Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

I saw on reddit someone talking about the tick rate of destiny is 10, which is why i always get killed after i get behind cover and see bullets travel through solid objects, or i get killed after i shoot the guy dead first. BF4 had this bad tick rate and they changed it. I always thought it was my slow ass internet that caused this problem. Really wish Destiny would change the tick rate higher so stuff like this wouldnt happen.

I saw on reddit someone talking about the tick rate of destiny is 10, which is why i always get killed after i get behind cover and see bullets travel through solid objects, or i get killed after i shoot the guy dead first. BF4 had this bad tick rate and they changed it. I always thought it was my slow ass internet that caused this problem. Really wish Destiny would change the tick rate higher so stuff like this wouldnt happen.
But that's not how Luke Smith wants you to play the game 7th! Haven't gotten online into Destiny this week since HM is coming out and rather see what happens with that (dumb hopes for some good drops in there....if any). Either way I'm missing a ton of stuff to get NTTE, but I just really can't get into this freaking quests. I still have to do the Smith's mission for the week .... fuck

Being playing Helldivers in the that is a ton of fun. They should add friendly fire to Destiny in the Inferno modes

Im usually either doing really good or I cant kill varies depending on the match so I have no idea if its me or who I'm connected to on the network or what. I'll go from 2+ to .5 or something and have no explanation as to why.

Im usually either doing really good or I cant kill varies depending on the match so I have no idea if its me or who I'm connected to on the network or what. I'll go from 2+ to .5 or something and have no explanation as to why.
I'm exactly the same way. I'll be murdering fools left and right and rocking a 3+ k/d in back to back matches and then the third game I get one kill and die 45 times.
Haha, yup. That sums up my PvP experience as well. It's either feast +3 or famine +0.67 and there isn't much consistency. 

As for the raid, I'm a little surprised they changed it up and will have separate loot tables for regular and hard mode. No double drop opportunities in hard mode this time apparently. Perhaps it's to keep the regular raid relevant a bit longer. 

I dont like switching gear around all the time so I plan on running regular awhile longer to get gear...its just frustrating the needle only moves slightly each run if at all! Hit 305 on my Hunter but everyone else is like 300ish and I havent even raided on my warlock.

Overall I find the raid incredibly stingy with drops and then half the drops give you mats and runes so its like you got nothing really.

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Yep, I just run away when I hear the hammer, watch the kills and listen for the number of hammers thrown if I can. Titan supers seem to be idiot magnets though. There's always someone who thinks they can take on a hammer by themselves. I also love when a titan pops a bubble and everyone runs over to it like he's totally not going to just murder you with his shotgun. You're a real kind of special if you see anyone activate any kind of super and run right toward them.

On a sad note, I finished the weekly bounties with my warlock and forgot to switch my stuff over so it gave me a 290 Hawkmoon. Probably would've been 310 if I wasn't dumb.

Got a raid run done with luan and his crew (thanks for the invite).

Nothing new in drops, but did pull two ghosts. Lower level but at least I won't need to pass that piece around anymore.

Finished a nightfall, very poorly I might add.

Cleaned up some quests + bounties and called it a night.

Gonna see if I can get in on a 3rd raid tonight.  Also at the kill Ecthar portion of the sword quest, in case anyone wants to group up for that.

Got a raid run done with luan and his crew (thanks for the invite).
Nothing new in drops, but did pull two ghosts. Lower level but at least I won't need to pass that piece around anymore.

Finished a nightfall, very poorly I might add.

Cleaned up some quests + bounties and called it a night.

Gonna see if I can get in on a 3rd raid tonight. Also at the kill Ecthar portion of the sword quest, in case anyone wants to group up for that.
I need to beat Ecthar for my solar sword quest. The mission is kinda tough. I played it once before with Langdon and totallyjem.
I forwarded some ports according to some article that supposed to help with destiny. Played a few online games and my connection was good for most of it, sometimes fell into fair, but never hit red. My nat type was still type 2 according to psn network test. But overall i thought it felt pretty good. no major lag. Not sure if it did anything or maybe i just ran into some good connections. Who knows.

I think the Normal Kings Fall raid is dead to me. I have not received anything new for atleast 2 weeks. To top it off, I only got 2 moldering shards when I killed Oryx.....twice (Took 20 moldering shards and gave me 2 back).
FYI if anyone doesn't have a 310 chest and you're over 300, you can get one today assuming you have enough strange coins to spend on engrams. Buy engram for Xur, hope for a 310 drop, infuse into your current chest. Repeat as needed.
Should buy the skull of dire ahamkara. It sounds good and you cant get it from the kiosk. Should use those glass needles on it though since its pure strength.

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I read the following and I am going to try this to get my 1st Rabbit:

32 Prison this week has three Ultras, great for farming exotics and strange coins among other mats. Throw together a fireteam and each run take less than 30 minutes

Hit the hard raid at 10am on Xbox One.  Since no one has posted about it here, I'll copy my writeup from the other thread over here:

A couple of common themes:

1) Of course no respawn just like all the other hard mode raids. 

2) Enemies are higher level (42 with 300-320 light depending on where you are).  So every part, even if it is otherwise the same, is tougher as a result.  But it isn't too bad up until Oryx.

3) All armor and weapon drops are "Harrowed" versions of the previous ones and look different and are 310-320.


1) First part (portal) is the same.  You do not get anything from the chest if you've done it on Normal.

2) Ship jumping is the same except that there is no middle platform, which just makes it slightly more annoying, but not really any harder.  The chest in the ship portion also gives nothing extra.

3) Runes/totems is the same except a few yellow-bar Knights spawn some time in the middle of the fight.  They are just much harder to take out than the old ones.  The chest here gave me nothing but a few people got Harrowed Midha's Reckoning (the fusion rifle).  So it is a random potential drop.  But I think only 2 of the 6 people got it.

4) Warpriest is pretty much the same as well.  Except at some point he gets this light around his head and then he shoots rockets at you.  Or at least that's what some of the other guys were saying.  I didn't notice that myself.  I got my first drop here: a 318 Harrowed Elulim's Frenzy (the rocket launcher).  Considering my best Raid heavy was a 304 that was a huge upgrade.  My only 310 heavy is Truth and I can't use that when using Black Spindle or Touch of Malice in the raid.  That put me from 308 to 309.  I think maybe everyone but 1 guy got a drop here (either the rocket launcher, machine gun, or that sniper that continues to elude me - same as Normal).  The Harrowed rocket launcher (and all the drops, presumably) look different (and much cooler).

5) We didn't open the Golgoroth maze chest because we heard it was the same as the others - no reward beyond Normal.  Golgoroth was where it started to get considerably harder.  It really isn't any different except that one person randomly gets a debuff that causes anyone near you to explode!  That person has to jump out of the pool of light so they don't kill everyone else.  So that is a new mechanic to keep your DPS a little lower since it takes one of the 5 out of the pool.  Nearly everyone got an armor drop from Golgoroth.  Mine was a huge upgrade since I was still using 296 boots (while my chest and arms were 310).  I went from 296 to 313 in the boot slot.  Could have been better but I'm not complaining.  That put me at 310!

5) The "exotic" chest in the piston part did not give us anything - so it is not like the one in VoG.  Daughters is pretty much exactly the same as before.  We felt we still could have finished them off in 2 turns but it was a bit tricky getting that second one down quickly enough so we ended up doing it in 3.  The only difference seems to be more adds spawn in between the turns.  I  got NOTHING from this fight which was a huge disappointment.  A couple people got the Harrowed shotgun and one guy got the new Hunter cloak (though only at 310).  It is cool though as it is all black.

6) We didn't even try Oryx as people had to go.  But even at 310, I was seeing the enemies as red so the problem here will be DPS.  From what the guys watching the streamers were saying, the other big difference is that a Light-Eater Knight spawns after each ogre and will erase the bubble if you don't kill them quickly.   Sounds pretty challenging and the streamers were struggling with it.   Once people get to the 310-315 range, though, I imagine it will get much easier.

So all in all, the hard mode isn't all that hard.  Now keep in mind we had 3 self-rezzing Warlocks so that saved us quite a bit.  But just like Normal mode, once everyone get up high enough and gets the new (very similar) mechanics down, people shouldn't die so much.  I feel like it is less of a difference than Atheon was from normal to hard and probably on par with how Crota was.

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Hm...I might just try to do some up to Oryx groups for a couple weeks to work on getting better gear before tackling him and getting frustrated as hell trying to beat it. 

Hm...I might just try to do some up to Oryx groups for a couple weeks to work on getting better gear before tackling him and getting frustrated as hell trying to beat it.
Yep. My suggestion is to run whatever characters you have up through Golgoroth at least before reset and then maybe try to tackle Oryx next week or even the week after. You could do Deathsingers as well but the drops there are pretty bad (though there is potential for the Harrowed shotgun and class items - only 3 of the 6 of us got anything though). Golgoroth is your best spot though - getting 310-320 armor is crucial. And the Warpriest right before is your best bet for a high level heavy weapon which most people are probably a little lower on since the game doesn't drop heavy weapon exotic engrams. I'm very lucky to have a 310 Truth - that came from a legendary engram. But I can't even use that in the Raid since I'm either using Black Spindle or Touch of Malice. So getting a 318 rocket launcher (with tracking) was a great bit of RNG.

Running up through Golgoroth gives you these potential drops:

1) A Harrowed (310-320) Midha's Reckoning fusion rifle from the runes/totems chest.

2) 310-320 Rocket/MG/sniper from Warpriest

3) 310-320 armor from Golgoroth

I'm still looking into what the drops are like if you haven't already run normal. One thing we didn't see any of were 310+ ghost shells.

Also, will exotic engrams possibly decode at 320 once you hit 310? I'm 310 now so I'm tempted to buy some from Xur to see - just very low on coins and otherwise don't need any more chest pieces.

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I watched planet destiny and they didnt have dps enough to stagger oryx...I switched to watching the clan and they did ok until oryx as well then took a food break...seems like it will take a couple weeks of doing up to oryx to get gear good enough so you can dps him and win unless you are having a perfect run or something. I think there is a run tonight of clan dudes and then I'm in a run on Saturday night. I dont expect to finish since I'm only 305 and already did regular mode...

My first try at hard mode tonight went alright. Got a 313 ghost, 317 rocket launcher, and 320 grips with sidearm reloader! 

I was just in a pick up group from reddit that someone I already knew put together. We had no issues with anything up to Golgoroth and then kind of stumbled. This one dude was a complete tool and acted like he was in charge because he had done it already on another character and made it up to the daughters. During Golgoroth he ran to the back of the room every time and died at least 50% of those times. Finally after probably our 15th try I was like Ok dude I'm going to sound like a jerk but can you stop going up there because you keep dying a lot. And he starts going into a rant about how that's the best place to kill adds and he hasn't died that much...and then no lie dies 10 seconds later. He conceded to staying at the front area with everyone else and we finished it on the next try.

jem- best case scenario tomorrow night is getting to Oryx. I'd settle for getting to Golgoroth. (I'd actually settle for anything that moves me past 306.)

Cleared up to Oryx on both my hunter and warlock. I got a 315 chest and 310 machine gun on the hunter. Then I got 314 boots and a 311 machine gun on the warlock. I infused my old 307 machine gun and the 311 into my Thunderlord to take it to 310. After that I ran a heroic strike and got a legendary heavy that turned into a 310 Thunderlord. I hate rngesus.
My clan cleared up to Oryx on HM. Pretty much the same as others have said, Golgoroth was a tad harder because we weren't sure what to expect from the debuff. Sisters we got on the 3rd(?) try I think in a two-rotation run.

Tips for Golgoroth:

-We used a one-man gaze grabbing strat, using WoL + Voidbow during the damage phase.

-The debuff doesnt appear until after ~8 or so seconds once gaze is captured, so you can still do a ton of DPS before then.

-Up to 2 people can be marked with the debuff, which (i think) happened to our group during one attempt.

For Deathsinger SIsters:

-Snipers Spawn @ ~43 seconds left on the timer

-At ~35 seconds, wave #2 of Adds spawn on either end of the "walkway", comprised of vandals + centurion. Kill these ASAP, as they were the biggest hurdle for our group. Once we kept them down, our damage-dealing phase went smooth as butter.

Everyone in my group received loot from Warpriest (Myself w/ a 314 Rocket Launcher), most from Golgoroth, and 4/6 people (?) from Sisters. I believe someone even got 320 gloves from Golgoroth.

For Oryx, we were sitting between 304 (lowest) to 310. I'm usually the runner for our group, but as I was @ 310/309 (depending on loadout), I was better suited for Ogre/Platform duty.

It did not go well.

The fight seems to be a gear-check, as we werent getting the Ogres down fast enough to take out the knight in time. Usually once ogres would drop, there would still be 1 or 2 knights up, and by then we'd be down 2 orbs. I'm betting we'll need to just come back through on alts to get some higher Light Lvl weapon drops, or just try again next week.


If you are 300+ light level, and do NOT have a 310 chest, BUY ENGRAMS FROM XUR AND INFUSE THEM.

Our groups average light level went up about 1-2 levels from doing this in preparation, so I highly recommend it.

One attempt at hard mode got me:

-314 rocket launcher. Has tracking, but lost tripod

-311 gauntlets. This was the last armor piece I needed for my Hunter

The daughters completely ignored my awesomeness and gave me nothing.

Failed at Oryx.

My clan cleared up to Oryx on HM. Pretty much the same as others have said, Golgoroth was a tad harder because we weren't sure what to expect from the debuff. Sisters we got on the 3rd(?) try I think in a two-rotation run.

Tips for Golgoroth:

-We used a one-man gaze grabbing strat, using WoL + Voidbow during the damage phase.

-The debuff doesnt appear until after ~8 or so seconds once gaze is captured, so you can still do a ton of DPS before then.

-Up to 2 people can be marked with the debuff, which (i think) happened to our group during one attempt.

For Deathsinger SIsters:

-Snipers Spawn @ ~43 seconds left on the timer

-At ~35 seconds, wave #2 of Adds spawn on either end of the "walkway", comprised of vandals + centurion. Kill these ASAP, as they were the biggest hurdle for our group. Once we kept them down, our damage-dealing phase went smooth as butter.

Everyone in my group received loot from Warpriest (Myself w/ a 314 Rocket Launcher), most from Golgoroth, and 4/6 people (?) from Sisters. I believe someone even got 320 gloves from Golgoroth.

For Oryx, we were sitting between 304 (lowest) to 310. I'm usually the runner for our group, but as I was @ 310/309 (depending on loadout), I was better suited for Ogre/Platform duty.

It did not go well.

The fight seems to be a gear-check, as we werent getting the Ogres down fast enough to take out the knight in time. Usually once ogres would drop, there would still be 1 or 2 knights up, and by then we'd be down 2 orbs. I'm betting we'll need to just come back through on alts to get some higher Light Lvl weapon drops, or just try again next week.


If you are 300+ light level, and do NOT have a 310 chest, BUY ENGRAMS FROM XUR AND INFUSE THEM.

Our groups average light level went up about 1-2 levels from doing this in preparation, so I highly recommend it.
TBH, we could have had it if we kept at it, but it definitely would have been a looong, frustrating night. And I'd prefer maintaining my status as a filthy tryhard casual.

The one run where we completed the first orb rotation showed me we could do it as we were. But we didn't have enough DPS to eliminate the ogres and all of the knights in time to stun Oryx. So it would've meant damaging him with, at most 3 orbs every rotation. So definitely extra rotations and most likely running up against the enrage timer.

I said the chest infusion thing yesterday! No one ever listens to me damn it!
I'll give you props cuz you're the one who gave me the idea :beer: .

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Thanks 7 for helping my pal do Atheon. We three manned it to that point but couldn't finish it without another person.

I also requested to join your Dancing clan since mine doesn't ever do anything.

I got a few good items after three runs through hard mode, all ended at oryx. Still have to try to kill him later. But i got a 317 machine gun, 316 rocket launcher with tripod, 319 gauntlets for my warlock, 315 gauntlets for hunter, 313 chest for my titan, 313 sniper, 314 shotgun, 312 and 313 ghost shells. Overall a good haul. Now my warlock and hunter can both me 311 which has given me 310 exotics from exotic engrams 100% of the time so far. 6 engrams have been decoded and all were 310. Stag, Supercell, Light beyond nemesis, Starfire, Voidfang, Claws of Ahamkara. Its great! The best thing is that in three more days i can go at the hard raid all over again and hope to get some more goodies to level up my characters past 311.

Been back in almost 2 weeks now and am ready to raid.  Are there certain weapons I should get and level up before I raid?  If anyone is willing to take me through for the first time I'd appreciate it.  PSN is EastCoastBias.  I'm a 296 Hunter.

Been back in almost 2 weeks now and am ready to raid. Are there certain weapons I should get and level up before I raid? If anyone is willing to take me through for the first time I'd appreciate it. PSN is EastCoastBias. I'm a 296 Hunter.
Touch of malice is great for the daughters and oryx boss fights. That requires a lot to get, first you need to beat the raid to get the quest. But this should be at the top of the list of weapons you should get. Get a good sniper, 1000 yard stare, Black Spindle are two good ones. 1000YS is sold from vanguard. Also if you have the hunter specific sniper that gives you better radar, that one is good too. Thats really what you should try to get, mainly a good sniper with high impact like the ones i listed.

I love my Eirene sniper so much. It has luck in the chamber. When that bullet hit with a tether and weapons combo I was hitting 152k on Golgoroth in hard mode. My damage numbers on the wipe screen were crazy high compared to everyone else.
Touch of malice is great for the daughters and oryx boss fights. That requires a lot to get, first you need to beat the raid to get the quest. But this should be at the top of the list of weapons you should get. Get a good sniper, 1000 yard stare, Black Spindle are two good ones. 1000YS is sold from vanguard. Also if you have the hunter specific sniper that gives you better radar, that one is good too. Thats really what you should try to get, mainly a good sniper with high impact like the ones i listed.
Thanks. I got the 1000YS from the quest and have read about the Touch of Malice. I'll put that on my to do list.

When people recommend the 1000 YS ists specifically the one from Vanguard vendor right?

The one with Triple Tap and Mulligan?
Nah, i think people recommend that gun because of its high impact, its one of the best. Ive heard people say the perks from the vendor version suck, not sure why, but ive heard it from good players. But the main thing is the impact, and it has a pretty good rate of fire.

bread's done