malice, so I'll be doing that tomorrow and getting a raid in.

Pretty confident I can sherpa the new raid now, I just need to run basketball player on Oryx to know every roll.

Golgoroth is by far the easiest boss in the whole raid.  He has a pool of 12 million health and I personally deal out about 5 million per kill.  That's hilarious.  Spindle trivializes it.  Also, tether+WoL is murderous obviously.

Sisters is really easy too.  Nevermind, they are the easiest.  Warpriest and Oryx are the hardest, but overall the raid isn't too bad if everyone is contributing (and you aren't going in blind obviously).

My first raid I went through with all people who have never done it.  Got the calcifieds, Fusion at 310, gauntlets 305, ghost 305, hand cannon 303, scout 304.  I infused the hand cannon into Bad Juju to make it 299 and the scout into Hung Jury to make it 300.

Awesome loot.  I used Moldering Shards on Oryx which gave good drops.  I didn't have any 3oC at the time so no exotics.

I got a 310 Monte Carlo from an engram a couple days ago which brought my hung jury to 308, thing is beast.

All I need is the Touch, Exotic Sword (s), and First Curse and then I will be on just to raid weekly.  I'll be keeping my eyes out for new daily specials.  I missed Preydyths ghost thing, so I'll have to do that soon.

Sleeper is a fun gun.  It won't be taking my exotic slot 90% of the time, but I could see it being good in situations.

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Shaxx's crucible questline...


I'm up to salvage and it doesn't end!

Tried to clean up a bunch of quests. Specifically looking to get that 310 artifact, but still not done.

Did finish getting the Boolean though... that's something.

Also hit gunsmith rank 5 on my hunter, so just need to finish that quest. Got my titan and warlock up to rank 3 with gunny.

Farmed a bunch of hadium flakes for another ToM. Screwed up the transfer for my 3rd sword, ugh..

In other words, did a bunch of stuff and feel like I did crap...

Shaxx's crucible questline...


I'm up to salvage and it doesn't end!
LoL, sounds about right...


You get to do it all over again on your other toons :mrgreen: .

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How does the sword transfer stuff work? I would love to not have to do some/any of those steps again.
When you get your 2nd and 3rd sword, give the new sword to the character you already did the exotic quest line on. Level up the sword on that character up above 280. This will prompt the exotic quest line. The first step of the exotic quest will be skipped (ie the 50 major kills and 25 crucible kills) and you will start on the material gathering and ability kill step.

Note: Keep in mind how tedious certain ability kills will be on specific classes (example: void on a Titan means only grenade and punch kills count).
Thanks NJ, my first sword choice was Void on my Titan, so that tedium is already finished. So give my Titan a 2nd sword (arc) and let him level it up, got it! 

Thanks NJ, my first sword choice was Void on my Titan, so that tedium is already finished. So give my Titan a 2nd sword (arc) and let him level it up, got it!
I did all 3 on my Titan. The Arc and Solar were both super easy (besides the luck-factor on the material gathering part)

Wanted to knock out a daily before work, but the servers were offline.

Guessing they're back up since they released the update notes

They nerfed what they previously mentioned (black spindle, shot package)

And added some nice surprises (Shaxx bounties unlocked across ALL toons if you unlocked it on one :bouncy: , exotic armors can be re-rolled, heroic strike playlist will show how many marks can still be earned).

Then from the WTF Bungie you're killing me decisions (reduced the # of strange coins you earn from factions & bounties, reduced the # of mats you get from dismantling green and blue weapons, reduced the # of mats pulled by ghost extractor).

1 step forward, 2 steps back... that should be Destiny's tagline :whistle2:|

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Wanted to knock out a daily before work, but the servers were offline.

Guessing they're back up since they released the update notes

They nerfed what they previously mentioned (black spindle, shot package)

And added some nice surprises (Shaxx bounties unlocked across ALL toons if you unlocked it on one :bouncy: , exotic armors can be re-rolled, heroic strike playlist will show how many marks can still be earned).

Then from the WTF Bungie you're killing me decisions (reduced the # of strange coins you earn from factions & bounties, reduced the # of mats you get from dismantling green and blue weapons, reduced the # of mats pulled by ghost extractor).

1 step forward, 2 steps back... that should be Destiny's tagline :whistle2:|
So way more content and game life by increasing the grind....yeah no. I think I am hitting the wall once again with Destiny, I like it, but I couldn't care less about getting everything. With how the drop system is working I just don't see the point of running multiple times something just to get the same "whatever" thing you already had at a lower level again.

I'm sticking to PvP and I think thats about it, but it has been a ton of camping as of late so even =\

I need to do the damn agonarch rune or to get another tier 3 rune...and that's a random drop apparently :( 

I want my damn malice already...waaaaaaa

I need to do the damn agonarch rune or to get another tier 3 rune...and that's a random drop apparently :(

I want my damn malice already...waaaaaaa
Also jem make sure that for the CoO tier 2 bosses you have the right combination of bosses. If they don't show up just die and let the time lapse, re-summon and repeat until you get the bosses you need.

Also IB armor is 280....yeah F that. Thought I might need that Hunter cloak =P~

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Question, I have one of those special runes that needs me to find 7 hidden taken, what's up with that?
Think you're talking about the Agonarch rune... once you get the kills you head over to the founts for a special boss fight. Kill that boss and you get another fragment.

CAG evening raid is still tonight at 8pm CST. Being back in the office, I can not access the PSN app. Where I sit doesn't get LTE signal, and Wi-Fi blocks all gaming related sites, except this forum.

There's 47 obtainable fragments. Are you only missing the Tier 3 boss frags?
I have 44 fragments. I have done last weeks tier 3 boss. The agonarch rune is disabled.

If you know of a way to get 45 without tier 3 boss with a tier 3 rune I dont have yet or the agonarch rune they have turned off like dicks let me know :)

None of the trackers show another one that people know how to get that I dont have.

I'm not sure what you mean on the tier 2 bosses Mars...I've done the quest thing I'm just trying to finish my gun

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I think we are full for tonight, but I dont know about wednesday, thursday...etc

also you know friend everyone here on psn and join the clan for best results...

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I have 44 fragments. I have done last weeks tier 3 boss. The agonarch rune is disabled.

If you know of a way to get 45 without tier 3 boss with a tier 3 rune I dont have yet or the agonarch rune they have turned off like dicks let me know :)

None of the trackers show another one that people know how to get that I dont have.

I'm not sure what you mean on the tier 2 bosses Mars...I've done the quest thing I'm just trying to finish my gun
Gotcha. Yeah, there are 3 frags for the diff Tier 3 bosses so if you're missing two bosses and the agonarch rune, then you are stuck waiting for the boss fight or reactivation of the rune. Sucks man.

Mars is talking about the boss combos for the Tier 2 frags. If you don't get the combo you need just leave the arena and let it time out. Event cancels and you don't lose the rune. Try again once Summoners Exhaustion expires.

Ok, yeah I got everything except the two tier 3 bosses and the aganarch...I'll just be spending a lot of time leveling crota rep and hoping for a tier 3 rune drop when I use my tier 2 runes...I think I have 3 of those and 7 tier 1 to spend charging them. Hope I get lucky and find people doing it. Having 6-8 people makes it way fun/lootfest even when its randos...I want to check out IB too snarf snarf...but tonight we raiddddd I was hoping to get my malice by then fellas but bungie cock blocked me.

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I was stuck on 46 fragments  forever. I retraced my steps and I never found anything. Then last week on my 3rd nightfall the fragment popped. I flew through  two raids at the reset in just over two hours. I didn't acquire anything decent. The highest level drop I received was 303. I've managed to infuse a few 310 exotic items from ToC into legendary weapons. My hunter is 308 and my Warlock is 306. I'm stuck here for awhile though. I'll need help with the class item and boots to move up anymore.

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Eris has a 310 artifact.  I should be at the end of the quest to get it (Road to King's Fall).  Basically beating the raid again while this part of the quest is active (technically getting the item drops from the bosses).

I should find out tonight.

Iron Banner doesn't seem any different than before. Shotgunners still going crazy, people still camping with heavy. I got to rank 2.5 in just a few matches, I think I played less than 10 today. Bounties are crazy easy so that's cool.

Oh and when you finish an IB weekly bounty, it counts toward your weekly shaxx bounty for finishing his all in one week. I did two of his bounties and two of the weekly IB bounties and I'm at 4/5 for shaxx.

Definitely want that pulse rifle Saladin is selling though.
Just came across a few posts on reddit where people have links to the trials weapons. The adept versions no longer have elemental damage and the only differences are color and starting attack values. I'll be glad if that's the case. I always felt like I was missing out on something because I never had enough time to invest in trials to collect all the elemental primaries. I only had a void hand cannon and solar auto rifle.

I personally wouldn't care if there are no elemental primaries. I know from a personal standpoint, once I got one that's pretty much all I stuck to and never gave any other weapons a chance.
LOL 1 v 12 must be based on your first I expected you would be alone on a fresh game. That would have been bad.

We had an awesome night raiding despite starting late due to having to pick up a few players to fill the team.

I ended up with 3 of the tier 3 runes so I can get my stupid fragment and get my stupid awesome malice this week.

I also got some awesome drops including 310 titan boots & hunter helmet.

Beating oryx first try both runs was nice seeing as my first time we spent like 2 hours just on him while I learned the jumping part. Free advice...avoid the ships.

Raid run done last night.  Nothing good in drops, aside from the Claws exotic (310) from killing the shade of Oryx. Did get the raid sniper.

But the best part was finishing the quest to get my 310 artifact from Eris. Well... 2nd best part of the night. 

I was having tons of fun busting out the Carlton :D/ every chance I got :mrgreen: .

A lot of downtime in this raid, waiting for teammates and whatnot so I'd queue up some Tom Jones and let loose.

And since I still had some cheap PSN credit, I also grabbed the slow clap, then used the freebie silver on bow and cower.  Doubt I'll buy anything else, just because you're stuck with only 1 emote customization.  You can't pair'em up & I'm not gonna be switching emotes all that often.

As for those Claws, put them to use right away in Laggy Banana.  They make tripmines really fun to use, what with how they stick around for sooo long plus  you get 2 nades.  Something really satisfying from getting a grenade kill while I'm on the other side of the map.  As for primary, decided on Villany and haven't done to badly with it.  Using the raid rocket launcher because I don't have a good machine gun leveled up.

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Raid time is getting faster each week too and that is nice because it means I can do it twice. First time was probably like 5 hours in two sessions, 2nd was 3hrs, 3rd was 1:07, and fourth was maybe 10 minutes longer.

I did a raid on Friday night that took a little over two hours and at the end one dude was like wow that was really fast. And I'm like holy crap I'd hate to see how your raids normally go.
bread's done